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New York, NY

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Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 4/14/2014: Full Moon in Libra — Eclipsed; Mercury Meets the Big, Bad T-Square

Ready for another rollicking week? Here we go!

As I type, the relationship-oriented, people-pleasing Libra Moon is waxing Full — exact at 3:42AM ET on Tuesday. And as you may have heard, this Full Moon will also be a total lunar eclipse, suggesting a push for a release of old patterns in relationship. But before we get to the Full Moon/Eclipse, we need to get through this business day, so let’s see what’s cooking.

Well, the Moon is cooking — even without the eclipse — as it makes its weekly contact with the never-ending Uranus-Pluto square, which it will do between 5:20AM ant 6:08AM ET. Note your dreams upon waking (wild?) and check the headlines for the usual upsets and power plays.

What’s also cooking is Mercury, referring to mind, communication and travel — charging through the impulsive, brash, inspiring and impatient sign of Aries. And while it’s charging forward, it’s crashing into the people-pleasing Libra Moon (3:01AM ET), then expansive Jupiter (2:32PM ET), then rebel genius Uranus (7:15PM ET) and finally, with ruthless, corruption-exposing, power-mongering Pluto (12:12AM ET on Tuesday). Wow — there could be soooo much hyped-talk today — or actual, mind-blowing revelations.

Call it a sneak preview of next week’s much-ballyhooed (and rightfully so) Cardinal Grand Cross, though with less testosterone (action hero Mars). Call it information overload…and that will explain your frayed nerves and aching head, as you cope with those around you who are not hip to the potential of supercharged planetary patterns and are therefore “acting out”. Or call it an opportunity to absolutely, positively, finally acknowledge What Must Be Done to make this planet a Sustainable World…as suggested by the latest UN report announcing that “catastrophic climate change can be averted without sacrificing living standards”.  Zounds! This report even includes a zippy marketing campaign — way to condense the message into a pithy slogan, Mercury in Aries! Ready?

“It doesn’t cost the world to save the planet,” said economist Professor Ottmar Edenhofer, who led the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) team.

Brilliant! Can we act on this right away, implores the Other Latest UN Report on Climate Change…Or Else.

If you are not in a position to make an earth-shattering presentation today, take note of the buzz in your head — it could be a brand-new Attention-Deficit Disorder — but resist the urge to rush and/or engage in thoughtless talk. Ground yourself in preparation for tonight’s eclipse (says an old wives’ tale) by eating some potatoes…and drink plenty of water.

But wait — not so fast. Before we get to the Full Moon/Eclipse, Pluto, Lord of the Underworld turns retrograde  at 7:44PM ET. Pluto will be at 13 degrees of Capricorn. Retrograde planets appear to be moving backward in the sky, as seen from Spaceship Earth. Here is a picture of retrograde motion, courtesy of someone at NASA:

During retrograde periods, areas in life that are ruled by the planet are held back and are up for review. For example, Pluto refers to power plays, resources, perspective, transformation and “news from underground”.  Wherever Pluto falls in your horoscope; i.e, wherever you have 13 degrees of Capricorn, is where issues of power, resources, perspective and transformation will come up. You will do a lot of learning in that area of your horoscope at this time. Try looking inward for power and resources first — before turning outward. Going within is an effective strategy for managing the energy of any planet that is retrograde. Pluto turns direct on September 22nd.

OK. Now for the eclipse. Most everyone in the United States will be able to see all of it, including people in Hawaii. Here is a nifty article from that explains much of the astronomical tech stuff, while cheerfully assuring us that this first of four so-called “Blood Moons” is not a sign of the Apocalypse. Agreed.

Eclipses interrupt the regular flow of light and whatever other energy flows from the Sun or the Moon, like a river meeting a dam. Eclipses act as “bottlenecks” of energy. Light flowing from the Sun or Moon is temporarily interrupted, focusing attention on the interrupted point and allowing something new and possible fragile to enter the picture and grow. And here I would be thinking of Michael, the kindhearted policeman in the storybook Make Way for Ducklings, who stopped the flow of traffic on Beacon Street so Mr. and Mrs. Mallard and their brood of eight could safely make their way to the Boston Public Garden. Of course while traffic is stopped, it’s also backing up…and when it flows again, it’s possible that some drivers may hit the gas a little too hard — and wham! — there’s a sudden release of the bottlenecked energy.  If you have a planet or point at the degree of an exceptionally potent eclipse, you may feel the effects of the release of the bottleneck for months afterward — sometimes even years.

