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Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday & Thursday 10/14-15/2015: Sneak Peek at Tuesday’s Democratic Debate

Posting Wednesday’s forecast earlier than usual so as to share a few thoughts about Tuesday’s Democratic debate. Right now the Libra Moon is void. It enters Scorpio at 5:38PM ET.

First, for Wednesday. Put the Scorpio Moon to good use. It’s strategically-minded, and is interested in more than the usual fluffy cocktail party chit-chat. Use its need for depth, along with the cooperative support from detail-focused Mars (assertion), Pluto (power; perspective) and Jupiter (expansion), to carry you through the business day. All of those supportive connections are boosted even more by an easy flow between action hero Mars and Pluto, exact Thursday at 11:31PM ET. Perhaps you have more energy and resources than you thought. Access them. What have you got to lose?

At 8:58PM ET on Wednesday, the Moon goes void until 5:18AM ET on FRIDAY. So if you want to hit your target on the first try, Wednesday’s patterns are more focused than Thursday, when the Moon void suggests a higher probability of twists, flakes and upsets in your efforts to move forward in a straight line. During Moon voids you may need an extra push to get you going anywhere…and there is an higher than average potential for crises which turn out to be much ado about nothing. Keep that in mind if a house on fire lands on your desk. Chill and go with the flow.

Tuesday’s debate.

Before I get to that, I’m pleased to report that the 2016 Really Useful Mercury Retrograde Survival Guide bookmarks are in! Get one and you’ll always know when Mercury is retrograde, along with key Important Safety Tips. Last year I mailed out a zillion of these, and I so enjoyed connecting with you. This year I’m asking for your help to cover costs. I will happily send you one for $2.88 or three for $4.99, along with a personalized note of thanks for your interest in this forecast.

OK, now the debate.

It’s interesting that CNN changed the start time from 9PM to 8:30PM ET — or rather, from 6PM PT to 5:30PM PT (this debate is happening in Las Vegas — ?!?). Perhaps that accounts for the flashing neon alert of Neptune opposing Venus, Mars and Jupiter in the event chart, suggesting more than a little razzle-dazzle vision and pixie-dusted fog. It’s politics and it’s showbiz.

With Aries rising, Mars in Virgo rules the debate chart — and we’ve already discussed how resourceful and empowered the energy of assertion is this week, down to the last Mars in Virgo perfect detail. Mars also refers to guns. Perhaps that will be one of the hot topics. Just before and after 6PM PT — 9PM ET, rebel Uranus and ruthless Pluto will cross the angles of the chart, so I’ll be looking for an especially impactful zinger or two around then.

Sun and Moon are in the 7th — looking to connect with the public. The Scorpio Moon might prefer uncompromising intensity, based on emotional depth. The Libra Sun might prefer a more rational, diplomatic approach, seeking to find a balance. How will the performers in this event work those preferences out?

Jupiter, Mars and Venus are together in Virgo in the 6th House, facilitating discussion of work, labor unions, health care, ecology and food production. Crushing debt — related to education: Saturn in Sagittarius in the 8th. Help those less fortunate, including those who were not born here: Neptune in Pisces in the 12th square Saturn in Sagittarius. Change the power structure of corporations and the government: Pluto in Capricorn in the 10th. Free to be….you and me: Uranus in Aries in the 1st.

Many astrologers use 8:02AM as Hillary Clinton’s birth time, which gives her a Scorpio Ascendant to match her Scorpio Sun.  Her Moon is in Pisces, suggesting intuition, compassion and a profound understanding of human suffering. Transiting Venus is just about to hit her Virgo Midheaven, suggesting an uptick in popularity. Jupiter is in her 10th house, along with assertive Mars — all good for poll numbers, though ’tis a pity the esact Jupiter transit to her Midheaven has already passed. Her Scorpio Sun is comfortable with the intensity of the debate’s Scorpio Moon; in fact the Moon will be conjoining her Sun tonight, suggesting a potential fresh start.

