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…and we’re back in NYC. Happy Tuesday!
The start of the work week is driven by the Moon in Pisces, seeking to work with impressions, ideals and empathy. Note your dreams this AM, as the Moon meets up with inspirational Neptune at 6:33 AM ET. Feelings may be in flux, as the Moon then makes contact with four more planets — Mars (action/assertion), Saturn (structure/control), Pluto (power/resources) and Jupiter (expansion/exuberance). Moon goes void at 5:57 PM ET; stick to routine concerns and roll with the twists and flakes which may disrupt your efforts to move forward in a straight line.
Mercury is the star player this week. The planet symbolizing how we need to think/communicate is zooming through Aries, suggesting a speedy flow of information that may be ahead of its time. It goes like this:
- WEDNESDAY — At 2:38 AM ET, Mercury makes a cooperative alignment with Mars, good for walking and talking. At 4:50 AM ET, Mercury squares Saturn, suggesting heavy mindsets and communication. These patterns are in effect a few days before they are exact. Meanwhile, Moon enters Aries at 6:24 AM ET, rarin’ to get things started. Aries, go forth and conquer.
- THURSDAY — more Moon in me-me-me Aries, boldly meeting up with an equally bold Venus at 10:39 AM ET. Watch the headlines for pioneering warrior women. Also keep an eye out for investigative dirt and mental power plays, as Mercury squares Pluto at 5:49 PM ET. At 10:16 PM ET Moon squares Saturn, adding gravitas to the evening. A trine between Mercury and Jupiter at 11:59 PM ET lightens the mood. If that all seems a bit bi-polar, I understand. And we haven’t even gotten to the overnight catharsis, suggested by…
- FRIDAY — Moon makes its weekly clash with Pluto at 3:17 AM ET, followed by an easy aspect between the Moon and Jupiter at 4:06 AM ET. The final word happens at 4:47 AM ET, when the daring Aries Moon meets up with Mercury — and then goes void for the next twelve hours. By then we will be in the last days of the lunar cycle, perhaps feeling listless or restless. sensing that something new is around the corner. If you are working on Friday, you may need a push to get started. It may feel as if time is moving more slowly. Moon enters Taurus at 4:18 PM ET — West Coasters are more likely to notice the energetic shift, as the Taurus Moon seeks to build and maintain material comfort and security. Said security may be somewhat jolted around 10:15 PM ET by the Moon’s weekly charge from rebel Uranus.
- SATURDAY — the only exact aspect is the New Moon in Taurus, which happens at 6:46 PM ET. I’ll write more about that for the weekend.
- SUNDAY — Moon goes void at 11:10 AM ET and enters Gemini at 11:40 PM ET. In between we’ll have a rush of energy reflected by an opposition between Mars (in fast-talking, multi-tasking Gemini) and Jupiter (in opinionated, boundary-pushing Sagittarius). A constructive physical outlet is advised. If you were born around the 14th of June, September, December or March, you are more personally affected by this provocative and expansive pattern. That includes P45, or as George Conway has dubbed him, “Deranged Donald.” I’m expecting big news involving courts, sports, horses, foreign affairs and publishing — to name a few.
And now, the news.
The weekend’s sensational square between macho Mars and not-so-fast Neptune suggested a scandal, and NYT’s Sunday magazine delivered. Add a big dose of patriarchal focus reflected by Saturn turning retrograde in corporate Capricorn, and you might find:
Other wiggy Mars-Neptune headlines:
Also happening in Japan — patriarchal, pixie-dusted and perhaps somewhat surreal: Crown Prince Naruhito will become Emperor. According to WaPo:
Historians say that the first leader of Japan’s imperial family took power more than 1,400 years ago, when Empress Suiko ascended to the Chrysanthemum Throne in 592 AD. Suiko would hold her position for 35 years, during which time she spread Buddhism and instituted Japan’s first constitution…
…It was a desire to be more Westernized that prompted Japan to formally block female heirs in the late 19th century.
The NYT reports:
The ascension ceremony in a state room at the imperial palace will make history in another way: For the first time in the modern era, a woman will be present. Satsuki Katayama, the sole woman in the cabinet of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, will be on hand to witness this first step in Naruhito’s enthronement.
[Read “Survival of the Throne,” a five-episode series on Japan’s royal family.]
But the new empress, Masako, Naruhito’s wife of 26 years, will not be allowed to attend — another illustration of the diminished status of women in the imperial family, and of the challenges women face more broadly in Japanese society.
It makes sense for the Crown Prince to become Emperor at this time, as he’s having his second Saturn return. He’s due for a new lease on life. His father has just completed his Uranus return — a time of liberation. This concludes the history portion of today’s forecast.
In other news…
…let’s look at the horoscope of Ron Reagan, Jr. Sun in Taurus, driven by a Gemini Moon: he needs to be the smartest kid in the room. In 1976, planetary patterns in his horoscope suggested a need for an identity-transforming break/separation, likely involving creative self-expression, ultimately leading to empowerment (transiting Pluto and Saturn on the angles of his chart). That’s when he dropped out of Yale to pursue his dream of becoming a ballet dancer. His horoscope experienced similar patterns in 2014 (add Uranus), when his wife passed away after a long illness. In 2019, Reagan’s horoscope suggests a need for innovative/righteous thinking, possibly involving publishing. On Sunday, WaPo published Spring Cleaning 2019: Eight Things to Toss. Ron Reagan nominated astrology, calling it “pseudoscientific piffle.” OK, whatever. Did I mention that when Ron Reagan was 12, he declared himself an atheist? (Pluto and Uranus on the angles). I would not be surprised to hear more from Ron Reagan on matters of vision, belief and faith (and lack thereof) as the year progresses — with more to come in 2020.
What’s going on in your horoscope? When are you scheduled to make an empowering break? Here’s the 411 on personal consultations.
Thank you for reading this forecast — and sharing it with your friends.

Before we get to the forecast, please note that my website will be updated before the end of the month. Pretty much the same design, but the font will be different and it will be easier to read on a smartphone. Hopefully you will like it. Huzzah!
Also, I will be in Denver next week — still have a few appointments available for in-person consultations — here’s how to contact me. Otherwise I’ll be working with my esteemed colleagues at ISAR (International Society for Astrological Research) to plan our next super-fabulous conference — be there or be square — in Denver, September 10-14 2020.
The Moon waxed to fullness at 7:12 AM ET — at the verrrrrry end of Libra — all that is fair, courteous and aiming to please. Enjoy it while it lasts. Opposing the Aries Sun, the challenge of the Libra Moon is balance all that is “we” with all that is “me-me-me.” Yes — and good luck with that challenge — as this Full Moon is buzzing with the energy for revelation and disruption, suggested by the close connection of rebel Uranus with this Sun-Moon opposition. You may have experienced the first jolt around 12:25 PM ET, when the Moon (now in the moody bastard depths of Scorpio, where it seeks depth and substance for the sake of power and control) and Uranus are exactly opposed. The other shoe drops on Monday around 7:05 PM ET, when Uranus meets up with the Sun.
The chart for the Full Moon set in Washington DC has — OMG — the same Midheaven and same Ascendant as the chart for the 2017 inauguration: ASC 14 Taurus and MC 26 Capricorn. Most all of the planets in the Full Moon chart are hidden from obvious view, suggesting a lot of action going on behind the scenes. What is front and center is Mars, planet of action, in blah-blah-blah Gemini. Two-faced? Double-talk? Sure — in an effort to prove oneself the cleverest, most entertaining self in the room. Actions taken over the next week may have a zealous, faith-based or deceptive spin, courtesy of Neptune. The planet referring to fantasy and drugs will square Mars on April 27th.

