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Good morning!
The start of the work week is driven by the Moon in Aquarius, seeking to be appreciated for the social significance of whatever makes it unique — while hanging with other weird birds of the same feather. There is absolutely nothing contradictory here; it’s just the nature of Aquarius. Arise, go forth and network, stimulated by the buzz of whatever hits the wires in the wake of the 2:16 AM ET opposition between Mercury (how we need to think and travel) and Uranus (technology; aviation; innovation; gender-benders). More surprises and upsets to the status quo continue as the Aquarius Moon squares Mercury and Uranus at 10:32 AM and 11: 36 ET. Meanwhile, the Libra Sun (patriarchs, CEOs, authority figures, heads of state) is squared by a high-functioning Saturn at 3:07 PM ET. Events that were hot in the second weeks of July and April may be back in the limelight, taken to a new level. Links to headlines from past Sun-Saturn squares may be found here. You are feeling the streamlining pressure more than most if you have planets around 13 – 22 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn — or were born around the 5th – 14th of January, April, July or October. Resistance is futile. There is definitely an upside. Consult your astrologer for details.
After today’s Sun-Saturn square, there are no exact contacts among the planets — except from the Moon — until Saturday night. These stretches of little t0 no planetary action should not be thought of as times when nothing is going on. We last had one of these “lulls” back in — oh, lookie — mid-April (around the last Sun-Saturn square). These apparent lulls are often deceptive. It’s like looking at a giant ice shelf on the most sparkling sunny day ever…and then, for no apparent reason, half the shelf crumbles into the ocean. So if an “other shoe” drops in the headlines, I will not be surprised, and neither should you. It is interesting that — as with the April “lull,” we are warming up for a Full Moon, which will be exact on Sunday night. The rest of the week goes like this:
- TUESDAY – An easy flow in the early part of the day. The Aquarius Moon goes void at 2:27 PM ET — ship it beforehand, then take care of routine tasks for the rest of the business day. Roll with the twists and flakes. CHILL OUT if a crisis crops up; it’s likely much ado about nothing. This is a loooooong void; Moon enters Pisces at 12:05 PM ET on Wednesday. Meanwhile, at 1:06 PM ET, Venus exits Libra and enters Scorpio. Venus in Scorpio needs depth and substance in social expression, along with passion, for better or for worse. “For worse” would be revenge, served cold. It’s an honor thing with Venus in Scorpio. There is a certain code that must be followed. It’s a tough, but somebody’s got to do it. Point is, Venus in Scorpio will be reflected in news about social expression, women, money and other values until November 1, when Venus enters Sagittarius.
- WEDNESDAY — If you sleep through the alarm, no big deal. Moon is void until 12:05 PM ET, when it enters Pisces. How apt for Yom Kippur, a.k.a. day of atonement. Pisces invented empathy, compassion and forgiveness.
- THURSDAY — More of the same — but no Moon void.
- FRIDAY — Moon goes void in Pisces at 5:55 AM ET — for the rest of the day. Are you skipping out early for a long holiday weekend? You won’t be missing anything of consequence at the office. Monday is Thanksgiving in Canada says my calendar. It’s Columbus Day in most of the USA, although as of April, more than 60 states and cities have renamed it “Indigenous Peoples’ Day”.
- SATURDAY — Moon charges into Aries at 12:46 AM ET; alerting our senses and demanding our focus. The buzz in the air is the unconventional attraction reflected by the annual opposition between Venus and Uranus at 6:06 PM ET. We’ll see disruptive news about money (watch the markets on Friday), women, art and social expression. Love at first sight?
- SUNDAY — Moon in Aries continues its me-me-me-first crusade (unless it’s looking out for the nearest underdog). Aries is fearless and inspiring at best; reckless and selfish at worst (which explains why that jerk cut you off on the freeway). But since you are now aware of this planetary pattern, you won’t react in anger to that jerk, right? You’ll just roll your eyes and know that things will settle down once the Moon enters Taurus, which happens around noon ET on Monday. But first you must live though this day, which begins with a bit of a wet blanket at 5:36 AM ET, as the me-me-me Aries Moon is squared by authority figure Saturn. Hmm. Take a second look at that “creature like no other” you might have brought home last night? Your moment of sobriety may be soon lifted by a jolly and cooperative connection between the Sun and Jupiter, exact at 2:02 PM ET (and in effect a few days before). But wait — there’s more! The Full Moon is exact at 5:08 PM ET, 51 minutes before the Moon’s weekly clash with Pluto, and just hours away from Pluto’s square to the Sun. There’s much to be released over the next couple of days involving power plays, resources, news from underground and emotional catharses. Will write more on this Full Moon later in the week.
And now, the news.
I finished the first half of this forecast around midnight, just as a surprise announcement (Mercury opposing Uranus at 2:16 AM ET) from the White House that after P45 spoke with Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan yesterday, P45 was pulling US forces out of Syria, “getting out of the way” of a planned Turkish invasion. “Getting out of the way” also means “abandoning the Kurds, our longtime allies in the fight against ISIS,” which would be a potential reflection of today’s brutal Sun-Saturn square, as in “life sucks, then you die.” But don’t worry, the Trump Tower in Istanbul is going to be just fine.
The Turkish invasion was a surprise to Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC & Senate Judiciary Chair & P45 golf buddy) — who was relying on “press reports” for details early this morning, according to his Twitter feed. Graham would be feeling provoked today, with Mars squaring his Venus, after Uranus squared his Jupiter two days ago. Usually a Uranus-Jupiter square suggests a windfall opportunity, though astrologer Robert Hand opines that “Jupiter symbolizes our ability to go along with the social and economic system in which you live and make it work for you. The square from Uranus tests your ability to handle your relationship with the system.” Hand also suggests that this transit may reflect a reality check on an otherwise unworkable viewpoint. Graham is a homeland/emotional security-seeking Cancer, driven by an adaptable Pisces Moon (July 9, 1955 in Central, SC). His Sun is at 16 Cancer, meaning it was squeezed by Saturn in February and July, with a third Saturn opposition on November 17th. But that’s not all, as the first quarter of 2020 is dominated by two solar arcs (another way astrologers measure time) suggesting disruption of the status quo and a significant loss (SA Pluto = Uranus and SA Saturn = Sun, for the astro pros reading this forecast). Graham’s latest tweet said that he would introduce a resolution in the Senate opposing the US withdrawal from Syria.
Bear in mind that the pattern driving most of action between now and January is the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn on January 12th. This is a no-frills attitude to authority and responsibility, taken to extremes. There’s no dreamy/visionary pattern (e.g., Jupiter square Neptune) to soften a stark perspective. We are even seeing this in news coverage, as WaPo’s Jennifer Rubin writes today: “The media figured it out, just in the nick of time.” Jupiter is the media; Neptune is fog; the fog is fading. Time to get real!
In other news, we need to keep an eye on October 19th, when Mars will be at 10 Libra, triggering the July 2nd solar eclipse. That will be an especially expansive week for P45, as noted in prior forecasts. Jupiter will be at 20-21 Sagittarius, activating P45’s Sun-Moon-Nodes and the US Mars-Neptune square.
Mercury in a challenging aspect with Uranus symbolizes humor of the wackiest kind. RIP to wacky comic Rip Taylor, a mainstay on the deliciously bizarre Gong Show. Bizarre humor and a stark patriarchal perspective (Sun square Saturn-Pluto) is clearly reflected by Joker, which smashed box office records this weekend and has been hailed by at least one critic as a sign of the times. Joker star Joaquin Phoenix was born with an exact Mercury-Uranus conjunction — one of several patterns in his horoscope that would enable him to step into that particular character.
In other news…
Reflecting last week’s Pluto change of station, suggesting breakdown in infrastructure and corruption exposed:
With Pluto squaring Venus last week, life and death matters involving women included
Other important SCOTUS cases to be heard during this stark period of planetary patterns involve gun rights and LGBT rights.
With Mars (men, desire, aggression, assertion) at the Aries Point and not behaving at its best in Libra last week, naturally a jockstrap had to make news, as Stephen Colbert explains somewhere in these clips. Meanwhile, I told you Elizabeth Warren’s horoscope (Sun-Uranus conjunction) would be activated by this transit, and here she is smacking down tech mogul Mark Zuckerberg, and here she is smacking down absurd allegations by a lying ex-Marine…and here is SNL’s Kate McKinnon turning those absurd allegations into another brilliant sketch.
Andrew McCabe’s horoscope is triggered by planets at the Aries Point. “Judge to DOJ: decide on charging McCabe by Nov 15 or face release of FBI records.” A grand jury has yet to return an indictment.
UPDATE: Joe Biden has Neptune at the Aries Point, with Neptune ruling the area of his life related to home and family; transiting Mars activated the area of his life related to children. Mars on Neptune suggests scandal, deception, idealism, escapism, vision, victimization, drugs, alcohol. Thus we should not be surprised that Biden’s son Hunter is having his name dragged through the mud regarding past business dealings in the Ukraine because hid dad’s run for office is a threat to P45. What’s interesting about the timing of these events — from an astrological perspective — is that we can see in Biden’s horoscope that Neptune will soon be opposing his 19 Virgo Midheaven, both by solar arc (exact on January 1) and by transit (in 2020 and 2021). This suggests an element of confusion/fog and other Neptune themes in matters of home, family and public/professional status. Another interesting astrological element is that I had not looked too deeply into Hunter Biden’s story, but The New Yorker ran an in-depth piece back in July, when the Cancer Sun was opposing Saturn and Pluto And, as I said, stories that were “up” at that time are likely to be back this month….and again in January 2020 because planetary patterns repeat themselves. And here we are. I did not know that Hunter Biden had struggled with so many Neptune issues…until now. And we see them being brought forward at this time by action in Joe Biden’s horoscope. For more on this story, I refer you back to Jennifer Rubin.
