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"Last night’s session was a delightful time for me. IT WAS ALL ABOUT ME!!! You are so articulate and caring, and I thoroughly enjoyed the time, all the nu- ances you brought to it and your obviously experienced, long- time expertise."
- Bill R.
Los Angeles

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Monday 12/31/2018: Sneak Peek at the Week; Mars enters Aries

Happy New Year’s Eve!

This is when I usually outline major patterns for the New Year. However, the action in just the first WEEK merits several paragraphs, so the rest of the year may have to wait.  Suffice it to say that if your plan is to hit the ground running in 2019, planetary patterns have your back. January is supercharged by a need for action and courage that carries into February. Do pay attention to any primal spark that currently commands your attention, as it may well develop into an effective crusade. Your quest for world domination may also be facilitated by patterns suggesting a focused reach for empowerment,  a sudden break and/or release — all before January 6th. Two eclipses this month — a New Moon on the 5th and a Full Supermoon on the 21st — accelerate the pace.

The last day of 2018 is driven by the Moon in depth-seeking Scorpio. What a perfect energy for tossing out dead wood and clearing space in preparation for the New Year. Purge, baby, purge! Send those dust bunnies packing! Make a list of what you no longer wish to carry — and burn it. Spend some time focusing on what you would like to receive in 2019. For more New Year’s Eve/Day traditions, Tarot Diva Beth Owl’s Daughter has written them all up for you. The need for emotional substance and control continues through New Year’s Day, as the Scorpio Moon continues its reign.


  • MORE ABOUT MONDAY (TODAY): Action, action, action — in ways that demand notice — as warrior/hero/badass Mars leaves Pisces for Aries at 9:20 PM ET TODAY. Aries is the sign ruled by Mars. When a planet is in the sign it rules, it functions with high effectiveness. Is that good or bad? I don’t know. What are you trying to accomplish?
  • At its best, Mars in Aries is courageous, inspiring, pioneering and a fighter for the underdog.  It has great physical stamina and prowess. At its worst, Mars in Aries can be way too macho — fighting for the sake of fighting; needing to win at any cost; utterly self-absorbed, impatient and reckless. Mars rules steel, men, desire, guns and war — and at 0 degrees of Aries, it suggests that such matters will be prominent.
  • You are personally affected by Mars at the Aries Point if you have a planet, angle or midpoint around 0 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra and/or Capricorn. And since I’ve heard from more than one Avid Reader asking for more on the Aries Point and what it means personally, I will be pleased to send you a few custom paragraphs on where the Aries Point falls in your horoscope, how it drives you and how you are likely to be affected by Mars sitting right on top of it. Hit reply to this email and send me your birth data if you think I don’t have it. Then toss $54 into my Cosmic Tip Jar. I will send insights within a day or so.
  • TUESDAY: Moon continues to seek depth and control in Scorpio. Aspects from other planets to the Moon are not jarring, suggesting ease and harmony of application. Moon goes void at 5:26 PM ET. Time to chill; focus on routine concerns and refrain from making a mountain of crisis out of a molehill.
  • WEDNESDAY: Humming in the background for the past several days is the Sun’s annual meet-up (technical term: conjunction) with Saturn. The Sun refers to leaders and vitality. Saturn is a karma cop, symbolizing structure, limits, ambition and control. Watch the headlines. You’ll feel this heavy focus more personally if you have planets around 11 degrees of Capricorn, Cancer, Aries or Libra. Meanwhile, Moon soars into Sagittarius at 3:53 AM ET, lifting spirits and sights into the stratosphere. A Sag Moon facilitates righteous opinions, foreign affairs, a walk in the woods — anything that pushes boundaries.
  • THURSDAY: Lots and lots of stuff. A Sag Moon drives the day with optimism, with the heavy Sun-Saturn conjunction in the rear view mirror. Plus, Moon squares Neptune at 7:01 AM ET — adding more sugarplum visions to the morning. Note your dreams upon waking and double check your schedules and directions, to minimize disorientation. Noon ET marks the official start of the 116th Congress. A look at that chart merits several paragraphs, already written — but they need an edit. Next forecast!
  • FRIDAY: Mercury trines Uranus at 12:12 AM ET — potential described above. Moon goes void at 12:41 PM ET.  Once it enters Capricorn at  1:55 PM ET, it’ll be poised to take care of business. Sun sextiles Neptune at 2:58 PM ET — apt for artists, healing, refugees and all other Neptune themes. At 10:40 PM ET, Mercury leaves Sagittarius for practical Capricorn, chasing after the Capricorn Moon.
  • SATURDAY: New Moon in Capricorn at 8:28 PM ET — it’s an eclipse — and significant in world affairs. Stay tuned for details.
  • SUNDAY: Shake, rattle and roll. Moon makes its weekly clash with Pluto and Uranus; Uranus turns direct; freedom, disruption, innovation, seismic activity likely to make headlines.

And now, the news.

“The Lives They Lived” — the NYT’s latest Sunday Magazine features more than the usual number of people who passed away under Neptune in Pisces/Mars in Pisces circumstances (i.e., self-sacrificing/undoing).

Meanwhile, WaPo  offers funny writer Dave Barry’s re-cap of 2018. Buh-bye — and don’t let the door hit you on the way out. It’s “2019 Preview” features predictions by reporters — most of which are supported by planetary patterns. Not bad, WaPo!

UPDATE: on the explosion that lit up the New York skyline a couple of days ago. Remember I said  in the last forecast that the chart for the event did NOT look like an explosion? Electric, yes — explosion, no. Turns out it wasn’t an explosion. It was a plasma discharge caused by a tech snafu. Technical term for the event: electrical arc.   Astrology is amazing.

UPDATE: Barack Obama has Venus at 0 Cancer, a.k.a. the Aries Point. With transiting Mars activating that Venus, we could expect his aesthetic values to demand our attention. Heck, even without that Mars transit, we’re always going to be hearing about Barack Obama’s aesthetic values. When he is 90, and Certain Other People are long gone, we will be hearing what Barack Obama had for lunch.

UPDATE: Avid Readers will recall that Elizabeth Warren was born with Sun and Uranus at the Aries Point. With Mars now at the Aries Point, her horoscope has been triggered. “Elizabeth Warren Announces She is Running for President in 2020.” Of course she is. Given the current state of her horoscope — even without a confirmed birth time —  there was never a doubt.

  • REMINDER: I will be pleased to send you a few custom paragraphs on where the Aries Point falls in your horoscope, how it drives you and how you are likely to be affected by Mars sitting right on top of it. Hit reply to this email and send me your birth data if you think I don’t have it. Then toss $54 into my Cosmic Tip Jar. I will send insights within a day or so.
  • OTHER REMINDER: I have not given myself a raise in several years. Rates will increase on January 15th. Any service purchased before January 15th may be scheduled anytime in 2019.

Thank you for reading this forecast. I cherish each and every one of you, whether you’ve been an Avid Reader for years or have only just discovered my astrological musings. I hope you always find it informative and entertaining.

Closing with this gem from Sunny Daze, a human who posts on the Facebook. It’s the best prediction I’ve seen yet: