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"Last night’s session was a delightful time for me. IT WAS ALL ABOUT ME!!! You are so articulate and caring, and I thoroughly enjoyed the time, all the nu- ances you brought to it and your obviously experienced, long- time expertise."
- Bill R.
Los Angeles

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Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 10/08/2010

Here on the East Coast, we’re looking at a holiday weekend — any chance of making an early escape? The Moon is void of course from 9:38AM – 3:52PM — suggesting a day of letting things take care of themselves instead of rushing around trying to make things happen. Angelenos have until 1PM to let things settle while mulling over whatever heavy news or communication that came in overnight or early this AM  — East Coasters, if you didn’t escape early, you’ll be mulling it over, too.

The “heavy” is a hook-up between Mercury (mind, travel, transportation, communication) and restrictive Saturn at 7:35AM NY — you may recall that last week I anticipated jarring headlines as the Messenger Planet made contact with the Big T-Square Party this week, yes? This Mercury-Saturn connection is the last of it.  An example of a jarring headline: NJ Gov. Chris Christie’s abrupt decision yesterday to halt the construction of a tunnel linking NJ and NYC because NJ allegedly can not afford it. Two decades of planning and billions of dollars allocated — and then — sorry — the piggy bank is empty. Sign of the times (and the planetary patterns).

But wait — there’s more! Venus, the ruling planet of Libra and Taurus turned retrograde at 3:06AM NY — and it will stay retrograde until  November 18th. Keywords for Venus include: love, money, values, beauty and women — issues related to all of these are now up for review. Venus is also charm, appreciation and social graces — and it’s fascinating how quickly these qualities fly out the window during Venus retrograde. Therefore, be especially mindful of your interactions with others — you may find yourself forgetting words like “please” and “thank you” — and you won’t be alone.  You may also be unwilling to compromise or consider your partner’s point of view. Venus retrograde can be quite a bitch, especially in Scorpio. But now that you understand the pattern, you can consciously choose not to (over) react to it, right?

Money concerns may also come up; questions about what you are really worth may arise — as if we need any more of that in this economy. If money is not your concern, still be advised that the general rule is not to purchase items of art, beauty or luxury during this time; our sense of aesthetics is often “off”.  What you meet and fall in love with this week may not seem so attractive in two months — and that applies to people, too.

So what’s the up side of this potentially witchy, bitchy Venus? By getting in touch with our baser instincts, we have an opportunity for clarity in our existing relationships. Those that are based on fluff are not likely to stand; do you really need that dead wood in your life? And speaking of baser instincts, political debates are likely to become even more heated and barbed as we head towards Election Day. If you don’t know which candidates are nasty or nice, you will soon enough…

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