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I have been sitting with the incredible experience of your gift and knowledge and letting it sift down into my understanding and psyche. It was a powerful time for me. I told a friend, "she is the real deal." I don't say that very often!
--Diana S.
New York

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Astro-logical Forecast for Saturday & Sunday 7-9-10/2011

Moon entered moody bastard Scorpio Saturday at 2:31AM ET, where its need for knowledge for the sake of power and control was perhaps softened by jollier, more indulgent —  and also more constructive, less obstructionist —  influences. If you were hammering out an idea, seeking to give form to your inspiration — well, good on you. If you were out having a grand time in fine company, that likely worked, too.

Other news of note: innovative, rebellious Uranus turned retrograde at 8:36PM ET — not to turn direct until Dec 9. If you want to start a revolution during this time, the energy might be better directed at shaking up your own personal world instead of raising a ruckus directed at others. When planets are in retrograde, whatever is associated with that planet is more likely to be up for review and repair than it is to be moving forward at a clip. So here’s your three-week advance notice: Mercury, which relates to travel, communication, mind and gizmos,  turns direct on August 2nd at 11:50PM — and the Moon will be void-of-course — in Virgo all day. Verrrrry interesting.Think about backing up your computers in the next couple of weeks.

On Sunday, the Moon goes void at 9:05AM ET — but on a harmonious connection with the Sun, which is the only exact aspect of the day. In anticipation of that — hello! — August 2nd deadline, President Obama is hosting another debt/budget pow-wow at the White House. Well, it could be a productive brainstorming session, though Wednesday/Thursday might be more likely days to see things start to happen — one way or the other.

Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 7/6/2011: Obama’s Horoscope July 2011

Re-read yesterday’s forecast. Moon is void of course, “freefalling” in perfectionist Virgo, countered by a strong, supportive aspect between constructive Saturn and assertive Mars. This can be a highly productive day. Special memo to the US Congress: this is an excellent time to refine your homework assignment  on resolving the US debt crunch, in preparation for your big meeting with President Obama on Thursday. Write a three-paragraph essay on the major transformation of perspective/philosophy you are going to have regarding material resources. Thursday’s exact connection between ruthless Pluto and expansive Jupiter demands it.
I’m getting ahead of myself with thoughts on Thursday, but here they are:  Moon will be in Libra, sign of “make nice with others”, rational debate and striving to find a balance (while swinging wildly from one side to the other). The need for appreciation (of everyone’s position) will likely rule, even as feelings are knocked around throughout the day, as suggested by the planetary heavies: Pluto, Uranus and Saturn challenging that Libra Moon. I anticipate unusual, innovative — perhaps even shocking — attractions and alliances — not limited to the big powwow at the White House (disruptive Uranus is challenging Venus, planet of love, money and social expression). Perhaps we’ll see something wild or quirky in the financial markets, too.

Warning: ruthless Pluto opposes Venus on Friday night.  Could be witchy-bitchy. Ouch.

Of course it doesn’t take an astrologer to appreciate how big the stakes are for Obama this month. But it does take an astrologer to see those stakes clearly confirmed by the planetary patterns in his horoscope. Ruthless Pluto exerting pressure on controlling Saturn in Obama’s horoscope suggests this is a time of intensely hard work, under the threat of great loss (I’ve mentioned this particular pattern in previous forecasts).  This pattern is exact on July 26th. Whether you agree with his policies or not, it is highly unlikely that he is slacking off on the job.

And now that I’ve pretty much covered the whole week, perhaps I’ll have time tomorrow to answer a reader’s query about world events in 1848. Yes, there is an obvious similarity in the patterns that were active then compared to the patterns happening now. Stay tuned…