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"Thank you SO much for the reading on Wednesday. It's really helped me get back on the road to moving along. You prep so well and are so damn thorough. And moreover, you've got great sensitivity to the material and the patience to listen."
-- Michael D.
Editor, NY

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Tuesday 2/19/2019: Sneak Peek at a Short Work Week; Chiron in Aries

…and off we go again! I hope those of you who had a day off yesterday enjoyed a lovely long weekend, sponsored by the Moon in party-hearty Leo. The Leo Moon went void this morning at 8:51 AM ET and entered Virgo at 9:47 AM ET. Time to get organized, incorporating whatever illumination is received in the wake of the SuperDuperSuperFullMoon at 0 degrees of Virgo, exact at 10:54 AM ET. What does that suggest?

The Supermoon component of the Full Moon means that the Moon is looming large in the sky. Why? Because it’s the closest it’s gonna get to Earth in 2019. The Sabian Symbols for this Full Moon are “a public market” (for the Sun at 0 Pisces) and “a man’s head” (for the Moon at 0 Virgo). Sabian Sage Blain Bovee suggests we apply this pair with a mind to “the distinguishing marks of individual and public character” …how an individual may leave a mark on the market…or how a market may determine the value of a person or thing.

The notion of character is echoed by the Full Moon’s conjunction with the Fixed Star Regulus, which is all about honor, integrity and the promise of success if vengeance is not taken. Any horoscope that was affected by the Big Fat Total Solar Eclipse of August 2017 may be activated in the wake of this Full Moon. In the chart for the Full Moon, we see Venus (money, women, art, values) about to meet up with Pluto (power, transformation). Venus in contact with Pluto (and next week, Uranus) suggests volatility in the marketplace, so watch for some interesting news later this week. Echoing that potential, please refer to Tarot Diva Beth Owls Daughter’s Card of the Week, in which her bottom line forecast is: “follow the money.”

Our analysis of this Full Moon’s potential would not be complete without noting that it falls within a degree of The Donald’s 29 Leo Ascendant...and within a degree of Michael Cohen‘s 1 degree Virgo Sun. Roger Stone‘s Sun is 4 Virgo. Watch the headlines.

Let’s now talk about what happened over the past couple of days, and then look at the rest of the week.

  • MONDAY: A sobering “women of steel” meet-up of Venus and Saturn in Capricorn, exact at 5:52 AM ET. If you have a planet or angle around 16 degrees of Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn, your horoscope was more affected than most. At 6:04 PM ET, the Sun left Aquarius and entered Pisces. Here’s the 411:

Happy birthday to your favorite fishies! Pisces is a sensitive, intuitive energy that at its best expresses compassion and loving kindness for everyone and everything, in its understanding that we are all One.  Being such a sensitive soul is not always easy. Pisces has been known to wallow in suffering. It can go to extremes of surrender in order to escape life’s hard knocks, drowning its sorrows in the nearest rose-colored glass. Pisces is ruled by Neptune, a dreamy energy that can be challenging to integrate, but oh what sublime creative visions it can bring to life, when effectively channeled.

Pisces folk born 14-19 days into the sign should chat with Fish born a few days earlier about how spacey life seemed in the past two years. Lots of potential for creativity and soulful questing, though. Pisces folk born 14 – 24 days through the sign may enjoy the expansive potential of transiting Jupiter to their natal Sun now and in the coming months.  Famous Pisces include Kurt Cobain, Drew Barrymore, George Harrison, Dr. Seuss and Albert Einstein. All sensitive, soulful and sublime, in their own magical way.

