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I have been sitting with the incredible experience of your gift and knowledge and letting it sift down into my understanding and psyche. It was a powerful time for me. I told a friend, "she is the real deal." I don't say that very often!
--Diana S.
New York

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Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 8/9/2016: Saturn in Sagittarius Review; Senator Susan Collins, Right on Schedule

Arise, go forth and be deep. The day is driven by the Moon in Scorpio, seeking emotional control and substance. It gets a lift from potential brooding/moodiness by Venus at 10:43AM ET, encouraging efforts to be sweet and kind. A need for vision (and more kindness) colors the late evening hours, as the Moon harmonizes with Neptune in empathetic Pisces.

As it slows to a standstill this week, getting ready to turn direct on Saturday, we can expect Saturn in Sagittarius to pull focus. Remember that Mercury, Venus, Mars and the Sun will be making contact with Saturn all month — as I explained in a post last week.

First, let’s be clear that when a planet is stationary retrograde or stationary direct, it’s not actually standing still. It just appears to be at a dead stop from our perspective on Planet Earth. Here’s a review of what we can expect as Saturn travels through Sagittarius — from a post I wrote in December 2014:

Saturn refers to control, discipline and structure. Sagittarius refers to collective belief systems, including: the law, religion, philosophy and academia. Hmm…how about mind control? Or tests of faith?  It also refers to publishing and other mass communication media, as well as sports and entertainment. Expect efforts involving restrictions and/or restructuring. Sagittarius refers to that which is foreign, so issues of border control will likely become hotter. It refers to travel.  So we can expect headlines involving controls in these areas, too.

Righteousness is another Sagittarius buzzword, as is blunt honesty. As its best, the Saturnine restructuring of Sagittarius concerns will stem from righteousness, much as the restructuring of the institution of marriage (Libra) to include same-sex couples evolved when Saturn was in Libra. Fairness is a big Libra buzzword. Got that?

For those born in December 1985- December 1988 and  February 1956 – January 1959, congratulations, you were likely born with Saturn in Sagittarius. You’re about to embark on your first or second Saturn return, which suggests a critical time in your life,  rich with developmental potential. Many of my clients book their first astrological consultations on a Saturn return.

For those born 10-15 days into Gemini, Virgo, Pisces and Sagittarius, this year is a critical time in your life development, too.  You may need to cut your losses and focus on what’s really important. Saturn transits can inspire your ambition, but they can also be experienced as limiting, isolating and sad. Know that this, too, shall pass. Be brave enough to ask for support if you need it. You are worth it. A consultation about happenings in your horoscope would help you sort things out. Here’s the 411.

And now, the news.

How has Saturn in Sagittarius been reflected in restrictions and restructuring of the media? John Oliver is here to tell you all about it, in a brilliant and painfully hilarious bit that aired on Sunday when Mercury (mindset, communication) was under the influence of tough contact with Saturn and bewildering Neptune. Really, this is a must-see.

Elsewhere, yesterday I noted how a news story that is hot when a planet turns retrograde may become hot again months later, when it returns to where it began its retrograde phase. Here’s another example. In December, with Jupiter stationing at 23 Virgo (it turned retrograde in January), scientists working at the Large Hadron Collider thought they might have discovered a brand new particle. Last week, with Jupiter back at 23 Virgo, it was announced that what might have been, simply wasn’t.

Senator Susan Collins is making headlines this week. The Republican from Maine joined other decent and intelligent members of her party who are not supporting their party’s nominee. She wrote an op-ed for the Washington Post explaining her difficult decision to make this break. She’s one of the “women of steel” I expect to see in the news as Venus in Virgo is squared by Saturn. And guess what? In her horoscope, she has Venus square Saturn — and Venus in a tough aspect with Neptune, too — similar to current patterns! I often see this synchronicity between current patterns and the horoscopes of people making news. Astrology is amazing!!

Susan Collins’ Venus-Saturn square can be steely, but her Venus-Neptune square suggests a softer side. And by softer I mean idealistic, in sharp contrast to an otherwise hard-nosed, strategic stance her Venus in Capricorn might take.  One can imagine the intense pressure she’s been under all through June and July, with her natal Pluto at 23 Leo being squared by Mars at 23-24 Scorpio. This suggests a power struggle, perhaps pitting her own desires and standards against those of a group.

Her op-ed to the world is being published with transiting Mars now sitting right on top of her opinionated Mercury in Sagittarius. Her Mercury — the way she needs to think — is retrograde. She needs to turn things over and over and over internally before she lets it fly. Transiting Mars (action!) would be the trigger for the timing of her op-ed.  It’s perfect!

Also under pressure in her horoscope: transiting Uranus opposing her natal Saturn-Neptune conjunction, shaking up structure in her life with no small amount of accompanying wigginess. Next year transiting Uranus will square her Venus and I anticipate her social expression will become even more independent. First she’ll need to experience the necessary streamlining and focus demanded as transiting Saturn meets up with her Sun this November, recalling whatever limiting forces or ambitious reach she was wrestling with in March and April. Birth date: December 7th, 1952 in Caribou, Maine. She’s a Sagittarius with Moon either in Leo or Virgo. She has never, ever missed a vote — over 6000 of them in nearly 20 years of service — an exceptional accomplishment for any Congressperson or Senator.

Here’s the link to that John Oliver video again. Happy Saturn stationing direct in Sagittarius. And happy Perseid meteor watching. The annual show is back this week.




1 comment to Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 8/9/2016: Saturn in Sagittarius Review; Senator Susan Collins, Right on Schedule

  • Naomi Binkley

    What is Susan Collins’ Birth information? I am inspired to study her chart today as she makes a big speech and announcement on the Senate floor on the day Venus is stationing retrograde. Thank you. ????

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