UPDATE: Rick Perry has Uranus at the Aries Point. Last week’s Mars trigger activated areas in his horoscope related to his professional status, hidden enemies and self-sabotage. Meanwhile, transiting Uranus (ruler of his Aquarius MC/point of professional status) is squaring Venus, ruler of his Taurus Ascendant. Translation: SURPRISE! Last week P45 blamed Rick Perry for making him call the Ukrainian president and ask him to do him a favor in return for US military aid. Yes, it’s all Rick Perry’s fault — and now he’s stepping down as Secretary of Energy in November. Well, his Mars is at 8 Libra, conjunct the toxic South Node and the fixed star Diadem. My trusty astrological software posits that one of the influences of Diadem in the horoscope is “to sacrifice oneself.” Oh. As of two hours ago, Rick Perry says he’s not stepping down. OK, let’s see where he’s at in mid-2020, when transiting Uranus will be putting continued pressure for change on his Venus AND his 9 Aquarius Midheaven.
UPDATE: Mitt Romney is also under attack. And like Rick Perry, he has Venus in “I love you, but don’t take it personally” Aquarius conjunct the MC, only Romney’s MC is under pressure now, whereas Perry has to wait several months. Here is his horoscope, which I’ve written about many many times — search the archives. Last year it was obvious that he’d win his bid to serve as a US Senator from Utah, and current measurements suggest expanded expression of his values, generally well-received. But next year, patterns shift. That’s why it’s good to check in with your astrologer every six months to a year, btw — because patterns — like the weather — are always changing. Anyhoo, we see that Neptune will be activating Mitt Romney’s horoscope in ways that are somewhat similar to Joe Biden: home/family/country/core foundation — in a cloud or fog.
Random hardcore reality checks reflecting Sun square Saturn-Pluto, from the Sunday New York Times:
Ending with a couple of uplifting (literally) headlines reflecting technological innovation (Mercury opposing Uranus) and Sun square Saturn (bones, especially spine):
Thank you for reading this forecast — and sharing it with your friends.
Allll- righty then!
New month, new week and a New Moon in Gemini — let’s get this party started!
A New Moon offers us an opportunity to re-set intentions and goals for the next lunar cycle. Today’s New Moon is exact at 6:02 AM ET — at 12 degrees of Gemini.
Gemini is an air sign, ruled by Mercury, which refers to the mindset, information and communication. Gemini is a double-bodied sign (it is represented by the Twins), and is thus capable of going either way — or more than one way simultaneously — in a situation. Gemini invented the phrase “…on the other hand” — and guess what? Gemini also rules the hands. It likes to have its hands in a lot of different pies. The Gemini mantra is I THINK.
The closest aspect to this New Moon in Gemini is a square from Neptune, ruler of vision and rose-colored fog. In the chart set in Washington D.C., we see the potential for vison and/or fog amplified, as Neptune squares the DC chart’s 15 degree Gemini Ascendant. If the truth is out there, we may not see it quite yet. Until then we can dream, inspired by a high-functioning Mercury in Gemini (the sign it rules) and by the pixie-dusted action potential of a harmony (trine) between Mars and Neptune.
And if you do dream, dream BIG, aided by the fast-approaching square between Jupiter in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces. Upside potential: the highest good for all, based on genuine empathy and compassion. Downside potential (because the square, while energizing, can be a challenge): bombastic opinions that may be delusional, possibly involving self-proclaimed victims (tune your tiny violins now, please). We may see a mini-dose of either potential today, as the Moon squares Neptune at 4:39 PM ET and opposes Jupiter at 7:35 PM ET.
Elsewhere in the New Moon horoscope, rebel Uranus is running wild, suggesting more than the usual share of unconventional free spirits shaking up the system. In the chart set in Washington DC, Uranus rules the 10th House (our fearless leaders), in which Neptune is sitting. Could be sublime; could be ridiculous. On with the show!
You are more personally affected by this New Moon if you have a planet or angle around 13 degrees of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces. Wherever it falls in your horoscope is the area that is likely to be ripe for innovative and visionary thought and communication. Meanwhile, the Sabian Symbol for this New Moon is “a great musician at his piano.” This is an image of a master using his/her chosen instrument of expression. Sabian Symbol guru Blain Bovee notes that a “great musician” may be a master technician or a genius at highly personal expression, but not necessarily both. One can command center stage “through talent and hard work, or through dramatic emotional manipulation.”
Bovee advises us to apply this symbol with a mind for “center-stage indulgences; keeping one’s past quiet behind a proud and brave face; putting a damper on an emotional situation; imposing a formal posture on a full scale of emotional highs and lows,” to name a few possibilities. Am I the only one thinking, “God save the Queen”?
The rest of the week flows like this:
TUESDAY: Moon leaves Gemini and enters Cancer at 12:17 PM ET, after a 30 minute void. The Cancer Moon shifts the focus to preserving emotional and home security, so plan accordingly. At 4:05 PM ET, Mercury leaves Gemini for Cancer. Watch, as over the next few days, we hear especially prominent news. Mercury will be at the Aries Point, so we should be hearing something about Barack Obama‘s social expression/value system any day now; Elizabeth Warren and Meryl Streep may also catch our attention, as those astro-twins both have Sun and Uranus at the Aries Point.
In Cancer, Mercury’s natural need for verbal expression is literally muted. When have you ever heard a crab make a sound? Thought and communication that is intuited is favored until June 27th…and then again between July 19th and August 12th. Why the return engagement? Because dear Avid Readers, Mercury will be retrograde between July 8-31 (huzzah!). Anything that is signed, sealed and delivered after June 20th is subject to review, review, review.
WEDNESDAY: The Cancer Moon meets up with Mars at 10:48 AM ET, pushing for an assertive agenda involving home, family and nurturing. The evening is marked by a harmony with Neptune at 8:06 PM ET, offering a dreamy or musical interlude. An authoritative advance or wet blanket follows at 9:28 PM ET, when Moon opposes Saturn.
THURSDAY: the wee hours feature the Moon’s weekly clash with Pluto, suggesting an emotional catharsis or power play. It happens at 3:01 AM ET. The Cancer Moon goes void at 10:10 AM ET and enters rip roarin’ Leo at 3:16 PM ET, looking for a party or a regal entrance. During the five-hour Moon void, remember that crises which crop up are often much ado about nothing. Roll with the twists and flakes. Stick to routine. Avoid impulse shopping. Chill! At 11:37 PM ET the Moon makes its weekly clash with disruptive Uranus, offering an opportunity to clear the air or shock the system.
FRIDAY: Innovation in communication and technology has been favored all week, courtesy of a harmony between Mercury and Uranus that is exact today at 10:16 AM ET. There’s a lot to love about the easy flow between the Gemini Sun and the Leo Moon, and the Gemini Sun may be carried away on a wave of exuberance and idealism over the weekend. Why? Because on SUNDAY and MONDAY, the Sun will square Neptune and oppose Jupiter, respectively. Stay tuned.
SATURDAY: keep the Leo Moon party going. Moon goes void for 20 minutes at 5:23 PM ET and then enters Virgo to put things right. Venus leaves Taurus for Gemini at 9:37 PM ET, seeking diversity and clever conversation in values and social expression. How many summer loves would you like to have between now and July 4th? Can’t blame Venus in Gemini for trying.
SUNDAY: the Virgo Moon seeks perfection in every detail. How will it manage under the spell of the Sun’s square to Neptune at 3:34 PM ET? Past headlines are here and here.
And now, the news.
UPDATE: I wrote about Alex Trebek‘s horoscope in last month’s issue of Mountain Astrologer. He had just been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, but was putting on a brave and determined face, true to his natal chart. And planetary patterns did look promising for a daring initiative. Thus it was gratifying to read last week that his Stage 4 diagnosis is responding well to treatment and is in “near remission.” Meanwhile, Jeopardy!‘s ratings are breaking records, thanks to contestant James Holzhauer’s near record-breaking wins. We don’t have a birth date for Holzhauer, so we can’t opine on the secret of his success. I’m fine with just feeling happy for Alex Trebek.
Neptune refers to music, as you know. Here is something BIG: “Apple Expected to Close iTunes After 18 Years.” iTunes launched on January 9, 2001 — when the Sun was at 19 Capricorn. Guess where Pluto, Saturn and the South Node have been for the past few months — and will continue to hover for a few months more? Right on that 19 Capricorn Sun, suggesting a need for streamlining, transformation and possibility even a toxic release. If you were born around January 9th, perhaps you can relate.
Meanwhile, we are still in the dark of the Moon — an apt time for activities that may never see the light of day. Add that factor to the current mix: “Bilderberg Ahoy! Pompeo and Kushner join the billionaire boat club.” Don’t know what that means? That’s probably what they’re hoping.
Elsewhere, Avid Readers will recall that transiting Jupiter is currently activating the U.S. Mars-Neptune square, reflecting our country’s idealism involving firearms. How apt to see this story in the NYT Sunday Review: “A Gun Killed My Son. So Why Do I Want to Own One?” I was initially averse to reading it (especially given what just happened in Virginia Beach), but I’m glad I did. It’s long, but thoughtful.
