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Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 8/29/2016: Sneak Peek at the Week; Mercury Retrograde Survival Guide

Good Morning!

The work week begins — for those who haven’t headed to the beach for the last week of August — with the Moon in rip, roarin’ Leo. Find a way to shine — and help others, shine, too. Party on, dudes! Make way for drama kings and queens!

The Leo Moon cruises without much interference for the next three days. If you’re feeling emotionally buffeted, you can’t blame it on the ups and downs of tense aspects from other planets to the Moon. You can take advantage of a steady flow of lunar energy driving the day and work without distraction. Or play to your heart’s content if you are beaching it.

Venus leaves Virgo for Libra — one of her home signs — at 10:07PM ET. This is generally a happy occasion, as the planet referring to social expression, women, art and money is well-supported by Libra’s people-pleasing need for beauty and balance. It facilitates being less of a Venus in Virgo critic, more of a diplomat with social graces. At 0 Libra, Avid Readers will note that Venus is thus at the Aries Point, so we can expect matters of women, money, values, beauty to be especially prominent for the next day or so — with a spin on what is fair and just — or just right (for stories crossing the wires with Virgo at the very end of Virgo).

Re: “just right” — here’s an apt piece on how women aren’t buying from certain retailers who persist in offering bad clothes.  Here’s one about a woman in Australia making headlines for replacing her mugshot with a more flattering photo. Really, why is this making news NOW?

Tomorrow at 9:04AM ET, Mercury turns retrograde at 9:04AM ET — here is your Mercury retrograde survival guide:

Even if you know nothing else about astrology, you may have heard this term before. Often it’s accompanied by curses and groans, and that’s a shame. Yes, all of the flights on American Airlines might be grounded because of a computer glitch. Or the entire country of Finland might be offline because there’s a transportation strike (actual Mercury Rx events). But there’s much good that can be accomplished when the Messenger Planet appears to be retracing its steps.

Mercury—which in the language of astrology refers to mindset, travel and communication—will appear to move backward through the sky until September 22nd. It’s not really moving backward, but that is how it looks from our perspective here on Spaceship Earth. Mercury goes retrograde 3-4 times each year, for a period of 22 days.

Contrary to popular belief, Mercury retrogrades are no reason to freak out. Mercury retrograde gets a bad rap because we are geared, in this crazy modern age, to always be thinking, doing, moving FORWARD. You know what that gets you? BURN OUT. We need our down times, and Mercury retrograde is a perfect time to give our minds a rest. Why else would your computer, phone and/or car choose THIS time to malfunction? Because you are supposed to be slowing down. And as you slow down, it is vitally important that you FOCUS.

When Mercury is retrograde, be prepared for travel delays, scheduling screw-ups, mechanical breakdowns, computer crashes, having to repeat what you’ve just said, misunderstandings, the past coming back for a second look, surprise reunions and having to repeat what you just said. Use your FOCUS and double check important details, like whether the restaurant you’ve chosen for a meet-up is still in business. Or whether it is booked for a commercial shoot or a private party — all of which has happened to me during Mercury retrogrades.

If you are looking for a job, Mercury retrogrades are a perfect time to reach out to people from your past. Mine your address book and trust that your contacts will be happy to hear from you. However, do not be frustrated if your target is away on vacation or keeps rescheduling meetings. Also, triple check your emails and resumes before you hit “send,” as there is a higher probability of typos and other sloppy snafus.

In your business, you’ll need to make sure all communications have been received and are clearly understood. Be mindful of the higher potential for communications equipment to go on the fritz. MAKE SURE YOUR FILES ARE BACKED UP. Also be aware of a higher than average probability for delays in shipping and travel arrangements. For this you will need an extra dose of patience.

You may also find it profitable to REview a project from the past. Maybe you shelved it then, but now is the time to REconsider. However, be advised that a spontaneously, “out-of-the-blue” idea for advancement may not be so sound when Mercury turns direct. This is why the conventional wisdom advises against finalizing and/or signing contracts on deals during Mercury retrograde. An exception might be supported if you are REnegotiating or RElocating. If you absolutely must close a deal, triple check everything. The key is not to RUSH.