The Sabian Symbols for this lunation are “three mounds of knowledge on a philosopher’s head” (for the Libra Moon) and “a duck pond and its brood” (for the Aries Sun. Sabian Symbol guru Blain Bovee suggests we apply these images with a mind to “the genius of being at home with all elements of wisdom and understanding…the genius of tending to domestic matters as if they were sacred…brooding over weighty matters…putting one’s ducks in a row” — to name a few. In the news, we’re sure to see plenty of brooding over knowledge that was released this week…
On SATURDAY at 4:55 AM ET, the Sun leaves Aries and enters Taurus. Happy birthday to the cows and the bulls! The Taurus mantra is I HAVE and it is here to give form and function to all of the seeds planted by Aries inspiration. Stop and smell those roses, will you? Meanwhile, at 12:11 PM ET, Venus leaves Pisces for me-me-me Aries, replacing any Pisces need for accommodation with forthright demand. You got a problem with that? Let’s not waste any more time! In other news, the Scorpio Moon continues on its quest for depth and control until 11:59 PM ET; it goes void until SUNDAY at 11:59 AM ET.
With the Moon now in Sagittarius (from noon ET onward), SUNDAY is apt for pushing boundaries, righteous opinions and exuberance. The Moon’s harmony with Venus and Mercury that afternoon and evening makes for good times.
No sleeping in on MONDAY. The Sag Moon won’t be void and the Sun’s meet-up with Uranus at 7:05 PM ET charges the air.
And now, the news.
Recalling Monday’s post for this week:
Between TUESDAY and next MONDAY there are no exact aspects among the planets, except to the Moon — but this does not mean it’s likely to be an uneventful week. Quite the contrary, experience has shown. These apparent lulls are often deceptive. It’s like looking at a giant ice shelf on the most sparkling sunny day ever…and then, for no apparent reason, half the shelf crumbles into the ocean. So if an “other shoe” drops in the headlines, I will not be surprised, and neither should you.
I’d put the fire at Notre Dame in this category of events. Now you see it; now you don’t. A huge exhale after last week’s super-stressed patterns involving the fiery Aries Sun and harsh Saturn, South Node, Pluto — and that “hell hath no fury” of an asteroid called Eris. Did you know that Notre Dame was built on the site of a temple honoring Jupiter? So interesting, given that Jupiter turned retrograde on April 10th. And why was I so drawn to include “Tyger, Tyger, burning bright” in the title for Monday’s forecast?

The chart for the reported start of the fire (it’s now believed to have been caused by an electrical short) does not look so catastrophic. It’s interesting to see the Saturn/Pluto midpoint in touch with the North and South Nodes, suggesting mourning. It’s interesting to see the Midheaven of that chart (4/15/2019 6:50 PM Paris, FR) conjunct the Jupiter/Pluto midpoint, suggesting massive power and resources (billionaires are pledging millions of euros to rebuild). This echoes the square between Venus and Jupiter (a double dose of protection generosity and compassion), exact that day at 7:15 PM ET.
Did you know that Venus refers to bees and copper? Did you know that sixteen copper statues were removed from Notre Dame’s spire on April 11th? And that the 180,000 bees living on the roof survived? So did many relics, the rose windows and the organ. And no one died in the fire. And the two bell towers survived, too! What was destroyed? The spire — and you can ponder what that spire might symbolize, in the wake of two hard aspects to the Aries Sun and patriarchal Saturn and rot-exposing Pluto. Many churches — not just the Catholic Church — are having to face the reality of rot and corruption among their Powers That Be. And did you know that at the same time of the Notre Dame fire, there was a fire in the mosque at Jerusalem’s Temple on the Mount? And that here in New York, a philosophy professor was arrested in St. Patrick’s Cathedral with the obvious intent of burning it down? And that his next stop was Rome?
I have precious memories of Notre Dame — Our Lady of Paris. I lived in Paris after graduating college. I spent many an afternoon gazing at the flying buttresses from a bridge over the Seine. It is a truly magical and inspiring scene. It was horrifying to see it in flames. But…they will rebuild, rebuild! Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, as the aforementioned millions of euros are pouring in — just like that! Which leaves me pondering, “What would [insert name of preferred deity/savior/prophet] do?” Rebuild the structure — or find another purpose for such largesse — one that might directly impact the health and well-being of humans and other living creatures on Planet Earth? It’s a rhetorical question; I don’t expect an answer.
With Mercury and Venus at the end of Pisces — the end of the entire zodiac — it can feel like the end of the world, and certainly a world. Did you see the videos of Parisiens who gathered to mourn the damage to their cherished Lady? They sang hymns — I dare you to watch and not weep — here and here. The potential for loss and catharsis is clearly seen in France’s horoscope. As I wrote back in December:
Countries have horoscopes. Exhibit A: France, which has experienced three weeks of violent protest over a fuel tax that is supposed to combat climate change (the tax has apparently been withdrawn). We can appreciate why the French are on emotional overkill. In modern France’s horoscope, transiting Pluto is squaring its me-me-me Aries Ascendant and opposing its emotional-security seeking Cancer Moon. Next month it will need to face a sobering reality check when transiting Saturn squares its Libra Sun and Mercury. Right now, Saturn is atop France’s Capricorn Midheaven, suggesting it may be seen as being at the top of its game. It does seem that France’s authoritative stature has increased on the world stage. At the G-20 summit in Argentina, it was Emmanuel Macron who was overheard allegedly “warning” the Saudi Crown Prince M.B.S.
Now transiting Saturn has moved past its squeeze on France’s Libra Sun-Mercury and is now applying pressure for a potential cut on France’s Aries Ascendant. Despite the potential purge/catharsis, patterns in France’s horoscope do suggest continued growth and empowerment on the world stage over the next year or so. Cue La Marseillaise now, please. And note that Pluto and Saturn were highly active in the horoscope of the U.S. on 9/11. Coincidence or conspiracy?
In other news….
The redacted Mueller Report was released yesterday, right on schedule — as anticipated in prior posts. Mercury (how we need to think) was out of Pisces — in Aries, demanding prominence at the Aries Point — and absolutely, positively not messing around — none of this “if I believe it, it must be so” Pisces prattle. The challenge for Mercury in Aries is that it is usually wayyyyyyyyy ahead of everyone else (I speak from personal experience) — and it’s gonna take a while for the masses to catch up. As predicted back in March, P45’s Attorney General William Barr did in fact misrepresent Mueller’s findings — and here’s Stephen Colbert to spell it out for you here and here. You can read the whole report (redacted) here — and that’s what I’ll be doing on my upcoming flight to Denver.
UPDATE: George Conway, husband of Kellyanne Conway and declared windmill cancer survivor (per his Twitter profile) penned an op-ed calling for P45’s impeachment yesterday: “Trump is a cancer on the presidency. Congress should remove him.” With transiting Mars (assertion; action) exactly square his Pluto (power) of course he did. I will be interested to see what Mr. Conway is up to next February. Whatever it is, it should be quite persuasive.
And….that’s a wrap. With Monday’s meet-up between the Sun and daredevil Uranus is in effect now and through the weekend, just remember that if at first you don’t succeed, skydiving’s not for you.
I wish I could take credit for that pithy remark. Saw it somewhere on Facebook in 2016.
Thank you for reading this forecast. Now let’s talk about what it all means…for you! Here’s the 411 on consultations.