UPDATE: John McCain’s horoscope is also currently activated by transiting Jupiter, as it connects with his Venus at 22 Virgo and Saturn at 20 Pisces. Saturn rules McCain’s Capricorn Ascendant. The Ascendant refers to how his needs to be seen — as an executive in charge. People are still talking this weekend over the White House’s request that the U.S. Navy literally hide the USS John McCain — a ginormous sea-faring vessel — from P45’s sight during his visit to Japan. The Pentagon was having none of it — as we would expect. Jupiter transits are often protective ones — and the horoscope lives forever. Coincidence or conspiracy?
Elsewhere in “big boat” boondoggles: the NYT writes about Elaine Chao, U.S. Secretary of Transportation and wife of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. Her family runs a big shipping business in China…
UPDATE: This week P45 and his Dursley ilk are heading across the pond for a state visit with the Queen and her family. Sky News promises to bring us the full story — but I bet they won’t tell you what’s going on in Her Majesty’s horoscope. Sure, there are long-term patterns humming in the background, reflecting the recent changes in her family and the shake-ups in her realm, but what about the “little bells” that will be exact over the next two days? My software program offers these interpretations:
- June 3: Transiting Mercury Square Uranus
Mental tension. Fixation on one point of view — rigidity of mind. Radical views challenged. Interrupted communications.
- June 4: Transiting Venus Opposition Saturn
Distance from others. Inhibitions. Utility over beauty. Exacting distinctions. Serious or traditional social matters.
- June 4: Transiting Mars Conjunction Pluto
The urge to change things, to eliminate and purify. Efforts to unite, to transform, to share power and territory. Intense cleaning and purification. Convincing, or being convinced of something. High energy output.
Astrology is amazing.
What’s going on in your horoscope? Here’s the 411 on personal consultations.
Thank you for reading this forecast. I do hope you found it fun and informative.
Hellooooo and happy Tuesday!
I hope you are making the most of the discerning energy driving this day, brought to you by the Moon in Virgo. Apply it — along with REorganizing potential of Mercury retrograde — and REview your projects, files and closets. Separate what no longer serves (“serve” is Virgo’s middle name) and chuck it!
Moon entered Virgo yesterday (Monday) at 9:41 PM ET. Before then, Moon was void in drama king/queen Leo. A Moon void means that the energy of the day has a higher probability of wandering off-course. Hopefully you rolled with any twists or flakes that interfered with your efforts to move forward in a straight line. A crisis that came up was likely to have been much ado about nothing, dramatic as it may have seemed. Yes?
Emotions are on the rise, as the Moon waxes to fullness on WEDNESDAY at 9:43 PM ET. Tomorrow is also marks the start of the astrological new year, as the Sun leaves Pisces and charges into Aries at 5:59 PM ET. As much as all the Aries in the room would love to just get to the me-me-me Aries part of the discussion, we need to break down what will happen before the Sun enters Aries, because those patterns reflect what’s been happening over the past few days. Ready?
TUESDAY — Moon travels without interference from the other planets for most of the day. Keep on sorting, reviewing, revising, reorganizing — in an effort to get it right. Know that since Mercury is retrograde, your efforts may be up for review again after March 28th, when Mercury turns direct. Still, double check the details thrice this evening, as Moon opposes foggy/dreamy Neptune just after midnight — ET. It will help you get from Point A to Point B without ending up in Point C.
WEDNESDAY — A valiant effort to separate facts from fiction marks the morning. I hope the facts prevail, because at 7:37 AM ET, Mars (planet of action and aggression) harmonizes with Pluto (planet of power, resources and breakdown). Over the past several days we’ve had an easy flow of physical/assertive energy at our collective disposal. If this pattern personally affects your unique horoscope (consult your astrologer for details), it has facilitated the execution of your marathon effort — the one you’ve been planning for months and months — for better or for worse. At 10:28 AM ET, Mercury (how we need to think) harmonizes with Saturn (necessary controls; patriarchy, structure). Upside potential: authentic intuition facilitates structure. Downside potential: delusional beliefs facilitate authority.Watch the headlines.
Whatever communication is expressed, it’s likely to be grand or grandiose, suggested by the Moon’s challenging contact with Jupiter (expansion!) at 11:22 AM ET. After that release, Moon goes void, once again traveling without focus. If it feels like the end of the world, do not despair. You’re just tuning in to the Sun at the verrrrrry last gasp of Pisces, which definitely IS the end, if you happen to be a caterpillar. But at 5:59 PM ET, the Sun (and all caterpillars) is born anew when it ends the inevitable beginning in Aries. Happy Vernal Equinox — happy first day of Spring!
Aries is the baby of the zodiac, ruled by warrior Mars. Courage, self-reliance, inspiration and a pioneering spirit are keywords for the Sun in Aries, sign of the Ram (as in battering). There is no greater crusading champion for the underdog when Aries is at its best. Downside potential: insufferable self-absorption, impatience and a tendency to jump off cliffs or fall down stairs because it’s faster than walking. You think I’m kidding? Here is one of my fave Exhibits: Justin Trudeau, who has Moon in Aries in touch with wacky Uranus, showing us on tape how he falls down stairs. What fun he must be at parties. The mantra for Aries is I AM.
Here’s what you need to know about the first day of any season from an astrological point of view. The first day of Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter corresponds with the first day (or first DEGREE) of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, respectively. Got that? Good. These four signs are called CARDINAL signs of the zodiac, with “cardinal” here suggesting (from the Latin root of the word), “that on which something turns or depends.” Cardinal signs take ACTION. They INITIATE. Nothing happens without ACTION. And action leads to NECESSARY CHANGE. As in a change of seasons — suggested by solstices and equinoxes. Clear?
The first day of a season is prominent in our culture, right? We make a big deal over it — yes? So can you see that in astrology, we observe that PLANETS at the first degree of a cardinal sign (Aries, Cancer, Libra & Capricorn), tend to pack a more powerful, prominent punch. They suggest ACTION which leads to CHANGE — prominently! The first degree of the cardinal signs is known as the ARIES POINT. Got that?
If you have a planet or angle at the Aries Point, you can expect that the energy of that planet will demand prominent expression in your life. Your friends and family — and perhaps the entire free world — will notice it. William Shatner was born with the Sun at 0 Aries. “To boldly go where no man has gone before”? I should think so — and the whole world knows him for playing that role.
Moving right along…to 9:28 PM ET on WEDNESDAY, when the Moon leaves Virgo and enters Libra. A Libra Moon needs to be appreciated for being fair, diplomatic and people-pleasing. If you have one in your horoscope, this is the key to your happiness. At 9:43 PM ET, the Libra Moon will exactly oppose the Aries Sun, pitting the expression of me-me-me Aries against the we-we-we need of the Libra Moon. Who will win? Illumination and release in matters of diplomacy, partnership and relationship are the likely fallout. Whatever comes out is sure to capture our attention, as this Full Moon is happening at the aforementioned Aries Point. It’s likely to involve leaders — in government and commerce. Watch the news!
For further clues to the nature of what is revealed, we can examine the Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon at 0 Libra and the Sun at 0 Aries. If you do not know about these wonderful Sabian Symbols, here is the story. For the Sun: “A woman rises out of water, a seal rises and embraces her;” for the Moon: “A butterfly made perfect by a dart through it.” Thankfully we have Sabian Sage Blain Bovee to help us make sense of these cryptic images. He advises that we be mindful of “emergent moments that initiate a new life-cycle; tender moments of raw emotion that leave a lasting impression. Watch for photographic moments; the desire to capture something in the perfect light.” You’ll find even more insight here and here.
Here is the Full Moon chart set in Washington, D.C.
We can use it to see how these next few weeks are likely to be experienced by the United States. I see a picture suggesting a matter coming to an inevitable conclusion, as well as the end of any image of diplomacy. I see a disruptive revelation or action that leads to a clash between a stubborn and destructively macho need to preserve the status quo vs. a gender-inclusive, equally intractable need to express a more progressive and humanitarian value system. The clash I’m referring to is suggested by…
THURSDAY ..a square (challenge) between Venus (women, money, art, social expression) in Aquarius and Mars (men, assertion, aggression) in Taurus, exact at 4:07 AM ET. If you have a planet or angle around 23 degrees of Taurus, Aquarius, Leo or Scorpio, you are personally affected. My money says you’ve been feeling a build-up of tension demanding a heroic, physical or combative release. This means you, Speaker Pelosi, Majority Leader McConnell and Trump. Be prepared for a provocative initiative or attack, especially for Trump, as transiting Mars triggers his Taurus Midheaven and moves on to his Mars and Leo Ascendant over the several days — told you about it weeks ago — search the archives.
Also on THURSDAY — a cooperative connection between Venus and Jupiter, exact at 10:16 AM ET gives those on Team Venus an optimistic boost in the wake of whatever release is provoked earlier in the day.
FRIDAY — a potentially heavy start is suggested by the Moon’s square (challenge) with patriarchal Saturn and powerbroker Pluto, exact at 4:39 AM ET and 10:29 AM ET. That’s followed by a lift at 11:59 AM ET and a sigh at 2:10 PM ET, as the Libra Moon goes void and encourages you to start the weekend early. Once the Moon enters Scorpio at 10:16 PM ET, planetary patterns suggest a need for a potent emotional escape. Whatever dreams or delusions that were hot around February 19th may be back for a second look by…
SUNDAY...when Mercury (how we need to think) and Neptune (our need for vision) meet up at 1:26 PM ET. Don’t jump to conclusions; this part of the dance doesn’t end until mid-April. It’s interesting that this pattern will trigger Robert Mueller‘s horoscope now — and again on April 2nd. It will oppose his natal Mars in Virgo, activating his need to act with exacting perfection. We’ll just have to wait and see. There are no exact aspects among the planets on SATURDAY, just the Moon in Scorpio plumbing the depths for the sake of acquiring knowledge and control.