This is a good time to schedule a corporate REtreat. Any activity that affords the opportunity to REview past performance is encouraged. REsearch on a new strategy is also favored.

Mercury retrogrades are not favored for launching a new website or a new communications systems. There is a higher than average probability of technical glitches and confusion.

In general, adopt a playful attitude of flexibility to whatever twists you encounter. Avoid making major purchases (especially electronic ones). Don’t believe everything you hear or read in the papers. Rumors have a higher probability of spreading during Mercury retrogrades. Avoid losing patience — that’s a big one.

When in doubt, be silent!

Do plan on RElaxing, REviewing, REsearching, REorganizing, REgenerating, REconnecting and REcreating….and REviewing your life with your astrologer.

This Mercury retrograde happens at 29 degrees of Virgo, suggesting that whatever is up for REview and RElaxation likely involves discerning analysis about an issue’s practical service and cooperation. If you have a planet or angle around 29 degrees of Gemini, Pisces, Sagittarius and especially Virgo, you are more personally affected by this particular Mercury retrograde. If you don’t have a planet on those degrees, find out what house in your horoscope 14-29 Virgo falls. That’s is the area of your life now up for REview.

As I have written in prior forecasts, the end of this week features a New Moon in a tense pattern with Saturn (real) and Neptune (unreal), similar to what we experienced the first week of June. Except this New Moon (in Virgo) will be an eclipse. There is no need to run screaming down the halls. More on that later this week.

Your Moon voids for the week: Wednesday 12:20AM ET until 11:22AM ET; Friday 6:13PM ET until 8:55PM ET. Sunday has a long one: 8:30PM ET until 8:38AM ET — but shouldn’t be too challenging for folks in the Americas. Moon voids — during which the Moon wanders without much focus — are apt for taking care of routine matters — and rolling serenely with whatever twists and flakes may derail efforts to move forward in a straight line.

I leave you with this image of senseless beauty, suitable for Venus at the Aries Point — on its way into lovely Libra. I buy these wildflowers for five bucks at the local farmers market — a fresh bouquet each week.  They remind me of summers spent in Maine during my childhood. Much gratitude to Avid Readers Diane, Earleen, Teri and others, whose combined efforts enabled this month’s flower fix. When I gaze at these flowers, I think of you. Too pretty to keep to myself — may their beauty brighten your day! UPDATE: Here’s a link to the Flower Fund, since an Avid Reader kindly asked. More gratitude!

Thank you for reading this forecast.

Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday & Thursday 4/27-28/2016: When Mercury Goes Retrograde…

Allll-riiighty then!

A Capricorn Moon drives today and tomorrow with an enterprising energy. Alignments to the Moon flow smoothly to the earthy Taurus Sun, expansive Jupiter and visionary Neptune today. Tomorrow the enterprising drive is challenged by an early morning clash with emotionally intense Pluto at 5:20AM ET, followed by Uranus at 12:59PM ET.

Be advised that mental Mercury is at a standstill now, about to turn retrograde tomorrow at 1:20PM ET. BACK UP YOUR COMPUTERS NOW — otherwise, there’s no need to panic. Here’s a reprint of helpful guidance on surviving this planetary pattern:

Even if you know nothing else about astrology, you may have heard this term before. Often it’s accompanied by curses and groans, and that’s a shame. Yes, all of the flights on American Airlines might be grounded because of a computer glitch. Or the entire country of Finland might be offline because there’s a transportation strike (actual Mercury Rx events). But there’s much good that can be accomplished when the Messenger Planet appears to be retracing its steps.

Mercury—which in the language of astrology refers to mindset, travel and communication—will appear to move backward through the sky until May 22nd. It’s not really moving backward, but that is how it looks from our perspective here on Spaceship Earth. Mercury goes retrograde 3-4 times each year, for a period of 22 days.

