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Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday-Sunday 3/10-13/2016


But first — Thursday — which I was not able to post in time, in part due to technical difficulties.

The Moon in me-me-me Aries continues its charge through the day — seeking to get things started — not now, but RIGHT NOW. It cruises without interference, bolstered by helpful structured input from ambitious Saturn, exact at 4:36PM ET. Late afternoon and evening hours may be marked by a power play, catharsis or upset, as the Moon makes its weekly clash with Pluto (at 6:01PM ET) and Uranus (at 8:43PM ET).  And let’s not forget about the visionary/delusional potential of mental Mercury meeting up with dreamy Neptune at 1:01AM ET on Friday. How will that rose-color your next few days? You may need to take some of what you hear with a grain of salt.

On Friday, the Moon continues in Aries with less of an edge. It connects easily with Venus at the very end of Aquarius at 1:24PM ET, suggesting an awareness of unconventional social expression and values — more on that in a minute. Moon goes void until 2:44PM ET, at which point it enters Taurus, shifting the energy of the day to one that seeks material comfort and security, good food, sweet music and a snuggle with the nearest sweetie. Oh joy oh joy.

There’s no Moon void to derail your shopping adventures on Saturday. Creative connections to Mercury and Neptune may infuse your morning with senseless beauty, especially since Venus will have moved into Pisces at 5:24AM ET. This facilitates compassion and empathy in social expression. Meanwhile, your efforts to build and maintain comfort and security may benefit from a surprisingly easy resource, as the Moon makes a smooth connection to Jupiter (expansion) and Pluto (power and resources) at 6:41PM ET and 7:36PM ET).

On Sunday, the Taurus Moon will be void between 5:46AM ET and 5:03PM ET. Not a day for impulsive purchases. Chill and focus on routine concerns; avoid the temptation to make a mountain over a molehill of “much ado about nothing” crisis. This too, shall pass.  Once the Moon enters Gemini at 5:03PM ET, the mood may become quite chatty and buzzed. Be advised that the Moon will challenge Venus at 8:21PM ET and Mars at 9:42PM ET. Find a productive outlet for any charged/irritable/confrontational energy you may be feeling in relationship. The operative word is “productive”.

There’s no Moon void on Monday, so no sleeping in. The need for a buzz continues through Tuesday, along with other high-energy patterns to be discussed in the next forecast.

And now, the news.

Over the years I have noticed that when the Moon is void for over a few hours, a story will often run wild in social media that is of little consequence, but feels really big at the time. Remember that big debate over whether a certain dress was blue and black or gold and white? Moon was void. On February 24th, during a mostly all-day void,  news outlets were all over the possibility that Governor Brian Sandoval of Nevada would be nominated for the Supreme Court. I was skeptical.  The next day, the story evaporated.

Yesterday, during a long Moon in Pisces void, the “big story” was outrage over President Obama “snubbing” Nancy Reagan by not attending her upcoming funeral. This was followed by outrage over the outrage — all over Facebook. There’s no story here. President Obama has another commitment — booked months in advance at SXSW.  First Lady Michelle Obama will attend Mrs. Reagan’s funeral. Let’s move on — and the take away here is “measure twice; cut once” when you see a story spinning out of control. Check to see if the Moon is void.

Moon voids also suggest a higher potential of upsets which favor the underdog. During Monday evening’s long Moon void, the jaws of pollsters and pundits on a number of payrolls hit the floor when Bernie Sanders defied their odds and won the Michigan primary 50%-48%. Are you surprised? Not if you’ve been reading this forecast. Am I suggesting that Bernie Sanders will win the nomination? Not yet. I am suggesting that his horoscope is strong and should not be discounted, particularly against a backdrop of planetary patterns — Uranus (rebel) in Aries (individual) challenging Pluto (power) in Capricorn (Establishment).

And now, a long pause while I process the fact that on a potentially nihilistic Moon-Pluto square, 500 words of carefully crafted analysis about Marco Rubio’s recent bout with the flu, Donald Trump’s prospects for much love  –– this just in –– in tonight’s debate, Bobby Jindal’s wipeout, Neptune transits in general, etc.  — have all been obliterated. Thank you, tech snafu. Also obliterated: the part about how Mercury in touch with all of the outer planets over the next several days bodes well for SXSW and other forums for empowering ideas and communication (including those happening in your own personal world).