There are a number of astrologers who believe that eclipses may function as portals for groups of souls incarnating on Earth. What do you think of that, cherished ducklings?

This total eclipse happens at 26 degrees of Libra (Moon) and Aries (Sun), suggesting illumination on issues in relationship  — the “we” of Libra vs. the “me” of Aries. How do we find a balance?  In the chart for this eclipse, I am intrigued by the presence of four significant asteroids — all goddesses, mind you — around the Sun and the Moon. Ceres, Goddess of Grain and Agriculture and Vesta, Goddess of the Hearth is aligned with the Moon. Two Goddesses you really do not want to discount are aligned with the Aries (warrior) Sun: Juno, wife of Jupiter  and Eris, sister of Mars. If you agree that astrology is a symbolic language reflecting the consciousness of those who create/use/modify the language, what are we to make of this symbolism — expressed in the language of Western Astrology — for the Western World — at this particular time?

The Sabian Symbols for this eclipse are as follows. For the Aries Sun: “a man possessed of more gifts than he can hold”. For the Libra Moon: “an eagle and a large white dove turning one into the another.” Well, geez. Those two birds are diametrically opposed to each other, aren’t they — a bird of peace and a bird of prey — but in this symbol they are interchangeable. And a man with more gifts than he can possibly hold probably doesn’t know which one to apply first — or which way to turn.  Or so suggests Sabian Symbol guru Blain Bovee in his nifty book.

You are more personally affected by this lunar eclipse if you have a planet or angle at 26 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn…or if you were born around the 15th of April, July, October or January.  Consult your local astrologer for details.

Finally — your Moon voids for the week: Tuesday 3:42Am ET – 12:20PM ET (East Coasters take note); Thursday — a bust — as the Moon will be void from 3:09AM ET until 5:44PM ET…..we’ll need the time to rest and process the Full Moon…and prepare for the Cardinal Grand Cross-o-rama that happens early next week.

What’s going on in YOUR horoscope? If you’re feeling a need for clarity and guidance, consider making an appointment for a personal astro-logical consultation. Thank you for reading this forecast — and sharing it with the Entire Free World :)




Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 3/7/2014 & the Weekend: Buzz, Buzz, Buzz

Note your dreams upon waking, as nebulous Neptune makes contact with the Gemini Moon at 8:11AM ET. The rose-colored fog lifts after your first cup of caffeine, and you can spend the whole day buzzing around, gathering information and making innovative connections. Moon in Gemini does like to talk — in the most clever and entertaining ways. The innovative potential is exact at 7PM ET, when the Moon makes a supportive connection to rebel Uranus. Sounds like a fun, friendly date night to me — keep it light.

On Saturday there is no Moon void to screw up your yard sale bargain hunting and errand running. There is however, a First Quarter Moon, exact at 8:27AM ET, which likely presents a challenge to the agenda you set on the New Moon last week. What was that agenda? Something about the beginning of a exciting inner journey… and you know what I’m seeing all over Facebook? People taking 85 million quizzes to find out what city they should live in; what famous painting they would be; what their patronus is; what Downton Abbey character they are; what their name would be if John Travolta mangled it at the Oscars…on and on and on. Why? Answer a bunch of random questions and get an answer that purports to be a reflection of who you really are. Is that because people do not really know who they are? Hmmm…exciting inner journey…hmmmm.

With the Moon in information-junkie Gemini you could easily entertain yourself for two days with these quizzes.  On Sunday, that Moon goes void of course at 3:53AM ET…and enters homebody Cancer at 9:33AM ET. So if you plan to shop today, do it after 9:33AM ET…and maybe think about buying something wonderful to cook and/or make your home a cozier place…or call Mom.

And now, the news. Earlier this week we talked about two people making dramatic, record-breaking headlines: Ellen DeGeneres and John Travolta. Both of them have planets or an angle at 13 degrees of Aries, Libra, Cancer or Capricorn. Why is that relevant? Well, Pluto — which can bring prominence when it makes contact with a planet in a horoscope — is now at 13 Capricorn. Fascinating! In April, we’ll have the Cardinal Grand Cross among Uranus in Aries, Jupiter in Cancer, Mars in Libra and Pluto in Capricorn exact at 13 degrees of those signs, turning up the volume and the voltage. Keep an eye on anyone you know who has a planet or angle at 13 Cardinal. Their horoscope is hot.