  • TUESDAY:  Did you note your dreams yesterday and this morning? The first of three mystical, magical or simply bewildering meet-ups between Mercury (how we need to think) and Neptune (dreams and illusions) happened at 1:37 AM ET. This pattern will repeat on March 24th and April 2nd, so let’s see how whatever visions are initiated now are revised — and revised again — on those dates. At 9:39 PM ET, a harmony between Mercury and Saturn will be exact, infusing a dream with hardcore reality. This is also the first of three hits; the second and third happen on March 20 and April 7th.
  • WEDNESDAY: A busy day, as the Virgo Moon connects with six planets — before going void at 8:51 PM ET. Chill overnight; don’t make mountains out of molehills.
  • THURSDAY: Moon enters Libra at 9:17 AM ET, driving the day with a need for people-pleasing, diplomacy and harmony. While there are no bumps in the road for that Libra Moon, note that big big ideas, laced with a powerful emotional overkill may command attention. Why? Because on …
  • FRIDAY: Mental Mercury in spacey/intuitive Pisces makes its first of three squares to a high-functioning Jupiter in Sagittarius. Watch the news for potential boondoggles in courts, publishing, academia, opinions. At 10:49 PM ET, Venus meets up with Pluto in Capricorn; the suggestion is power plays and catharses in matters of women, money, aesthetics and values. I expect a sobering hit around lunchtime, as Moon squares Saturn, followed by the intensity of the Moon’s weekly clash with Pluto at 9:51 PM ET…watch the late afternoon news dump.
  • SATURDAY: No big Moon void as Moon leaves Libra at 10:10 AM ET and enters Scorpio 46 minutes later. Investigative dirt and/or persuasive talk is likely to be on the agenda, given the first of three sextiles between Mercury and corruption-exposing Pluto, exact at 9:15 AM ET. The Scorpio need for depth, substance and control continues through SUNDAY.

Meanwhile…we need to backtrack to 4:07 AM ET on MONDAY, when Chiron — a.k.a. the Wounded Healer — re-entered Aries. It did this last April — and then retrograded back into Pisces. Now it’s in Aries until 2027, as I wrote back in April:

Chiron, the Wounded Healer is also pulling focus.  It’s changing signs — from Pisces to Aries. This isn’t a casual visit. Chiron will be in Aries until April of 2027, perhaps offering us an opportunity to repair some of the most disruptive effects that happened during rebel Uranus’s seven-year stay in Aries. Uranus in Aries brought you “me-me-me” to its shockingly self-reliant max: the gig economy, selfies, cars without drivers and drones come to mind. But what does it MEAN to be self-reliant in  a world that feels like it’s falling apart? What’s our connection? Who are we, anyway?

Last week I was a guest on Chris Flisher’s podcast, “The Turning of the Wheel.” Topic: Chiron in Aries. In preparing for the podcast, I was intrigued to re-discover that Chiron spends more time in Aries than any other sign: 8 years. The runner-up is Pisces. Compare that to Chiron’s stay in Libra — which averages less than two years. That means there are way more people on Earth struggling to heal the symbolism of Chiron in Pisces and Aries than any other sign.

Chiron in Pisces — where it’s been since a few days before the 2010 Deep Horizon oil rig explosion in the Gulf of Mexico — suggests feeling the pain of despair at being separated from Source — whatever one might call the Divine Creator. In Aries, Chiron suggests the pain of self-denial and inaction. The challenge of Chiron in Aries is to heal the “wounded warrior” (a warrior is what Aries needs to be), through acts of courage and positive self-assertion. It’s time for everyone to stand up and be counted; to put themselves back together after disruptive Uranus has arguably shattered the sense of self while in Aries since 2011. The challenge is to do it with positive energy, not destructive. It’s also time to focus on healing toxic aggression, masculinity and leaders — all associated with Aries.

Chiron was last in Aries between 1968 and 1977, just before it was discovered.  Remember the 70s? They called it “the Me Generation.” Now it’s back…which is good news for astrologers, frankly, since more and more people will be looking for ways to heal a wounded sense of self — and astrology is a fabulous tool for understanding who and why they the way they are. Consult your local astrologer for details.

And now, the news.

Did you know that Chiron is associated with ecology? I was delighted to be reminded of this while doing my homework for last week’s podcast, because it helped me understand why we were seeing so many prominent (Chiron is at the Aries Point) and surprising ecological stories in the news:

Menawhile, take the idealized sense of beauty of Venus in harmony with Neptune. Throw in a regal Moon in Leo. Add the sobriety and limits of Venus with Saturn, and we see three notable obituaries:

UPDATE: Colin Kaepernick’s horoscope in 2019 suggests access to considerable power and resources. Last week he and Eric Reid settled their grievances against the NFL. Kaepernick’s horoscope suggests this is just the beginning of potential windfall opportunities his horoscope suggests he’s likely to receive this year. A contract on a team, perhaps?