So what do all these planetary patterns mean for you? That’s a topic worth discussing in a personal consultation, especially if you’re either a) feeling stuck and wondering when things are going to change; or b) facing change and wondering what it all means and when it will settle down. These shifts will be clear in the horoscope, prepared in advance of our discussion. If you have children, their horoscopes will accurately outline what they need (vs. what YOU need) in order to fulfill their potential. Lately I’ve consulted with a number of divorced parents who gained insight on how to better manage expectations regarding their ex. Here’s the 411 on these and other ways to use the powerful language of astrology to live life better.
Thank you for reading this forecast. Coming up next: a ton of news — Brexit, Venezuela, bomb cyclones and what we can expect from all the Usual Suspects. Stay tuned to this channel for continuing updates…
Happy post – Super Full Blood Wolf Blitzer Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse in Leo! Did everyone see the big red ball in the sky last night? Here are pix, in case you missed it. The eclipse was exact at 12:16 AM ET this morning. When set in Washington, D.C., it looked like this:
A Leo Moon facilitates a sense of play, creativity and self-expression. Let the drama queens reign, for better or for worse. For better, throw a party and help others shine. For worse, throw your weight around like a spoiled would-be king. What drives a Moon in Leo is the need for love and adoration; flattery is your coping strategy if you need to tame a roarin’ lion.
Last night’s eclipse was at 0 degrees of Leo, opposing the Sun at 0 degrees of Aquarius. The Sun left Capricorn for Aquarius on Sunday at 4 AM ET, and if yesterday or today is your birthday, my money says you’re in for a groundbreaking year. Have you checked in with your astrologer lately?
Aquarius is an airy, mental energy, primed for organizing ideas into a fixed form. Keywords for Aquarius include innovation, eccentricity, friendship, humanitarian, unconventional, rocket scientist and/or mad genius. If you were born with the Sun in Aquarius, you have the energy to innovate and intellectualize with others. If your Moon is in Aquarius, you need to be socially significant — and dare I say appreciated for it. You probably need to be unusual, too.
When a Leo Moon opposes an Aquarius Sun, we see the potential for illumination and release regarding two conflicting drives: 1) the Leo Moon’s need for personal expression and recognition and 2) the Aquarius Sun’s energy to build a functional group dynamic. Famous people born with Moon in Leo and Sun in Aquarius include Omarosa, Paris Hilton, Zsa Zsa Gabor and Sonny Bono. See any similarities?
A lunar eclipse facilitates a release or illumination on a matter that arguably needs to be brought to a close. That release or illumination may not happen immediately. What often happens is that the release is triggered when another planet connects with the degree of the eclipse, which in this case is 0 degrees of Leo and Aquarius — and arguably 0 degrees of Taurus and Scorpio. Will any planet make that connection in the near future? Yes. Mercury will be at 0 Aquarius on January 24th; Mars will be at 0 Taurus on February 14th; Venus will be at 0 Aquarius on March 1st; Uranus will be at 0 Taurus on March 6th. If you have planets around 0 degrees of Taurus, Leo, Aquarius and Scorpio, write those dates down. Everyone else can watch the headlines, especially for news involving these entities born with planets around 0 Aquarius. Kellyanne Conway, Nikki Haley, Bill Maher and the inauguration of The Donald are examples.
The chart for this Full Moon set in Washington is striking. The Leo Moon is exactly at the top of the horoscope, opposing the Aquarius Sun at the bottom. Chart ruler Venus has just separated from a challenging square with Neptune (a visionary feminine healer? a bewildering aesthetic? a monetary scandal?). Venus will next meet up with a high-functioning Jupiter (a.k.a. the cosmic sugar daddy), in the area of the chart related to money and values. Can we all get paid now, please? Perhaps, but first we have to live through the militant stand-off of macho Mars in Aries squaring patriarchal Saturn in Capricorn, which was exact today at 6:16 AM ET.
After the Mars-Saturn stalemate, the expansiveness of the Venus-Jupiter meet-up on TUESDAY at 7:26 AM ET brings relief. If you have a planet around 16 degrees of Aries, Leo, Pisces, Gemini, Virgo, Aquarius, Libra — and especially Sagittarius — buy a few lottery tickets. A stroke of luck and/or optimism is aided and abetted by innovative communication and ideas, suggested by WEDNESDAY’s square between Mercury and Uranus, exact at 6:13 AM ET.
At 12:50 AM ET on THURSDAY, Mercury enters Aquarius, activating today’s lunar eclipse. As Mercury will conjoin the 0 Aquarius Sun in the horoscope for The Donald’s inauguration, we see an opportunity for significant communication. A high-functioning harmony between Mars (in Aries) and Jupiter (in Sagittarius) adds a rush of expansive energy to the mix, exact on FRIDAY at 12:53 PM ET.
Bottom line: the planetary patterns in this eclipse chart suggest a big release this week — and when the eclipse is triggered on the dates noted previously. That it falls right on the Sun of The Donald’s inauguration chart is verrrry interesting, one way or the other.
To recap the notable planetary patterns for the week:
- MONDAY (today): big fat total eclipse in Leo — maybe a total eclipse of the heart, as Leo rules the heart…hmmmmm. Mars in Aries square Saturn in Capricorn: militant stalemate, personally affecting people with planets around 13 degrees of Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn
- TUESDAY: potentially joyful, as Venus meets up with Jupiter in Sagittarius at 7:26 AM ET. Sagittarius refers to: foreigners, travel, media, opinions, courts, universities, liver, pancreas, horses. The Leo Moon goes void at 8:19 PM ET. Moon enters Virgo to clean up the confetti and get everything organized at 10:22 PM ET.
- WEDNESDAY: Mercury squares Uranus at 6:13 AM ET. Watch for groundbreaking, innovative and/or disruptive news involving aviation, technology, gender benders.
- THURSDAY: Virgo Moon is void between 8:50 AM ET and 11:02 PM ET — that’s allllll day, folks. Roll with the twists and flakes. Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill. Stick to routine and trust that the details will be sorted out once the Moon enters the next sign, which is Libra. Chill!
- FRIDAY: Libra Moon seeks balance and harmony, big time. Mars trines (harmonizes) Jupiter at 12:53 PM ET. What could spoil this party? Moon squares Saturn at 11:10 PM ET, possibly throwing a wet blanket on the newsfeed.
Before I get to the news, please note that new rates for consultations and reports are now posted. After four years of holding steady, I deserved a raise. However, to show my appreciation for cherished Avid Readers and clients who consistently support my work, if you book a consultation in 2019, and 1) it’s been less than a year since your last consultation; OR 2) you referred a client to me in 2018, I will be pleased to offer you last year’s rate. Clear?
And now, the news.
The weekend was driven by a Moon in Cancer, needing emotional, family and homeland security. Add in the Venus-Neptune square (idealism with a possible feminine, musical, healing, spiritual or delusional vision), and the militant stalemate of the Mars-Saturn square (“get off my lawn!”)…AND the rising emotional tide of the Full Moon. Sure, we can now see how competing marches on Washington, i.e., the Women’s March, the March for Life and the Indigenous Peoples’ March could result in this image dominating the news:
That’s Kentucky resident and Catholic schoolboy Nick Sandmann in the MAGA hat, balefully staring down Vietnam veteran and tribal elder Nathan Phillips, who is chanting tribal chants. Under the foggy Venus-Neptune spell, circumstances of the encounter weren’t quite clear, and other parties were involved. With Venus square Neptune now in the rear view mirror, WaPo offers this illumination.
We could also see the tension of these two squares, coupled with last week’s provocative patterns, in a new commercial from Gillette tackling “toxic masculinity” An SNL parody of the Gillette ad is just as provocative and on point, but with the quirky humor of this week’s Mercury-Uranus square, if you ask me.
Meanwhile, a strategic approach in romance, with no small amount of idealism and deception can be found here: “You Matched With Someone Great Online, or Her Ghostwriter.”
In other news, the potential “militant stalemate” and bewildering judgment of planetary patterns could arguably be seen in both the NFC and AFC championship games. The LA Rams trounced the New Orleans Saints, but only after one of the worst no-calls in football history, say the experts. Looks like that call may have happened around 5 PM in New Orleans, but I can’t find a record of the time online. Meanwhile, the Patriots are heading to the Superbowl again…but they had to go into overtime to beat the Kansas City Chiefs. No one was backing down.
Finally, an update on Jeff Bezos, whose horoscope we haven’t talked about since 2015. Back then we noted the potential for a declaration of independence, courtesy of transiting Uranus squaring his Capricorn Sun. Last year, transiting Uranus squared his natal Mars, suggesting strong potential for risk and excitement. The first hit happened in May — and guess what he did? According to US Magazine, that’s about when he started an affair with his business partner’s wife….oh geez…really….? During a summer with Mars retrograde…? And his wife and business partner were informed in the fall, perhaps around the time of the second hit to Mars from Uranus and a Venus retrograde. Well…OK then. Are we surprised?
Now Bezos is getting a divorce. Do you think he consults with an astrologer? Next up for him: transiting Pluto on his Sun, breaking down his old self and building him anew, with the upside potential being empowerment. Resistance is futile.
No sleeping in tomorrow. We’ve got a busy next couple of days; you can chill on Thursday.
Meanwhile, if you’ve been waiting for me to email you back, you will hear from me tomorrow. Thank you for your patience…and thank you for reading this forecast.
The Virgo Moon is void as of 11:27 AM ET. Focus on routine organizing concerns and roll with the twists and flakes that may disrupt your efforts to move forward in a straight line. From my experience, Moon voids are excellent times for writing, including writing these forecasts. Go figure.
