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Los Angeles

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Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday-Thursday 10/1-2/2014: October Surprises, First Quarter Moon & More

OK, break time is over. As of 12:41AM ET, Moon shifted into enterprising Capricorn, ready to take care of business. A sublime inspiration may soften the edge of dogged ambition around 10AM ET, when the Moon makes a supportive connection to visionary Neptune. We can expect a challenge to the New Moon agenda set last week, as the First Quarter Moon is exact at 3:32PM ET. Processing this particular challenge may be experienced as a power play, as the Moon hooks up with ruthless Pluto at 7:48PM ET, followed by challenge from rebel Uranus at 2:11AM ET. This is not necessarily a negative thing, as shake ups and power plays can be super-duper helpful if you’ve been feeling stuck in a rut. Break out!

Get it off your desk by 12:18PM ET Thursday if you can, as that’s when the Moon goes void with a long sigh until 4AM ET on Friday. You can still be quite efficient taking care of routine matters, suggested by a supportive connection between Moon and disciplined Saturn. That connection may well assist any sorting and reassembling required in the aftermath of Wednesday’s potential big push.

There’s a lot going on in October. We’ve got eclipses on the 8th and 23rd. Mercury will be retrograde from the 4th to the 25th, challenging communication and information channels right before the mid-term elections. Don’t believe everything you hear.  Also, as noted earlier, we’ve got the Sun making challenging connections to the Uranus-Pluto square through the 7th, followed by Venus (women, love, money, art) making contact on the 8th and 11th.

There’s also an almost-exact Grand Trine among Mars in Sagittarius, Jupiter in Leo and Uranus in Aries. That’s in effect now through the first half of the month.  It suggests a potential ease in matters of expansion, innovation and righteous action. It makes me suspect the sudden buzz about Ello, the anti-Facebook, ad-free, by invitation-only social network is perfectly timed.  Especially after last week’s New Moon with its prominent focus on relationship.

People get excited about Grand Trines — especially among the slow-moving planets because they last longer. They are considered to be lucky and suggest abundance. We had a Water Grand Trine in July of 2013 that was quite a trip for those whose horoscopes were personally affected. We had an Earth Grand Trine that was epic in March 2012, especially for this guy.

I learned from my teacher that in an individual horoscope, a Grand Trine suggests a pattern of self-containment that often functions as a defense. It doesn’t need anything from anybody; it is a “law unto itself”. In Fire Signs, a Grand Trine suggests a projection of energetic self-sufficiency.  From Ello’s FAQ page:

How does Ello support itself?

Ello is free.

We occasionally offer special features to our community of users. You can choose to support Ello by paying a very small amount of money to add that feature to your Ello account.

You’re never obligated to pay anything, but by choosing to buy a feature for a very small amount of money now and then you support our work, and help us make Ello better and better.

You’ll never be worth $30 billion like Facebook that way.

We’re not interested in ruling the world. We think people that are motivated to do things like that have unresolved psychological problems.

Energetically self-sufficient? What do you think?

And now, more news.

Lots of items reflecting the prominence of matters concerning women, money and social graces, suggested by Venus in Libra at the Aries Point. Exhibit A: a couple leaves a $100 tip for a waiter who gave them lousy service. They also leave a note of compassion and appreciation. They did what? Within days, the story is viral and the couple is written up in the mainstream media. Exhibit B: a truly refreshing approach to George Clooney’s recent wedding, focusing on more about the bride, Amal Alamuddin, than what she was wearing. It rocks.

Exhibit C is a must-read for women in the work force. It’s about the criticism women receive in job performance reviews compared to men, with insights on what it’s really all about. This piece was published with Venus in persnickety Virgo — but within two degrees of the Aries Point, so I’m including it in the mix. Plus I can’t seem to stop myself from sharing news that could simply help you live life better, in addition to astro-logical insights.

Meanwhile, Venus at the Aries Point made contact with Venus in Obama’s horoscope, where it rules areas referring to the home and joint resources;  add this to a longer-term tension noted previously in areas related to health and hidden adversaries, and “suddenly” we get the full prominent story on just how far into the White House an armed intruder went before being tackled by a Secret Service agent who wasn’t even the Official Agent on duty. This event happened on September 19th, when transiting Mars (aggression) was opposing Obama’s Gemini Moon.  Fortunately, the Obamas had just left the White House…and oftentimes lucky Jupiter was close to Obama’s Leo Sun and Ascendant.  And  it seems there was another security lapse on September 16th, too. Not at all funny, but somehow humorist Andy Borowitz found a way to make some New Yorkers chuckle.

Finally, much gratitude to the reader who kindly forwarded a solid bit about people who have consulted with astrologers about their careers and have been super-pleased with the results.  Yea verily, there is an entire system of horoscope analysis that focuses solely on career concerns. It’s so lovely to see a serious, positive report in a mainstream newspaper. A nice expression of  Jupiter (expansion, optimism) trine Uranus (which rules astrology), no?

To the few who are inspired to share and support my efforts, I am deeply grateful. Your donations inspire me to keep writing this forecast to entertain and inform. If you’d like to know how planetary patterns are reflected in your unique horoscope,  here’s the 411 on personal consultations. Have a wonderful day!


Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 6/2/2014: Sneak Peek at the Week; Mercury Retrograde; Ann B. Davis, RIP

Get up and go get organized — and put a playful spin on it. That’s your mission today after a bit of self-indulgence around 8:10AM ET, when the regal, love, love-me-do Leo Moon is energized by a pleasure-seeking Venus in Taurus. Give a little, and you’ll get a little, mmm-kay?

