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"I'm a skeptic by nature and I still don't know how she does it, but Elisabeth told me more about myself and about critical points in my life than she could've known beforehand or can possibly be dismissed as coincidence or a parlor trick. And she helped me to use this as a framework to analyze the here and now more clearly. The session was definitely a positive, eye-opening experience."
Attorney, NY

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Monday 3/13/2017 & Then Some: Sneak Peek at the Week; Full Moon Fallout

Happy Monday!

How heavy was your Sunday, in the wake of its perfection-seeking Virgo Full Moon? Whatever illumination and/release you experienced may have been colored by a tough aspect between Mercury (the way we need to think) and Saturn (tough love), exact yesterday morning. Saturn weighed in again last night when it challenged the Moon at 8:25 PM ET. Who rained on your parade? Demanded you get real?

The Full Moon occurred at 10:54 AM ET at 22 degrees of Virgo, opposing the Pisces Sun. Compared to the expansive (to infinity and beyond!) potential of the New Moon on February 26th, this Full Moon is about contraction and boundaries, suggested by Saturn (the ambitious patriarch), in a challenging pattern to the Sun and Moon. The Sun-Saturn challenge will be exact on March 17th, around the time P45 will allegedly present a budget proposal to Congress. Expect cuts, cuts and more cuts, wrapped in fiery me-me-me idealism. I actually wrote that paragraph last Thursday. Here’s what just hit the headlines at the Washington Post as I am now typing on Sunday night:  “Trump  Budget to Seek  Historic Contraction of Federal Workforce.”  Didn’t I just type “contraction?” Astrology is amazing.

This Full Moon affects all the newsmakers who have key planets around 22 degrees of Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo and Pisces. I expect we’ll see advancement on stories that made news in the days after September 16th and December 13th of last year. In the horoscope of the United States, this Full Moon falls exactly on Neptune, no doubt offering illumination and opportunities to release our collective American Dream, discussed years ago here. This Full Moon also squares the U.S. Mars at 20 Gemini. Mars refers to the military, among other things.

I’m writing this before 10PM ET on Sunday, wondering what kind of brain fart or ill-fated communication may hit the headlines oh-so-soon. In half an hour the Virgo Moon faces off against Mercury at the end of impressionable Pisces, along with the Fixed Star Scheat. This star is associated with shipwrecks, and it will be together with Mercury until Tuesday.

Any planet close to the end of Pisces is susceptible to a bit of despair, because the end of Pisces is the end of the zodiac, thank you very much goodbye. But take heart, dear Reader, because at 5:08 PM ET on MONDAY, Mercury (how we think/communication) is born anew as it charges into Aries — with prominence! Who wants to reinvent the wheel without considering where the cart might be headed?

Which brings us to where I usually begin this Sneak Peek at the Week forecast, which is to tell you that MONDAY is driven by the Moon in people-pleasing, conflict averse Libra, seeking to find a balance as it swings from side to side. TUESDAY the balance is likely to be upset by the Moon’s weekly clash with Pluto, Jupiter and Uranus around 2 PM, 6PM and 9PM respectively. Do your sweet-talking in the early part of the day.

Moon will be void between 6:05 AM and 11:11 AM ET on WEDNESDAY before plunging into the murky depths of control-seeking Scorpio. A desire for depth and substance cruises without interference until 7:38 PM ET, when Moon makes a stubborn clash with Mars. Would you like to have “But I had the right-of-way” inscribed on your tombstone? Let cooler heads prevail.

There is only one exact aspect on THURSDAY, and this is a harmony between foggy Neptune and the Scorpio Moon at 11:25 AM ET. Right about then would be the time to announce the hard, cold cuts or other serious advance, as the Moon-Neptune thing softens the edges.  St. Patrick’s Day is really no time for a parade, with the Scorpio Moon still in force, along with the authoritative constraints suggested by a challenge between the Sun and Saturn at 5:47 PM ET. Drown your sorrows at the bar in the hours after 5:56 PM ET, when the Moon will be void until 11 PM ET. Hang in there through SATURDAY and SUNDAY, when the Moon will be in randy Sagittarius, pushing the boundaries of opinion and possibly good taste.

