Quite a buzz in the air with Moon now in Gemini, sign of the information junkie — and we’re warming up for a Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse, exact Saturday at 9:36AM ET. A hard aspect between aggressive Mars in perfectionist Virgo and the Moon in Gemini at 11:44PM ET suggests the potential for highly charged emotional interactions — for better or for worse.
Big news is that Uranus, the rebel disruptor of the status quo, turns direct at 2:05AM ET. Uranus refers to revolutions, rebellion, innovation, genetic mutation, accidents, aviation, space travel, technology, astrology, uranium and genius. So we may see movement in the headlines on these areas over the weekend, especially since Uranus is currently near the Aries Point (the first degree of the sign Aries). Regular readers of this forecast know that planets on the Aries Point tend to attraction a lot of attention to themselves. All this week I’ve noted super cool headlines from outer space: biggest black holes ever http://www.nytimes.com/2011/12/06/science/space/astronomers -find-biggest-black-holes-yet.html?_r=1&ref=science and all this stuff, too http://www.space.com/news/
How might Uranus on the Aries Point affect your own personal world? If you are an Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn born on the first two days of those signs, it is strongly suggested that you have been feeling a need for greater independence and innovation — and may also have experienced startling changes related to those needs during 2011.
About the Full Moon and accompanying eclipse, which is at 18 degrees of Sagittarius. Last time we had an eclipse at this degree was in December of 1992. What was up for release for you during that time? More on the eclipse http://www.space.com/13874-total-lunar-eclipse-dec-10-preview.html and its corresponding Sabian Symbols will be posted later…
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