At 3:23 PM ET, Moon enters Libra, shifting the day’s need to one of people-pleasing, fairness and diplomacy. A harmony between Venus (money, aesthetics, women) and Pluto (power, resources) at 4:27 PM ET might reflect a bit of balance that may be back in markets. For now.
SATURDAY begins with the Third Quarter Moon at 4:34 AM ET. Whatever illumination received from last week’s Full Moon gets a push or a shove. At 10:41 AM ET, squares Saturn, suggesting an authoritarian advance or wet blanket. Spirits may be lifted minutes later by a harmony with expansive Jupiter at 11 AM ET.
SUNDAY morning is notable for Moon’s weekly clash with Pluto at 3:23 AM ET. Power play or emotional catharsis? Watch the headlines. Moon’s weekly clash with Uranus occurs at 5:53 PM ET, suggesting a disruption of the status quo. Moon then goes void until 5:53 PM ET, when it plunges into the emotional depths of Scorpio.
The Scorpio need for depth, substance and control continues through MONDAY. If you are working today, your quest for world domination is supported by an easy flow among the Moon and Sun-Saturn (will power; authority/structure), exact between 2:46 PM and 5:09 PM ET. New Year’s Eve may be magical enough, with Moon in harmony with Neptune at 10:11 PM ET. However, the potential for action and assertion — for better or worse — can’t be discounted, as warrior Mars leaves Pisces for Aries at 9:20 PM ET. Action involving power and resources (think: megabucks) would be one potential, as Mars will be in touch with a midpoint between Jupiter and Pluto. Action with unintended consequences (think: shipwreck) would be another potential, as Mars is also in touch with the fixed star Scheat (affectionately known as sh*t). Judging from the previous link, Harvey Weinstein, Rudy Giuliani and Julian Assange should be making news any minute now.
The rest of the first week of 2019 is action-packed: New Moon (with an eclipse), the annual Sun-Saturn conjunction — and more! Stay tuned to this channel for continuing updates.
Ready to plan a strategy for 2019? Astrology can help you maximize potential and timing. Your 60-minute check-up will be jam-packed with insight and specific dates for opportunities. Check-up? Yes, a check-up. Astrologers are not a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Treat us like dentists and hairdressers — and see us every six months to a year.
And now, the news.
Mostly a lot of Mars (action, aggression) demanding prominence at the Aries Point, and especially in the “it’s the end of the world as we know it” sign of Pisces.
In other news…
UPDATE: on Michelle Obama, who is now the most admired woman in the U.S., replacing Hillary Clinton. Not surprising at all, given what’s going on in her horoscope. File this under “told ya so” back in 2016.
UPDATE: on Kevin Spacey, whose name truly reflects planetary patterns in his horoscope (birth time unconfirmed). How so? An exact square between his Leo Sun and spacey Neptune, that’s how so. Things are not as they seem. The structures of Mr. Spacey’s reality are dissolving, suggested by 1) an eclipse to his Leo Sun at the end of July; and 2) his natal Saturn (reality) under the dissolving influence of Neptune (exact on January 13th). On Monday, the Boston Globe reported that he was to be arraigned on charges of felony sexual assault. The arraignment is scheduled to happen at 11 AM on January 7th, in Nantucket, MA. Neptune (surreal, film, delusion) is all over this case, as apparently there is video evidence. Not only that, but Mr. Spacey’s surreal response to the charges was to post a video of himself as Frank Underwood, his killed-off character from “House of Cards.” And this was after saying nothing on social media for over a years. Ready? All together now: “Weeeeeeeeeiiiiiiird!” Astro students, guess what’s on the ascendant of the chart for the arraignment? Neptune. Weird!
Also under the influence of Neptune: Sheikha Latifa bint Mohammed al-Maktoum, the Emirati princess whose effort to escape Dubai failed under a Sun-Neptune meet-up on March 4th. She was “seized on a yacht off the coast of India”, never to be heard from again. Then a British documentary about her escape aired in the UK earlier this month– on a Sun-Neptune square (see a pattern here?). This week, photos were published of the princess having a casual meal with Mary Robinson, the former UN high commissioner on human rights and president of Ireland. Not everyone is buying the “everything’s fine” story line.
Sheikha Latifa was born in Dubai on December 6th, 1985 — no birth time available. She’s a Sagittarius, driven by a perfection-seeking Virgo Moon. Skydiving is one of her passions, and we see that need for risk and excitement in the Sun-Uranus conjunction in her horoscope (and possibly a Moon-Uranus square, too). Her Neptune is at the Aries Point, suggesting vision, scandal, idealism and other Neptune themes are likely to be prominent. Depression would be something to watch out for, with Mercury (mindset) and Venus (affection) in a tight meet-up with controlling Saturn.
In the documentary it was revealed that the princess began planning her escape seven years ago. That’s when transiting Pluto in Capricorn met up with her natal Neptune in 2010, supercharging a dream (of escape?). Then transiting Uranus grabbed the torch and carried it into 2012. Meanwhile, transiting Neptune squared her Mercury, Venus and Saturn in the first half of the 2010s. More magical thinking, along with a potential meltdown of her reality (compare this with Kevin Spacey’s current Neptune-Saturn meltdown). The princess launched her disappearing act as transiting Neptune squared her boundary-pushing Sagittarius Sun all through 2017 and early 2018. With Neptune now moving away from her Sun, the fog has lifted — sort of — with those photos of Mrs. Robinson (!??!) as evidence of her presence in the material world. I suspect she has a big change in store in 2019, given patterns in her horoscope. Wish we had a birth time.
Here are a few happier Neptune-themed stories, i.e., without potentially victimized fairytale princesses. They reflect Monday’s square between Mercury (mindset) and Neptune (make-believe):
What’s Neptune doing in your horoscope? Setting you up for a new creative passion or dream? Neptune is one of the most challenging energies to manage in the material world. That’s why it’s good to know when it’s pulling focus in your life.
Thank you for reading this forecast.
Happy Monday!
The Moon in enterprising Capricorn continues to drive the day, as it has been doing since 7:01 AM ET on Saturday. How much business did you take care of — even around the house — over the weekend, hmm? Practical communication that is also innovative and/or disruptive is suggested in the afternoon, as Moon sextiles (harmonizes) with Mercury at 3:38 PM ET, followed by its weekly clash with rebel Uranus at 4:27 PM ET. Chill during the ensuing two-hour Moon void and remember that crises which crop up during Moon voids are often much ado about nothing.
At 6:39 PM ET, Moon enters humanitarian Aquarius, looking for its new best buddy. It drives the bus until THURSDAY at 7:40 AM ET. Then Moon enters Pisces for the rest of the work week, seeking to work with ideals, impressions and empathy.
As noted in the last forecast, there are no exact aspects among the planets this week, except from the Moon. Uranus and Pluto are especially isolated from the other kids in the cosmos. What does that suggest? It suggests that issues symbolized by Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn are running wild, including, but not limited to: self-driving cars, rebellion, news from underground, the PTB, corruption exposed, etc. I’m ready for anything. We’re working with New Moon energy, with every planet except Uranus moving full speed ahead, with no trippy Moon voids to space people out. Onward!
On WEDNESDAY at 6:43 PM ET, Mercury leaves Scorpio and re-enters Sagittarius. See if you notice the shift in the headlines, as thought and communication once again push the envelope with optimism, righteousness and sloppiness.
On SATURDAY at 6:49 AM ET we’ll have the First Quarter Moon between the high-flying Sag Sun and the empathetic Pisces Moon. This suggests a necessary adjustment to the New Moon agenda you set last week. Go with the Pisces Moon flow and roll with the twists and flakes, as the Moon will be void until 7:44 PM ET. Save the impulse shopping for SUNDAY, as purchases made during Moon voids often do not measure up to expectations.
Just in time for the holidaze! The 2019 Really Useful Mercury Retrograde Bookmarks! Everybody loves these super-handy bookmarks, which clearly tell you when Mercury will be retrograde in 2019 (three times next year!) A list of helpful coping strategies is also provided. Makes a great stocking-stuffer for friends and family — 3 for $11.88! Toss that silver into my Cosmic Tip Jar— there’s a link to it on the left hand column on this page. Then send me your name and snail mail address. Ooh — and here’s another fab gift idea: clarity, direction and confidence. Otherwise known as gift certificates for reports and consultations.
And now, the news — most all of which reflects the Alice in Wonderland potential of last week’s Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces; Sun square Neptune.
- Dallas Cowboy “Ezekiel Elliott Runs Afoul of NFL with Salvation Army Celebration”. Faith, charity, wigginess and sports.
- “Chinese tech executive (Huawei’s CFO) lied to avoid sanctions on Iran, U.S. charges” Follow-up: China Summons U.S. Ambassador (over this arrest).
- “A Yacht, A Monet, A See-Through Piano; the U.S. Collects on a Fugitive’s Buying Spree” (as new charges are filed against Malaysian financier Jho Low in “one of the largest international kleptocracy cases ever pursued”)
- “Satanic Temple statue among holiday displays at Illinois Capitol”. Meanwhile, displays of actual pure evil are evident in Wisconsin and Michigan, where “lame-duck” state legislatures are busy destroying their respective democracies. And this is how the authoritarian potential of the dreaded Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn (exact on January 12, 2020) could take hold. Because Wisconsin and Michigan are not France, where protesters continue to march in the streets. Follow-up: a NYT op-ed names these corporations as the driving force behind the Wisconsin power grab. Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn suggests corporate power to the max — and we’ve got more than another year of it, as I told you this time last year.
