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Los Angeles

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Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 6/24/2013: Capricorn Super Moon & Fallout

On Sunday at 4:08AM ET, Moon entered the enterprising sign of Capricorn, where it needs — as I learned from  astrologer Noel Tyl — to Make Things Happen. Three and a half hours later, that Moon waxed full at 3 degrees of Capricorn, very close to the prominent Aries Point. Avid readers of this forecast will recall that the Aries Point corresponds to the solstice and equinox points: 0 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Perhaps that’s why everyone and their dog was talking about this Full Moon being a Super Moon, as if it was a completely new and rare phenomenon, which it is not. They happen every year and more than once. Astrologer Richard Nolle coined the term”SuperMoon” in 1979 — here’s his explanation of what can be expected when the Moon is closerthanthis to Earth. Still, it is pretty darn awesome that an awareness of Something Planetary is being reflected so strongly by the general public. It bodes well for astrologers…. : )

You can charge ahead with a few caveats today, using the proactive energy of the Capricorn Moon to fuel your ambition. Be aware, however, that communications are subject to more than the usual snafus, given that Mercury is about to turn retrograde on Wednesday. Back to today: as evening approaches, the potential for a clash between an idealistic wish for emotional comfort and security may be smacked down by impersonal authority — or someone insisting on following the company policy or party line, as mental Mercury opposes the Moon at 4:20PM ET. We’ll get a break in the action as the Moon goes void at 10:24PM ET, not to enter the next sign, Aquarius, until 3:26AM ET. Take the evening off!

Now, about that Super Moon. The Full Moon was exact at Sunday 7:32AM ET at 3 degrees of Capricorn. We would have expected an easy flow of communication for transcendent/spiritual/healing purposes, especially with persons and/or institutions of authority. We would have expected a stunning upset and/or power play referring to an enterprising ambition, as the Moon was challenged by ruthless Pluto and rebel Uranus in the evening hours, ET time.  I’d argue that one reflection of these patterns was daredevil Nik Wallenda’s successful tightrope walk across the (sort of) Grand Canyon, notable for Wallenda’s constant state of audible prayer. Talk about an easy flow of communication with a higher authority!

We would have expected illumination and/or release on your New Moon agenda (can you remember what that was on June 8th), which was reflected in the Sabian Symbol for 19 degrees of Gemini: “a large archaic volume reveals a traditional wisdom”. In other words, volumes and volumes of data collected and stored, reflecting the consciousness and value systems of the people collecting it.  And that is one big question with a Book of Secrets or Akashic Records or any such text: who is deemed wise and/or responsible enough to be privy to the knowledge contained therein. Everyone? High priests and priestesses? Governments and corporations? Knowledge is a powerful thing, with compelling and sometimes terrible and perhaps even unjust consequences, as anyone who has read the Book of Genesis can tell you.

Given the above Sabian Symbol, one poster child for this lunar cycle has to be Edward Snowden, the former Booz Allen systems analyst who journeyed to Hong Kong, where he met with reporters from the UK paper The Guardian and informed the entire Free World what sort of data private contractors like Booz Allen have been collecting, paid for by US taxpayer dollars.   It is fascinating that the Full Moon coincided with another bold move in this saga,  and so are its Sabian Symbols. For the Sun at 3 degrees of Cancer: “a man bundled up in fur, leading a shaggy deer”. For the Moon at 3 degrees of Capricorn:  (for the Sun at 3 Cancer) and “the human soul receptive to growth and understanding” (3 Capricorn).

I wish I could quote all four paragraphs Sabian Symbol guru Blain Bovee has penned about these  intriguing symbols; as always, I recommend you get his book.  But briefly, for the man bundled up in fur (3 Cancer), Bovee suggests “an image of rugged individuality in a cold environment”;  the “human soul” image of 3 Capricorn is self-explanatory.  One of these symbols is closed/defensive; the other is open and receptive, and therein lies the polarity/opposition suggested by any Full Moon.  In your own personal world, Bovee suggests these symbols may manifest as an awareness of  “creative potentials that cook within” or as a sense of personal identity that is at once between the perils of experience (life’s harsh realities) and the soul (who you are in spite of said external realities). Bottom line: in light of these challenging — perhaps even perilous — times, we are being presented with an opportunity for a greater understanding and appreciation of what really and truly ties us all together.


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