Contrary to popular belief, Mercury retrogrades are no reason to freak out. Mercury retrograde gets a bad rap because we are geared, in this crazy modern age, to always be thinking, doing, moving FORWARD. You know what that gets you? BURN OUT. We need our down times, and Mercury retrograde is a perfect time to give our minds a rest. Why else would your computer, phone and/or car choose THIS time to malfunction? Because you are supposed to be slowing down. And as you slow down, it is vitally important that you FOCUS.

When Mercury is retrograde, be prepared for travel delays, scheduling screw-ups, mechanical breakdowns, computer crashes, having to repeat what you’ve just said, misunderstandings, the past coming back for a second look, surprise reunions and having to repeat what you just said. Use your FOCUS and double check important details, like whether the restaurant you’ve chosen for a meet-up is still in business. Or whether it is booked for a commercial shoot or a private party — all of which has happened to me during Mercury retrogrades.

If you are looking for a job, Mercury retrogrades are a perfect time to reach out to people from your past. Mine your address book and trust that your contacts will be happy to hear from you. However, do not be frustrated if your target is away on vacation or keeps rescheduling meetings. Also, triple check your emails and resumes before you hit “send,” as there is a higher probability of typos and other sloppy snafus.

In your business, you’ll need to make sure all communications have been received and are clearly understood. Be mindful of the higher potential for communications equipment to go on the fritz. MAKE SURE YOUR FILES ARE BACKED UP. Also be aware of a higher than average probability for delays in shipping and travel arrangements. For this you will need an extra dose of patience.

You may also find it profitable to REview a project from the past. Maybe you shelved it then, but now is the time to REconsider. However, be advised that a spontaneously, “out-of-the-blue” idea for advancement may not be so sound when Mercury turns direct. This is why the conventional wisdom advises against finalizing and/or signing contracts on deals during Mercury retrograde. An exception might be supported if you are REnegotiating or RElocating. If you absolutely must close a deal, triple check everything. The key is not to RUSH.

This is a good time to schedule a corporate REtreat. Any activity that affords the opportunity to REview past performance is encouraged. REsearch on a new strategy is also favored.

Mercury retrogrades are not favored for launching a new website or a new communications systems. There is a higher than average probability of technical glitches and confusion.

In general, adopt a playful attitude of flexibility to whatever twists you encounter. Avoid making major purchases (especially electronic ones). Don’t believe everything you hear or read in the papers. Rumors have a higher probability of spreading during Mercury retrogrades. Avoid losing patience — that’s a big one.

When in doubt, be silent!

Do plan on RElaxing, REviewing, REsearching, REorganizing, REgenerating, REconnecting and REcreating….and REviewing your life with your astrologer.

This Mercury retrograde happens at 23 degrees of Taurus, suggesting that whatever is up for REview and RElaxation likely involves steady, focused thought about its tangible reality, worth, comfort and/or security. If you have a planet or angle around 23 degrees of Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius and especially Taurus, you are more personally affected by this particular Mercury retrograde than most. This includes Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. Mercury will move backwards through their respective 6th Houses, suggesting a focused review on health and work processes.

Astrologer Robert Wilkinson has written a whole book on Mercury retrograde; here’s an intriguing quote about its transit through the 6th House: “This is a time of practical adaptation and adjustment before something comes to the surface, a time of learning and reviewing the place and function of what has individualized up to this point in the process. See the possible practical application of power; prepare to take something public.”

This Mercury retrograde stations almost exactly atop Donald’s Trump’s 24 Taurus Midheaven. Did he get the message out yesterday — winning all five states in the so-called Acela primaries — or what? As Mercury retraces its steps through Donald Trump’s 9th House next month, we see an opportunity for him to reconsider the value of his message to the masses. How will it be revised over the next few weeks? UPDATE: a few hours after this posted, Trump gave a major speech on foreign policy — a 9th house “big picture” topic indeed.

And now, the news.

With Saturn (controls) squaring his Sun (ginormous ball of fire), the bern was tempered in last night’s primaries — as was speculated here last week. Hillary Clinton won four states; Bernie took Rhode Island. Transiting Jupiter conjunct his Virgo Sun should bring more expansive times in June, but with the third hit of Saturn to the Sun just after Election Day in November, it may not be enough to realize his current quest. We shall see.

Donald Trump is experiencing transits we would all willingly pay for: a yugely resourceful double hit of a Pluto-Jupiter square and a swoon of a solar arc to his regal Leo Ascendant from his Gemini Sun. The Ascendant-Sun thing is exact in July. It’s hard to imagine a hotter horoscope ruining his personal party before then.

And now, more news.

In the last forecast, we were writing about the surreal quality of the current tense T-square among Jupiter (expansion), Saturn (reality) and Neptune (dissolves whatever it touches). How apt to see a piece in The Atlantic entitled “The Case Against Reality.” Reading it recalled the nights I spent in  college writing philosophy papers arguing that no one can perceive a chest of drawers in exactly the same way. Especially when reading bits like this:

So while neuroscientists struggle to understand how there can be such a thing as a first-person reality, quantum physicists have to grapple with the mystery of how there can be anything but a first-person reality. In short, all roads lead back to the observer.

Happy mulling over those deep thoughts, on a pre-Mercury-retrograde-in-material-security-building-Taurus!

Thank you for reading this forecast. Feel free to contact me to schedule a personal consultation about your own unique horoscope — Mercury retrograde is an excellent time for REview, doncha’ know…

banana mercury

thx to Beth Owlsdaughter for the creative Photoshopped Mercury Rx w/banana peel

Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 6/2/2014: Sneak Peek at the Week; Mercury Retrograde; Ann B. Davis, RIP

Get up and go get organized — and put a playful spin on it. That’s your mission today after a bit of self-indulgence around 8:10AM ET, when the regal, love, love-me-do Leo Moon is energized by a pleasure-seeking Venus in Taurus. Give a little, and you’ll get a little, mmm-kay?

Planetary patterns for the rest of the day suggest a cooperative spirit and balance between the need to shine and the ability to rationally present whatever dreamy idea you’ve been incubating since last week’s New Moon. It’s also a good time to prepare for MERCURY TURNING RETROGRADE on Saturday, June 7th at 7:57AM ET.  Back up your hard drives on all communication gizmos. If you’ve been putting off taking your computer in for a tune-up, consider doing it now. Some are already reporting stalls, crashes and other communication glitches, which we would expect with last week’s dreamy/foggy New Moon.

Contrary to popular belief, Mercury retrogrades are no reason to freak out. Mercury retrograde gets a bad rap because we are geared, in this crazy modern age, to always be thinking, doing, moving FORWARD. Ya know what that gets you? BURN OUT. We need our down times, and Mercury retrograde is a perfect time to give our minds a rest. Why else would your computer, phone and/or car choose THIS time to malfunction? Because you are supposed to be slowing down. And as you slow down, it is vitally important that you re-adjust your FOCUS.

When Mercury is retrograde through July 1st, be prepared for travel delays, scheduling screw-ups, mechanical breakdowns, computer crashes, having to repeat what you’ve just said, misunderstandings, the past coming back for a second look, surprise reunions and having to repeat what you just said. Use your FOCUS and double check important details, like whether the restaurant you’ve chosen for a meet-up is still in business.

Adopt a playful attitude of flexibility to whatever twists you encounter, as with void-of-course Moons. Avoid signing contracts, making major purchases (especially mechanical ones), believing everything you hear or read in the papers and losing patience. Do plan on RElaxing, REviewing, REsearching, REorganizing, REgenerating, REconnecting and REcreating. Mercury retrogrades are excellent times to REview your life with your astrologer.

Your Moon voids for the week — use these times to take care of routine tasks, roll with whatever twists you encounter in your efforts to move forward in a straight line. Avoid impulse purchases, such as the six bottles of drinkable yogurt and coconut ice cream I bought at the farmer’s market yesterday, when the Moon was in Cancer. I really did not need them. Otherwise chill out, like this black bear did during last Thursday’s really long void — captured here on tape for your entertainment. What a surprise twist for that Florida homeowner, eh?

This week’s voids: Tuesday 10:42 AM ET until 10:20AM ET on WEDNESDAY; Friday 5:13AM ET until 10:01 PM ET. OK, class — pop quiz: in general, what days this week would be best suited for important meetings, major decisions and purchases?