- This item reflects Mars (men) with Neptune (sensitivity). From the NYT Style Section: “The New Iron Johns.…amid a societal reckoning over male behavior, chastened menfolk are getting touch with their emotions in meetings and communal retreats.”
- Do you think the TV critic at The Guardian knew about last week’s heavy Neptune patterns? “SNL: Aquaman sinks; Robert DeNiro fishes for laughs; cast flounders.” Coincidence or conspiracy?
UPDATE: on John F. Kelly, the now soon-to-be-departing White House Chief of Staff. We discussed his horoscope a couple of times, here and here. Last year, Kelly’s Saturn was under the bewildering spell of transiting Neptune. The fog has now lifted. Not only that, but transiting Mars just opposed his Saturn, suggesting an encounter with a brick wall. Thus it has been announced that he will leave the White House by the end of the year. On December 20th, transiting Mars will oppose his natal Mars, suggesting action on his part or an attack. Perhaps he’ll skip out early.
UPDATE: on the Uranus-Neptune semi-square, which has been active since August 2017. Its purpose is to give us the chance to take a hard second look at the “we are all connected” potential of 1993’s Uranus-Neptune conjunction in Capricorn. Is Facebook really that great? Are we happier together with our faces perpetually glued to tiny screens that may well make us go blind? On the lighter side, fashionistas will recall that 1993 brought us goth and grunge. How totally cool to find this fashion supplement in today’s NYT: “Redux Grunge Collection 1993/2018 by Marc Jacobs” And by “cool,” I’m referring to the apt timing. I’m not convinced the collection itself qualifies. What do you think?
UPDATE: on the maple trees in my courtyard, because many Avid Readers have asked. You are so awesome to ask about trees! I’m pleased to report that most were saved — but not without drama. After rallying a few dozen neighbors to petition our less-than-transparent co-op board, a landscaping committee was formed to steer the courtyard renovation project. It took almost two months to get a written report from the arborist — the darn thing was supposed to be delivered to us by Labor Day. The report recommended taking out only a select few trees that had been declared dead or “compromised.” Three saplings would be transplanted to more spacious accommodations in the courtyard.
It’s a good thing we formed a committee of Concerned Treehuggers. Why? Because as you may recall from my original post in August, a dozen trees in the courtyard were marked for destruction with red paint. The paint can’t be removed, because it might hurt the trees. Meanwhile, the landscaping crew was working without supervision. Apparently they did not understand the Actual Plan, which was to only cut down three trees.
A member of the landscaping committee just happens to live in an apartment overlooking the courtyard, and was working at home that day. She watched the crew cut down a perfectly healthy tree. Fortunately she was able to reach the super and a board member, who ran outside just as the crew was preparing to chop down another tree — I kid you not. The landscaper will replace the tree that was cut down in error. Ya think?
The good news is that the way our building is managed is changing for the better. Residents are more involved, because we have insisted on being a part of managing our shared investment. Our group of Concerned Neighbors continues to meet once a month for pow-wows. We are building a more caring community. One day, perhaps we will take over the world.
Now don’t forget: Mercury retrograde bookmarks! Gift certificates for everyone on your shopping list! Appointments for yourself — to plan your strategy for 2019! Astrologers are like dentists, doncha’ know. For maximum effectiveness, schedule regular check-ups every six months to a year.
Thank you for reading this forecast.
Good Morning!
The day is driven by the Moon in me-me-me Aries, looking to get something started. Add to this the ginormous expansive potential of tonight’s square (challenge) between Mars (action! assertion!) and Jupiter (publishing! higher education! dogma!optimism!), exact at 8:30 PM ET. If you were born around the 22nd of February, May, August or November, you’re feeling the growth potential more than most.
What could possibly trip you up? Mercury retrograde, but not just any old Mercury retrograde. The need to focus and doublecheck thrice before hitting “send” has been amplified in recent days. I say this because Mercury has been in a tense pattern with foggy Neptune. If you’re an artist, musician or other visionary type, you may be feeling divinely inspired. The rest of us may struggle to sort through the facts — and we are totally seeing this in the weekend’s headlines, as you’ll soon see.
Note the potential for a power play or an emotional catharsis around 11:21 PM ET, as the Moon makes its weekly clash with Pluto. The rest of the week goes like this:
TUESDAY: More Moon in me-me-me Aries. A clash of values (me vs. we) is possible around 10:45 AM ET, as Moon opposes Venus (social expression). An upset or surprising revelation may hit the wires around 5:46 PM ET, as Moon meets up with rebel Uranus…then goes void for an hour — you probably won’t even notice it. However, you may notice the relative calm that kicks it at 6:43 PM ET, when the Moon enters Taurus. Good food and drink, creature comforts and simple joys — that’s what Taurus seeks.
WEDNESDAY: More of the Moon in Taurus same (Taurus is not a fan of change). Good for organizing and consolidating your planned Thanksgiving feast.
THURSDAY: Happy Thanksgiving! At 4:02 AM ET the Sun leaves Scorpio for high-flying Sagittarius. Whereas Sun in Scorpio can keep much under wraps for the sake of control, Sun in Sagittarius is more inclined to let it all hang out, and never mind the mess. If you were a Centaur (half-human, half-horse), aiming an arrow at the sky, whilst galumphing across an open field, you’d trip over your four left hooves on occasion, too. But what a fitting festive energy for the beginning of the holiday season.
As opinionated as Sagittarius needs to be, note that the Taurus Moon suggests that no one’s opinions are likely to change in table conversations at your family gatherings. Plus, emotions are on the rise, with a Full Moon exact at 12:39 AM ET on Friday.
Note that the Moon will be void all day, suggesting more than the usual twists and flakes disrupting your efforts to move forward in a straight line. The void starts at 4:58 PM ET and ends at 11:10 PM ET. If you’re watching a football game, Moon voids favor surprise upsets by the underdog.
FRIDAY: Moon in Gemini suggests a big buzz on this Black Friday, in the aftermath of the early AM Full Moon (more on that in the next forecast). Moon opposes expansive Jupiter at 4:47 AM ET — let’s buy it ALL! Moon squares Mars at 7:11 AM ET, and you could not pay me to be standing in line for a sale during this potentially combative pattern. If you’d like to have an argument about it, the Moon’s opposition to Mercury (mindset, communication) will happily oblige around 3:30 PM ET. The day ends on a dreamy note, as Moon squares Neptune at 10:22 PM ET. Happy hour, anyone?
SATURDAY: Neptune turns direct at 8:09 PM ET, ending a five month period of subtle focus on using your own dreams and intuition for guidance. When a planet is retrograde, the suggestion is to turn inward on issues involving that planet, as opposed to looking outside the self. You’ll feel the effects of Neptune’s change of station more personally if you were born 13-16 days into Pisces, Virgo, Gemini and Sagittarius…or if you have a planet or angle at 13-16 degrees of those signs.
What kind of effects? Oh….perhaps you are feeling somewhat bewildered…or less inclined to be in Type A personality mode (if you are normally a Type A personality). You may find yourself needing to express your creativity — even if you have never thought of yourself as a “creative” person. You may also find being of service richly rewarding.
Note that whenever a planet changes direction, it pulls focus in the headlines several days before and after. See an uptick in stories of deception, dreams, drugs, oil, spirits of all kinds, etc? I sure do.
Note also that Saturday is known officially as SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY. Now is the time to support small businesses when shopping for gifts for everyone on your list. I am a small business, and I have lovely handcrafted gift certificates for assorted consultations and reports that are sure to please. I will send them to you (or the intended recipient) in an elegant and festive envelope, and your shopping will be done — huzzah!
And now, the news, starring wiggy Neptune fogging up the way we need to think (Mercury); humongous acts of generosity (Mars in Pisces square Jupiter in Sagittarius):
- “Nothing on this page is real:” How Lies Become Truth in Online America. — a must-read!
- “40 years ago, this journalist survived the Jonestown massacre. Now he warns it could happen again. ” Hopefully you all remember cult leader Jim Jones, who gave us the phrase “drink the Kool-Aid.” How fascinating to note that his horoscope has Mercury and Neptune about to change direction, same as current planetary patterns (!). Both are in an easy flow with his Capricorn Ascendant. Translation, for non-pros: he needs to be seen as an executive in charge, who is able to convincingly communicate his (potentially delusional) vision, for better or worse. Taurus Sun; Aries Moon suggests a need to be a leader that establishes material security. His horoscope will heat up in 2019, as transiting Pluto squares his Venus and his Saturn. Horoscopes live forever!
- Argentina’s missing submarine found a year after it vanished with 44 aboard Mercury retrograde may facilitate lost objects, and in this case, the sub was found with Mercury right back where it started — 13 degrees of Sagittarius — on the day an underwater explosion was detected.
- In traditional medical astrology, Jupiter and Sagittarius refer to the hips; Jupiter is now in Sagittarius, which make it an apt time for: “Rear View: the Big Business of Bottoms.”
- Speaking of big business and ginormous acts of charity involving higher education, Michael Bloomberg just gave his alma mater a whopping $1.8 billion. The purpose: scholarships for low-income students. What a mensch. He’s also thinking of running for president in 2020, and yes, OK, we can see in his horoscope why he would need to muster the potent force and emotional zeal to be a contender. And yes, we can also see how his world could be turned upside down in mid-2019, as he fulfills a need to be an innovative force for change.
