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"All I know is that you... Miss Elisabeth Grace are AMAZING! The reading you gave me was so accurate that it still blows my mind 6 months later!!! I also love your daily astrology information!"
--Tim R.
Los Angeles

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Astro-logical Forecast for Monday & Tuesday 12/28-29/2015; Full Speed Ahead; Sneak Peek at the Week

Good Morning!

The last week of 2015 is driven by the Moon in regal Leo, looking for a stage upon which to shine. Give ’em a round of applause, will you? The need for recognition could take on an innovative and friendly spin, courtesy of a helpful lift from Uranus at 12:13PM ET.  Moon cruises along without much interference for the rest of the night. You can cruise, too!

Note your dreams over the next day or so, as the Sun makes an easy connection to visionary Neptune, exact at 8:18AM ET on Tuesday. That’s quickly followed by an easy connection between the Moon (still in Leo) and action hero Mars at 8:33AM ET — so there’s an extra kick to get you going.  A practical mindset may be charged by a need for action with social consciousness, suggested by an energetic contact between Mercury (mindset, communication) and Mars, exact at 9:54AM ET. There’s another motivating kick for you, if you need it this week.

Moon goes void on Tuesday at 12:38PM ET — but only until 1:58PM ET, when it engages in perfection-seeking Virgo. The need to sort the wheat from the chaff drives the action until midnight ET on Friday, January 1st. So here we have a week with hardly any Moon void twists and flakes to derail your efforts to move forward in a straight line. Not only that, but between December 26th and January 5th, all of the planets are moving forward. Are you working this week? Even if it’s just on your own vision quest (i.e., you’re not at the office), planetary patterns suggest potential for the outward expression.

If you are new to this forecast, welcome! If you are not familiar with the term “Moon void” or “void of course Moon,” here is a helpful link describing this planetary phenomenon. Do not worry if you do not quite understand it right away. It takes a looooooooong time to master a language, which is what astrology is, if you ask me.

Notable shifts this week happen on Wednesday, when Venus leaves Scorpio for high-flying Sagittarius, exhales mightily and pushes the boundaries in social expression until January 23rd.  On Friday, mental Mercury leaves hard-nosed Capricorn for wonky Aquarius, and immediately begins to sloooooooooooooow down. Yep, this is your Really Big PSA of the Day: Mercury turns retrograde on January 5th, reviewing all the ground it covered in December. If you ordered one of my 2016 Really Useful Mercury Retrograde Bookmarks, you know exactly how long Mercury will be retrograde in January, as well as what to expect, what to avoid and why there is no need to freak out. Shoot me an email if you’d like to acquire a few bookmarks for you and several of your closest friends.

Meanwhile, here’s a link to a prior forecast explaining how to survive Mercury retrograde. Check it out and BACK UP YOUR COMPUTERS NOW.

And now, the news. Briefly.

Mix the weekend’s Full Moon in Cancer (a water sign) with rebel Uranus turning direct, and the expectation was for something wild and wacky. Certainly the weather did not disappoint: freak storms in the South and Southwest here in the U.S., as well as people running around in shorts here in New York. Had it been 40 degrees cooler, we would have had a white Christmas. There are floods in northern England – and in South America, too.

Keywords for Uranus include: innovative, maverick, eccentric. Uranus has been traveling through Aries since early 2011. Keywords for Aries include: pioneer, inspiration, fearless, warrior, innocent, first.

At the end of every year, the NYT Sunday magazine is devoted to a series of profiles collectively called “The Lives They Lived” — about notable people who passed away during the year. Those memorialized this year seem especially innovative, eccentric, rebellious and/or pioneering — a fitting reflection of Uranus in Aries. Enjoy.

To discuss what’s likely to be on your plate in 2016, here’s the 411 on personal consultations. With Mercury turning retrograde next month, a REview of your goals now would be aptly timed.

Thank you for reading this forecast.


Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 5/11/2015: Mars in Gemini; Frida Kahlo & the Rest of the Week

Good Morning!

