East Coasters, note that there’s a void-of-course Moon from 5:49 – 10:24AM, suggesting that if your alarm doesn’t go off, don’t worry about it; if there’s a twist in your morning commute, don’t worry about that, either. Angelenos, you have no excuse for not getting to work on time. Moon will be in the mental sign of “I love you, but don’t take it personally” Aquarius all day Friday until 10:52PM Sunday, suggesting a receptive atmosphere for endeavors promoting the common good.
Friday is relatively quiet, marked only by a likely burst of early morning exuberance, followed by a strong cooperative spirit of innovation. More exuberance and potential excess are suggested on Saturday AM — what is being expressed that is not being especially well-received? If it’s all about you and your ego, take another look at the last line of the paragraph above.
Sunday AM is good for passion and pillow talk…bordering on the romantic and/or delusional at 2:49PM NY, when the Moon goes void for eight hours. If you’re shopping this weekend, do it on Saturday. Impulsive purchases made during Moon voids generally tend to be not that fulfilling — trust me on this — or go ahead and break the rules — sometimes that’s the best way to learn. Given the dreamy hook-up between Moon (feelings) and nebulous Neptune at the beginning of the Moon void, inspiration, meditation, music and other helping/healing pursuits are suggested for this lazy Sunday afternoon (I will be communing with nature on a golf course. Dreamy!)
In fact, “dreamy” is the key word for all of next week — those who work in film, art, psychic or spiritual pursuits should really dig it. Much of the edge we’ve been experiencing over the past several weeks will have lightened up. Hoorayyyyyy…..to be continued…
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