I started writing this forecast yesterday…like this:
“The Virgo Moon has been void of course since 8:50 AM ET, suggesting a possible lack of focus, a twist, flake or upset to your usual routine. Roll with any crisis that may rear its ugly head; chances are it will vaporize once the Moon get back into gear…which happens tonight at 11:02 PM ET.”
Right. That was so yesterday. Here’s what I wrote yesterday about today and the weekend:
FRIDAY is driven by a rush of energy aiding and abetting compromise, justice, harmony and diplomacy in relationship. Action hero Mars in crusading Aries will trine (harmonize) with expansive Jupiter in righteous Sagittarius at 12:53 PM; watch the morning news feed for the big news. The Libra Moon travels without bumps until around 11:10 PM ET, when it is challenged by controlling Saturn. A wet blanket on a compromise?
SATURDAY note the potential clash around 4 AM ET, as the we- we- we Moon is opposed by combative me-me-me Mars. Also note the potential for an emotional catharsis around 11:30 AM ET, as the Moon makes its weekly supercharged connection with roto-rooter Pluto. The rest of Saturday is free and clear, and there’s no Moon void to deter your shopping adventures.
SUNDAY is a shift. Moon is opposed by rebel Uranus at 12:21 AM ET and then goes void for a couple of hours — you’ll hardly notice. At 2:31 AM ET Moon plunges into Scorpio, seeking an end to airy-fairy theory and a beginning of actual depth and substance, however it may feel. Those deep feelings may be at odds with a more detached and humanitarian mindset, as the Moon squares Mercury (mindset) and the Sun (willpower) around 1 PM and 4 PM ET, respectively.
No sleeping in on MONDAY, but do note your dreams upon waking, as Moon will be in touch with visionary Neptune at 5:15 AM ET.
And now, the news — written today, a.k.a. Friday in the Eastern Time Zone:
I’ve been watching the action in the chart for The Donald’s Big Fat Partial Government Shutdown. Though the Senate failed twice to pass a bill to re-open the government Thursday during the long Moon void, I can see an astro-logical pathway to resolving this stalemate sooner, rather than later. As of Friday morning there is talk of a possible deal to start paying federal workers again…but only for three weeks seriously what kind of banana republic are we living in.
Regardless, three weeks from now, transiting Mars will ditch Aries for Taurus, triggering last week’s lunar eclipse (and by extension, the horoscopes of Nancy Pelosi, The Donald’s inauguration and anyone else with a planet or angle at 0 degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius). So that’s a date when Something Significant is Likely to Happen. Please note that my random capitalization is intended as an homage to A.A. Milne’s quirky tales from the Hundred Acre Woods (a.k.a. Winnie the Pooh), not a mimicry of The Donald’s efforts to Make American (English) German Again.
MEANWHILE…the first trigger to last week’s total lunar eclipse happened yesterday, with transiting Mercury at 0 Aquarius. We expected significant information on The Donald’s administration, and we were not disappointed (file this under “told ya so”). Yesterday indictments were filed against Richard Nixon groupie Roger Stone, and this morning he was arrested by FBI agents in a pre-dawn raid that was captured on CNN.
In other news, during yesterday’s long void, Senator Michael Bennet (D-CO) delivered a fiery speech excoriating his colleagues for enabling The Donald’s shutdown. I watched it while prepping client consultations, and you can watch it here. Pundits were startled that this “mild-mannered” senator thrashed Ted Cruz (R-TX) for the Texas senator’s “crocodile tears,” but patterns in Bennet’s horoscope (11/28/64 in New Delhi, India — time unknown) suggest why he’s thrashing now. Transiting Jupiter has activated a pile-up of planets (Mars, Uranus and Pluto) that are square his righteous Sagittarius Sun. This expansive pattern will continue through 2019, along with transiting Uranus firing up his Venus in Scorpio. His social expression and value system need to be experienced as innovative and/or disruptive. And with his natal Saturn in Aquarius, this suggests his motive is to help.
Speaking of disruptive, astrologer Arthur Lipp-Bonewits has obtained the birth time for New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, so we now have her complete horoscope. As noted here back in June, after she won the primary election (no surprise to any astrologer, though the media was shocked, shocked, shocked), Ms. Ocasio-Cortez has Sun in Libra, currently supercharged by Pluto. This is a statement of potential big change and empowerment. With a confirmed birth time, we now know her Moon is in me-me-me Aries (no big surprise), and she needs to find fulfillment as a pioneering initiator. Her Sagittarius Ascendant suggests she needs to be seen as a righteous boundary-pusher, but always thinking positively. While her image will continue to expand as transiting Jupiter activates her Ascendant all year, she will also experience the serious focus that transiting Saturn adds as it squares her Libra Sun.
Guess who else has a Libra Sun and a me-me-me Aries Moon? Rapper Cardi B, whose recent political tweets prompted Stephen Colbert to start a petition inviting her to give the Democratic rebuttal to The Donald’s SOTU address, whenever it is scheduled. Here is what we know of her horoscope. Like Ocasio-Cortez, Cardi B has a hard aspect between her Libra Sun and Mars; together with their Aries Moons, these are warrior women for sure. However, Cardi B was born with the emotional overkill potential of Venus conjunct Pluto…in Scorpio. Ocasio-Cortez’s Venus is in Sagittarius, aligned with Mercury and her Midheaven. Cardi B’s social expression needs to be intense — potentially erotic (she’s a former stripper). Ocasio-Cortez’s social expression has a different kind of intensity: righteous, spontaneous, idealistic — but playful, as we saw last week as she led the search for #WheresMitch?”
The horoscopes of Venezuela and Nicolas Maduro are also functioning as designed. The latter has transiting Pluto hitting him from all angles, suggesting an inevitable test of power destined to break down and transform. Last year, Pluto squared his Midheaven, impacting his public status/profession. This week transiting Pluto got personal — and opposed his Cancer Ascendant. Lo and behold, a powerful opposition materialized — in the form of opposition leader Juan Guaido. He declared himself the legitimate interim president, offering Maduro amnesty. The U.S., Canada and other countries are backing Guaido; Russia, China and the Venezuelan military are sticking with Maduro. Hmm…what could happen? Months to watch for Maduro: April, May and December/January.
But wait — there’s more! If you find my work of value, I invite you to support it, using the nifty link to my Cosmic Tip Jar. To find out what’s going on in your own personal horoscope, I’d be delighted to schedule a consultation — though don’t just take it from me. Here’s what Avid Reader Tam has to say:
“I pulled out notes from our initial consultation, and am just fascinated with how accurate it is. Everything we discussed happened. With some changes going on around me, I would like to schedule an annual check up and order the Your Year Ahead report too.”
Thank you, Tam! And thank you — cherished Avid Reader — for reading this forecast.
A Gemini Moon drives the day with a need to talk things up in an ever so clever way. Early this morning it was opposed by Saturn (at 7:06AM ET) and soon squared by Neptune (9:45AM ET), suggesting any and all of the following potentials: a need for gravitas, ambition, separation, censorship — combined with a need for vision — rose-colored, inspirational — and perhaps delusional.
Walking and talking about facts and figures may be especially forceful or combative, as Mars (walking) and Mercury (talking) are in challenging square, exact at 4:49PM ET. With Mars in Scorpio and Mercury in Leo, I see the potential for ruthless action, as some stubbornly cling to a regal mindset. On the other hand, if you have to make a persuasive case today, the planets suggest that the energy is right there if you need it.