Mixed messages from the cosmos at 6:36AM ET, as the humanitarian Aquarius Moon squares the Taurus Sun. Squares are energetic aspects — pushing an agenda forward. What are you all fired up to do?

Perhaps it has something to do with the third stage of the New Moon agenda you set three weeks ago. Whatever it is, be advised that right after the Sun-Moon square, the Moon will be void until 10:53PM ET. This suggests twists or delays in your efforts to move forward in a straight line. Knowing about voids is an awesome way to prevent panic attacks and other imagined crises if things aren’t going as planned. There’s a higher flake factor during Moon voids, e.g., appointments cancelling or meetings wandering off into another dimension. Chill and roll with it — and you’ll be just fine.

Mars is the Planet of Week. Mars refers to action! It leaves slow and stubborn Taurus for Gemini at 10:40PM ET. Mars in Gemini is great for multitasking and getting the word out. Game plans may become more flexible. And they darn well better be clever and entertaining.

If you have a planet at around 2 degrees of Virgo, Pisces and especially Gemini or Sagittarius, you will be more personally affected by Mars this week. That planet (or your Ascendant or your Midheaven) is likely to be energized — for better or for worse. You may find yourself compelled to take action. Or, if you’re suppressing your inner action hero, you may attract someone or something who takes action on you.

By Friday, Mars will have moved into a challenging face-off with Saturn, currently at 2 Sagittarius. Mars-Saturn patterns suggest disciplined, militant action and ambition — for better or for worse. So look for those themes in the headlines. And if your own horoscope is personally affected, may you use that disciplined push for a cause with higher consciousness.

If you don’t know what degrees your planets are at, consider ordering the Astro-Basics Report. In addition to the computer-generated report of where everything is and what it means, I will include a personal note identifying the planet in your horoscope that is the key to fulfilling your potential in this lifetime.

This is the week to BACK UP YOUR COMPUTERS and other gizmos, as Mercury turns retrograde at 9:50PM ET next Monday, May 18th. No whinging will be permitted! Mercury retrograde periods provide absolutely fantastic opportunities for certain things. There is no reason to sweat the snafus and miscommunications that may arise. Here’s the survival guide I posted for the last Mercury retrograde — in January. I will re-post and update it on Monday.

Moon voids for the week, other than today’s long wandering drift: Wednesday 12:55PM – 1:13AM ET on THURSDAY; Friday 8:03AM ET until 3:02AM ET on SATURDAY.

And now, the news.

Speaking of Mars and Saturn, you know who has a planet around 2 degrees of Gemini or Sagittarius — and is thus personally affected by the “disciplined, militant action and ambition potential” of Friday Mars-Saturn opposition? Barack Obama. And there he is in the headlines, “aggressively courting skeptical legislators” so they will pass a bill this week giving him accelerated powers on the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement. He even dissed Senator Elizabeth Warren and made a speech at Nike, a company notorious for outsourcing jobs. He is serious about this TPP. I wonder why.

I would now like to take this opportunity to rave about my New Balance cross-trainers, which I bought at the company store in Skowhegan, Maine. New Balance is apparently the only athletic shoe company that makes a portion of its inventory in the United States. New Balance has five manufacturing operations in the U.S. Two are in Massachusetts and three are in Maine, where my family is from. I’ve seen first-hand what happens when textile mills and shoe companies outsource production overseas. So as long as I have a choice, I’ll buy sneakers with labels that say “Made in the USA”.

This concludes the soapbox portion of this forecast.

Meanwhile, with Venus (women) at the Aries Point on Friday, some of our fearless leaders in Congress re-introduced the Equal Rights Amendment. If you are younger than a certain age, you may not know what that is. So I’ll tell you. It’s this:

“Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.”

This amendment was passed by Congress in 1972, in the wake of the Uranus-Pluto conjunction of 1965-66. Thirty-eight states needed to ratify the amendment by 1982 for it to become the law of the land. That didn’t happen. Now, in the wake of the Uranus-Pluto square, we find ourselves revisiting agendas that were hot in the mid-60s. Will we finish what was started? This is our chance.

