Saturday began with Moon zipping into feisty Aries at 4:48AM ET, where it soon collided with rebel Uranus at 6:28AM ET. That’s quite a shift from the dreamy, fluid energy of the Moon in Pisces void we had all day Friday — and I’ve been hearing some wonderful tales of adventure from those who could go with the flow of whatever surprise twists came their way.
Moon voids are excellent for rest and relaxation — and they can be a lot of fun, if you let go of any controlling desire you may have to move in a straight line. My adventures included a surprise free lunch at the office, followed by a magical trip to Nordstrom Rack to return a purse (voids are excellent for making returns). Why magical? Because it turned out that the purse I was returning was exactly what the cashier wanted for Christmas — and there were none to be had at any Nordstrom Rack anywhere!! Isn’t that wild? I couldn’t resist spending two glorious hours in the shoe department (Pisces rules the feet), knowing darn well that whatever impulse purchase I made would also have to be returned, especially the camouflage cowboy boots, which, cool as they may be, are completely impractical and unnecessary (avoid sudden impulse purchases during Moon voids).
Back to Saturday. You may have sensed — and are still sensing — the much more proactive, get-it-done-yesterday charge of the Aries Moon. Very useful for all sorts of initiatives and chores, as well as racing through traffic lights and falling down stairs because it is faster than walking. If you are going out to ring in the New Year, be advised that Mercury in opinionated Sagittarius will be challenged by fiery Mars in stickler Virgo at 1:06AM ET on Sunday, suggesting the potential for sharp words and reckless driving. Not only that, but rebel Uranus is running wild again in the heavens, suggesting a need for risk and other status quo disruptions. Please be mindful if you are on the roads; it would not surprise me at all to see headlines tomorrow reflecting this excitable planetary pattern.
The first challenge to your New Moon agenda is also scheduled to hit early Sunday morning, as the Aries Moon squares the Capricorn Sun. Other than that wild Uranus suggesting news of rebellion, aerospace, technology — and perhaps even astrology, the day offers the potential for a fine time socializing all day long.
Wishing you all a joyous New Year — I will post a forecast for 2012 sometime over the holiday weekend. Stay tuned…and thanks for reading!
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