Do you find these forecasts informative and entertaining? I hope so. If you’d like to express your appreciation by making a donation, you’d make my day. I learned an important lesson since the last time I brought this gold DONATE button to your attention. I’ll tell you, so you can benefit from it, too.

I noticed that Avid Readers would click on the gold button — such a lovely impulse — but most would not actually follow through. I found this bewildering. So a couple of weeks ago, I gathered my courage and I called an Avid Reader whom I know personally. I apologized profusely for putting her on the spot and asked for insight. We’ll call her Jane.

Jane was sooooooooo gracious and kind. She told me she absolutely appreciated my efforts, but was unsure of how much to give. She did not want to give “too little” or too much. She needed me to suggest some guidelines. She needed — and perhaps on an even grander scale, the Universe needed — me to declare a value for the insights I provide.

Huh. What a concept. Declare one’s value. Ask — and ye shall receive. Don’t ask — don’t receive. Something to think about.

So I shared with Jane some guidelines. And I was pleased she felt they were reasonable. These guidelines are now posted here, with gratitude for your kind consideration.

Hopefully my experience will help you declare your worth to the Universe, too — with tangible rewards to follow. Meanwhile, I owe Jane a big thank you — handwritten and sent via snail mail.

And now, more news:

Here’s an abbreviated bit about Bobby Jindal’s magical thinking – –posted here two years ago. Here’s his horoscope. Here’s the article that prompted me to dig it up. Apparently Louisiana is facing its worst budget crisis in the history of forever, and all of that magical thinking is getting a reality check. What’s going on in Mr. Jindal’s horoscope? An aforementioned wipeout from all angles, suggested by transiting Neptune dissolving his Ascendant (personal projection) and Midheaven (career status, reputation). Guess who’s being blamed for Louisiana’s dire straits?

Here’s a story reflecting Venus (women, social expression, aesthetics) at the very end of unconventional, gender-bending Aquarius, as promised. Writer/director Lilly Wachowski announced today that she, like her sister Lana, is transgender.   The Wachowskis are the creative force behind The Matrix, among other mind-blowing films.

You’d expect that such a dramatic life-changing event would be clearly reflected in the horoscope, so naturally I went and looked it up. Lilly Wachowski is an enterprising Capricorn, capable of stern discipline and responsibility, driven by a Sagittarius Moon that needs to push boundaries to infinity and beyond, as Buzz Lightyear might say. A need to be seen as someone of depth and substance is suggested by a Scorpio Ascendant — a.k.a., a mask of mastery and self-control. It is softened by a rose-colored meet-up between Venus and Neptune in Scorpio — and in the First House. Something about her personal projection could be alluring – and not as it seemed. “Lilly” seems like an apt name for a beautiful feminine ideal. A need to be herself without compromise –prominently so — is suggested by rebel, unconventional Uranus at the Aries Point.

Looking at developments in the horoscope, we see the suggestion of a need for a fresh start in 2010, impacting core family and foundation concerns. In the two years that follow, we see transiting Pluto and Uranus challenging her with an opportunity for a transformed and liberated ego identity and mindset, but not without hard, hard work. In 2012, we’d expect her to find her place in the sun (this is the year her sister Lana made her first public appearance as a transgendered person, earned a humanitarian award and made a deeply moving acceptance speech). Now that Lilly’s transformation is also public, it’s fascinating to see how a measurement from Pluto to her Ascendant  later this year suggests the potential for another empowered shift in identity perspective. More power to her for living the potential of her horoscope as only she can do.

Potential. This is what we see in the horoscope. How that potential is brought to life is up to the individual.  Millions of people have experienced challenging Uranus-Pluto transits which did not result in a gender transition. But I’d argue they  became emancipated and/or empowered in other ways.

To find out what’s going on in your horoscope, here’s how to contact me.  And here are those nifty new guidelines again for those inclined to support my efforts to keep you informed and entertained.