In other news, Frida Kahlo is “having a moment”. That’s what the NYT headline says, as a clueless reporter reports:

In a welcome though unexpected convergence, an array of new books and exhibitions about Kahlo have suddenly appeared this spring, adding insight and depth to our understanding of a woman who would seem among the most overexposed artistic figures of all time.

Dear Clueless Reporter, there is nothing “unexpected” about it.  If only you had looked at Ms. Kahlo’s horoscope (or asked an astrologer for an analysis). Such “unexpected” and “sudden” prominence strongly suggest planetary patterns at work,  no doubt involving Uranus and Pluto. And in fact, in a two-second glance at the chart we’re immediately drawn to this: Neptune, Sun, and Jupiter at 12, 13 and 20 Cancer respectively…all opposing Mars and Uranus at 12 and 10 Capricorn. That intense configuration has been supercharged by Uranus and Pluto for two years. Uranus (now at 18 Aries) is just about to square her Jupiter (suggesting, usually, expanded fortune — and in Kahlo’s case, corresponds to another exhibition opening). Her 23 Leo Ascendant and 23 Taurus Midheaven have just been hit by transiting Sun and Mars; Jupiter will hit her angles in July (more expansion); transiting Scorpio opposed her Midheaven last fall…..all adding up to prominence, expansion, revelation, empowerment, with a focus on personal/domestic concerns, even for a woman as “overexposed” as Ms. Kahlo (and even though she is no longer among the living). Horoscopes live forever!

To find out when your horoscope is scheduled for a period of expansion and empowerment, here’s the 411 on personal consultations. I look forward to an excellent discussion with you soon.

Thank you for reading this forecast.

Update: Before Mars hits President Obama’s 3 degree Gemini Moon, it opposed his 28 degree Scorpio Midheaven over the weekend. Mars suggests action — and also provocation, attack and/or an outburst. How interesting to stumble across a provocative story by Seymour Hersh, alleging that a lot of what you may have seen in Zero Dark Thirty is fiction, and that President Obama lied about what really happened in Abottabad the night Osama bin Laden was killed. On the other hand, the story was published on a square between Neptune and Mercury, which can be pretty surreal (or untrue).  We will see this Merucry-Neptune pattern again on May 29 and June 23. It will be interesting to see if there are further developments on this story then.

Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 5/5/2015

As of 7:13AM ET Moon will be fully engaged in Sagittarius, suggesting opportunities to state your opinion and broaden your horizons. Go for a gamble or a gambol; entertain a different point of view. Around lunchtime ET – 12:38PM – a Moon-Saturn meet-up may dim the lights a bit (downside) or force you to get real about an especially buoyant aspiration (potential upside).  Adapt and move on….there’s another debate scheduled around 6:32PM ET, when the Moon is challenged by Mercury in clever Gemini. Then you can party like it’s Cinco de Mayo…which in fact, it is.

And now, the news.

Coming off of yesterday’s indulgent, potentially excessive challenge between Sun in mine-mine-mine Taurus and Jupiter in party on (royally) Leo, how interesting to see this article about the wild parties at Davos — an exclusive, PTB event that happens in January. Coincidence or conspiracy? No coincidence of timing I’m sure, given the easy alignment that’s exact at 3:08AM ET on Wednesday between the Sun and power broker Pluto.

And while I’ve got wretched excess and glamor on my mind, check out the couture on display at Monday night’s Costume Institute gala at the Met.

There will be plenty of upheavals and power plays to report tomorrow.

Take it away, David Bowie

Thank you for reading this forecast — and forwarding it to the Entire Free World.

To find out what’s going on in your horoscope— and thus learn 1) why you are like this; 2) why things are/are not happening; or 3) how an objective perspective can help you solve whatever problem is on your mind — contact me to schedule a personal consultation.


Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 2/19/2015: Mars in Aries

Note  your dreams upon waking, as the Pisces Moon hooks up with Neptune at 5:49AM ET. A cooperative connection between Mercury and Saturn — the third in a series noted in prior forecasts this week — may inspire a practical way to turn a vision into reality. Moon goes void on a deep and potentially healing connection to Pluto at 6:01PM ET….not to enter Aries until Friday at 6:13PM ET. So get it off your desk today rather than tomorrow, if you can.