And now, the news.

First, a general note about Mars. While no longer retrograde, it continues to be noticeably reflected in “if it bleeds, it leads” headlines. Guns, accidents, fires, wars, etc., etc. have been all over the news. On June 14th and June 25th, Mars will make yet another challenging contact with the disruptive Uranus-Pluto square, so more of the same is likely to continue.

Add Saturn’s continued sojourn in Scorpio to this mix, and nitty-gritty stories of life, death and decay, including harsh struggles with and judgements about sexual energy: rape, abortion, contraception, honor killings and other vengeful acts, etc. make news. Forgive me for not listing the never-ending plethora of recent stories in this vein; some days it’s too darn depressing. On the other hand, since this forecast talks about how planetary patterns are reflected in the headlines, I feel a need to note what planetary patterns are being reflected by this dark underbelly of information. You’ll find examples of it on the homepage of any news outlet — or see the examples in the link above.

I can’t wait for Saturn to leave Scorpio in 2015 and move on to Sagittarius, where it can demand righteous restructuring of collective beliefs and their outlets, including but not limited to, religion, education, the media and the law.

Meanwhile, as predicted here in January of 2013, President Obama is using his executive authority to move his agenda forward without the support of the Moon void, much-ado about nothing 113th Congress. With ambitious Saturn soon to reach the top of his horoscope and Neptune likely needing to act as a savior, bolstered by an expansive and energetic connection between Jupiter and Mars, his Administration will announce “one of the strongest actions ever taken by the US government to fight climate change”.  Which is encouraging, given that scientists now report that a big chunk of western Antarctica is now toast. For a lighter look at the continuing climate change debate, here’s ex-Daily Show correspondent John Oliver.

Last but not least, another RIP — this time to Ann B. Davis, whom readers of a Certain Age will remember played Alice, the down-to-earth, yet oh-so-quirky and independent housekeeper on The Brady Bunch. A glance at her horoscope delightfully confirms how perfectly cast she was for that part. Reflecting the down-to-earth: Sun in Taurus, Taurus Ascendant, Moon in no-nonsense, make-it-happen Capricorn. More no-nonsense: Saturn in karma cop Scorpio, projecting authority and control in one-on-one relationships.

For quirky: Venus conjunct rebel Uranus in empathetic Pisces. You know she appreciates just how you feel, though she may have a funny way of saying it. She would need to be unconventional in matters of social expression, while projecting a certain glamor and intrigue. That’s suggested by nebulous Neptune challenging her “Mother Earth” Taurus Ascendant. If Ms. Davis was ever romantically involved with someone, no one is talking about it.

More quirkiness: Mars and Jupiter, together in “Who’s yer buddy?” Aquarius. Both are challenged by Neptune and are expressed through that Taurus Ascendant, suggested a buoyant persona sprinkled with more magical pixie dust (and faith, combined with that practical Earth). For independent: all of what I’ve noted, plus Mercury in verrrry independent Aries, suggesting a quick mind and direct communication.

Fascinating to note that news of her sudden passing coincided with multiple planetary patterns suggesting connecting with the public and being loved. Seeing lots of tributes to her in my Facebook newsfeed…and deservedly so. RIP.




Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 10/22/2013: More Mercury Retrograde Strategies; Jamie Dimon, Right on Schedule

A buzzy, busy day of stimulating conversation and information gathering, except everything may feel as if it’s running backwards. Welcome to the second day of mental Mercury being retrograde — how is it manifesting in your world? Yesterday morning, just minutes after the official start of this three-week communication snafu period, Facebook was on the fritz. I heard plenty of other reports of cars stalling and computers crashing. Later that night, I found myself on the downtown F train, instead of the uptown F train, and I have no idea how that happened. Damn you, Mercury retrograde!

A successful strategy for managing this pesky planet  is this:  FOCUS. You must slow down. You must be patient. If you can create a space for it in your Type-A world, take some time to tune in and tune out. There’s likely to be more gold in that inner knowing stream of consciousness than in all the gossip flying around. Make the most of it.