Planetary patterns for the rest of the day suggest a cooperative spirit and balance between the need to shine and the ability to rationally present whatever dreamy idea you’ve been incubating since last week’s New Moon. It’s also a good time to prepare for MERCURY TURNING RETROGRADE on Saturday, June 7th at 7:57AM ET.  Back up your hard drives on all communication gizmos. If you’ve been putting off taking your computer in for a tune-up, consider doing it now. Some are already reporting stalls, crashes and other communication glitches, which we would expect with last week’s dreamy/foggy New Moon.

Contrary to popular belief, Mercury retrogrades are no reason to freak out. Mercury retrograde gets a bad rap because we are geared, in this crazy modern age, to always be thinking, doing, moving FORWARD. Ya know what that gets you? BURN OUT. We need our down times, and Mercury retrograde is a perfect time to give our minds a rest. Why else would your computer, phone and/or car choose THIS time to malfunction? Because you are supposed to be slowing down. And as you slow down, it is vitally important that you re-adjust your FOCUS.

When Mercury is retrograde through July 1st, be prepared for travel delays, scheduling screw-ups, mechanical breakdowns, computer crashes, having to repeat what you’ve just said, misunderstandings, the past coming back for a second look, surprise reunions and having to repeat what you just said. Use your FOCUS and double check important details, like whether the restaurant you’ve chosen for a meet-up is still in business.

Adopt a playful attitude of flexibility to whatever twists you encounter, as with void-of-course Moons. Avoid signing contracts, making major purchases (especially mechanical ones), believing everything you hear or read in the papers and losing patience. Do plan on RElaxing, REviewing, REsearching, REorganizing, REgenerating, REconnecting and REcreating. Mercury retrogrades are excellent times to REview your life with your astrologer.

Your Moon voids for the week — use these times to take care of routine tasks, roll with whatever twists you encounter in your efforts to move forward in a straight line. Avoid impulse purchases, such as the six bottles of drinkable yogurt and coconut ice cream I bought at the farmer’s market yesterday, when the Moon was in Cancer. I really did not need them. Otherwise chill out, like this black bear did during last Thursday’s really long void — captured here on tape for your entertainment. What a surprise twist for that Florida homeowner, eh?

This week’s voids: Tuesday 10:42 AM ET until 10:20AM ET on WEDNESDAY; Friday 5:13AM ET until 10:01 PM ET. OK, class — pop quiz: in general, what days this week would be best suited for important meetings, major decisions and purchases?

And now, the news.

First, a general note about Mars. While no longer retrograde, it continues to be noticeably reflected in “if it bleeds, it leads” headlines. Guns, accidents, fires, wars, etc., etc. have been all over the news. On June 14th and June 25th, Mars will make yet another challenging contact with the disruptive Uranus-Pluto square, so more of the same is likely to continue.

Add Saturn’s continued sojourn in Scorpio to this mix, and nitty-gritty stories of life, death and decay, including harsh struggles with and judgements about sexual energy: rape, abortion, contraception, honor killings and other vengeful acts, etc. make news. Forgive me for not listing the never-ending plethora of recent stories in this vein; some days it’s too darn depressing. On the other hand, since this forecast talks about how planetary patterns are reflected in the headlines, I feel a need to note what planetary patterns are being reflected by this dark underbelly of information. You’ll find examples of it on the homepage of any news outlet — or see the examples in the link above.

I can’t wait for Saturn to leave Scorpio in 2015 and move on to Sagittarius, where it can demand righteous restructuring of collective beliefs and their outlets, including but not limited to, religion, education, the media and the law.

Meanwhile, as predicted here in January of 2013, President Obama is using his executive authority to move his agenda forward without the support of the Moon void, much-ado about nothing 113th Congress. With ambitious Saturn soon to reach the top of his horoscope and Neptune likely needing to act as a savior, bolstered by an expansive and energetic connection between Jupiter and Mars, his Administration will announce “one of the strongest actions ever taken by the US government to fight climate change”.  Which is encouraging, given that scientists now report that a big chunk of western Antarctica is now toast. For a lighter look at the continuing climate change debate, here’s ex-Daily Show correspondent John Oliver.

Last but not least, another RIP — this time to Ann B. Davis, whom readers of a Certain Age will remember played Alice, the down-to-earth, yet oh-so-quirky and independent housekeeper on The Brady Bunch. A glance at her horoscope delightfully confirms how perfectly cast she was for that part. Reflecting the down-to-earth: Sun in Taurus, Taurus Ascendant, Moon in no-nonsense, make-it-happen Capricorn. More no-nonsense: Saturn in karma cop Scorpio, projecting authority and control in one-on-one relationships.

For quirky: Venus conjunct rebel Uranus in empathetic Pisces. You know she appreciates just how you feel, though she may have a funny way of saying it. She would need to be unconventional in matters of social expression, while projecting a certain glamor and intrigue. That’s suggested by nebulous Neptune challenging her “Mother Earth” Taurus Ascendant. If Ms. Davis was ever romantically involved with someone, no one is talking about it.

More quirkiness: Mars and Jupiter, together in “Who’s yer buddy?” Aquarius. Both are challenged by Neptune and are expressed through that Taurus Ascendant, suggested a buoyant persona sprinkled with more magical pixie dust (and faith, combined with that practical Earth). For independent: all of what I’ve noted, plus Mercury in verrrry independent Aries, suggesting a quick mind and direct communication.

Fascinating to note that news of her sudden passing coincided with multiple planetary patterns suggesting connecting with the public and being loved. Seeing lots of tributes to her in my Facebook newsfeed…and deservedly so. RIP.