Other cosmic news of note: Mars leaves Pisces for Aries, the sign it rules, at 7:12PM ET. At its best, Mars in Aries is courageous, inspiring, pioneering and a fighter for the underdog. It can be extremely efficient when it comes to taking action. It has great physical stamina and prowess. At its worst, Mars in Aries can be way too macho — fighting for the sake of fighting; needing to win at any cost.

Mars rules steel, guns and war — and at 0 degrees of Aries, it suggests that such matters will be prominent. Hence we have Gail Collins writing about Senator John Cornyn’s proposed bill — introduced earlier this month that would:

“… allow people from states with lax gun laws to carry their concealed weapons all around the country.

The goal, Cornyn said in a press release, is to treat local gun permits “like drivers’ licenses.”’

Ms. Collins tears this proposal to shreds. Cheerfully, of course.

It makes me think about the satirical cartoon, A Brief History of the United States, which appeared in Michael Moore’s Oscar-winning documentary, Bowling for Columbine. Which then makes me think about an Oklahoma state legislator’s bill that would eliminate funding for high school A.P. History classes, because the legislator believes that the class curriculum takes “a consistently negative view of American history”. This would be along the lines of Saturn in Sagittarius controls we’d expect in collective belief systems, of which higher education is one.

I’m fuming today about an incident in Alabama in which a 57-year old man from India was taking a morning stroll in the most boring looking suburban neighborhood you have ever seen. This man was visiting his son. He’d come from India to help his son and daughter take care of their young son. He was spotted walking on the sidewalk by one of the neighbors — a man — who apparently was following him in a car as he strolled.  This man called 911 to report the mysterious “skinny black guy”. Whatever happened to people smiling and waving “hello” to people out for a morning stroll, as has been known to occur in places like Maine — or even on the busy streets of Manhattan?

Anyway, with Mars within two degrees of the Ascendant (Feb 6, 8:19AM in Madison, AL), two police officers show up and within minutes the Indian grandfather has been thrown to the ground, thus breaking his back. Fortunately the incident was captured on film, so the lies the officers told about the man “putting his hands in his pockets” did not hold up. One of the officers was fired and faces criminal charges. I want to know more about that 911 caller, though. Who is he? Why did he feel so threatened? How does he feel now?

Can you tell I’m experiencing a Mars transit in my horoscope today? When Mars is making contact with planets or points in a horoscope, we can expect action, assertion, anger, accidents — and it’s not always pretty. It can be heroic, though. If you have a planet or angle around 0 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn, you may be feeling riled up, too. Not only do you need a physical release, but with Venus entering Aries tomorrow, you’d also benefit from a constructive social expression of your ruling passions.

One woman whose horoscope was affected by Mars at the Aries Point is Christina Bond (Oct 8, 1959 in Niles, MI). She died in early January in a freak accident. While adjusting the gun holster she had tucked inside her bra, the gun fired. No surprises in her horoscope. Ms. Bond’s Sun is at 14 Libra… hit by the Uranus-Pluto square and by October’s lunar eclipse…and by yet another measurement from freaky Uranus to her Sun.  We’d expect sudden prominence and fierce individualism. Strange that news of her death was delayed, but perhaps not from the perspective of planetary patterns. It made headlines when transiting Mars made contact with her Saturn at 1 Capricorn (also an Aries Point) — prominence!

Also making headlines: controversy over Chinese New Year, and whether it is the Year of the Sheep (sheep are ruled by Aries) or the Year of the Goat (goats are ruled by Capricorn). Really, which is it? Hong Kong’s leader thinks it’s the former, and has urged citizens to act accordingly.  Not likely, in a year with Uranus in Aries (sheep/ram) squaring Pluto in Capricorn (goat). Here’s more on the debate from the NYT, as well as an earlier article about the apparent push — pun obviously intended — to give birth before February 19th, as some believe the Year of the Sheep is unlucky. We shall see!

Thank you for reading this forecast.