UPDATE: it should surprise no one who has been reading this forecast for the past few years that Bernie Sanders declared that he is once again running for president as a Democrat. We anticipated as much back in 2017 and before. So why today? Oh..well…the last hit of transiting Neptune opposing his Virgo Sun, reflecting a need to be a visionary. Plus transiting Pluto supercharging his high-functioning Venus in Libra and Mars in Aries now through 2021. He can’t help but strive to make a persuasive case. Other patterns suggest a need to expand his public outreach…so…he’s back.

In closing, I leave you with an apt headline: “23 most unforgettable last sentences in fiction,” put together by the Washington Post. Yup. Famous last words.

Thank you for reading this forecast. Here’s the 411 on personal consultations. We will have an excellent discussion together — ooh — and here’s the link to that podcast about Chiron in Aries, with gratitude to Turning of the Wheel’s Chris Flisher for having me back as a guest.







Monday 12/31/2018: Sneak Peek at the Week; Mars enters Aries

Happy New Year’s Eve!

This is when I usually outline major patterns for the New Year. However, the action in just the first WEEK merits several paragraphs, so the rest of the year may have to wait.  Suffice it to say that if your plan is to hit the ground running in 2019, planetary patterns have your back. January is supercharged by a need for action and courage that carries into February. Do pay attention to any primal spark that currently commands your attention, as it may well develop into an effective crusade. Your quest for world domination may also be facilitated by patterns suggesting a focused reach for empowerment,  a sudden break and/or release — all before January 6th. Two eclipses this month — a New Moon on the 5th and a Full Supermoon on the 21st — accelerate the pace.

The last day of 2018 is driven by the Moon in depth-seeking Scorpio. What a perfect energy for tossing out dead wood and clearing space in preparation for the New Year. Purge, baby, purge! Send those dust bunnies packing! Make a list of what you no longer wish to carry — and burn it. Spend some time focusing on what you would like to receive in 2019. For more New Year’s Eve/Day traditions, Tarot Diva Beth Owl’s Daughter has written them all up for you. The need for emotional substance and control continues through New Year’s Day, as the Scorpio Moon continues its reign.


  • MORE ABOUT MONDAY (TODAY): Action, action, action — in ways that demand notice — as warrior/hero/badass Mars leaves Pisces for Aries at 9:20 PM ET TODAY. Aries is the sign ruled by Mars. When a planet is in the sign it rules, it functions with high effectiveness. Is that good or bad? I don’t know. What are you trying to accomplish?
  • At its best, Mars in Aries is courageous, inspiring, pioneering and a fighter for the underdog.  It has great physical stamina and prowess. At its worst, Mars in Aries can be way too macho — fighting for the sake of fighting; needing to win at any cost; utterly self-absorbed, impatient and reckless. Mars rules steel, men, desire, guns and war — and at 0 degrees of Aries, it suggests that such matters will be prominent.
  • You are personally affected by Mars at the Aries Point if you have a planet, angle or midpoint around 0 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra and/or Capricorn. And since I’ve heard from more than one Avid Reader asking for more on the Aries Point and what it means personally, I will be pleased to send you a few custom paragraphs on where the Aries Point falls in your horoscope, how it drives you and how you are likely to be affected by Mars sitting right on top of it. Hit reply to this email and send me your birth data if you think I don’t have it. Then toss $54 into my Cosmic Tip Jar. I will send insights within a day or so.
  • TUESDAY: Moon continues to seek depth and control in Scorpio. Aspects from other planets to the Moon are not jarring, suggesting ease and harmony of application. Moon goes void at 5:26 PM ET. Time to chill; focus on routine concerns and refrain from making a mountain of crisis out of a molehill.
  • WEDNESDAY: Humming in the background for the past several days is the Sun’s annual meet-up (technical term: conjunction) with Saturn. The Sun refers to leaders and vitality. Saturn is a karma cop, symbolizing structure, limits, ambition and control. Watch the headlines. You’ll feel this heavy focus more personally if you have planets around 11 degrees of Capricorn, Cancer, Aries or Libra. Meanwhile, Moon soars into Sagittarius at 3:53 AM ET, lifting spirits and sights into the stratosphere. A Sag Moon facilitates righteous opinions, foreign affairs, a walk in the woods — anything that pushes boundaries.
  • THURSDAY: Lots and lots of stuff. A Sag Moon drives the day with optimism, with the heavy Sun-Saturn conjunction in the rear view mirror. Plus, Moon squares Neptune at 7:01 AM ET — adding more sugarplum visions to the morning. Note your dreams upon waking and double check your schedules and directions, to minimize disorientation. Noon ET marks the official start of the 116th Congress. A look at that chart merits several paragraphs, already written — but they need an edit. Next forecast!
  • FRIDAY: Mercury trines Uranus at 12:12 AM ET — potential described above. Moon goes void at 12:41 PM ET.  Once it enters Capricorn at  1:55 PM ET, it’ll be poised to take care of business. Sun sextiles Neptune at 2:58 PM ET — apt for artists, healing, refugees and all other Neptune themes. At 10:40 PM ET, Mercury leaves Sagittarius for practical Capricorn, chasing after the Capricorn Moon.
  • SATURDAY: New Moon in Capricorn at 8:28 PM ET — it’s an eclipse — and significant in world affairs. Stay tuned for details.
  • SUNDAY: Shake, rattle and roll. Moon makes its weekly clash with Pluto and Uranus; Uranus turns direct; freedom, disruption, innovation, seismic activity likely to make headlines.

