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Los Angeles

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Astro-logical Forecast for Sunday & Monday 2/19-20/2012: Sneak Peek at the New Moon; A Nun’s Story

Networking, friendships, being of social significance, space cadets, a cerebral/scientific approach to emotions, freedom and independence — look for these themes to pull focus for the next two and a half days. Moon enters the humanitarian sign of Aquarius at 5:28AM ET, old buddy, old pal. Deal with whatever wet blanket or serious focus that may be required around 4:22AM ET, when Moon is challenged by Saturn (I’ll deal with this one in my dreams, and you can, too).

We are in the dark side of the Moon; the New Moon in Pisces is at 5:35PM ET on Tuesday.  That’s the time to light a candle and focus on your intentions for the next lunar cycle. Meanwhile, if you’re a meditative soul — or even if you’re not — take some time to tune in before Tuesday. What does your intuition tell you? A big clue to the theme of New Moon in Pisces is the Sun’s annual hook-up with nebulous Neptune — also in Pisces —  at 3:42PM ET on Sunday, combined with an  indulgent challenge to the Moon from expansive Jupiter. Note these keywords: soulful surrender, meditate, yoga, escape,intuition, fantasy, drugs, alcohol, go with the flow, bewilderment, illusion, deception, delusion, photography, film, higher realms, oil, oceans, sacrifice, empathy. It all spills over into Monday, too — sweetened by a connection between loving Venus and the Moon at 7:28AM ET that can carry you through the whole day.

Signs of nebulous Neptune on the NY Times homepage include an op-ed about drinking and drugging rising oil and gas prices, the “parade of stars and fans” paying tribute to Whitney Houston; and a gem of a column by Maureen Dowd about a former Hollywood starlet who became a nun — and who will be attending the Oscars next weekend because a documentary about her called “God Is Bigger Than Elvis” has been nominated. Talk about a Sun conjunct Neptune in Pisces story! Read how Dolores Hart left Hollywood for the cloister here  and here

Since we looked at Cardinal Timothy Dolan’s horoscope in the last post, I thought it would be interesting to look (briefly)  at the horoscope of this former starlet-turned-nun. Will we see similar patterns?

Dolores Hart was born October 20, 1938 (time unknown) in Chicago, IL  She’s a Libra with Moon in Virgo, suggesting a need to be discerning, exacting and perfecting. Like Cardinal Dolan, there is a connection between Jupiter and Neptune — a reliable signal of the importance of spirit. The Jupiter-Neptune connection is not as big and bold as the pattern in Cardinal Dolan’s chart, but it’s definitely there; and Neptune is still very strong in other ways. Charisma — and the potential for glamour is suggested by a hook-up between Neptune and Mars; it’s likely that Neptune is also involved with the Virgo Moon, which adds idealism and the intangible to that need to be discerning, exacting and perfecting. Also of note: Saturn, suggesting discipline, patriarchy,authority, control, structure, ambition — making a strong statement about a potential obsession with the father…which perhaps evolved into the Father…or perhaps the Mother Superior. Hmmmmmm…. Also found in Dolan’s chart and Hart’s: strong connections between the Sun and expansive, sunny, philosophical Jupiter and resourceful, empowering Pluto. Let the record show that Hart is in fact the Reverend Mother Dolores Hart and Prioress of the Abbey (since 2001) where she resides. And as Maureen Dowd and Wikipedia both note, the Reverend Mother remains a voting member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Powerful!

Astro-logical Forecast for Friday & Saturday 2/17-18/2012: Practical Idealism

Well the markets certainly took the enthusiasm suggested by yesterday’s  Moon in Sagittarius, along with expansive Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius in happy contact with mental Mercury, to heart. Good news on the job front sent markets soaring — were you soaring, too?

Moon enters make-it-happen Capricorn at 12:03AM ET on Friday, needing tangible structure and results from all that optimism. So if you haven’t already taken off early for the holiday weekend (it’s Presidents Day in the US), you can anticipate a proactive day at the office, even with Mars retrograde and the Moon at the end of its monthly cycle. At the end of a busy day, an indulgent celebration is suggested by a challenge from loving Venus to that make-it-happen Moon.

The Capricorn energy continues on Saturday, making it a great day for taking care of business. Our need for practicality is augmented by an even more practical connection between disciplined Saturn and the life-giving Sun, exact at 11:02AM ET. More headlines about fairness, justice and equality will likely show up beforehand. Note the potential for rich rewards as a result of investigations, suggested by an easy connection between ruthless Pluto and mental Mercury, exact 4:23PM ET. Go ahead and dig deep; you won’t be the only one talking about life, the universe, everything — and what you found swept under that rug.

Saturday is the last day of  the Sun in humanitarian Aquarius. It’s also the day that cardinal-in-waiting Timothy Dolan (currently Archbishop of New York and also an Aquarius) gets to drop the “in-waiting” from his job title. And what a fitting day to contemplate structure and authority (suggested by strong Saturn patterns and the Capricorn Moon), along with spirit. Nebulous Neptune makes its once-a-year hook-up with the Sun on Sunday at 3:42PM ET; regular readers of this forecast know the keywords for Neptune: fantasy, transcendence, spirit, drugs, alcohol, rarefied art, music, photography, soul union, illusion, confusion — and all sorts of other intangibles. In your own personal world, the mix of Neptune’s rose-colored glasses and Saturn’s realism can make for an elevated  experience for you, too.

Timothy Dolan was born on February 6, 1950 in St. Louis, Missouri — birth time unknown. But even without a birth time, we see that horoscope has the potential to be quite a powerhouse. Dolan has the Sun in Aquarius in close connection with expansive, lucky Jupiter, also in Aquarius — and wow! that dynamic duo is challenged by ruthless Pluto, suggesting great resources and empowerment. When he enters the room, he makes his presence known (Dolan is reportedly 6’3″ and described as “a bear of a man”).  A need to be concerned with matters of spirit is no doubt suggested by nebulous Neptune (spirit) in strong contact with that Sun, Jupiter  and Pluto.

There’s also a challenge from Neptune to mental Mercury in practical, authoritative Capricorn, echoed by an easy contact to Mercury from practical, authoritative Saturn. Mercury-Saturn contacts suggest a conservative mindset, and Dolan does describe himself as a conservative. On the flip side, however, Neptune-Mercury contacts, while inspired, also suggest the need for idealism. Isn’t that interesting? A combination of the practical and the idealistic…Saturn and Neptune…the two planets pulling focus this weekend.

Dolan has Moon in Libra, suggesting a strong need to be appreciated (which he is) and a preference for peace over conflict. It’s likely that Mars is conjunct that Libra Moon, adding great energy and drive to cerebral matters — a need to talk and debate…probably a quick temper (despite the desire for peace) that had to be managed…and also a need to be cerebral about emotions. In fact, there is likely a disconnect with personal relationships, suggested by Venus (social expression) in stubborn,  “I love you, but don’t take it personally” Aquarius…which is also retrograde. Venus retrograde is rare…and it’s a reliable signal that  relationships (especially intimate relationships with other humans) are going to be a challenge.  There’s much more that could be discussed, but suffice it to say that Timothy Dolan’s need to take a vow of celibacy, devote his life to matters of spirit and ideals, become a powerhouse within a structured organization and connect with the collective so effectively that parishioners gush, “he makes everyone feel like he’s their best friend” (an Aquarian’s dream come true  is a fascinating and awesome series of choices of playing the hand suggested by the horoscope. It would be interesting to see how a few of Dolan’s astrological twins played theirs.