- UPDATE: No surprise at all that Marianne Williamson officially announced her presidential bid last week. As I wrote in August, “With transiting Uranus supercharging her Capricorn Moon this year, we can appreciate why she’d be fired up about making something happen — whatever it takes. Ms. Williamson was certainly on to something in her open letter to Hillary Clinton, published before Mrs. Clinton announced her presidential run. And we see other patterns in her horoscope reflecting a need to expand on a vision and get the message out there in 2019. We also see patterns requiring no small amount of discipline and focus.”
- UPDATE: on Michael Avenatti, whose life seemed so effortlessly successful when he burst onto the scene as Stormy Daniels’ legal eagle-in-chief. But I couldn’t help but notice back then that Mr. Avenatti had a pattern in his horoscope suggesting extreme duress and potential anguish, exact in mid-September — and in effect for a few months before and after. As I am not a psychic, I could not see exactly how that potential would play out, but now we have a few examples: TMZ reporting (in a total Mercury retrograde/possibly lying Neptune fog) of Mr. Avenatti’s arrest on charges of domestic violence — all of which remains a mystery. And his law firm was evicted from its offices for alleged non-payment of rent, which was a pittance compared to a judgement against him in October for almost $5 million. Would it surprise you to learn that the challenging pattern in his horoscope involves his finances, self-worth and real estate? In 2019, those issues will continue to be a focus, as transiting Pluto (ruler of his 2nd House and the aforementioned financial/worth concerns) hits him from all angles. The upside potential is transformation and empowerment. We shall see.
- TOLD YA SO: “Monica Lewinsky revisits scandal on her own terms, in new docuseries” — i.e., 20 hours of interviews. Back in May, I wrote: “Something is obviously going on in her horoscope. Take a look and immediately notice that transiting Uranus is about to square her 0 Leo Sun. Transiting Pluto is squaring her natal Mars-Uranus opposition. I have no idea what’s she is planning this year, but she has the potential to turn a few worlds upside down with persuasive, break-through action.” Well, now we know more about what she was planning. And just think, if Hillary Clinton were in the White House, this docu-series might well be dominating the news, instead of P45’s new Finnish-American forest management program, “Rake America Great Again.”
In any case, if you were born on the first few days of Leo, Aquarius, Taurus or Scorpio you are likely ready to break out, too. Consult your local astrologer for details.
I leave you with SNL’s cold open from the weekend, in which controversial cable TV personality Laura Ingraham (played by Kate McKinnon) discusses voter fraud, interviews a guy called Vape God and introduces a new level of Mercury-square-Neptune truthiness called “Feel Facts.” It totally reflects the potential of current planetary patterns.
Thank you for reading this forecast — and for sharing it with your friends. Here’s the 411 on personal consultations.
Happy Monday from Los Angeles! Will be back in New York on Wednesday.
The work week begins with the Moon in Libra, driving the day with a need for fairness, balance and social graces. Good luck with that while Venus is retrograde (as of last Friday), along other patterns happening this week. If you’re feeling restless or listless today, sensing that something new is on the horizon, you’re tuning in to the fact that we are in the dark side of the Moon. The new cycle begins at 11:47 PM ET.
This New Moon happens at 15 Libra, so anyone with planets or angles at 15 Libra, Aries, Cancer or Capricorn will have their horoscopes activated. How so? That’s a discussion point for a consultation with your local astrologer. FYI, the horoscope of the U.S. is one of those activated. Should be a rollicking lunar cycle.
Libra is the sign of partnerships; marriage is an obvious partnership; some business relationships are partnerships, including adversarial ones. We went through the first half of the zodiac with New Moons focusing on the Self: Aries = my identity; Taurus = my values/possessions; Gemini = my mind; Cancer = my emotions/family; Leo = my love to give; Virgo = my service/work/body. Now we’re ready to go public. Take a look at your relationships: how are We doing? What is the State of the Union? How does it reflect the Libran qualities of justice, fairness, diplomacy, peace, beauty and sweetness? Is there resentment or a lack of appreciation? Are there issues hanging in the balance (Libra is the sign of the Scales)?
Venus rules Libra, and as you know, right now Venus is in Scorpio and retrograde. This is not a happy placement, and we are building to an assertive/aggressive release on WEDNESDAY. Why? Because Venus (yin) and Mars (yang) will square each other at 10:29 PM ET. And what is said is likely to be a game changer, for better or worse. Why? at 1:35 PM ET on WEDNESDAY, mental Mercury (how we need to think and communicate) will be opposed by rebel Uranus. Not only that, but on FRIDAY just after midnight ET, the Sun (leaders, will) squares Pluto. In the news, this suggests a significant powerplay involving political leaders and CEOs; news from underground. Whatever hits the fan that day will have an easy flow of communication, affirming the Established Order, suggested by Mercury in harmony with Saturn at 4:20 AM ET.
Avid Readers may recall that this week would likely be a week of significant action/assertion on the part of — or against — P45 and his administration. We see this in his horoscope and in the chart for the P45 inauguration. Perhaps conquering the Supreme Court qualifies. Perhaps there will be more. Oh, but I’m getting ahead of myself. Point is, we need to factor the patterns described in the previous paragraph into our analysis of what this New Moon suggests. Empowered, innovative ideas and social expression, stemming from a need to reassess and reclaim value related to money, aesthetics and WOMEN comes to mind. Mars is squaring Venus. The next aspect in the New Moon chart is a ruthless, cathartic square between the Moon and Pluto on TUESDAY at 4:50 AM ET. This energy can be applied for better or for worse.
The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon is “a boat landing washed away,” which Blain Bovee says is “an image sweeping away human constructs, calling for repair and renewal.” This line gave me pause: “‘Washed away’ implies the power of waves which carry off that which cannot withstand their force.” Waves, eh? What kind of waves, with Election Day happening on Tuesday, November 6th, during this lunar cycle? We’re sure to hear plenty of talk about waves over the next few weeks.
Bovee also observes that if your boat landing has been washed away, there’s no safe place to dock — but this is OK. We are advised to take the time to repair the damage, to heal — and to contemplate the unseen powers of nature. We are invited to consider “feeling washed out; being swept away by powerful forces; a strong sense of inner renewal; a positive attitude about the approaching new day.” Sounds like a apt time to clean the house…
In other news, the always-in-sync Beth Owl’s Daughter’s Card of the Week suggests a potential healing…
Other patterns of note this week:
- TUESDAY: at 8:41 PM ET, Mercury leaves Libra for Scorpio. No more weighing the options in matters of ideas and communication; Mercury in Scorpio demands depth, substance and control — at least until Halloween.
- Moon voids:
- TUESDAY 4:50 AM ET until 12:09 AM ET on WEDNESDAY;
- THURSDAY 7:12 PM ET until 5:53 AM ET on FRIDAY;
- SATURDAY 8:58 PM ET until 3:17 PM ET on SUNDAY.
- The all-day void on Tuesday is most likely to disrupt your efforts to move forward in a straight line, as it covers the entire business day. Chill and don’t freak out over crises, as they are likely to be much ado about nothing. Avoid impulse shopping; roll with the twists and flakes.
And now, the news.
Astrology is so amazing. Avid Readers will remember that on Sept 5th I noted that in mid-October, Brett Kavanaugh’s horoscope was ripe for potential expansion. He has transiting Jupiter square his Aquarius Sun exact at about 9:30 PM ET….TODAY. When his confirmation hearing began in September, that Jupiter transit (expansion/reward potential) seemed to be happening later than one might think — if he was to be confirmed, as Mitch McConnell’s plan was to have Kavanaugh seated in time to join SCOTUS on Opening Game Day — a.k.a., October 1st. BUT — before Jupiter could get to Kavanaugh’s Sun, it met up with his Neptune (booze, fog, deception). We had to go through that fog.
And over the weekend, as you know, Kavanaugh was confirmed during the dead Moon — and sworn in as an official Supreme on Saturday around 6 PM ET in D.C. — much to my admitted personal anger and disappointment — but not to the surprise of my astrological mind. Not only that, but all of the pomp and circumstance of his anticipated reward happens tonight at 7 PM ET (a few hours before hit exact Jupiter-Sun transit), in a ceremonial swearing-in hosted by P45. Which makes one wonder if this was truly inevitable, which could be depressing. On the other hand, while his Saturday swearing-in might have felt like a reward for Justice Brewski, in the bigger scheme of things, it was not an apt time for initiating a new justice. Seriously, on a dead Moon opposing Neptune (booze, fog, deception)? Venus retrograde in Scorpio square Mars? The energetic time stamp of his swearing-in can’t help but mark his tenure, however long it lasts. Here’s how SNL covered the GOP celebration in its latest cold open. On a Moon-Neptune opposition, of course there was beer.
In other news, just before 2 PM ET on Saturday in Schoharie, NY, a limo carrying 17 people on their way to a brewery tour crashed. All passengers were killed, plus the driver and two pedestrians. At the time of the accident, Uranus (accidents) was on the angles of the chart for that moment in Schoharie. We see this pattern over and over again: heavy planets on an angle coincident with an energetic release.
Meanwhile, note that whenever a planet is retrograde, it facilitates reviewing and revisiting the past. With Venus retrograde, we see the potential for revisiting past relationships and social expression. Venus is now squaring Mars — this is supercharged potential. Here are two must-read op-eds published on Sunday reflecting that pattern:
Elsewhere — an innovative attack (Mars in Aquarius) slays the art world (Venus in Scorpio): “Banksy Prank Sees Million-Dollar Art Work Shredded Live at Auction” — watch the video. Also from the world of art, the NYT Sunday magazine: “The Ugly Beauty of Cindy Sherman’s Selfies”.
Hey! Have you registered to vote? Are you SURE??? Please check your status — and share this link with everyone you know. Voter registration deadlines in many states is TOMORROW, October 9th. Vote, vote, vote!!!
