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"All I know is that you... Miss Elisabeth Grace are AMAZING! The reading you gave me was so accurate that it still blows my mind 6 months later!!! I also love your daily astrology information!"
--Tim R.
Los Angeles

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Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 5/29/2014: Curiouser and Curiouser

Well? Have you been paying attention to your dreams? I’ve been hearing about some that have been stratospheric.

You may be rarin’ to go on yesterday’s New Moon energy, given an innovative buzz between the mental Gemini Moon and technogeek Uranus, exact at 5:59AM ET. The buzz could fizzle, as Moon immediately goes void until 10:13AM ET on FRIDAY.  Plus we’ve got two planets changing signs, which may leave some of us feeling a bit diffused and wobbly. Curious in both senses of the word: inquisitive and a little weird.

Still, words and mindset pull focus, with mental Mercury leaving Gemini for 0 degrees of Cancer (the Aries Point) as of 5:12AM ET. Less left-brained, more right-brained in thought processes. Meanwhile, as of 9:46PM ET last night, Venus (social expression, women, money, art) left a tough placement in Aries for the much more secure and mellow sign of Taurus. Now you can think about a getting new haircut or cosmetics, as Venus functions beautifully in one of the signs it rules (the other sign is Libra).

You know the drill for dealing with voids: stick to routine tasks; avoid impulse shopping; be aware of the higher probability of flakes and twists in your efforts to move forward in a straight line. Go with flow. Don’t turn a molehill into a mountain. Chill, chill, chill!

And now, the news.

Today’s theme is “under the influence…of nebulous Neptune”.

Exhibit A: The 113th Congress. It started on a void of course Moon in perfection-seeking, sometimes hypercritical Virgo. A void of course Moon suggests nothing of consequence will likely be accomplished, and here is an article confirming that the 113th has not done much of anything. As we expected 18 months ago. And how fascinating to note that Virgo refers to health concerns, e.g., the Affordable Care Act. We could expect health concerns to run away with the horoscope of the 113th Congress, and I do believe it voted to repeal ACA over 50 times. Also running wild in that horoscope: Neptune, which refers to a big dream, an awful lot of faith…or the delusions that drive one to do the same thing over and over and expect a different result. Also known as insanity.

Exhibit B: Edward Snowden, whose horoscope we’ve been following for nearly a year. Lots of pixie dust here, with many planets aligned with Neptune. Things are likely not what they seem — and here’s an earlier write-up posted last year.Of particular note: Sun at the Aries Point (29 Gemini) and Mars in opposition to Neptune (also close enough to the Aries Point to count, suggesting he will be KNOWN for mystique, sacrifice, illusion/delusion). If you’ve been paying close attention to the last two forecasts you’ll recall that mental Mercury is at 29 Gemini and thus making contact with Snowden’s horoscope. And there he was making headlines yesterday — about an interview he did with Brian Williams that aired last night on NBC —  revealing that he “wasn’t just an analyst; he was a spy”. Shades of Secret Squirrel! Interesting to note that NBC’s efforts to interview Snowden — his first with an America media outlet — were also sprinkled with pixie dust.

Exhibit C: Maya Angelou, the beloved author, poet, activist and Tony-nominated actress, passed away. On Facebook, one of the many heartfelt tributes I read included a friend’s reaction to hearing Miss Angelou speak:

“This woman has access to the same words as everyone else. How is it she puts them together more beautifully than anyone, and with such ease?” In awe of her power then. In awe now…

That powerful way with words is suggested, of course by her horoscope.  Immediately we see nebulous Neptune sitting right on top of a queenly Leo Ascendant — opposed by action hero Mars, suggesting a need to be seen as the charismatic projection of a sublime, lyrical, soulful ideal.  Alternatively, this pattern could have been expressed as a bewildering or suppressed sense of personal identity — at least in the early home life. The suggestion of suppression (a “caged bird”) is echoed by potent Pluto challenging her Sun in warrior Aries. A need for poetic social expression and thinking (a caged bird that sings!) is suggested by an idealistic connection between Mercury and Venus in Pisces. Also of interest: rebel Uranus running wild — and rising ahead of the Aries Sun — suggesting a need for uncompromising freedom and unconventionality — especially in her vocation.  Miss Angelou managed the potential of Neptune well — and became an inspiration. Her last Tweet: “Listen to yourself and in that quietude you might hear the voice of God.” RIP.


Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 6/6/2013: The Secret’s Out & Mind the Void

We are still in the long void of course Taurus Moon, which started yesterday at 9:25AM ET and will continue to drive the day pretty much nowhere until 11:32PM tonight, when the Moon enters Gemini. I know, I do go on and on about these voids, but after observing them for years, I feel they are significant. And thus I seek to inform you about how they work, so you can live your life better.

For example, during Tuesday’s void when the Moon was in Aries, I wrote that we should be aware of the potential for  some to be rushing about in a dangerously self-absorbed and unaware frame of mind. In my world, this was reflected by a handyman flaking on a scheduled appointment. Then, as I was walking to the subway, I paused before crossing the street, even though the “walk” signal said it was OK. To my left, I saw a truck barreling towards the intersection, and I sensed the driver had no intention of braking. My sense was correct; the truck flew through the intersection and the crosswalk. And while my pause at the crosswalk caused me to miss my subway train by a matter of seconds, it also prevented me from becoming road kill.

Missing the subway, led to me missing the shuttle bus that would take me to my final destination, where apparently a meeting had been scheduled that I did not know about, because I failed to notice the email announcing said meeting when I logged on to my office computer. But there were no consequences for my missing the meeting — and I am not sure if anything productive came out of it, anyway.  Meanwhile, there was a kerfuffle over some missing video footage, which was eventually discovered after a few fiery Moon in Aries exchanges. But alas and alack, another issue was discovered with said footage during yesterday’s all-day Moon in Taurus void, etc., etc., etc. Get the picture? If you do not have the luxury of chilling for the next 15 hours, go with the flow and do not let your egos turn molehill snafus into mountains, even if others around you are visibly stressing out. You can be like oil on troubled waters, given your special awareness of planetary patterns.

While there are no exact aspects today, there is a huge truckload of other patterns that will be exact tomorrow and are being felt, especially in the news. First, as we mentioned yesterday, we’ve got mental, communicative Mercury in homeland security-focused Cancer being challenged mightily by the Uranus-Pluto. So what secrets have hit the fan? How about this bombshell: a domestic surveillance program that seems to involve the Obama Administration getting records of perhaps every phone call anyone has ever made. Really, it looks that intrusive…and why? Perhaps because they can. Thus is it really a surprise? There was another story about seizing information — SCOTUS ruled a few days ago that it is OK to take DNA samples from anyone taken into custody…

In other front page news, American prosecutors charged Chinese scientists working in the US with leaking trade secrets involving technology. Another leak — this one involving Neptune themes of water and Uranus-Pluto themes of radiation — has been discovered at the Fukushima nuclear plant, just as two planets (Mercury and Venus) hit the Aries Point this week, which was where Uranus (nuclear energy) was on the day of the original earthquake/tsunami in March of 2011. When Mars and Jupiter hit the Aries Point in the first two weeks of July, we’ll probably see more headlines on this story.

More news involving the void of course Moon. As I have mentioned before, the 113th Congress — the one driving all the legislation for the next two years, started its session during a persnickety and ultimately ineffectual void Moon in Virgo. So it is no surprise to see this story alleging that it plans to vote on legislation to defund an organization that no longer exists…and which it already defunded back in 2009. How’s that for an action that is of no consequence?

For news involving Mars-Neptune themed fraud, here’s an important safety tip about fake websites on Facebook that will attempt to wipe out your bank account — presented here as a public service. Mars-Neptune also refers to razzle-dazzle and Hollywood glamor, and thus it is interesting to see a front page article arguing that Hollywood film stars are losing their luster when it comes to selling magazines.

Last but not least — another PSA. Robert Reich, a Berkeley professor who served as Secretary of Labor in the Clinton Administration and whose Cancer Sun was just blessed with a communicative hit from Mercury and Venus, has posted another intriguing video, this one in response to last month’s revelation on how corporations like Apple avoid paying taxes, and specifically, what it means to you when corporations rebel against the boundaries of a nation-state. It concern the battle for control of resources, another Uranus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn ongoing theme. Whether you agree with his take or not, it’s good fodder for a (hopefully) intelligent discussion. And don’t you just love the quote about astrologers on Reich’s website (the first link in this paragraph)?

Have a lovely day, and thank you for reading this forecast.