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"Thank you SO much for the reading on Wednesday. It's really helped me get back on the road to moving along. You prep so well and are so damn thorough. And moreover, you've got great sensitivity to the material and the patience to listen."
-- Michael D.
Editor, NY

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Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 11/18/2010

Well, here’s something you don’t see everyday: expansive, jolly Jupiter AND loving Venus BOTH turning direct within a few hours of one another. OMG, I can almost hear you all falling down the stairs (Moon is still in impulsive, waste-no-time Aries) in excitement. With Jupiter moving direct, plans for expansion can now move forward. All you Pisces born in the last seven days of your sign, enjoy this time of potentially sweet abundance; before you know it, Jupiter will move into Aries and you’ll have to wait another 12 years for your ship to come in again.

With Venus turning direct in Libra, it will take a bit of time — give it a week or so — to start remembering that there is no “I” in “TEAM”. Manners? Propriety? Diplomacy? Ah yes, it is all coming back to you now. If you made any major changes in your relationship status during the past six weeks — a divorce, a marriage, a new love affair — or if you made an expensive purchase, elected one political candidate in favor of another, or re-wallpapered your bedroom walls, you will now have time to review your aesthetic decisions. Did you make the right choice?

Rose-colored glasses are very much in vogue today, thanks to nebulous Neptune squaring Sun, our life force. Note that both Sarah Palin and Barack Obama have this aspect in their horoscopes — and hey — isn’t this intriguing — Glenn Beck has it, too; in fact, he and Sarah Palin are born EXACTLY one day apart — do you see any similarities???

Meanwhile, Sun is approaching a delightful connection to innovative, eccentric Uranus (exact just past midnight NY time  tomorrow). If you’ve got an idea for attracting attention in a unique way, by all means have at it. Dare to be different. Dare to be a genius. Dare to be yourself.

Finally, if you’re up past midnight tonight and tomorrow, catch the Leonid meteor showers!

Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 10/18/2010

Creative, inspirational, mystical, healing, transcendental…or bewildering, delusional, escapist, martyred? What will you encounter this week when a Neptunian fog rolls in? Looking at all the action from Neptune this week makes me think of movie CATFISH, which I saw over the weekend. Angela, one of the key players in the movie, seems to be an extraordinary expression of Neptunian energy (see first sentence of this paragraph). I don’t know when Angela was born (CATFISH is a documentary), but I would bet Neptune is very strong in her chart — and she embodies the very best and the very worst possible manifestations of Neptune in our daily lives. CATFISH is not a perfect film, but it’s one of those experiences that likely will stay with you after you leave the theater.

Neptune dissolves whatever it touches. Tangible boundaries vanish into the ether. Under the influence of a strong Neptune transit, we can sometimes feel lost or untethered. Making commitments becomes quite a challenge; going with the flow is often preferable (read the forecast for 10/13/2010 to see if you’re having a Neptune transit to your Sun Sign).When Neptune entered the mental, humanitarian, technology-oriented sign of Aquarius back in 1998, joining revolutionary Uranus, which had entered its home sign in 1995, I thought to myself, “the catch phrase for the next fifteen years is going to be ‘we are all connected'”. Unlike internet, cell phone and GPS tech pioneers like Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg, however, I never thought much about how to make a fortune exploiting that deductive intuition. We have one more year of Neptune in Aquarius — then we’ll be on to a new catch phrase — stay tuned for updates.

Today Moon is in the watery sign of Pisces, where it needs to work with the intangible: music, spirit, feeling, art. As I type this Mercury (mind, communication, travel) is approaching a lovely connection to — Neptune, which happens to rule Pisces. And Tuesday, the Sun will make that same easy connection. Look for sublime inspiration — in art, music and spirit today, including the spirit of service, faith, hope and charity — that’s the plus side. Even waspish Venus retrograde in Scorpio can be softened under these Neptunian vibes. On the downside — there’s the potential for delusional spin — lies, lies and more lies — watch the headlines, listen to the political debates oh-so-carefully and rely on your own efforts to double check the facts — the media, alas, is likely to be part of the spin.