We don’t have a verified birth time for Bernie Sanders, either. I did see one rectification effort proposing a Scorpio Ascendant, like Mrs. Clinton. Thus he’d benefit from having Jupiter, Mars and Venus at the top of his chart, too. Even better — and longer lasting than a quick hit to the Midheaven by Venus: 1) transiting Jupiter meeting up with his 15 Virgo Sun and transiting Uranus likely meeting up with his pioneering me-me-me Aries Moon…AND his Venus in Libra-Mars in Aries opposition. This is a horoscope on fire with initiating drive, passion and social expression. It’s why I opined a few months ago that he is likely to be a significant player in this presidential race. These transits will continue well into 2016.

To me it seems that Mrs. Clinton will do well, and that Mr. Sanders will do well, too…but bigger.

You know who else has a career-boosting transit continuing into 2016? Joe Biden, whose horoscope has been discussed several times before: here in 2012; here in 2014; here several weeks ago. The Vice President’s Midheaven is 19 Virgo, and Jupiter will be sitting on it for the first of three passes on November 21 — and again in February and July. Before that happens, transiting Saturn will conjoin Mr. Biden’s 3 degrees Sagittarius Ascendant on October 23, just days before Mars (action!) conjoins his Midheaven (career) on October 27th.  That’s a time period to watch. Does he really want to toss his hat into the ring? I don’t know. I am not a psychic; I’m an astrologer. Does Rep. Paul Ryan really want to run for House Speaker? These two men are experiencing similar Saturn-Jupiter transits — as noted in yesterday’s forecast. This suggests a certain opportunity. Isn’t that interesting?

Other candidates: Lincoln Chafee — noted here earlier — Aries Sun; Moon in Leo — ambition perhaps sparked by transiting Saturn earlier this year — we don’t have a birth time. Aries Sun long past potential for being supercharged by Uranus-Pluto, despite fighting spirit likely to kick in around December. Said Sun is at 5 Aries, like Rep. Jason Chaffetz (discussed last week), and was recently eclipsed. Hmmm.

Martin O’Malley — 12p horoscope here — unknown birth time — Capricorn Sun  — Moon in substance-seeking Scorpio nowhere near Saturn’s push. What we do see is an intense Sun-Uranus measurement suggesting need to break out of the pack; to disrupt the status quo. It peaks this month, and there’s nothing much else to report unless he’s got something seriously exciting going on with the angles of his horoscope, which we do not know. With Saturn in Aquarius and Jupiter in Pisces, this suggests compassion that needs to help. He has the Uranus-Pluto conjunction of the mid-60s in his horoscope — the spark of a revolution.

Jim Webb — Feb 9 1946 in St Joseph MO — no birth time. Idealistic Sun in humanitarian Aquarius; Moon in either late Taurus or early Gemini. Does he project material comfort and security or does he need to be the smartest kid in the room? That’ll be a clue. Late Taurus would have been pushed to act by transiting Saturn. Early Gemini might be under the visionary spell of transiting Neptune. Lots of Air — mental, verbal energy – in his horoscope, regardless. His Mars at 15 Cancer has been sparked by transiting Uranus (taking a risk; impulsive action) and will continue to be supercharged by transiting Pluto into next year.

In other news, on this verrrrrrrry slow Moon void news day, it was announced that Playboy magazine will no longer be publishing photos of naked women. How interesting to read this disruption of the status quo 1) days after the second hit of transiting Uranus to Mr. Hefner’s Aries Sun; and 2) hours after last night’s New Moon, which also conjoined Mr. Hefner’s Aries Sun. Not to mention current transits among Venus (women, aesthetics), Saturn (controls, business) and Neptune (ideals, photography), suggesting all of those themes in parentheses.

Elsewhere, beer is making big business news, reflecting so much Neptune (spirits) and Jupiter-Pluto (power & resources). So is music — also Neptune.

What is going on in your horoscope? Now is the time to find out. Here’s how to schedule a personal consultation, in which we will have an enlightening and useful discussion together.

Thank you for reading this forecast.


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