Also of note: Uranus – planet of shocks, upsets, revelation, lightning bolts, aviation, technogeeks and the totally freaky — turns retrograde until December 29th. That sense of freedom you’re looking for? Look within; break free of whatever holds you’ve placed upon yourself in your thought processes. That Other Guy is not the one blocking your path.
On SATURDAY, Moon goes void for a long chill between 7:46AM until 5:09PM ET. No impulse shopping. Take care of routine concerns. During the void, Mercury leaves Leo for a loooooooong stay in analytical Virgo, seeking perfection in mindset and communication. This was noted in Monday’s forecast.
The Moon’s ingress into Cancer on Saturday facilitates our need for home and homeland security. Domestic chores are favored; in fact, any project requiring solid structure and innovation is an apt focus through the weekend, courtesy of two patterns that are exact on MONDAY. At 12:07AM ET Monday Venus will harmonize with Uranus, facilitating friendships across all borders and unconventional attractions. Also on Monday: the Sun, beautifully placed in Leo, harmonizes with authority figure Saturn.
Back to SATURDAY and the Cancer Moon. Consider home-cooked meals and chatting with Mom — at least until the early afternoon on SUNDAY. There is no void on Sunday to distract your exacting shopping adventures, though do note that the Moon makes its weekly clash with Pluto at 8:03PM ET, followed by Uranus at 11:31AM ET on MONDAY. The former suggests power plays and emotional intensity; the latter suggests surprises and upsets that disrupt or clear the air, for better or for worse.
No sleeping in on Monday. The New Moon kicks in on TUESDAY at 4:44PM ET. Stay tuned for details.
And now, the news.
In the category of startling revelations and upsets, as Uranus changes direction: All charges have been dropped against the man tried and convicted of the 2001 murder of Washington intern Chandra Levy after it was revealed that a key witness lied. All charges were dropped against the law enforcement officers not yet tried who were involved in the arrest of Freddie Gray. You may recall Mr. Gray died after being taken into custody. None of the other officers involved were convicted of charges against them, despite prosecuting attorney Marilyn Mosby’s energizing solar arc between Mars and her natal Pluto. Since February she’s been dealing with transiting Saturn acting like the proverbial brick wall to her natal Mars, along with table-turning upheaval suggested by transiting Uranus to her natal Pluto.
File under Uranian News of the Weird: cockroach milk is one of the most nutritious substances on Earth. At New York Botanical Gardens, a rare and stinky corpse flower has just bloomed — roll tape. Meanwhile, in Staten Island, a bank was robbed by an armed man wearing a dress and a fetching hat. Are you living in China with a husband who has a mistress? Here’s an innovative way to disrupt that affair.
Add the clash of opinions suggested by today’s Mercury-Mars square: Edward Snowden denounces Wikileaks for its failure to curate this week’s DNC email data dump, permitting personal data, including contact info and social security numbers of DNC donors to be made public. Meanwhile in Virginia, the U.S. Court of Appeals in the 4th Circuit overturned a North Carolina voter ID law, rejecting a lower court’s ruling that the ID law did not discriminate against voters based on race.
Yet another sudden reversal, this one involving technology: Melania Trump’s website has vanished from the web, amid speculation that her bio claiming she graduated from a university was false. Mrs. Trump — born April 26 1970 in Slovenia — time unknown — is an earthy Taurus with Moon likely in status-conscious Capricorn. She also has Venus and Mars opposing Neptune, which would be reflected in a need for the expression of an idealized aesthetic sensibility, including a potentially charismatic mystique. When Neptune is in touch with a planet, we note the potential for things to be not as they seem and investigate accordingly.
This is an old one from Monday’s Moon in fiery Aries: an update on hot flashes in menopausal women. How long do they last? Bwahahahahaha….
On to politics. First, the public service portion. Are you registered to vote? If you don’t vote, somebody else will. And then you’ll be sorry. The strongest takeaways from this week’s DNC came from Senator Al Franken and Sen Tim Kaine. The former said that he won his U.S. Senate seat by 312 votes. The latter said he won his first election by 94 votes. Do not think for one minute that your vote does not matter. Here’s how to register to vote.
Second, are you familiar with the site It will match your political views with the candidates running for president. You may be surprised by the results. Meanwhile, the horoscope of Hillary’s main opponent continues to be strong, making the outcome of the election too close to call with absolute certainty from an astrological point of view. In the aftermath of the Uranus-Pluto square, which favors disruption of the status quo — possibly for its own sake — I can see how some who love love love the spirit of David Letterman’s classic Five Story Tower segments may be sorely tempted. Would it be wise to approach the November election in the same spirit? Food for thought — and I hope the video brings a smile to your Friday.
This concludes the public service portion of this forecast.
At 10:47PM ET on July 28th, 2016 in Philadelphia, Hillary Clinton made history and formally accepted her nomination. Pioneering Aries is on the Ascendant, with rebel Uranus in the 1st House. The chart is ruled by Mars, strongly placed in Scorpio — and square to Mercury, which is almost exactly on her opponent’s Mars and Leo Ascendant. The Moon is in info junkie Gemini, opposed by Saturn in opinionated Sagittarius. The chart confirms what some may say is obvious: that it suggests a strong candidate facing a tough battle, fixed opinions, verbal and ruthless sparring — driven by fluctuating information and opinion. Mrs. Clinton declared the nation is at “a moment of reckoning.” The Moon-Saturn opposition arguably reflects a a heavy consequence on the horizon.

As for how the rest of the convention went, here are the always-cheerful Gail Collins and Arthur Brooks from the NYT to tell you about it. If you were watching the convention on Fox, you missed one of the most talked-about speeches — and watched a bunch of commercials instead. Where do you get your news? Hopefully from more than one source.
Thank you for reading this forecast.
Have an awesome weekend.
Moon in Scorpio goes void at 9:52AM ET on a provocative meet-up with Mars. Back away from that double espresso and chill. Take care of routine matters; roll with the twists and flakes that may interfere with your efforts to move forward in a straight line. Delay signing on the bottom line; avoid the malls; wrap up the day early if you can.
At 3:39PM ET Venus enters Cancer, facilitating efforts at beautification and nurturing until July 11th. At 11:23PM ET the boundary-dissolving, reality-bending square between Saturn in Sagittarius (structure, control, borders, foreigners, opinions, media, etc.) and Neptune in Pisces (intangibles, opiates, refugees and other keywords noted in prior forecasts) will finally be exact. File any “oh what’s the use?” feelings you may have in the folder labelled “Saturn vs. Neptune.” If you were born about halfway through Pisces, Gemini, Sagittarius or Virgo, you are more personally affected. A consultation with your local astrologer would be productive.
Relief shows up around 9:34PM ET, when the void ends and the Moon enters high-flying Sagittarius. Up for a gambol or a gamble this weekend? How can you broaden your mind, expand your horizons and/or push boundaries in a way that is constructive?
On Saturday, note your mood around 9PM ET, as the Moon makes contact with that Saturn-Neptune square. Emotions are on the rise, one way or the other, as the Moon waxes to its fullness in Sagittarius Monday at 7:02AM ET. This Full Moon has an especially trippy potential, felt a few days beforehand, perhaps recalling whatever was on your plate at the beginning of the month. The trippiness is reflected by Mercury — planet of mindset and communication — as it makes exact contact with Saturn and Neptune on Monday at 10:56AM ET and 1:11 PM ET, respectively. Mercury-Saturn contacts suggest a need for serious focus and controls. Downside: potential depression. Mercury-Neptune contacts suggest a need for creativity and vision. Downside: potential illusion/delusion. We’ll see a mix of all potentials in the headlines, I’m sure.