Closing now with an adorable penguin who swims 5000 miles every year to visit the Brazilian bricklayer who saved his  life. All of life should be so sweet.

Thank you for reading this forecast.


Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 2/18/2015: New Moon in Aquarius (again!); Elizabeth Warren, Rand Paul, DSK & More

No exact planetary aspects happening on this truly Dead Moon morning, but that doesn’t mean there won’t be stuff happening. Venus and Mars are within orb of the Aries Point, suggesting Venus-ruled matters (social expression, women, money, values, aesthetics) and Mars-ruled matters (assertion and action) are likely to pull more focus than usual. Right now they’re on the Pisces side of the Aries Point, so add themes of compassion, universal suffering, ideals, impressions and soulful mingling to the mix. When they do meet on the Aries side on Sunday, watch for themes of me-me-me, pioneers, inspiration and conquest.

At 6:47PM ET, the Sun and Moon both meet up at 29 Aquarius. Blink and you’ll miss it. Moon immediately goes void — but only for one minute. It enters Pisces at 6:48PM ET, followed by the Sun in Pisces at 6:50PM ET.  It’s rare to have two New Moons in a row in the same sign. January’s New Moon was at 0 Aquarius — the very beginning. This month’s New Moon is at the very end. So we get a second chance to focus on Aquarian concerns, including (but not limited to): innovation, eccentricity, friendship, humanitarianism, freedom, technogeeks and the needs of the collective as opposed to the needs of the individual. Watch for new beginnings and endings in these areas.

A New Moon offers the opportunity to re-set your intentions for the next 30 days.  Make a list; light a candle; plant those seeds. Around the 25th, on the First Quarter Moon, we can expect a challenge to those goals, with appropriate adjustments made. How are our seedlings doing?  Keep on nurturing them, and at the time of the Full Moon on March 5th,  they may flower. We will receive illumination on the success or failure of our goals for the cycle, either way. If we succeeded, we can consciously release our success into our reality; if we failed, we let go of whatever did not work. After the Third Quarter Moon on March 13th, we can harvest our achievements, then tie up loose ends, compost and get ready to begin another New Moon cycle on March 20th.

In the chart for this New Moon, the Sun and Moon are approaching contact with Saturn in Sagittarius. At the last New Moon, there was an easy communication of humanitarian ideals and how they are to be achieved. This cycle requires an ambitious advance on those ideals — at the risk of rejection. Practical  — albeit emotionally detached — planning and communication is suggested by an easy connection between mental Mercury and Saturn in Sagittarius. We’ve already noted the potential of Venus and Mars coming together with prominence at the very end of Pisces — plenty of emotional resources suggested here.

With Jupiter about to make the second of three exact trines to Uranus, we see the potential for ground-breaking initiatives. Look back to events happening around September 25, 2014 — that was the first trine of the cycle. The second will be on March 3rd. The third one happens on June 22nd. Last, but hardly least, the revolutionary Uranus-Pluto square is inching closer to its grand finale scheduled for March 16th. And by grand finale, I mean the final release of tension between two planets symbolizing revolution and transformation on a collective scale. What does that suggest? Consider and compare events that happened before and after the three Uranus-Pluto conjunctions in 1965 and 1966.

The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon is “the field of Ardath in bloom,” or, as Sabian Symbol guru Blain Bovee describes it,

“…an open expanse flourishing with growth from an ancient era. ‘The field of Ardath’ is a reference to ancient Babylon and a mystic meadow symbolizing the blossoming of a mystical brotherhood….associated with ‘the cradle of civilization’…a meadow without specific identity or characteristics: a symbol for all peoples in all times”.

I find it intriguing that of 360 possible Sabian Symbols, the one that shows up at this time, when events in that part of the world formerly known as Babylon are approaching critical mass, just happens to be the Symbol that specifically references — at least on one level — that location. On another level, the Symbol refers to all of us, as we collectively approach the critical mass of the seventh Uranus-Pluto square. It is a hopeful Symbol, as Bovee notes that “a whole field in bloom suggest richness and bounty beyond imagination.”  A hopeful symbol (with a garden theme) is also presented in Beth Owlsdaughter’s Tarot Card of the Week. So, let’s hope.

