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Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 4/28/2014: New Moon in Taurus; Cardinal Grand Cross Fallout

Good Morning!

Apologies for the lapse in service. I’ve been preoccupied with that tooth/jaw issue I mentioned a few forecasts ago; it’s not over yet; I may need surgery, which means I may not be posting regularly this week, either. All things considered, I feel fortunate. Your thoughts and healing light will be accepted with much gratitude, as well as any contributions for serious drugs. ; )

After a loonnnng void of course Moon all day on Sunday, it finally gets into gear at 10:23AM ET on Monday. It’ll be in Taurus, which is an excellent placement for organizing, establishing and building on material security needs. These next few days are also good for indulging in creature comforts; whatever makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Monday is best suited for wrapping up projects from last month, as the new lunar cycle does not really kick in until Tuesday.

The New Moon in Taurus happens at 2:14AM ET (Tuesday).  It is also an eclipse; the last time we had an eclipse at 9 degrees of Taurus was on April 29, 1995. If you’ve been on the planet long enough, think back to what was happening in your life at that time, especially if you have a planet or angle around 8-10 degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius. You may get an encore experience over the next few months.

Eclipses are supercharged New Moons.  They’re also like bottlenecks of energy. Light flowing from the Sun or Moon is temporarily interrupted, focusing attention on the interrupted point and allowing something new and possible fragile to enter the picture and grow. And here I would be thinking of Michael the kindhearted policeman in Make Way for Ducklings, who stopped the flow of traffic on Beacon Street so Mr. and Mrs. Mallard and their brood of eight could safely make their way to the Boston Public Garden

A New Moon in Taurus suggests a focus on values, finance and other material concerns.  An interruption in the normal traffic flow allows for the birth of some new way of thinking — or being — about them.  This new way of thinking will likely require a release of something old — ready or not.  In the aftermath of last week’s fifth of seven exact squares between rebel Uranus and ruthless Pluto, which brought more and more revelations about resources (who has ’em; who doesn’t), the pressure for change is great.  Interesting to note that the New Moon in Taurus in 2013 was also an eclipse — and it happened just before the third exact Uranus-Pluto square.  Note also that Taurus is world-famous for its resistance to change. Though I happen to believe that current planetary patterns are setting us up for a major change in how we value money…

And now, the news:

Mars was the driving force for much of the action last week. On Tuesday it made a boisterous, physical challenge to expansive Jupiter; Wednesday it opposed rebel Uranus and then squared ruthless Pluto. This was a “make or break it” opportunity — a definite upside. On the downside, it suggested outbursts of aggression and war. In your own personal world, take a look at what was going on in your life in the last week of 2013, when Mars in Libra made its first contact with Uranus and Pluto. Are some of those issues up for a second look now? Mars will engage for the third time in mid-July, so you can expect a final wrap then.

Some of the stories reflecting these patterns include: physical efforts and triumph at last week’s Boston Marathon; the ongoing Ballad of the Rebel Rancher (a.k.a. Cliven Bundy); a startling power grab and disruption of the status quo regarding net neutrality; and the official announcement that the American middle class is no longer the world’s richest. Oh, and the continued unrest in the Ukraine….and North Korea.

In other news, George Clooney, whose natal Venus is 13 degrees of Aries and thus totally supercharged by last week’s Cardinal Grand Cross 1) got into a headline-making, profanity-laced spat and 2) is rumored to be engaged. Venus refers to social expression and love matters. Coincidence or conspiracy?

Meanwhile, a belated Earth Day musing I meant to post last week:

Down the road from my little rental cottage on Oahu, there’s a lovely little cafe/gift store called Sweet Home Waimanalo. Check out their website and I think you’ll agree it is the poster child for Earth Day organic sustainable recyclable local-grown eco-friendly composting fair trade vegan soy fresh juices veggies-grown-on-the-roof crunchy granola save-the-planet perfection.  Their kale-pineapple smoothies are to die for. And yet, on the azure-blue wall of its pristine restroom hangs a paper-towel dispenser with these words printed on it:


What’s wrong with this picture? Anybody know?

Georgia-Pacific is one of the companies owned by the second-largest privately-held corporation in the United States: Koch Industries, Inc.. a.k.a., the Koch brothers. Their products include (says Wikipedia): asphalt, chemicals, commodities trading, energy, fibers, fertilizers, finance, minerals, natural gas, plastics, petroleum, pulp and paper, ranching.

Much has been written about the Koch brothers (Charles & David) and their political influence and presumed political agenda. Filmmaker Robert Greenwald made a documentary about them, with an updated version to be released next month.

Isn’t it fascinating that Sweet Home Waimanalo would spend its hard-earned capital on a product manufactured by a corporation whose owners appear to be passionately and powerfully against everything Sweet Home Waimanalo holds dear? Waaaaaaake upppppp — suggests, nay — demands — this never-ending Uranus-Pluto square!

And isn’t it fascinating to see this NYT editorial about the latest crusade of the Koch brothers, entitled The Koch Attack on Solar Energy. People are waking up. Hopefully before it’s too late.

Oh — Moon voids for the week: Wednesday, 12-5pm ET; Thursday, 7:32PM ET until Saturday 2:13AM ET — looks like a three-day weekend to me.

Thank you for reading — and sharing — this forecast.

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