And now, the news.

We’ve gotten through a full week of Venus retrograde in Aries. Are you minding your manners? When Venus is retrograde, conventional wisdom argues that satisfaction may be hard to find, especially if it is something being sold. In Washington — true to the potential of the February 26 New Moon — a group of elected representatives locked themselves in a basement with a box of Crayolas and emerged on Monday with their seven-years-in-the-making replacement of the Affordable Care Act. Fun fact: Did you know that 30% of the population thought ACA and Obamacare were two separate health care initiatives? They loved the ACA. They hated Obamacare. Of course people were confused all last year and back into the fall of 2015, given the surreal patterns and cycles.

Anyhoo, with Venus now being retrograde, it’s no surprise so many are not happy with the American Health Care Act, including plenty of conservative pundits and of course, the NYT’s Gail Collins. If you like moving pictures with your news, HBO’s John Oliver explains the AHCA (pronounced as if you are trying to hurl a blob of phlegm out of congested lungs) for you. However, planetary patterns being what they were last week — with action hero Mars first racing through Aries and now bulldozing through Taurus, the bill has already been approved by two House committees.   Still, I’m not convinced the Senate will swallow this pill.

UPDATE: House Speaker Paul Ryan  is leading the charge on the AHCA, and boy is he buzzed (buzz also noted by John Oliver in clip above). His Powerpoint presentation provided endless inspiration for Twitter memes, and his apparent ignorance of how insurance actually works is stunning (must-read article here). Last time we looked at Ryan’s horoscope was in October:

….his people-pleasing, social graces-focused Libra Moon has been under intense pressure from transiting Uranus since late spring. He announced he would no longer defend his party’s nominee for president. People pleaser that he is, he has not withdrawn his formal endorsement. Keep an eye on the Speaker, especially in April/May, when Uranus will complete the cycle involving Ryan’s Moon. The Speaker has been discussed many times in this forecast, going back to 2012:   here (this is an in-depth analysis)   here  here   and  here

With April fast approaching, we can expect much more from Speaker Ryan. From an astrological perspective, his Neptune exactly on the Ascendant suggests that what he presents — visionary and sugar-coated as it may be — is likely not what it seems. Rudy Giuliani has Neptune on the Ascendant. So does Bill Clinton (along with Mars).

UPDATE: Bernie Sanders. He’s been getting a lot of press lately — more than usual — have you noticed? If you’ve been reading this forecast, you are not surprised, given the observations made here last fall — and also in 2015.  Here he is today — front and center in the Guardian, leading the charge against P45. “Despair is not an option,” he says, and of course he would, with zero planets in Pisces and three planets in “achieve the impossible” Aries. I predict he will become even more supercharged  between now and 2020, as persuasive Pluto moves in on Sanders’ Moon, Mars and Venus.

Meanwhile, U.S. Attorney General Preet Bharara was fired over the weekend, after he refused to tender the resignation demanded from him and 45 other attorneys general. Preet Bharara’s horoscope has rebel Uranus running wild, suggesting a need to make statements like this:

“One hallmark of justice is absolute independence, and that was my touchstone every day that I served”

Right now, the disruption in his career is reflected by transiting  Uranus shaking up his natal opposition between Saturn (structure; ambition) and his Libra Sun-Mercury. He is going to be fine, despite the tough patch suggested by transiting Saturn (contraction) squaring his powerfully resourceful  Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in Virgo. Planetary patterns suggest he’ll be making waves with an electrifying and persuasive power through 2018.

What’s going on in your horoscope? When are you likely to make waves? What about your partner or your children? A consultation with a skilled astrologer offers clarity and confidence. Here’s how to contact me.

In the wake of last week’s patterns between Pluto, Mercury and the Sun, serious news from underground hit the fan, as anticipated. Wikileaks dumped a truckload of info on how the CIA could spy on your Smart TV, etc.; the NYT, WaPo and Rachel Maddow continue to dig up dirt on P45 & company’s Russian connections. This story was especially intriguing: the construction of a luxury hotel in Azerbaijan that has never opened. So why was it built? Meanwhile in Egypt, the colossal statue immortalized in Percy Shelley’s poem “Ozymandias” (remember it from your AP English class?) may have been found.

