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Los Angeles

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Saturday & Sunday 8/11-12/2018: New Moon in Leo/Eclipse; Catching Up on a Jam-Packed Week

Alll-righty then!

I’ve been writing  this forecast since Thursday. It started like this:

Sometimes you just have to drop everything and tend to your own personal garden. More on that in a minute.

Today (Thursday) is driven by the Moon in Cancer, a sign focused on building and maintaining emotional/family/home security. It went void at 7:20 AM ET, not to enter the next sign — Leo — until 12:18 AM ET on FRIDAY. Note your dreams and the potential for an emotionally intense start to the  morning, as the Moon was opposed by power broker Pluto when it went void. At 9:34 PM ET, Venus will be squared by Saturn, suggesting an opportunity to structure values (financial and aesthetic). Will the structure be felt as an advance or a cut? Saturn can go either way. Past Venus-Saturn contacts have featured no-nonsense stories of women, art, money and social expression. Remember the “resting bitch face”? It jumped into the news a few years ago on a hard aspect between Venus and Saturn. Coincidence or conspiracy?

On FRIDAY, the Leo Moon facilitates a need to party on, dude. Moon squares Uranus at 4:21 AM ET, suggesting a disruptive flash to the start of the day. Big ideas — regally pronounced and possibly half-baked — may infest the headlines, as Mercury (how we need to think) and Jupiter (expansion) square off at 2:32 AM ET. This is the second of a series of three Mercury-Jupiter squares. The first was on July 9th; the third happens on August 28th, when Mercury will be direct and likely demanding a rethink.

We are in the balsamic phase of the Moon, an apt time for wrapping up projects started at the beginning of the cycle. This would also be a time to fly under the radar, if it suits your purpose. During these “dead Moons” we may feel listless or restless, sensing that something new is around the corner, but we don’t know what it will be.

At 5:58 AM ET on SATURDAY we’ll have a New Moon in Leo, along with a partial solar eclipse — the final one of the summer eclipse season. This happens at 18 degrees of Leo, which happens to fall exactly on Barack Obama‘s Descendant, activating significant others and his relationship with the public. I expect we’ll see him pull focus in the headlines soon, especially when transiting Mars hits his 18 Aquarius Ascendant around October 26th. Other famous people whose horoscopes are affected: Demi Moore, Ashton Kutcher, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Beth Henley, Billy Joel, Candice Bergen, Mark Knopfler.  You are personally affected if you have a planet or angle around 18 degrees of Leo, Aquarius, Taurus or Scorpio. Consult your local astrologer for details

ThSabian Symbol for the New Moon  is “a houseboat party.” It’s fascinating to note that its opposing Symbol is “a forest fire quenched” — which would be a true relief  in many parts of the world. Sabian Symbol guru Blaine Bovee has written that we are wise to consider the opposition when considering a particular Symbol. So mote be….and so mote was on the Full Moon of August 2014.

Bovee observes that a houseboat is a place for social gatherings. It does not have a keel and is thus challenging to navigate in turbulent waters. “Forest,” he notes, is “derived from the word ‘foreign’ — meaning outside one’s own country; a forest fire is a wild, uncontrollable conflagration…imagine a flaming left-wing liberal finding himself at a conservative right-wing party on a houseboat. It’s a difficult situation, calling for diplomacy and delicate matters so as not to rock the boat.” Yep, he really wrote that, and this book was published in 2004.

Bovee also wrote that we should apply this pair of Symbols “with a mind to the challenge of controlling the burning passions of belief in light social circumstances divided along party lines; stewarding combustible situations; keeping an even keel in potentially interesting times.” Here is the link to his wonderful book.

So far, so good. Right?

This New Moon is more potent because it is also an eclipse. What does that mean?

A Solar Eclipse can act like a “bottleneck” of energy. Light flowing from the Sun is temporarily interrupted, focusing attention on that interrupted point, allowing something new and possibly fragile to enter the picture and grow. And here I would be thinking of Michael, the kindhearted policeman in the storybook Make Way for Ducklings, who stopped the flow of traffic on Beacon Street so Mr. and Mrs. Mallard and their brood of eight could safely make their way to the Boston Public Garden. Got that?


Sometimes what is brought into focus is a secret suddenly brought to light. Once out, there’s no going back. In this eclipse set in Washington DC, Mercury retrograde in Leo and right on the Ascendant, squared by bigly Jupiter. I expect a lot of big news to erupt in this lunar cycle, and the fact checkers should have a field day. Some of the fog and magical thinking will reflect the last of three trines (a harmonious pattern) between Jupiter and Neptune, exact on August 19th.

Jupiter-Neptune contacts suggest: blood, charity, empathy, film, photography, suffering, oceans. refugees, drugs, oil, scandal, spirits of all kinds, faith. The contact with Jupiter suggests expansion. Have you heard about Tallequah, the grieving killer whale, who has been carrying her stillborn calf through the waters off the coast of Washington state for the past EIGHTEEN DAYS? Big. Ocean. Empathy. Suffering. When we will ever learn? The first Jupiter-Neptune trine happened in December 2017; the second was on May 25th. You’re affected if you have a planet or angle around 14 degrees of Leo, Aquarius, Taurus or Scorpio.

Bringing us up to today….

…where the Leo Moon goes void immediately after the eclipse…not to enter Virgo until 11:59 PM ET. No impulse shopping during the void! On SUNDAY, the urge to sort and prune sails free and clear…taking on an even more earthy, “get down to business” drive at 10:13 PM ET, when Mars moves back into Capricorn. More of the same is scheduled for Monday — no sleeping in.

Meanwhile, here are the patterns that made the past week extra special:

Venus entered Libra on Monday evening, at the exact same moment as a big, bold outburst between the Leo Sun and expansive Jupiter. Venus functions with great efficiency in Libra, sign of sweetness, balance, diplomacy and partnership. On Tuesday Venus was trine Mars, offering an opportunity to soften the cranky edginess of Mars being retrograde (i.e., frustrating desires and delaying action), and arrive at an accord. Also on Tuesday, Uranus turned retrograde, suggesting we tune in and connect with our inner rebel. Are the chains that bind you self-created? How can you set yourself free? Idealism — or being blinded by the light — was suggested by Wednesday’s meet-up between the Leo Sun and retrograde Mercury.

And now, the news…reflecting the patterns above:

As predicted, airplanes are making big news (with added confusion/changes of course courtesy of Mars/Mercury retrograde):

In other news:

Because this post is so jam-packed, I will wait until the next forecast to tell you about my “garden adventure.” As Beth Owl’s Daughter observed when I posted about it on my personal Facebook page , it’s an apt microcosm of our current macrocosm, with many teachable moments I hope you will find helpful and inspiring.

Meanwhile, I would love to provide you with insights about your own personal horoscope. Here is the 411 on consultations.

Thank you for reading this forecast.

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