In your own personal world, if you were born around the 18th of February, May, August and November…or if you have a planet or angle around 29 degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and especially Aquarius, you will be more personally affected by this New Moon. Wherever it falls in your horoscope is where you can expect seeds planted for a blossoming of potential. Don’t know where your planets are? Order the Astro-Basics Report for $18 — look here for more details.

And now, the news.

First, while we’re still in the dark side of the Moon, here is a story about women now living in the Dark Ages — in certain areas of Iraq controlled by extremists.

Meanwhile, reflecting the groundbreaking potential in matters of power and resources suggested by the Uranus-Pluto square and the second Jupiter-Uranus trine, Elon Musk announced a new status quo: living off the grid, thanks to a battery that will allow homeowners to store energy. Elon Musk continues to be innovative in a most supercharged manner, as noted in this forecast back in August of 2013.

Elsewhere, Rand Paul is apparently set to formally announce he’s running for president in April. It makes sense he’d be looking for greater freedom and empowerment, given that his Sun at 16 Capricorn will be supercharged in 2015 and 2016 by Uranus and Pluto. Plus, a solar arc to his Sun by Mars suggests a need to take action, despite recent revelations that he  lied about having a college degree.  Not having a college degree has never been an issue for Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin, which perhaps explains why his latest mission is to slash funding for Wisconsin’s public university system in exchange for giving it greater autonomy. Serious focus on the practical value of higher education, along with streamlining and restructuring of the system (student loans, anyone?), would be expected with Saturn  in Sagittarius for the next couple of years.

I’ve been meaning to write about Elizabeth Warren’s horoscope  for months. People are begging her to run for president. She’s gaining greater prominence in the Senate. Hillary Clinton met with her in private recently — this is how important the senator has become. Regular readers of this forecast should have a hunch at what’s going on. We don’t have a confirmed birth time for Ms. Warren, but an astrologer has proposed one, and the related chart does seem to work rather well. Still, take my observations about that proposed Ascendant and Midheaven (“the angles”) with a grain of salt. A chart with a proposed birth time is called a ‘rectification’ or ‘rectified horoscope.’

First, she can’t help but attract attention for her quirky independence and rebellious spirit. Like her astro-twin Meryl Streep, Warren’s Cancer Sun is conjunct Uranus at the Aries Point. Second, I am fascinated that both Ms. Streep and Senator Warren have Midheavens (point in the horoscope referring to career status) at 18 and 19 degrees of a Cardinal Sign, i.e., 18 Aries for Ms. Streep; 19 Cancer for Senator Warren. Therefore. we expect the careers of both women to reflect the empowerment and emancipation/change of direction potential of Uranus and Pluto for the next two years (another Oscar, Ms. Streep?)

In Elizabeth Warren’s  rectified horoscope, that potential is even stronger. She would experience Uranus and Pluto from all angles, given that proposed 17 degreeLibra Ascendant. In fact, we can argue that 2014’s exact solar arc to her Ascendant from Pluto has already mandated a change of perspective about how she is seen. She’s emerged as a serious power player, and we can expect that trend to continue — whether she runs or not. Also of significance: her Venus at 18 Cancer (conjunct her rectified Midheaven — you just have to like her), rules that Libra Ascendant. It will also be supercharged by Uranus and Pluto, suggesting her social expression and values will also become more prominent and persuasive.

Last but not least: Dominique Strauss-Kahn is back in the news. We’ve been tracking his horoscope ever since his assault of a hotel chambermaid cost him his post as head of the IMF.  Now he’s on trial– charged with pimping. I looked at his horoscope a couple of weeks ago and noted a measurement of the Sun to his Midheaven. This is usually a measurement of success and fulfillment in matters of career and reputation. I thought to myself, “hmm…I’m not convinced these charges will stick.” And in fact, this week some charges were dropped, and yesterday a prosecutor asked the court to acquit Mr. Strauss-Kahn.   Julian Assange had the same measurement in his horoscope when Ecuador allowed him to stay in their London embassy, thus avoiding arrest and deportation to Sweden. Astrology is amazing.