Exact patterns are light on Sunday, and the Sag Moon favors a round of golf or romp in nature. Be aware of the potentially wiggy Mercury-Saturn-Neptune thing and have a happy Fathers’ Day.
And now, the news.
Here’s the song by the Sex Pistols. And here’s the story behind it.
First, from yet another pit of Saturn-Neptune despair (provoked by retrograde Mars running wild), comes the senseless killing of British MP Jo Cox . I can’t possibly fathom a silver lining at this time. Her assailant reportedly shouted “Britain first!” during the attack. This is a reference to Brexit, a referendum on whether Britain should stay in the European Union. The vote happens on June 23rd. While columnists and editors at the NYT clearly feel an exit would be folly, what does Britain’s horoscope say?
Alas, under the influence of the ambition-killing Saturn-Neptune square, I can’t muster up the energy to look it up. But off the top of my head, I do recall the Queen’s horoscope having the first of three transits of rebel Uranus to her Ascendant last month –and the third one won’t happen until next year. In addition to reflecting her choice of a fabulous electric green birthday suit last week, Uranus-Ascendant patterns suggest a need for greater freedom and independence — often felt in relationship, potentially leading to a break-up, move or other disruption of the status quo. Uranus transits can be surprising and often shocking. Uranus co-rules the Queen’s First House. The other co-ruler is Saturn, which rules her Capricorn Ascendant. The Ascendant refers to the way she — and by extension, Britain — needs to be seen by others.
You see, once upon a time, only kings and queens consulted with astrologers, as it was in the horoscope of the ruler that the fate of a nation could be divined. We shall see if this theory of synchronicity holds true in more modern times.
Let’s continue.
We also see transiting Mars conjunct — i.e., on top of — the Queen’s Midheaven and Saturn. Mars transits to the Midheaven suggest action — any form of assertive/aggressive energy, whether acted out or acted upon. This includes the potential for attacks and accidents — and I’d argue that the assassination of Labour MP Jo Cox reflects that potential for attack. Mars rules Her Majesty’s Second House, referring to matters of money, values and self worth.
We also see the Queen’s Venus at 13 Pisces in her natal Second House, currently under pressure from transiting Saturn, Neptune, Jupiter and Mercury. Venus refers to enjoyment and money, among other concerns. Transiting Jupiter to Venus suggests a jolly (90th birthday) good time, but transiting Saturn to Venus can be experienced as isolating and streamlining, in financial as well as social arenas.
UPDATE (as of June 24th): On June 23rd, UK voters elected to leave the European Union. The world is shocked. Prime Minister David Cameron has resigned. The British pound has plummeted. I took a closer look at the Queen’s horoscope and noted two important measurements coloring the first half of 2016, both of which were exact in May. One is a solar arc between Saturn and Mars, referring to the Queen’s/Britain’s identity and self-worth/assets. Astrologer Noel Tyl describes the potential as follows:
Putting a damper on things; ups and downs; indecision; failing
The second solar arc involves Neptune and the Midheaven. Neptune co-rules the Queen’s Second House (along with Mars). Quoting Noel Tyl again, we see the potential for:
Accentuation of creativity on the job; disruption in the home life; being pushed around; feeling lost; “losing it.”
Let the record show that the Washington Post offers this headline, “The British are frantically Googling ‘EU’ Hours After Voting to Leave It.” Losing it, perhaps? Said one British voter:
“Even though I voted to leave, this morning I woke up and I just — the reality did actually hit me,” one woman told the news channel ITV News. “If I’d had the opportunity to vote again, it would be to stay.”
Coincidence or conspiracy? God Save the Queen!
UPDATE: Bernie Sanders, who will have the third hit of expansive Jupiter to his Virgo Sun on Saturday, did not end his campaign yesterday. However, he did vow to work together with Hillary Clinton to defeat what’s-his-face. Planetary patterns in his chart for the rest of the summer and into fall suggest a need for a zealous application of emotional energy. At the end of the year we see a Sun-Uranus measurement suggesting greater freedom and independence. Talk of him establishing a third political party does not seem unreasonable, especially as he will continue to experience transiting Uranus to Mars and Venus into 2017 as well. Translation: walking his talk, generating an intense buzz.
Best Saturn (control) -Neptune (drugs) proposal I’ve read all day: Congresswoman Gwen Moore is sick of poor people being stigmatized. She’s proposing that anyone who itemizes more than $150,000 in tax deductions must submit to a drug test in order to claim the tax break.
Finally, a bit of delight from NPR for people who believe the world would be a much happier place if “please” and “thank you” were used more often.
Thank you for reading this forecast. To schedule your fabulous personal consultation, please use this handy contact form. To support my efforts to bring you these Really Useful Forecasts, please donate to my Midnight Oil Fund.

The Gemini Moon went void while most of you were sleeping early Thursday — between 3:01 AM ET and 8:28AM ET. If your morning comes with an odd twist or flake in your efforts to move forward in a straight line, mind the void and do not make a mountain out of a molehill of perceived crisis. Chill!
Once the Moon enters Cancer, it flows without interruption for the rest of the day, seeking to fulfill its focus on emotional/family/homeland security needs. Rose-colored visions and other dreamy escapes may be facilitated in the evening, as the Moon trines Neptune at 10:53 PM. On Friday, the Cancer Moon is less flowing, making it weekly clash with Pluto and Uranus at 12:34PM ET and 2:32PM ET, respectively. Also clashing with Pluto (on Friday at 5:04AM ET) and Uranus (yesterday at 1:28PM ET): mental Mercury (retrograde), suggesting tech and cosmic revelations, volatile communications and dirty dirt revealed. Emotional sensitivity is suggested by a Cancer Moon. Be kind.
Meanwhile, happy birthday to Aquarius! The Sun entered this airy (mental), fixed (organizing) sign on Wednesday at 10:28AM ET. Keywords for Aquarius include innovation, eccentricity, friendship, humanitarian, unconventional, rocket scientist and/or mad genius. If you were born with the Sun in Aquarius, you have the energy to innovate and intellectualize with others. If your Moon is in Aquarius, you need to be socially significant — and dare I say appreciated for it. You probably need to be unusual, too. Sarah Palin was born with the Sun in Aquarius, along with Mars and Saturn…
…which brings us to the news.
Yes, the woman least likely to receive an honorary degree in English from any university in the known universe is back, just in time for transiting Venus in rowdy, foot-in-mouth Sagittarius to make contact with her natal Venus at 0 degrees of warrior Aries. I’m kvelling as I type! The NYT is striving mightily to translate whatever words Sarah Palin was trying to say on Tuesday night, as she endorsed Donald Trump’s presidential run in Iowa. It’s interesting that her words are such a focus during this Mercury retrograde, as Mercury turned retrograde at 0 Aquarius, just one degree shy of her natal Mercury at 1 Aquarius.
I’m not surprised that Ms. Palin would hitch her star to Mr. Trump, given the Ivana Trump-inspired updo she sported for years. Nor I am surprised by the empowering reach for ego-recognition and reward, with transiting Uranus and Pluto making contact with Ms. Palin’s Jupiter (reward, expansion) in me-me-me Aries. Pluto-Jupiter patterns suggest power and resources. Are we surprised to learn that she’d love love love to be President Trump’s Secretary of Energy? Pluto will continue to amplify her Jupiter through 2016. She’s definitely baaaaaaaaaaack!
