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Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 6/23/2011

Audio feeds crashing, cell phones forgotten, other things misplaced and misnamed — that’s what I’ve been hearing about yesterday’s 24-plus hours of Moon void in free-flowing Pisces, under the influence of a Neptune rose-colored fog. What about you?
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke seemed to be in a bit of a fog during yesterday’s press conference in which he gave a halting, uninspiring account of the Fed’s economic projections on inflation, unemployment, etc. over the next couple of years. Nothing of consequence was said (the markets were unmoved by the speech). I’m not an economist, but I do study planetary patterns. And when I look at what’s going on with the horoscope of Greece, for example, and I see equally intense patterns building in the horoscope of the United States (exact in 2014), the more convinced I am that the status quo, whatever it is, is bound to be disrupted and transformed. Meanwhile, late July to mid-August is likely to be very hot in Greece (again), and I am not referring to the weather.

In other news, last night President Obama spoke of “the tide of war receding”. What is it with these ocean metaphors? Neptune, ruler of oceans, so prominent?  It is true that yesterday’s Sun-Neptune connection holds potential for peace and enlightenment, suggesting a fitting time to announce a withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan. And perhaps we should be focusing more on oceans than on wars, as suggested here  and here — with both articles published yesterday.
In your own personal world, how is that new way of thinking progressing (recall the themes suggested by this month’s New Moon)? Another challenge/illumination may inspire you to take action when Moon enters pioneering Aries at 4:24AM ET and squares the Cancer Sun at 7:48AM ET. A faster pace than yesterday prevails, marked by a potential jolt — or bolt — from the blue around lunchtime on the East Coast, followed by a potentially powerful and/or cathartic encounter around dinner time.

General note for the next several days: the potential for storms, seismic activity or other news from underground is elevated. Watch the headlines (tornado watch in New Jersey yesterday!) for details.

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