Finally, a lighter piece reflecting the reality check Saturn in Sagittarius can have on travel destinations. The candor of tourism officials in the current frozen wasteland of Ithaca, New York deserves applause and a note to put that city on your bucket list….

What’s going on your horoscope?  Find out in a personal astro-logical consultation. We will have an excellent discussion together.



Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 7/3/2012: Full Moon in Capricorn, Anderson Cooper & Julian Assange

Could be a rollicking morning as the Moon, now in “make-it-happen” Capricorn squares off against rebel Uranus at 8:45AM ET. A surprise, a flash of insight — or some other disruption of the status quo? Add to this the potentially combustible entry of the Red Planet, Mars, in peace-seeking Libra at 8:32AM ET. OK, pop quiz to those of you who have been reading the forecast diligently for some months. What is significant about the beginning of Libra (and Aries, Cancer and Capricorn)? Can you remember? That’s right — zero degrees of Libra is at the Aries Point, a place in the zodiac of special significance or prominence, also suggesting a turning point. So with Mars in Libra at the Aries Point, we can expect assertions of will (Mars) — perhaps even related to a relationship (for better or for worse) — expressed to the public. Keep an eye out for such events from July 1-8.

The Moon reaches exact fullness at 2:52PM ET at 12 Cancer/Capricorn. What do the Sabian Symbols reveal? For the Sun, “one hand slightly flexed with a very prominent thumb”; for the Moon “a fire worshipper”.  How interesting to see the word “prominent” echoed in a chart with Mars at the prominent Aries Point.  And how interesting that Mars refers to willpower…and in palmistry, an inflexible thumb suggests someone with a stubborn will. Accentuating the thumb — with a ring, for example — is usually an indication of anger issues. We become angry when we perceive that our will is thwarted or otherwise blocked. Anger is another keyword related to Mars.

For “a fire worshipper”, Blain Bovee points out that fire is “the active phase of combustion of passion and spirit”. I think of flames of desire…which is another expression of willpower. OK. So. Building on your New Moon agenda from two weeks ago, in which it was suggested that you fine tune your patterns of thought and communication so that they are aligned with what you really want…now we have a cosmic green light to release (the Full Moon is about release) what you want to the Universe, so that it may manifest. Blain Bovee writes:  “…look for characteristics of resolve, conviction, inner strength; or inflexibility; unyielding in one’s stance; fixed in one’s beliefs”.

Well, OK. What do you want? Can you articulate it clearly and precisely? I raise this question because it has been brought to my attention via more than one source in recent weeks, and with every source saying the same thing, I will share it with you. Somewhere, years ago — I read in Eckhardt Tolle’s book, The Power of Now…or maybe it was Conversations With God…or maybe it was Illusions, by Richard Bach (all great books about how the world is quick to respond to our words and thoughts,which is how we create our reality on this Big Blue Marble)…and what I read was this: the Universe — or whatever it is that turns our thoughts into reality has an odd way of agreeing with whatever you think or say. If you are thinking, “I am no good; I am not qualified to get that job”, the Universe will find ways to agree with you. If you are thinking horrible thoughts about someone, that person will be more likely to act horribly to you. But if someone has a reputation for acting horribly and you begin thinking of them as “lovely and talented,” for example, you will be more likely to have a positive experience with them.

Eliminating negatives such as “don’t” and “can’t” are also key in manifesting desire.  Thinking, “oh, geez, I don’t want to be late,” when you are trapped in a stalled subway train on your way to an important meeting is less effective than thinking, “somehow I’ll get there on time”.  In fact, consider eliminating the word “want” from your list of wants, as in “I want to be earning more money” or “I want to attract my soulmate”. Why? Because the Universe is likely to agree with your statement…and leave you wanting! This is why affirmations are stated as an “active positive”, as in, “I am attracting my soulmate” or “I am generating more income”, so that the response may be a huge statement of YES, YOU ARE!