We interrupt this newsfeed for a joke, brought to you by Venus (women; values) retrograde (not inclined to make nice) in Aries (warrior women):

Q:  How many feminists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

A: That’s not funny.

Also not funny: an estimated 30,000 military men — mostly Marines — who, having been busted for sharing nude photos of their Marine colleagues with XX chromosomes, continue to ogle, objectify and disrespect said colleagues in secret groups elsewhere on Facebook. Elsewhere, a five-year-old girl has strong words for retailers who aren’t making the kind of clothing she wants to wear. A Congressman wonders out loud why men should have to contribute to the health care costs of pregnant women (and the venerable NYT actually calls him a jackass — go Venus Rx, go!). On International Women’s Day, Paul Ryan (him again) proudly announced that the AccccHCA proposal would defund  Planned Parenthood.

On a happier International Women’s Day note, there’s a new statue on Wall Street, an appropriately-named “Fearless Girl” (Venus in Aries is nothing if not fearless) defiantly staring down the iconic bull. How inspiring (Venus in Aries is nothing if not inspiring). Sad to say, it took less than two days for some jackass (the NYT has deemed “jackass” appropriate language for a mainstream publication) to defile the statue of a little girl by grinding his body against it — captured on film. Social graces out the window, when Venus is retrograde. Wonder why Americans are having less sex?

Ending on a light note, as we always do.  Last Friday the Leo Moon was void between 12 and 5 PM ET. The Leo Moon craves the spotlight. Leo naturally rules the area of the horoscope referring to children, creativity and play. A Moon void suggests an unexpected twist that may run away with the whole day! If you haven’t seen this clip of the BBC’s Serious Interview About South Korea disrupted by the Serious Interviewee’s playful children (one wearing sunny Leo gold!), you simply must. And if we could make a rule that henceforth and forever more, all TV interviews will be crashed by children…well, whaddaya think?

Thank you for reading this forecast and sharing it with your friends. Contributions to my Cosmic Tip Jar are accepted here, with much gratitude. A huge thank you to satisfied clients who have told others about my consulting services. A even bigger thank you to Avid Reader Jerry, who took time out of his busy day to let me know  the Cosmic Tip Jar link wasn’t working, no thanks at all to PayPal :)  Jerry, you are my hero today! There is a big gold DONATE button on the Daily Forecast page of my site that usually works if the above link does not. GRATITUDE!




Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 10/21/2015: Opportunity Knocks in a Horoscope

Allll-righty then!

Wednesday’s drive is brought to you by the Moon in humanitarian Aquarius, looking for a way to be appreciated for being such a good buddy to so many people, especially those on the fringe. It travels without much interference, boosted by an easy connection to mental Mercury at 6:11PM ET. You wanna talk about it rationally, with emotional detachment? Go for it. Because on Thursday at 5:20PM ET, Mercury will be challenged by ruthless Pluto, adding a mental catharsis or investigative power play to the mix. What news from underground will be added to what has already been uncovered this week?

And now, the news.

Monday’s election in Canada did result in a surprise upset, unless you’ve been reading this forecast regularly. If so, you were not surprised at all that Stephen Harper’s Conservative Party was soundly defeated by the opposition, and that Justin Trudeau will be Canada’s new prime minister. Astrology is amazing. And Mr. Harper’s lean, mean thinking machine of Mercury (mindset)-Saturn in Capricorn (conservative; authority)-Mars in Cancer (assertive homeland security needs) in a unsettling T-square pattern is out of a job. And Canada is out of Syria and Iraq.