Meanwhile, thanks to Avid Reader Lucy, who wanted to make sure I did not miss this Big Cosmic Revelation: researchers at CalTech have found evidence of a ninth planet in our solar system, with a “bizarre, highly elongated orbit” around the Sun. It will be interesting to see what our collective consciousness names our newly-discovered neighbor. Because if you want to know where you’re at, look at who you’re with.
In other quirky tech news, there’s a new “world’s largest prime number” in town — with 22 million digits.
This week we’ve seen plenty of revelations in communications, reflecting the potential of Mercury retrograde (bringing back past issues for REview), supercharged by Uranus and Pluto. A public inquiry has concluded that a former Russian spy who was poisoned in London back in 2006 was “probably” done so by order of Vladimir Putin. I last wrote about Mr. Putin here.
In the category of more dirt released, we learn that some of Mrs. Clinton’s world-famous emails contained information that was more than just “top secret”. Meanwhile, Michigan governor Rick Snyder released emails strongly suggesting that state officials were in a state of dismissive denial over complaints from residents of Flint that their water was not safe to drink.
Elsewhere, California announced efforts to dig up dirt on whether ExxonMobil lied (for years) about what it did and did not know about climate change and the impact of oil production upon it….as it was announced that 2015 was the hottest year on record. Finally, bewildering dirt on Marco Rubio, expressing the wretched excess and pixie-dust potential of last weekend’s Venus-Jupiter square, combined with a Mars-Neptune trine. That’s what some might say about the details of Bernie Sanders‘ Medicare-for-all health care plan, also released in recent days. Judge it for yourself.
Markets are volatile this week. Will write about that another time, but here is a useful perspective from the NYT…and here, too.
Finally, from Canada: 500 voices singing in unison David Bowie’s “Space Oddity”. Just because…and also because the Sabian Symbol for the New Moon at 20 Capricorn – “a hidden choir singing” — is still on my mind.
Thank you for reading this forecast. Here’s the 411 on personal consultations.
…and we’re off! The first work week of 2016 is jam-packed with planetary activity. I can’t imagine you’ll be bored. Here’s what’s cookin’ in the cosmos.
First, the energy of the day is driven by the Moon in moody Scorpio, silently scheming how it may best fulfill its need for emotional depth, substance and control. Note your dreams this AM, as the Moon makes a harmonious connection to Neptune at 5:57AM ET. After that, the Moon cruises smoothly through the rest of the day. It makes two easy connections to the Sun and Pluto at 6:43PM ET and 8:59PM ET, respectively, facilitating empowered communication. Just do it…with the following caveats:
- The Moon goes void Tuesday at 12:47PM ET until Wednesday at 1:56AM ET, so ship it or pitch it before then. Moon voids are well-suited for focusing on routine concerns and rolling with any twists and flakes that may crop up in your efforts to move forward in a straight line. Such as? Such as the flake I experienced on Saturday after 11:23AM ET, when I poured hot water into my coffee cup instead of into the filter filled with actual coffee grounds. “Moon must be void,” I thought. It was. Which was also reflected in the twist experienced by subscribers to the Boston Globe on Sunday, when their papers were delivered by Globe reporters and other staff who had stayed up all night to do the task. I’m digging the Globe these days. Have you seen Spotlight yet? You must. It’s going to win a bunch of awards and it reflects current planetary patterns (Saturn in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces, for starters). Anyhoo….
- Mercury will turn retrograde Tuesday at 8:06AM ET. BACK UP YOUR COMPUTERS NOW…and be prepared to triple-check everything before you hit send from now through the rest of the month. Here’s a recap of how to handle Mercury retrograde — which I’ll reprint here tomorrow, for those who don’t like to click on links.
There are five other planetary patterns humming in the background, three of which are exact on Tuesday. Pattern #1: Mercury (mind, communication) squares off against action hero Mars at 7AM ET Tuesday. Let the record show that Mars entered Scorpio on Sunday morning ET. This suggests highly effective action — as in ruthless, laser-beam precision; take-no-prisoners strikes. Mars in Scorpio suggests intensity in matters of desire, which can be built all the way to Heaven or all the way to Hell. Downside: a temptation to indulge in vengeance, especially over petty grievances. Upside: a need to act with honor and integrity (even among thieves). Mars will be in Scorpio until March 5th, and again between May 28th and August 2nd — to be discussed in a future forecast.
Pattern #2 is a righteously opinionated and idealistic challenge between Venus (love, values, money, women) and visionary Neptune, exact at 9:34AM ET. This patterns suggests a rose-colored need for social expression which pushes boundaries. Pattern #3 would be the Sun in enterprising Capricorn meeting up with Pluto at 10:26PM ET on Tuesday. Talk about an opportunity for transformation and empowerment. We can expect the usual Plutonian subjects to make headlines, e.g., news from underground, power plays, stories of regeneration, resources, etc.
Meanwhile, here’s an apt reflection of the sum total of this week’s mind-blowing, empowering, technogeek, boundary-pushing, visionary and aesthetic potential: the NYT’s Sunday magazine cover story: “An Open Mind: the Terrible Beauty of Brain Surgery”. Here’s another one: “How to Cultivate the Art of Serendipity”. Or this: “‘Like a Beautiful Painting‘:Image of New Year’s Mayhem in Manchester Goes Viral”.
Pattern #4 is a square between the Sun and rebel Uranus (exact on Thursday at 7:22AM ET), which usually reflects excitement, breakouts and breakthroughs and other disruptions of the status quo. Pattern #5 is a meet-up between Venus and Saturn, exact Friday at 11:11PM ET, which is about when we can expect a “Get REAL!” response to whatever dreamy vision was proposed under the influence of Neptune in the first part of this week — for better or for worse.
Oh but wait — there’s more! On Thursday, Jupiter turns retrograde. On Friday, Mercury backs up into Capricorn, where it will facilitate your efforts to put a practical spin on your plans until February 13th. On Saturday at 8:30PM ET, we’ll have a New Moon in Capricorn, suggesting an opportunity to re-set your intentions and plant potent seeds for the next lunar cycle. Details on those stories later this week.
And now, more news.
Mercury square Mars can be pretty darn confrontational — and Mars refers to guns. Venus square Neptune can be awfully idealistic, peace-loving, forgiving — or delusional. Sun conjunct Pluto and square Uranus can’t help but challenge the Powers That Be. Exhibit A: “Armed Group Vows to Continue Occupation at Oregon Refuge”:
BURNS, Ore. — The protesters arrived in this old lumber town to support a 73-year-old rancher and his son who had been sentenced to prison for setting fires that spread to federal lands. It was billed as a peaceful demonstration, but after “Amazing Grace” was sung and hugs were exchanged, a small, armed contingent declared outside a supermarket that it was taking a stand and asked who wanted to join.
So began the latest armed flare-up….
Meanwhile, “Battleground Shifts as Obama is Set to Act on Gun Control”. In other words, without the support of Congress. Last week he also acted alone in granting clemency to a handful of federal prisoners, in a “trickle of mercy” (proclaimed the editors of the NYT). I suspect we will see more than a trickle in the coming year. Glancing at President Obama’s horoscope it is interesting to note that stationary retrograde Mercury and Jupiter are sitting right on top of his Jupiter and Mars, respectively. His mindset, actions and expansive reaches this week are especially significant. We would expect him to be thinking and acting big, with more to come. Interesting to note a Neptune-Venus measurement in effect in his horoscope, too. We would expect a need for an aesthetic ideal in matters of social expression and values.