OK — in the news, Anderson Cooper shocks…well, not so many people…with a simple statement that he is gay, always has been and is very happy about it, thank you very much.  What is interesting from an astro-logical point of view is that the timing of this statement is perfectly reflected in the horoscope. Mr. Cooper was born June 3, 1967 at 3:46PM in NY, NY. He’s a Gemini with Moon in Aries, Libra rising. He needs to be a pioneer, to inspire, to be first, to be courageous  (Moon in Aries)– as he applies his Gemini Sun energy to being clever and informative.  He is the personification of integrity in relationship (Libra rising) and his public image is one of sensitivity and caring (Cancer Midheaven), even in the most dangerous situations (Mars is on the Ascendant; Mr. Cooper has a long track record as a war correspondent, bringing us a behind-the-scenes perspective).

Mr. Cooper’s Mercury — relating to his mindset — has been going through a major transformation, courtesy of the Uranus-Pluto square, presumably leading to emancipation and empowerment (the cycle completes in December). As the New York Times article states (click the link in the preceding paragraph), “But his thinking changed over time…”  Exactly! Meanwhile, Saturn, planet of structure has just crossed his 19 degrees of Libra rising for a third and final hit, suggesting a newly crystalized sense of identity after a period of releasing whatever no longer serves.  Transiting Saturn is currently opposing his natal Moon at 23 Aries in the 7th house (the public) and squaring his Midheaven, suggesting an ambitious and/or major change of direction that is directly related to professional and/or family status.  (Moon rules the Midheaven). So simple, so perfectly timed — bravo, Mr. Cooper!

Julian Assange is not so simple. A reader has requested some thoughts, so here they are. The  current birth data of record is July 3, 1971 at 3PM in Townsville, Australia. Sun at 10 degrees of Cancer in the 8th house of “other peoples affairs”, squaring rebel Uranus (which also refers to technology & genius).  Moon in Scorpio (needing to be seen as a person of depth and substance, gaining knowledge for the sake of power and control) is in the 12th house (working behind-the-scenes), ruling the 9th (internationalism and publishing). Ascendant is 2 degrees of scruffy Sagittarius, with natal Neptune and Jupiter on the Ascendant, opposed by restrictive Saturn on the cusp of the 7th (other people).  Saturn rules the 3rd house, which refers to communication and knowledge. Jupiter is in Scorpio, ruling the 12th of the self-undoing and government institutions; this man needs to be on a mission, likely involving a leap of faith. Mars is in Aquarius opposing the Midheaven, suggesting he needs to be a rebel with a cause in areas related to homeland security, applied as a public service (Mars rules the 6th house of service).

Assange’s horoscope has been a hotbed of activity for some years now. In late 2010, when Wikileaks began releasing volumes of unclassified and classified U.S. diplomatic cables, ruthless Pluto and rebel Uranus were in challenging aspect to his Midheaven and Ascendant, suggesting upheaval, power plays and prominence. What’s going on in Assange’s horoscope right now? Last year, nebulous Neptune squared Jupiter, suggesting tricky legalisms in a chart that is already predisposed to weirdness in that arena. Neptune is  squaring the Ascendant and Saturn, again pumping up the volume of weirdness and veil of mystery/confusion/illusion that is a natural part of Assange’s existence. If you’ve been following the Assange drama, a court in London declared he could be extradited to Sweden to face allegations of sexual assault. Somehow, Assange turned up in the embassy of Ecuador (surprise!), where he is seeking political asylum. Will he be granted asylum? I am not sure, but I do note a couple of strong positive measurements suggesting assistance and success, which are exact on July 18th and August 29th . Additionally, a geographic relocation is suggested — but the question is, to where? Looking at the astrocartography of his horoscope relocated Ecuador, it could certainly provide a refuge for an emancipated and empowered rebel. Still, there are strong forces that presumably would prefer to see him shipped off to Sweden. With Assange’s Sun at 10 Cancer about to be hit by the Uranus-Pluto square starting at the end of next year and continuing through 2013, I expect to see more dramatic stories of his (potential) emancipation and empowerment continuing through then.