You know who else has a planet at 13 degrees of one of those signs (other than nearly every client who’s contacted me in recent weeks)? Vladimir Putin. Yup, he has the Sun at 13 Libra. He is certainly making headlines. Meanwhile, the United States has its Sun at 13 Cancer…and its Saturn at 14 Libra.  Significant events involving themes of empowerment, transformation and/or emancipation will be on deck for the U.S. and Mr. Putin from now into early 2015. For more on how Uranus and Pluto can impact a horoscope, check out this article I wrote a couple of years ago — it’s still relevant.

It’s Friday morning. Do you know where your planets are?

My patronus is an otter — same as Hermione.

Thank you for reading this forecast.

Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 2/20/2014: Good Stuff & Mark Zuckerberg’s Perfect Timing

Note your dreams upon waking, along with any flashes of insight captured by your conscious mind. The Moon in substance-seeking Scorpio is easily supported by an easy connection to intuitive Neptune at 7:43AM ET, followed by an equally easy connection from expansive Jupiter in nurturing Cancer at 6:27PM ET. Blast through your to-do list, especially if it involves organization and getting to the heart of a matter. I don’t know yet if there was a winner in Wednesday night’s ginormous Powerball drawing, but next week’s planetary patterns do suggest the potential for a big payout.

On Sunday at 1:11PM ET, the Sun and nebulous Neptune meet up in dreamy Pisces, suggesting themes of fantasy, dreams, drugs, spirits, music, film and other intangible escapes. On Wednesday we’ll see Jupiter, the cosmic sugar daddy, in a challenging square to rebel Uranus. Big news in technology, revolutions, aerospace, investments and sudden changes of fortune are suggested, as well as potential seismic shake-ups and news from the cosmos. The latter pattern involves slower-moving planets; experience suggests that events often manifest before the pattern is exact.

One big item in technology and investments that hit yesterday was the acquisition of the messaging start-up What’s App by Facebook for a cool $16 billion. I was particularly delighted to see this, because when I looked at Mark Zuckerberg’s horoscope at the time of Facebook’s dismal IPO, I noted that in 2013 and 2014, his Jupiter (expansion; often material) would be supercharged by the never-ending Uranus-Pluto square. This suggested that Zuckerberg would likely be feeling very resourceful and expansive. Earlier this year he made headlines as America’s top philanthropist. Coincidence or conspiracy? Also noted in Zuckerberg’s chart: disciplined Saturn is now exactly opposing his Taurus Sun, suggesting an ambitious reach; transiting Jupiter is opposing his natal Jupiter, adding to the potential largesse.

One of the themes of the never-ending Uranus-Pluto square is nuclear energy, as in uranium and plutonium.  The ongoing situation at Fukushima reflects that theme.  As noted in prior posts, with Jupiter almost exactly engaged with Uranus, we can expect a significant headline about Fukushima — and here it is, as of minutes ago: another big leak of highly radioactive water, “the largest since last August,” when both Jupiter (expansion) and Mars (action) were engaged with Uranus and Pluto. Wow. We’ll see what develops in mid-April, when all four of those planets will be in an exact Cardinal Grand Cross.

Finally, an odd item on the home page — at least for the New York Times — but perhaps not-so-odd, given the aforementioned upcoming hook-up between the Sun and Hollywood-loving Neptune. Actor James Franco wrote an op-ed about another actor, Shia LaBeouf, whom most New York Times readers apparently would not recognize if they fell into his lap at an Oscar party (read the comments on the Op-Ed).  Franco notes that his fellow thespian has been behaving “erratically” in public and was also accused of plagiarism. Is this a sign of a nervous breakdown? Immediately I am thinking we will see stresses in LaBeouf’s horoscope involving mental Mercury, rebel Uranus, potent Pluto and probably nebulous Neptune. This would suggest supercharged communication and thinking needs, and possible issues with escapism vs. reality.  And in fact, we do see these stresses.

Natally, LaBeouf’s Gemini Sun is challenged by Uranus; his Mercury (mindset) is challenged by nebulous Neptune. That Mercury is currently being supercharged by the Uranus-Pluto square, just as Catherine Zeta-Jones’ very strong Mercury was being supercharged last April when she checked herself into a mental hospital (for help with her bipolar disorder). Point is, if Mercury is undergoing a Uranus-Pluto transit, it likely will generate a tremendous mental buzz needing a release, for better or for worse. And if you know about such a transit in advance, you can plan a strategy to use the buzz for the former, not the latter.

May you manifest the potential good times suggested by today’s planetary patterns…

Mercury retrograde is an excellent time to REview your life with your astrologer — and find out if your own Mercury is being supercharged.  Here’s the 411 on scheduling a personal consultation…I look forward to hearing from you.




Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 1/6/2014: The Cardinal Grand Cross of 2014

Good Morning!

The first full work week of the 2014 may begin with a twist, upset or detour, courtesy of a “go with the flow” Pisces Moon being void-of-course between 4:44AM ET and 2:45PM ET. Even so, we’re off to another super-charged week in an equally super-charged first half of the year. Who’s feeling the urge to take action the most? People born 10 to 16 days into Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn….and anyone who has a planet or angle at 10 to 16 degrees of those signs. There is tremendous potential for personal empowerment and emancipation — and much of that growth will likely involve change, so get ready!

The urge to initiate intensifies when the Moon charges into Aries at 2:45PM ET. You may be dealing with an idealistic mindset or communication, suggested by a hook-up between mental Mercury and Venus in enterprising Capricorn. Still, the energy and focus is available to flesh these ideas out, suggested by friendly input from disciplined Saturn. This round of action builds to a physical and/or enthusiastic release on Wednesday, courtesy of an exact challenge between aggressive Mars and jovial Jupiter.

This fire-engine red is brought to you by the Moon in me-me-me Aries, inspiring you to start the New Year off with an astro-logical consultation that’s all about YOU. Here’s how to contact me.

The planetary pattern that is reflecting all this proactive, super-charged energy is a Grand Cross configuration, that revs up the high-voltage of the never-ending Uranus-Pluto square with the addition of challenges from physical, willful Mars and expansive — and sometimes bombastically so — Jupiter. This Grand Cross is an easy image to visualize. Just picture a square with one planet at each corner. Uranus in Aries and Mars in Libra are opposite each other; Jupiter in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn are opposite each other. Draw a line between the planets opposing each other, and  you’ve got a Grand Cross — got that?

The Grand Cross is an extremely tense configuration among planets in Cardinal Signs (refer to the forecast posted on the Winter Solstice), and the way Cardinal Signs release tension is to initiate action. Because of the nature of the planets involved, such actions are likely be extreme.  How long will this Grand Cross be hanging around? Off and on through May, with an exact square among all four planets happening April 20th-23rd — mark your calendars, especially since it will be directly impacting the horoscope of the United States.

Here are some topics likely to be dominating the headlines during the Grand Cross. Mars-Uranus oppositions suggest volatility, accidents, aviation, rebellion and technological breakthroughs. Jupiter-Pluto oppositions suggest issues of power and resources of all kinds: energy and currency; corporations and governments. Uranus-Pluto squares suggest disruption of the status quo; with Uranus in Aries it is also the power of one individual to effect radical change, which shakes up the “powers that be” Establishment (Pluto in Capricorn). We can expect the PTB to exert great efforts in order to maintain power and control. Meanwhile, Mars-Jupiter squares suggest great physical stamina and/or overblown ego; Jupiter-Uranus squares suggest sudden windfalls and news from the cosmos.

We’ll recap the Uranus-Pluto square tomorrow; my plan to do that today was preempted by a need to discuss the Cardinal Grand Cross.

FYI, the other Moon void for the work week — other than today — is Wednesday 11:22AM ET – 9:24PM ET.

And now, the news.

Here in New York, commuting delays are rampant, as the subways are officially called “a mess,” courtesy of pouring raining melting whatever was left of last week’s snow. But wait, there’s more. Temperatures will drop from 55 degrees Fahrenheit to 7 degrees tonight. Extreme? Yes, and that’s no surprise.

On corporations & corporate reforms: the NYT Op-Ed section has a piece arguing that the corporate income tax should be abolished, with lost revenue replaced by higher taxes on corporate shareholders. Over the weekend a Maine newspaper published an in-depth report on how the Trans-Pacific Partnership treaty “threatens” that state’s “frail economy”. You do know about the TPP, yes? I have mentioned it several times over the past year or so. This is a big monster trade agreement that is being negotiated in secret, though Wikileaks and other news organizations have managed to dig up some of the dirt, as noted here; the overall scuttlebutt is that if the United States has its way, the agreement will be extremely favorable to corporate interests.

Meanwhile, solar energy stocks are starting the year on a rally, as Ford Motors prepares to unveil its solar-powered “concept car” at this week’s Consumer Electronic Show. Thought I’d close this forecast with a little bit of sunshine from the Jupiter oppositing Pluto “power & energy sector” on this rainy Monday…

Have I mentioned that this fire-engine red is brought to you by the Moon in me-me-me Aries, inspiring you to start the New Year off with an astro-logical consultation that’s all about YOU? Here’s how to contact me.