Happy weekend warrior-ing! As I wrote at the start of the week:
- SATURDAY — Moon charges into Aries at 12:46 AM ET; alerting our senses and demanding our focus. The buzz in the air is the unconventional attraction reflected by the annual opposition between Venus and Uranus at 6:06 PM ET. We’ll see disruptive news about money (watch the markets on Friday), women, art and social expression. Love at first sight?
- SUNDAY — Moon in Aries continues its me-me-me-first crusade (unless it’s looking out for the nearest underdog). Aries is fearless and inspiring at best; reckless and selfish at worst (which explains why that jerk cut you off on the freeway). But since you are now aware of this planetary pattern, you won’t react in anger to that jerk, right? You’ll just roll your eyes and know that things will settle down once the Moon enters Taurus, which happens around noon ET on Monday. But first you must live though this day, which begins with a bit of a wet blanket at 5:36 AM ET, as the me-me-me Aries Moon is squared by authority figure Saturn. Hmm. Take a second look at that “creature like no other” you might have brought home last night? Your moment of sobriety may be soon lifted by a jolly and cooperative connection between the Sun and Jupiter, exact at 2:02 PM ET (and in effect a few days before). But wait — there’s more! The Full Moon is exact at 5:08 PM ET, 51 minutes before the Moon’s weekly clash with Pluto, and just hours away from Pluto’s square to the Sun. There’s much to be released over the next couple of days involving power plays, resources, news from underground and emotional catharses.
More on that Full Moon: What is illuminated now is likely to be connected to events that happened around the July 16 lunar eclipse at 24 Capricorn. We will have further illumination on those events on the January 10 lunar eclipse at 20 Cancer — to be continued on the April 7 Full Moon at 18 Libra. As an example, see my notes on Shepard Smith’s horoscope below.
This Sunday’s Full Moon is at 20 Aries, and the Sabian Symbols for this lunation offer the following insights: for the Aries Moon, it’s “a pugilist entering the ring;” for the Libra Sun it’s “a crowd upon the beach.” We last encountered this “pugilist” in July 2015. Sabian Symbol guru Blain Bovee suggests we apply this symbol to “the focused contest between social organization and individuality; the natural inclination to define one’s space; finding the range of one’s power, the impact of one’s punch”. What are we fighting for? Are we championing a noble cause or are we just in it for ego recognition, born of insecurity? Will we inspire the world with our battle cry or will we just throw a temper tantrum and never mind the damaging consequences of our actions? Aries can go either way — big baby or warrior-hero — what will it be? Meanwhile, I haven’t written about “the crowd” before, but here’s Bovee’s take.
And now, the news.
The New York Times continues to deliver its elective coverage in sync with planetary patterns. Astrology is simply amazing. On a day with Venus opposing Uranus, the NYT Sunday magazine was “The Culture Issue,” with plenty of unconventional women and other disruptive artists, including but not limited to:
- “In Her Prime: Kathryn Hahn’s Explorations of Middle-Aged Desire.”
- An in-depth homage to Susan Sontag, who wrote “Under the Sign of Saturn,” a planet we’ve been talking about for the last week (!)
- An interview with actor Edward Norton, who has “(mostly) ditched Hollywood for the tech world”
Other headlines reflecting the Venus-Uranus face-off:
- “All-women Delta crew flies 120 girls to NASA to encourage female aviators.”
- The women’s spacewalk is back on — scheduled for Oct 21 (Venus will be trine Neptune; Sun will almost oppose Uranus)
- Big change in the art world: MoMA re-opens after zillion-dollar renovation; generates controversy
- Comic Sans is a jokeworthy font, sparking op-eds while being the social expression of choice for attorney John Dowd’s formal reply to the House Intelligence Committee. Dowd is representing Rudy Giuliani’s associates — Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman — who were arrested this week in whilst attempting to flee the country.
- “‘Electrifying’: Boris Johnson’s first meeting with Jennifer Arcuri caught on camera.” Did I not say that Venus-Uranus patterns generate a electric buzz? As if the UK didn’t have enough problems sorting out its Brexit mess, there are now rumours of a Johnson-Arcuri affair and other improprieties.
- The Guardian’s column “This Week in Patriarchy” focuses on a disruptive aestethic choice made by AOC. Enjoy.
Meanwhile, Saturn square Sun (cuts and controls involving leaders) and Pluto square Sun (power plays) are heavy, heavy, heavy:
- Millions of Northern Californians were left in the dark when Pacific Gas & Electric shut off power in order to prevent wildfires. The Guardian has an interesting analysis. California’s horoscope has been supercharged for the past few years by transiting Uranus — and this will continue into 2020. Disruptive — pioneering — maverick — innovative — rebellious — those are the themes of current patterns.
- Record-breaking rains and heavy flooding in Japan, courtesy of Typhoon Hagibis
- “Ecuador protests: president imposes curfew amid worsening violence”
- “Epic power struggle underway in Peru”
- “‘South Park’ attacks China’s censorship in newest episode” — and — “Superstar German DJ permanently banned in China for liking ‘South Park’ tweet” — which all started this week with “NBA afraid to stand against China because money talks”
- Jimmy Carter took a fall after his 95th birthday, but true to form, was out building homes for Habitat for Humanity the next day — with a bit of sobering advice for P45.
- Former US Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch ignored a P45 administration gag order and testified before the House, providing written testimony that (reports The Guardian) “expresses clearly and in the most solemn of settings, what growing numbers American diplomats have been feeling: that their institution is being left to rot.
- It’s official: the ultra-rich pay a lower tax rate than the middle-class.
- “Catch & Kill” — Ronan Farrow’s account of how NBC tried to quash Farrow’s efforts to investigate allegations of Harvey Weinstein’s serial sexual abuse — was published. Farrow’s horoscope was discussed in March 2018.
- A cut — and also a surprise: Fox News anchor and managing editor Shepard Smith abruptly resigned as of Friday, saying he hoped “facts would win the day.” Shepard renogiated his contract last year and had been with Fox for 23 years. Looking at his horoscope, we can appreciate the need for streamlining and breakdown, with the upside being empowerment. Born on January 14, 1964 in Holly Springs, MS (birth time unknown) Smith — like Greta Thunberg — has Sun and Moon in practical, achievement-focused Capricorn; both have likely been feeling the weight of transiting Saturn and Pluto. Pressure to make a daring break is suggested by transiting Uranus squaring his “rebel with a cause” Mars in Aquarius. He would have tendered his resignation right around the time transiting Mars squared his Mercury at 4 Capricorn (the energy of action/assertion applied to how he needs to think and communicate). “Coincidentally,” that is also when a scone caught fire in my toaster oven (obviously my horoscope was also activated by transiting Mars). His horoscope will be activated by Sunday’s Full Moon — and in December, his Mercury will be eclipsed. It will be interesting to see what kind of expansive project launches in mid-2020 when transiting Jupiter conjoins his Sun. A book deal or launch, perhaps?
UPDATE: on Boeing — a horoscope written about in this forecast back in March — and in my column in the current Mountain Astrologer. Major restructuring was anticipated; this week CEO & President Dennis Mullenberg was removed as Boeing’s board chairman; there will likely be more in January. Meanwhile, the Boeing 737 Max — scheduled to be put back into service around the time of Mercury’s next retrograde (ha ha ha — what were they thinking) — isn’t coming back until January 2020 at the earliest. They’re too busy working on a flying car….
Finally, the Good News Network has discovered the key to happiness. Who knew?
What’s going on in your horoscope? How will it be affected by today’s Full Moon? January’s Saturn-Pluto conjunction? Here’s the 411 on personal consultations.
Thank you for reading this forecast.