Comedian John Oliver must be delighted, because he was hoping for an upset, too. It’s against the law in Canada for an outsider to tell a Canadian how to vote, but Mr. Oliver did it anyway. I wish I’d seen his informative and highly entertaining take on the three — (yes, there were three major contenders in the Canadian election), before I emailed Monday’s forecast to subscribers, but here it is now — just for them.  Watch and laugh uproariously…and experience the bewildering fog so notable in Canada’s horoscope (Neptune conjunct Ascendant), Stephen Harper’s(Sun opposite Neptune) and Justin Trudeau’s (Neptune opposing Saturn  — both square Ascendant). What a weird (Neptune), wacky (Canada’s Sun is conjunct Uranus). fiercely independent country it is, astro-logically speaking…

UPDATE: A few days ago I noted that we could expect supercharged action (and now, apparently disrupted ambition) from former Democratic presidential candidate Jim Webb, given patterns of stress in his horoscope. Today he bowed out as a Democratic contender…but hasn’t given up the idea of running as an Independent.

UPDATE: Paul Ryan’s horoscope has assertive and potentially expansive patterns involving his career for the next several days (not unlike VP Joe Biden). He reportedly took a meeting Tuesday to discuss running for House Speaker. No surprise, even if he did so reluctantly. Meanwhile, Harry Reid (D-NV) just endorsed him. And right this minute — 8:13PM ET — the NYT reports breaking news that yes, Mr. Ryan is willing to run for Speaker, if his party can get its act together. This comes less than two days before we see transiting Mars (action!) hitting his Midheaven (public status; career). Jeb Bush announced his campaign launch on a similar transit. Joe Biden will have this same transit exact on October 27th. You’re not surprised about any of this, either, being Avid Readers.

UPDATE:  My  world-famous 2016 Really Useful Mercury Retrograde Survival Guide Bookmarks are still available, and the number of times this link has been clicked compared to the number of actual requests received has me all confused. But perhaps you are confused by the ordering process. Please let me know if that is the case! Here’s what you do: just click this link.   It will take you to a lovely page with a gold DONATE button. Click on that gold button. It will take you to a PayPal page, which is how I am able to receive funds — unless you’d like to send me a check.

To help cover postage, lovely card stock for handwritten thank you notes and printing costs, I am asking $2.88 for one bookmark or $4.99 for three. Trust that they are beautifully designed. Really — would I send you anything that wasn’t? On the bookmark you’ll find the dates of 2016’s Mercury retrograde periods — there are FOUR of ’em. You’ll also find helpful reminders of how to handle the retrograde so you do not lose your mind. I am thrilled that many of you have ordered bookmarks for others, including Avid Reader Jane:

I would like to find out how much it would cost to get 10 Mercury retrograde bookmarks – I am so tired of my idiot friends who don’t get it, they just know something is off. To have your bookmark on hand to give them is the best idea ever.

My thoughts exactly. Make sure you include your snail mail address when you make your bookmark donation, as opposed to relying on telepathy.

OK, more news.

The lingering artsy idealism of Venus opposing Neptune! The enormous physical effort and optimism of last week’s Mars-Jupiter trine Pluto! A make-it-happen empire-friendly Moon in Capricorn during Monday Night Football….and why not air the trailer for STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS? The movie opens on Christmas Day. It will be a HUGE ENTERPRISE.

And while we’re on such a sci-fi bent, here’s a story about Back to the Future II, in which hero Marty McFly travels forward in time to October 21, 2015 — that’s today! What did the filmmakers get right when they imagined how things might be now back in 1989?

Finally, a healthcare PSA because helpful Aquarius Moon. If you’re a woman, the American Cancer Society now thinks you should have mammograms less often.

But wait! Don’t forget to grab a few bookmarks! Or if you’d really like to be thoroughly informed, consider booking a personal consultation. Just think how much easier it could be for Paul Ryan to make his career decisions if he was aware of the cycles of timing in his horoscope. He’d be far less stressed, I’m sure…

Thank you for reading this forecast.

Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 6/9/2014: Mercury and Neptune Retrograde; MH370, Among Other Matters…

Back to work!

Moon entered the watery depths of Scorpio at 6:38AM ET, offering plenty of energy to acquire, organize and control knowledge in its quest for world domination. It’s aided by an easy connection to mental Mercury around noon ET; intuitive faculties may be heightened around 8:30PM ET, courtesy of a lift from dreamy Neptune. And speaking of Neptune, it turns retrograde at 3:51PM ET today until November 15/16, depending on your time zone. When a planet is retrograde, the suggestion is to turn inward on issues involving that planet, as opposed to looking outside the self. Neptune refers to vision, intuition, healing and other intangibles. In the mundane world, Neptune refers to water, oceans, oil, toxins, snake oil, fantasy and fanatics and spirits of all kinds.

With Neptune at its station (apparently standing still, about to move backwards), it was interesting to see this hopeful item on Facebook and the news. A 19-year-old man says he knows how to clean up the Great Pacific Garbage Patch in 10 years. The story is not new; it was referenced in this forecast last year, but planetary patterns seem to support it making the rounds again.

Neptune refers to deception and scandal, and also to suffering, compassion and charity. With Neptune, things may not be as they seem, as suggested in this story about a Virginia state senator who is resigning from office and what he gains by doing so (and also what’s at stake for the rest of the Virginia). What’s at stake may be the expansion of Medicaid, a taxpayer-funded program that offers healing (Neptune) to those suffering at the bottom of the income ladder (Neptune). Interesting to see this report on the NYT homepage about the residents of Texarkana, a town that straddles two states. One state has expanded Medicaid, made possible under the Affordable Healthcare Act; the other state has not. Thus we can learn, for example, about a woman who works the night shift at WalMart in Arkansas, but lives in a homeless shelter in Texas, “the wrong side of town.” If she lived in an Arkansas shelter, she would have access to affordable healthcare, which is not offered by her employer. Bewildering.

Equally bewildering is why anyone who has a job — even at WalMart — can not afford to rent a place to live in Texarkana, where housing costs are nowhere near as prohibitive as, say — New York. Fortunately for many, current planetary patterns strongly suggest that work — and the resources earned as a result — are under pressure to change. Last week, Seattle followed through and raised its minimum wage to $15/hour. Others will follow.

Your Moon voids for the week: Tuesday 10:21PM ET until Wednesday 11:23AM ET; Friday at 12:11AM ET until 1:04pM ET. Not much of a factor for those doing business in the Americas; this should help you stay FOCUSED, which is what is especially required when doing business while Mercury is retrograde.

Speaking of Mercury retrograde, it was notable that one of Saturday morning’s big headlines was about a fatal six-car accident involving actor Tracy Morgan. Investigators are seeking to determine if the driver of a WalMart big rig fell asleep at the wheel. Interesting to see that the chart for the time of the accident: around 1AM on 6/7/2014 in Cranbury, NJ has Neptune right on the Ascendant, suggesting a bewildering fog! Please stay focused while moving from place to place this week — not only because of the greater need for focus, but also because of a supercharged connection Mars (action/aggression) will make to potent/ruthless Pluto on the 14th, just after the Full Moon. Now that you are informed, you can consciously use this energy surge to your advantage. More about Mars-Pluto connections later this week.

Finally, speaking of planetary patterns at the time of accidents, in the chart for flight MH370’s departure, the Moon was at 8 Gemini, and it exactly opposed the chart’s Ascendant. Who remembers that last week’s New Moon was 8 Gemini? Who remembers that when a New Moon makes direct contact with your unique horoscope, you can expect action during that lunar cycle? With MH370, we could expect increased public awareness/outreach (Moon opposing the Ascendant), involving information (Gemini Moon) and possibly involving other people’s money (Moon rules the 8th house). Here’s the first line of the latest from CNN on MH370:

Using dramatic music fit for a Hollywood epic, a video-led fund-raising effort hit the Web this week purportedly to help find answers about missing Malaysia Flight 370.

Coincidence or conspiracy? What’s going on in YOUR horoscope? To find out, feel free to contact me for a personal astro-logical consultation.

P.S. A note on the phenomenon of retrograde planets. They do not actually slow down to a halt, move backward and then forward. It just appears that they do from our point of view on spaceship Earth. Here is a nifty animation which explains it all for you.  Any questions?

Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 5/29/2014: Curiouser and Curiouser

Well? Have you been paying attention to your dreams? I’ve been hearing about some that have been stratospheric.