Finally, Avid Readers know that planetary patterns suggest strong potential for authoritarian rulers to be in vogue. It’s not just the United States; it’s everywhere, and it’s not going away this year or even next, as Saturn (authority figures) meets up with Pluto (power; rot; corruption) in Capricorn (Powers That Be). Here’s John Oliver to tell you about a racist, misogynist authoritarian currently campaigning in Brazil. His name is Jair Bolsonaro. He did not win the election outright yesterday, but he came darn close. And he is still in the running.
We live in such interesting times. What would we do without this astrological perspective? If you follow the patterns in your own horoscope, you will learn that while times are “interesting” around the globe, this does not mean you will not have opportunities for growth and reward.
If you’d like to know what this Venus retrograde period suggests for you, I would be pleased to offer insights in a special mini-consultation. Click the link below and send me your birth time, place and date of birth. Then toss $44 into my Cosmic Tip Jar. I will send you a few paragraphs about Venus retrograde, and how it may be building on the lessons posed by this summer’s Mars retrograde, too. I will also email you a copy of your horoscope, if you have not received one from me before.
Thank you for reading this forecast. Here’s the 411 on personal consultations.
Yes, it’s another late start to the sneak peek at the week, as I am still preoccupied with the special project I absolutely, positively had to deal with — stay tuned.
Guess what kind of week this is? A week with no exact aspects among the planets except to the Moon. Not until SATURDAY morning will we have an exact aspect among any other planet — a harmony between Mercury and Venus, which suggests a need for rose-colored glasses, especially since it is followed by the pattern I wrote about in the last forecast: SUNDAY’s third and final harmony between expansive Jupiter and — dare I say it — soulful Neptune. And here I would be thinking about the sad news that Aretha Franklin, “Queen of Soul,” is “gravely ill,” and that a prayer vigil is planned for her on Wednesday.
I’ve found that these planetary lulls are often deceptive. Like I said back in July, it’s like looking at a giant ice shelf on the most sparkling sunny day ever…and then, for no apparent reason, half the shelf crumbles into the ocean. Or you wake up to the news that a motorway bridge in Genoa has suddenly collapsed. So if an “other shoe” drops in the headlines, e.g.,FBI agent Peter Strzok is suddenly fired, despite the “bureau’s Office of Professional Responsibility [recommending] that Mr. Strzok should be suspended for 60 days and demoted,” I will not be surprised, and neither should you.
However, I also sense that more than a few surprises we witness in the next two weeks will be happy ones. It’s not always doom and gloom, and we ourselves can create plenty of simple joys in our daily lives. Let’s do it!
Yesterday’s Moon was in perfection-seeking Virgo, facilitating a need for practical analysis. After a 20-minute void no one noticed, the Moon entered Libra at 12:57 AM ET, driving the next two days with a need for people-pleasing, fairness, balance and perhaps a few airy-fairy ideas. Note the potential for a power play or emotional catharsis around 10 AM ET on WEDNESDAY, as the Moon squares Pluto.
The wee hours on THURSDAY feature another Moon void, but this one happens on a potentially assertive/combative square between the Moon and Mars at 3:56 AM ET. Moon enters depth and power-seeking Scorpio at 4:54 AM ET, perhaps presenting you with a surprise or air-clearing revelation upon waking, as the Moon is opposed by rebel Uranus at 9:27 AM ET. Work it all out on Thursday and FRIDAY, as the Moon traverses the sky without too many bumps.
SATURDAY begins with the First Quarter Moon at 3:48 AM ET, offering a challenge or an advance to your New Moon agenda. After a brief Moon void between 11:07 AM and 12:45 PM ET (no impulse shopping!), Moon soars into Sagittarius, pushing boundaries and lifting spirits (probably all the way to Heaven). On SUNDAY, note that MERCURY WILL TURN DIRECT — so please adjust your travel plans accordingly — and no whinging about potential delays, as it says right here in this aptly-timed article from last Sunday’s NYT, “Don’t Let Trip Advisor Kill Adventure.”
I am hearing plenty of reports that “this Mercury retrograde” feels especially cranky. Well, yes…reflecting the fact that Mars (action, anger, assertion) is also retrograde, suggesting a potential for frustrated energy to feel a need to blow off steam. Plus, as Avid Readers know, Mars has been in a tense pattern with disruptive Uranus since April, increasing the potential for volatility.
Avid Readers also know that an apt way of handling Mars retrogrades is to get a handle on the anger/demons that spring from within, as opposed to striking out at others. Last week my Facebook friend Nancy Tierney posted a useful video on this very subject, aptly arguing that when we feel angry it is because we are saying “NO” to our heart’s desire (“desire” is another Mars keyword). Therefore, use the rest of this month, when Mars and Mercury are REtrograde to REview the blocks you may be imposing on yourself, and be REsolved to REmove them. We’re not talking about a major launch of a project — e.g., suddenly quitting your job, running off with the cute accountant you just met in a bar, etc. — at this time. We’re talking about a heart-centered REview of what you truly desire — and making a practical plan to align yourself with your heart’s desire, as opposed to the alternative.
Can’t get to the rest of the news just yet — have consultations to joyfully prepare. Would you like to have a discussion about your horoscope that leaves you feeling confident that your life is not a random series of events? That when you become aware of the cycles to which all living things respond, you will have greater understanding and make more fulfilling choices? Then why not seize the day so we can have that discussion about why you are the way you are, why things happen when they do, and what you need in order to be happy, as suggested by your horoscope. Here is how to contact me.
Thank you for reading this forecast.
The me-me-me Aries Moon has been void since 10:52 PM ET last night…not to enter Taurus until 3:51 PM ET. You know how much I love a weekend driven by the Taurus Moon’s need for material comfort and security. Raise a glass; get thee to the spa; indulge in sensual pleasures with your sweetie….and yes, some may go overboard over the next few days. Why? Because on Monday, the Leo Sun squares Jupiter, planet of wretched excess. If you liked February 9th and May 8th, you’ll love August 6th. Watch the headlines for bloated consumption and bombastic egos. That’s the downside. The upside would be a jolly good time. Cheers!
Meanwhile, women, art, money and social expression will become prominent in the headlines. Why? Because Venus is fast approaching the Aries Point as it traverses the last couple of degrees of Virgo and hits 0 Libra — also on Monday. Ooh — and look at this: Venus hits the Aries Point and Jupiter squares the Sun at exactly the same time — 7:28 PM ET. Hmm. An excuse to buy a few lottery tickets, perhaps? Ya never know….especially if you have a planet or angle around 14 degrees of Scorpio, Leo, Aquarius or Taurus. Don’t know if that’s you? Well, good heavens, book an appointment with your astrologer and find out. That’s what I’m here for. Sheesh!
Oh, but I got ahead of myself.
There is no void on Saturday to deter your shopping sprees. On Sunday, the Moon will be void for only two hours — between 7:46 PM ET and 9:32 PM ET — no biggie. Then it enters Gemini, looking to be witty and clever with the latest rumor. I say “rumor” because Mercury is still retrograde. Don’t believe everything you hear! When in doubt, be silent!
No sleeping in on Monday. There is no Moon void to use as an excuse, and blaming it on Mercury retrograde is a tired cliche. In addition to the big story the Sun-Jupiter square suggests we’ll be reading about, we’ll have the buzzzzzzz of rebel Uranus at a standstill, about to turn retrograde on TUESDAY at 12:49 PM ET. Watch for more stories of aviation, technology, innovation, geniuses, madmen, rebels, seismic activity and other shocks to the status quo.
Astrologers are like dentists. It’s good to check in with one every six months to a year. Plus, Mercury retrogrades are excellent times for REviewing your life with your astrologer. Here’s the 411 on consultations.
And now, the news.
The pattern of the week — Mars in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus — is everywhere in the headlines. Fires, firearms, tech breakthroughs, reckless actions, cars, airplanes, even an astrology story or two:
Reflecting the extravagance of the upcoming Sun-Jupiter square: details of Paul Manafort’s spending habits, as his trial gets underway. Here’s another: “At P45’s hotel in New York, revenue went up this spring — thanks to a visit from big-spending Saudis”
Also big — and adding the prominence of Venus (art) approaching the Aries Point, with the REcovery potential of Mercury retrograde: “A small-town couple left behind a stolen painting worth over $100 million — and a big mystery,” reports WaPo….although the story of the recovered De Kooning in question was reported way back in the fall of 2017. Meanwhile,
UPDATE: on P45. Just in time for a measurement exact on August 19th between Mercury (mindset) and Uranus (disruption), Omarosa Manigault’s tell-all tome will be released on August 14th. The title: “Unhinged” — an apt reflection of the downside potential of Mercury-Uranus connections. Why else would P45 tell an audience (last night), that he was 15 minutes early for tea with Queen Elizabeth…when all the world saw it live on tape that he was the one who kept Her Majesty waiting? When was the last time you read George Orwell’s 1984?
UPDATE: Marianne Williamson, whose horoscope I haven’t written about since 2012. She’s apparently “exploring a run for president in 2020.” With transiting Uranus supercharging her Capricorn Moon this year, we can appreciate why she’d be fired up about making something happen — whatever it takes. Ms. Williamson was certainly on to something in her open letter to Hillary Clinton, published before Mrs. Clinton announced her presidential run. And we see other patterns in her horoscope reflecting a need to expand on a vision and get the message out there in 2019. We also see patterns requiring no small amount of discipline and focus.
Well? What pleasantries will you allow yourself to indulge in this weekend, hmm?
Thank you for reading this forecast.