Elsewhere, a volatile story in this volatile week is still developing: Saudi Arabia has cut diplomatic ties with Iran. Also volatile, but much more contained is the announcement that four new elements (all man-made and as-yet unnamed) have been discovered, thus completing the 7th row in the periodic table. Woo-hoo!
Stay tuned to this channel for continuing updates on these planetary patterns….and here’s the 411 on how to find out what it all means for you in a personal astrological consultation. REviewing your life is a perfect activity during a Mercury retrograde!
Thank you for reading this forecast.
Moon continues its trek though Libra, seeking balance and harmony in relationship. Its quest might be rattled by a flash of insight or upset suggested by a challenge from rebel technogeek Uranus at 9:41AM ET. The dust settles for the rest of the day, courtesy of communicative connections to the Moon from the Leo Sun and Venus.
There’s a higher than average tolerance for that which is unconventional and/or fringe, especially in matters of women, money, aesthetics and social expression. Be open to innovation and meetings with unusual people. Though Venus’s retrograde state is a caution against forming an instant permanent bond, your encounters today could be quite refreshing. Listen to your inner humanitarian. Leave the Krazy Glue at home. Practice being a really good friend. Wish Matthew Perry, f.k.a Chandler on Friends a happy 46th solar return, OMG. Looks like a significant change of status in home/professional arenas is up for him in 2016, glancing at his horoscope.
And now, the news.
A pill that increase female libido has just been approved by the FDA! Well, that puts an innovative, techno-spin on women and relationship concerns. Y’know, whatever works. And it also happens with Saturn at the end of Scorpio, which all about those nitty-gritty concerns about sexual energy we might prefer to not look at. Elsewhere, headlines announced the hiring of the first openly transgender employee at the White House. As for that video promoting a mostly all-white sorority at the University of Alabama…sorry, but it’s been taken down, because it wasn’t diverse enough. Why is the story making headlines now, hmmm?
Factor in Friday’s controlling Saturn-Sun square and we find a front-page item about the challenges same-sex couples face when one spouse is transferred overseas. These patterns also reflect the current debate pulling focus over whether citizenship in the United States should be granted as a matter of course if one is born here. Thank Donald Trump for starting that one. He has so many opinions and his Sagittarius Moon NEEDS to tell all!
Elsewhere, it is argued that technology has created more jobs in the past 140 years than it has taken away.
Finally, a sneak peek at a building face-off between Jupiter and Neptune, which won’t be exact until September 17th. When these two planets clash, we can expect matters of grand faith to pull focus — and often with a scandal or two. Color it all rose!! Consider then this brilliant expose John Oliver aired last week — about the faith-based hucksterism he uncovered in the world of televangelism. Surely, as Saturn re-enters Sagittarius and Neptune continues its sojourn through Neptune, we will see some re-structuring in these matters over the next year or so.
What’s going on in your horoscope? Summer is almost over…what are your plans for fall? Here’s how to contact me to schedule a personal consultation.
Thank you for reading this forecast.
I’ve been working on this forecast since Thursday (yesterday), which you might have experienced as something like this:
“We are in the dark side of the Moon — the end of the lunar cycle, a.k.a. the balsamic phase. The New Moon (and new energy) officially kicks in at 10:53AM ET on Friday — in Leo, hear it roar! During this dark side, it is not unusual to feel listless or restless, sensing the shift that is just around the corner, but not being sure what. This is a good time to wrap up projects started a month ago…and/or contemplate your agenda for the next four weeks.
Thursday’s Leo Moon is sailing free and clear, seeking to fulfill its need for recognition, applause and a good party. There’s an easy alignment between the Sun and innovative Uranus for you to play with (exact at 6:27AM ET), so go hang out with your funkiest friends and come up with a way to reinvent the wheel.”
Well? Did you do that?
Which brings us up to today (Friday):
This innovative vibe continues on Friday, as the Moon is supported by Uranus at 8:38AM ET, meets up with the Sun and then hangs indulgently with Venus (love, money, art women) at 2:25PM ET. Not a bad way to end the work week. Happy hour at the office?
On Saturday, Moon goes void just after midnight for a few hours. Then it enters Virgo at 3:46AM ET, perhaps motivating a major sorting/analyzing/clean up around the house. Or some other project requiring refinement and exquisite detail. Mindset and communication is likely to lean toward the deep end, courtesy of an easy alignment between Mercury and perspicacious Pluto. Maybe you’ll uncover some dirt about a past social encounter of an idealized kind. And here I would be thinking about the addition of the Sun’s meet-up with Venus at 3:22PM ET on Saturday….and how the whole combination of planetary patterns reflects today’s item about President Warren G. Harding having a love child with his mistress, Nan Bratton, oh so many years ago. I’ve heard from more than one reader this week about running into a former flame during this Venus retrograde, which is not surprising.
Saturday night favors music and other intangible escapes, given nebulous Neptune’s rosy fog coloring the Virgo Moon’s need for perfection at 9:29PM ET. A deep conversation with an Other or your journal may be yours on Sunday AM, as the Moon makes contact with Mercury (yakkety yak) and Pluto (did I say “deep”?).
And now, more on the New Moon, exact Friday at 10:53AM — soon after this forecast lands in your inbox.
As I said, it’s in Leo, which refers to the heart. Hooked up with the Sun and Venus, it suggests love, applause and creative self-expression, with a dramatic dose of idealism. Connections with rebel Uranus suggest innovative insights about how to get it; a challenge to Saturn suggests a hard-nosed ambition driving it; Mars running wild in Leo suggests dramatic action taken for the sake of it — possibly getting away with murder as only Mars in Leo can. But y’know, with Venus retrograde, the suggestion is that efforts to get the love you need could be productively spent working on more a loving relationship with yourself. Whoa. That’s so…innovative…and deep.
The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon at 22 degrees of Leo is “a carrier pigeon.” Sabian Symbol guru Blaine Bovee notes that this is a bird that can be trained to fly home, usually carrying a message. Note that we do not train pigeons to fly from New York to Nova Scotia, if the birds live on 57th Street in Manhattan. They only fly in one direction: home.
Wherever 22 Leo falls in your horoscope is the area of your life in which you may experience a homing instinct during this lunar cycle. If you have a planet or angle at 22 degrees of Aquarius, Taurus, Scorpio and especially Leo, you are even more affected by the potential a new cycle can bring. Consult your local astrologer for details, or consider ordering an Astro-Basics Report so you can learn what degrees your planets are at. It’s described in the Services & FAQs section of my website.
Lately, Bovee has gotten me thinking about how Sabian Symbols work in pairs. Every degree has an opposing degree. The opposing degree of 22 Leo is 22 Aquarius. The Sabian Symbol for 22 Aquarius is “a rug placed on the floor for children to play”. Bovee notes that the nature of play (Latin ludere) is “to go beyond bounds of normal containment”. Taken together, these two Symbols suggest a polarity between testing one’s limits and being aware of “the relative nature of rules and boundaries; issues of safety and security regarding the home and the world beyond; homing in on what really counts.”
In the last two lunar cycles I noticed a curious synchronicity between the opposing Sabian Symbol of the New Moon and the stories that made headlines. For June, the opposing Symbol was “a flag bearer”. For July, the Symbol was “a women entering a convent,” which Bovee suggests can reflects themes of confinement, including prison. Immediately after July’s New Moon, President Obama visited a prison, highlighting the condition of our penal system. Then Sandra Bland — the woman who allegedly committed suicide after a provocative police officer in Texas tossed her in jail after stopping her for a minor traffic violation— made headlines. In June, one of the major stories of the cycle was the Confederate flag. Coincidence or conspiracy?