You may be rarin’ to go on yesterday’s New Moon energy, given an innovative buzz between the mental Gemini Moon and technogeek Uranus, exact at 5:59AM ET. The buzz could fizzle, as Moon immediately goes void until 10:13AM ET on FRIDAY.  Plus we’ve got two planets changing signs, which may leave some of us feeling a bit diffused and wobbly. Curious in both senses of the word: inquisitive and a little weird.

Still, words and mindset pull focus, with mental Mercury leaving Gemini for 0 degrees of Cancer (the Aries Point) as of 5:12AM ET. Less left-brained, more right-brained in thought processes. Meanwhile, as of 9:46PM ET last night, Venus (social expression, women, money, art) left a tough placement in Aries for the much more secure and mellow sign of Taurus. Now you can think about a getting new haircut or cosmetics, as Venus functions beautifully in one of the signs it rules (the other sign is Libra).

You know the drill for dealing with voids: stick to routine tasks; avoid impulse shopping; be aware of the higher probability of flakes and twists in your efforts to move forward in a straight line. Go with flow. Don’t turn a molehill into a mountain. Chill, chill, chill!

And now, the news.

Today’s theme is “under the influence…of nebulous Neptune”.

Exhibit A: The 113th Congress. It started on a void of course Moon in perfection-seeking, sometimes hypercritical Virgo. A void of course Moon suggests nothing of consequence will likely be accomplished, and here is an article confirming that the 113th has not done much of anything. As we expected 18 months ago. And how fascinating to note that Virgo refers to health concerns, e.g., the Affordable Care Act. We could expect health concerns to run away with the horoscope of the 113th Congress, and I do believe it voted to repeal ACA over 50 times. Also running wild in that horoscope: Neptune, which refers to a big dream, an awful lot of faith…or the delusions that drive one to do the same thing over and over and expect a different result. Also known as insanity.

Exhibit B: Edward Snowden, whose horoscope we’ve been following for nearly a year. Lots of pixie dust here, with many planets aligned with Neptune. Things are likely not what they seem — and here’s an earlier write-up posted last year.Of particular note: Sun at the Aries Point (29 Gemini) and Mars in opposition to Neptune (also close enough to the Aries Point to count, suggesting he will be KNOWN for mystique, sacrifice, illusion/delusion). If you’ve been paying close attention to the last two forecasts you’ll recall that mental Mercury is at 29 Gemini and thus making contact with Snowden’s horoscope. And there he was making headlines yesterday — about an interview he did with Brian Williams that aired last night on NBC —  revealing that he “wasn’t just an analyst; he was a spy”. Shades of Secret Squirrel! Interesting to note that NBC’s efforts to interview Snowden — his first with an America media outlet — were also sprinkled with pixie dust.

Exhibit C: Maya Angelou, the beloved author, poet, activist and Tony-nominated actress, passed away. On Facebook, one of the many heartfelt tributes I read included a friend’s reaction to hearing Miss Angelou speak:

“This woman has access to the same words as everyone else. How is it she puts them together more beautifully than anyone, and with such ease?” In awe of her power then. In awe now…

That powerful way with words is suggested, of course by her horoscope.  Immediately we see nebulous Neptune sitting right on top of a queenly Leo Ascendant — opposed by action hero Mars, suggesting a need to be seen as the charismatic projection of a sublime, lyrical, soulful ideal.  Alternatively, this pattern could have been expressed as a bewildering or suppressed sense of personal identity — at least in the early home life. The suggestion of suppression (a “caged bird”) is echoed by potent Pluto challenging her Sun in warrior Aries. A need for poetic social expression and thinking (a caged bird that sings!) is suggested by an idealistic connection between Mercury and Venus in Pisces. Also of interest: rebel Uranus running wild — and rising ahead of the Aries Sun — suggesting a need for uncompromising freedom and unconventionality — especially in her vocation.  Miss Angelou managed the potential of Neptune well — and became an inspiration. Her last Tweet: “Listen to yourself and in that quietude you might hear the voice of God.” RIP.