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Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 10/25/2013: Revelations About Love; Mercury Retrogrrrrade Headlines

Good Morning!

And such a dreamy morning it may be, courtesy of the harmonious connection between the intense Scorpio Sun (life force) and nebulous Neptune in Pisces (illusions, spirits and other intangibles), exact at 6:41PM ET. Please refer to earlier posts this week for more on this rose-colored planetary pattern. Man, I could just float…gently down a stream…as we have six of ten planets in emotional Water signs today: Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and…

…the Moon, which continues its sojourn in Cancer, suggesting another day of focus on and fulfillment of home and emotional security needs. What can you do to nurture yourself and others today? Thoughts flow easily this morning — especially for those with an intuitive bent — how lovely for those on a creative or spiritual quest. It can all build to a burst of optimism by the end of the business day, as Jupiter, the cosmic sugar daddy, hooks up with the Moon at 4:31PM ET.

From then until 12:12pm ET on Saturday, the Moon will be void of course, offering a natural break in the action. Avid readers of this forecast know that when the Moon is void, it has a wandering, drifting energy, which we often experience as twists, delays or upsets in our efforts to move forward in a straight line. You may notice a lack of focus in those around you, such as a waitress who cheerfully says “Good Morning” when it’s three in the afternoon. There’s a higher potential for flake outs and space outs during voids, and even more so now with mental Mercury being retrograde. The good news is that if you’re the one flaking, it’s likely to be of little consequence. You’ll find more thoughts on Moon voids here.

You can bask in the afterglow of a rose-colored Friday night until 12:12PM ET on Saturday, when the Moon gets into gear in sunny Leo. This Fire sign needs to play, create and shine — often with a sense of royal entitlement. So here’s a little tip for dealing with any drama queens and kings you may encounter: let them know you love them, even if they are total strangers. This is especially true if you’re dealing with someone who was born with Moon in Leo; love is what they need, and the whole world is a much happier place when that need is fulfilled. Don’t believe me? Check out this fascinating, absolutely must-read piece called “10 Things You Might Not Know About Love”.  Interesting that it was originally published in January, on a day with the Moon in nurturing Cancer and the Sun in “I love you, but don’t take it personally” Aquarius.

Meanwhile, the Third Quarter Moon, suggesting a challenge to the agenda you set on the New Moon, is exact on Saturday at 7:40PM ET. Sunday morning dawns with a friendly, innovative connection between the Moon and rebel Uranus that can open minds and hearts to new and unusual attractions. A wet blanket may hit the headlines by 2:24PM ET, as stern Saturn in stubborn Scorpio challenges the equally fixed Leo Moon, with a potential communication clash ensuing around 7PM ET, courtesy of mental Mercury.

FYI: on Monday, the Leo Moon will be void from 8:26AM ET until 11:45PM ET, suggesting a slow start to the work week. Chill if you can.

And now, the news. We’re five days into Mercury retrograde, which is a most excellent time to FOCUS on what we are thinking and saying, and in terms of what is said, the less said, the better. Idle chatter and gossip often have greater consequences during Mercury retrogrades, and often times what is said is later proven false or embarrassing. My sense was that we’d see a lot of stories in the headlines along those themes, especially since the Sabian Symbol for this Mercury retrograde is 19 Scorpio: “a parrot listening and then talking.” To me, that’s an instant image of twittering blah blah blah. Here’s a direct link to Sabian Symbol guru Blain Bovee’s thoughts on 19 Scorpio — I highly recommend you get his book.

Here are a few related stories:

First, Jofi Joseph, a White House staffer who posted blah blah blah snarky remarks about Persons in High Places via an anonymous Twitter account was fired after an investigation identified him as the source. Second, Don Yelton, a North Carolina county precinct GOP chair resigned after The Daily Show aired a typically entertaining, incisive interview in which Mr. Yelton blithely expressed comments that were “offensive, uniformed, and unacceptable of any member within the Republican Party,” according to a statement released by the Buncombe County GOP. Meanwhile, Twitter itself is making news. It just made a significant new hire and it set a price range for its “eagerly anticipated” upcoming IPO.

Have a wonderful weekend — and don’t forget to read the article about love, linked above. That one can change your life.