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"Last night’s session was a delightful time for me. IT WAS ALL ABOUT ME!!! You are so articulate and caring, and I thoroughly enjoyed the time, all the nu- ances you brought to it and your obviously experienced, long- time expertise."
- Bill R.
Los Angeles

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Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 2/27/2015 & The Weekend: Close to Home

…and another long Moon void is over. As of 7:50AM ET, Moon enters Cancer, focusing on the need for emotional and/or homeland security. How will you nurture yourself and others today? Cruise along; there are no exact aspects until 7:41PM ET, when the Moon may be provoked by a poke from aggressive Mars. Don’t be such a meanie. A soothing escape may develop around 10pm ET, as Moon aligns with dreamy Neptune…or a shot of Scotch.

East Coasters, get your shopping done early on Saturday, as the Cancer Moon goes void at 12:53PM ET…not to enter Leo until 6:34PM ET on SUNDAY. That’s a long time to chill and focus on building and maintaining the comforts of home. What’s cooking? Note that around noon on Saturday, the Moon makes its weekly clash with the Uranus-Pluto square, suggesting potential upsets and power plays.

Mental Mercury is highlighted today and through Sunday, when it makes a brilliant — if somewhat erratic — contact with Uranus at 10:55AM ET Sunday, followed by an expansive contact with Jupiter at 4:15PM ET.  I’ll be watching for exceptionally big ideas — and a bit of bombast — in communication and mindset.

No news today, so I can get this posted by 10AM ET. Glance at the headlines and you’ll see plenty reflecting more Sun-Neptune fallout (art, drugs, oil, vision, etc.), as well as the highly efficient action potential of yesterday’s Mars-Saturn alignment. Yes, some of those actions were destructive.  The energy suggested by planetary patterns can be used constructively or destructively. Which will it be for you?

No sleeping in on Monday. We’ll be off to the start of a very active week — and month. Stay tuned to this channel for continuing updates, and have a great weekend!

What’s going on your horoscope?  Find out in a personal astro-logical consultation. We will have an excellent discussion together.




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