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"I'm a skeptic by nature and I still don't know how she does it, but Elisabeth told me more about myself and about critical points in my life than she could've known beforehand or can possibly be dismissed as coincidence or a parlor trick. And she helped me to use this as a framework to analyze the here and now more clearly. The session was definitely a positive, eye-opening experience."
Attorney, NY

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Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 2/6/2012: Sunny Side Up

A brief void of course Moon on the East Coast — from 7:31AM – 8:24AM ET — blink and you’ll miss it. Then, it’s off to the races with Moon reigning supreme in sunny Leo, taking pride, wanting to have fun and needing so very much to be loved and adored. If you’re in a relationship with someone with Moon in Leo, now you know what to do to keep that relationship running smoothly.  If you were born with Moon in Leo and you’re not feeling like the king or queen of your own little fiefdom, we have to stop and wonder why

Back to the energy of the day, with a general uptempo Moon in Leo vibe. It goes like this: happy sunny boost from loving Venus at 4:28AM ET (sweet dream?); potential reach for ambition or “wet blanket” challenge from controlling Saturn at 7:31AM ET; innovative solution/thinking around lunchtime, courtesy of rebel Uranus; ending on a high note thanks to expansive Jupiter inflating that regal Leo Moon, which will be exactly full (of itself?) on Tuesday at 4:54PM ET. Oh — and throw in an idealistic hook-up between mental Mercury and the Sun in technogeek Aquarius (exact Tuesday at 4:03AM ET), and the most fabulous ideas of the century could be flying around…at least in the minds of those who are generating them.

There are no other Moon voids that could toss a twist in your intended straight-as-an-arrow course until Friday from 12:11AM – 2:54PM ET — something that would be noticed more by those in the Eastern time zones.

In addition to the Tuesday’s Full Moon, which I will cover tomorrow, Saturn, planet of ambition and control, turns retrograde at 9:03AM ET…until June 25th. In your own personal world, this suggests the potential for revisions and/or delays in moving structures forward in whatever area of the horoscope Saturn is at. You can review the period from January 26th to June 13th of last year: did you experience delays then that moved forward some time after June 13th.

Saturn turns retrograde at 29 degrees of Libra; it turns direct at 22 Libra. So if you have a planet or point in your horoscope that is between 22 and 29 Libra (and also Aries, Cancer and Capricorn), you will feel this transit more than most. Last but not least, if you were born February, March, October or November of 1982; May-September of 1983; or November 1952 – November 1953, then congratulations, you are in the middle of your first or second Saturn return, without a doubt one of the most important times in your life.

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