And now, the news…
…which I’ve been glancing at out of the corner of my eye this week, in between client consultations and the heart-centered books I mentioned in Tuesday’s forecast. More than one of you appreciated those book recommendations enough to write and tell me. Thank you so much — you made my day!
On that heart-centered theme, along with Wednesday’s musical Neptune-Mercury opposition and Thursday’s Sun (heart) – Uranus (innovation) trine, it was fun to see this item about a Beethoven symphony that some scientists say can also help your heart! It was not fun to read that Columbia House — the company that brought us those “8 CDs for one cent” offers that started my CD collection — filed for bankruptcy, thanks to competition from more modern technology. RIP sadface.
I’ve glanced at other newsmakers this week, including the aforementioned Warren G. Harding, Megyn Kelly and China. The latter of course is making big news in the markets, after devaluing its currency earlier this week. A quick look at its horoscope shows transiting Pluto (transformation, power plays, cutting dead wood) in hard aspect to nebulous Neptune and mental Mercury. The Neptune thing can be weird — and refers to matters involving China’s 2nd house (money, worth, values) and 10th house (status, reputation). The Mercury thing refers to matters of the 5th and 8th houses, e.g. relationships with other, self-expression and values relative to others. The Pluto-Mercury thing can be quite forceful and persuasive. These patterns will be back for a final pass in October-December, accompanied by another measurement between Saturn (control, structure, limit) and Venus (money, values, social expression). Hard aspects between Saturn and Venus can be experienced as isolating and streamlining. Let’s see what happens.
Megyn Kelly is a Scorpio with Moon in either Cancer or Leo — we do not have a birth time. A measurement between her Scorpio Sun and Uranus suggests this is a breakout period for her. We’d expect her to be uncompromising in matters of self-expression, and likely get away with it. Another measurement between her Mars (planet of action) and Uranus suggests a higher probability of taking action outside the box, with surprising results that clear the air. These measurement will be in effect for some time. Wouldn’t you say that’s apt, given the unfettered independence she showed in her questioning of Donald Trump in last week’s debate? And the airwaves are still buzzing about it…
As for Warren G. Harding…when I first looked at his horoscope, I was irked. Given planetary patterns, he should have made the news a year ago. Well, guess what? He did make news a year ago — and I even wrote about it, as well as his horoscope!
Astrology is amazing. What’s going on in your horoscope? Why not find out in a personal consultation. I guarantee it will put your life into a perspective that will be practical, helpful and enlightening.
Thank you for reading this forecast and for sharing it with your friends and family. Referrals are the best!
Good morning!
A dreamy buzz drives the day, courtesy of the Moon in information-junkie Gemini. Talk, talk and more talk. The dreamy part is the inspiration suggested by an easy connection between mental Mercury and nebulous Neptune, exact at 3:14PM ET. This is wonderful if you’re a poet or some other visionary creative type. It’s also useful if you’re trying to sell someone a bridge in Brooklyn. Mercury-Neptune aspects suggest a tendency to see things through rose-colored glasses.
The reality check arrives as we move into the later part of evening and Tuesday, courtesy of a tense aspect between Venus (money, aesthetics, women and social expression) and stern Saturn. This is the aspect that coincided with the first big story I noticed about the so-called “bitchy resting face”. Seriously. Better to be a creditor than a debtor with that aspect in the cosmos. Here’s what hit the news on another tough Venus-Saturn day a couple of years ago (including the bit about the bitchy resting face).
Note that we are in the dark side of the Moon. The new cycle starts on Wednesday at 9:24PM ET when the Sun and Moon meet up in Cancer. Between now and then you may feel a bit listless or restless, sensing that a fresh start is just on the horizon, but you can’t quite see it yet. This is a good time to wrap up projects begun on the last New Moon and think about your intentions for the next cycle. It’s also a good time to negotiate or take action on a matter you’d like to keep fairly under wraps. It’s the dark of the Moon, after all.
And as if on cue, here’s a article that just showed up in my newsfeed about the start of a military exercise in Texas called Jade Helm. Maybe you heard about this operation back in March or early May, when conspiracy theories about its true nature ran amok. Said theories were ridiculed by Jon Stewart. In any event, the exercise is presumably now underway, and media observers are strictly prohibited. Coincidence or conspiracy?
Certainly military/militant themes are favored this week, as warrior Mars in homeland security-focused Cancer joins forces with Mercury and opposes potent Pluto on Wednesday. That configuration suggests action and mindset that is potentially ruthless and/or explosive. It is fascinating to look at the headlines on the NYT home page right now: Japan arms makers want to sell to new markets aboard; a treasure trove of WWII history has been revealed in the form of boxes and boxes of letters written by an army private to his wife in Brooklyn; the firing of a female commander in the Marines is controversial; 23 are dead in the collapse of a military barracks in Russia.
More news…
When I was drafting the forecast last night, I read that Governor Scott Walker was probably going to announce his bid for president today. And in fact, he has. A launch video has been posted — in the dark of the Moon — and the New York Times writes about it thusly:
Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin, who built a national conservative following by crippling public employee unions and then defeating a forceful effort to recall him, announced on Monday that he is running for president as a Washington outsider whose taste for big fights would lead to a smaller federal government.
All those words in italics are an apt reflection of the potential of this week’s planetary patterns. They also reflect patterns in Scott Walker’s horoscope, which I first wrote about in early 2011.
Also reflecting this week’s planetary patterns: the announcement that a “deal” has been reached so that Greece can have a bunch of money and still stay in the EEU. It happened in a “breakthrough” negotiating session early this morning. Speaking of breakthroughs, we’ve just had a significant pattern suggesting breakthroughs in the form of last night’s challenge between the Sun and innovative Uranus.
OK, so what kind of deal is it? “Draconian…harsh…vindictive” are some of the words being bandied about. And not only that, notes the linked article above:
In order to get these desperately needed funds, the radical left government of Alexis Tsipras had to submit to draconian economic reforms that the Greek people had rejected in a referendum barely a week before.
Enjoy today’s dreaminess. We’re off to the start of a volatile week.
On a lighter note…
Add the surprising jolt of Sunday’s Sun-Uranus square to this week’s focus on Mars-Pluto (explosive, news from underground), and it’s fun to see this item about scientists who were looking for lobster larvae and instead found “Huge and Ancient Volcanoes Discovered Off the Coast of Sydney”.
For another jolt — but hopefully one that will make you smile — check out this video that first launched on Valentines’ Day, on a Venus- Mars meet-up in boundary-dissolving Pisces. It was making the rounds on the internet again on Sunday. Love, love, love…though my money says Scott Walker would hate it.
Last, but hardly least, if you are enjoying these forecasts and wondering what’s going on in your own unique horoscope, I invite you to wonder no more! Schedule a personal consultation and we will have an enlightening and Really Super Useful conversation about who you are and where you are likely heading. I also invite you to support my efforts to keep you up-to-date on planetary patterns, improve your timing and better understand why things are happening in the world. How? By sharing this forecast with your friends. If you would also like to express your appreciation by making a donation, you would really make my day.
Oh — almost forgot — your Moon voids for the week: Monday 11:31PM ET until Tuesday 2:14AM ET and Thursday 7:24AM until 10:15AM ET. We’re not due for a lengthy Moon void during business hours until the 23rd, which will make some people very happy. If you are new to the forecast (welcome!) and unfamiliar with these natural cosmic rest periods, here’s a full explanation.