If you absolutely, positively must ship within the next 48 hours, get it off your desk today if you can (or wait a few days). Today’s chatty Gemini Moon goes void of course at 8:35PM ET, not to enter the next sign (Cancer) until 11:36PM ET on WEDNESDAY. That’s 27 hours of time motivated by nothing in particular, ripe for flake outs, space outs and other odd twists. Take care of what is routine, go with the flow, absolutely no impulse shopping sprees and chill if you can. Recognize that whatever crisis crops up is likely much ado about nothing.

Planetary patterns this week are fairly quiet. Mercury’s change of direction is the biggest exact shift, followed by the Sun’s shift tomorrow as it leaves cerebral Libra for emotionally intense Scorpio. A harmonious connection between the Sun and nebulous Neptune on Friday adds to the pixie dust — magical and/or surreal — that was sprinkled throughout last weekend, courtesy of bedazzling and bewildering face-off between aggressive Mars in analytical Virgo and Neptune in dreamy Pisces. I was thus intrigued to find this article in the Sunday NYT: “Data-Mining Our Dreams” — dream (Neptune in Pisces) active gathering & analysis (Mars in Virgo). How cool is that?

There is one pattern rumbling along that is not so quiet, and it’s about to make an exact hit for the 4th of seven times. And this would be the challenging connection of rebel Uranus to ruthless Pluto, which you can read about in a historical context here. The 4th hit happens on November 1st, and I expect a significant disruption of the status quo to hit the headlines. And what could you expect if the Uranus-Pluto square is personally impacting your unique horoscope? Here’s one example.

Jamie Dimon (whom we’ve been writing about for two years now — search the archives), is back in the news and right on schedule. Mr. Dimon has been under enormous pressure, courtesy of the never-ending Uranus-Pluto square currently supercharging his natal Mars in enterprising, earthy Capricorn (and likely supercharging the pioneering, daring need to be “numero uno” of his fiery Aries Moon, too). We’d expect him to be expending tremendous effort and taking extraordinary action. Mr. Dimon is Chairman and CEO of JPMorgan Chase, a financial institution that apparently has reached a huge settlement with the Justice Department over its “questionable mortgage practices leading up to the (2008) financial crisis”. So how did this deal get done? According to this report, hours before the Justice Department was to announce civil charges against the bank, a “rare outreach” by Mr. Dimon put the announcement on hold and led to this “record” deal.

If you have your natal Mars (or any other planet or angle) at 8 to 14 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn, your capacity for action is likely supercharged right now, too — and wouldn’t you like to know about it, so you can use the proactive energy to its fullest potential?  Book an appointment for a personal consultation and we’ll have a fine discussion about your horoscope — in plain English — with no astrological jargon whatsoever. For more on how astrology works and how it can help you live life better, take a listen to this fun interview I did recently on the radio.


Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 11/30/2010

Perhaps a bit of a wobbly day as we adjust to another planet changing signs: this time it’s Mercury, ruling mind, communication and travel, moving into earthy, strategic, practical Capricorn. Ideas are no longer enough; now, they’ve got to add up to something substantive. How will you make it happen?

Speaking of Mercury, it’s going retrograde on December 10th at 7:06AM NY. No whining will be tolerated! Mercury retrograde gets such a bad rap because we are geared, in this crazy modern age, to always be thinking, doing, moving FORWARD. Ya know what that gets you? BURN OUT. We need our down times, and Mercury is a perfect time to give our minds a rest. Why else would your computer, phone and/or car choose THIS time to malfunction? Because you are supposed to be slowing down!

When Mercury is retrograde this month from Dec 10th – Dec 29th, be prepared for travel delays, scheduling screw-ups, mechanical breakdowns, computer crashes, having to repeat what you’ve just said, misunderstandings and surprise reunions.  Avoid signing contracts, making major purchases (especially mechanical ones) and losing patience. Do plan on RElaxing, REviewing, REsearching, REorganizing, REgenerating, REconnecting and REcreating.  Right now you should back-up your computer and get whatever gizmo you’ve been meaning to get before the retrograde begins. You’ll find me at the Mac Genius Bar before the week is out…