And now, the news.

“The Lives They Lived” — the NYT’s latest Sunday Magazine features more than the usual number of people who passed away under Neptune in Pisces/Mars in Pisces circumstances (i.e., self-sacrificing/undoing).

Meanwhile, WaPo  offers funny writer Dave Barry’s re-cap of 2018. Buh-bye — and don’t let the door hit you on the way out. It’s “2019 Preview” features predictions by reporters — most of which are supported by planetary patterns. Not bad, WaPo!

UPDATE: on the explosion that lit up the New York skyline a couple of days ago. Remember I said  in the last forecast that the chart for the event did NOT look like an explosion? Electric, yes — explosion, no. Turns out it wasn’t an explosion. It was a plasma discharge caused by a tech snafu. Technical term for the event: electrical arc.   Astrology is amazing.

UPDATE: Barack Obama has Venus at 0 Cancer, a.k.a. the Aries Point. With transiting Mars activating that Venus, we could expect his aesthetic values to demand our attention. Heck, even without that Mars transit, we’re always going to be hearing about Barack Obama’s aesthetic values. When he is 90, and Certain Other People are long gone, we will be hearing what Barack Obama had for lunch.

UPDATE: Avid Readers will recall that Elizabeth Warren was born with Sun and Uranus at the Aries Point. With Mars now at the Aries Point, her horoscope has been triggered. “Elizabeth Warren Announces She is Running for President in 2020.” Of course she is. Given the current state of her horoscope — even without a confirmed birth time —  there was never a doubt.

  • REMINDER: I will be pleased to send you a few custom paragraphs on where the Aries Point falls in your horoscope, how it drives you and how you are likely to be affected by Mars sitting right on top of it. Hit reply to this email and send me your birth data if you think I don’t have it. Then toss $54 into my Cosmic Tip Jar. I will send insights within a day or so.
  • OTHER REMINDER: I have not given myself a raise in several years. Rates will increase on January 15th. Any service purchased before January 15th may be scheduled anytime in 2019.

Thank you for reading this forecast. I cherish each and every one of you, whether you’ve been an Avid Reader for years or have only just discovered my astrological musings. I hope you always find it informative and entertaining.

Closing with this gem from Sunny Daze, a human who posts on the Facebook. It’s the best prediction I’ve seen yet:









Monday 10/8/2018: Sneak Peek at the Week; New Moon in Libra; Venus squares Mars; Sun squares Pluto

Happy Monday from Los Angeles! Will be back in New York on Wednesday.

The work week begins with the Moon in Libra, driving the day with a need for fairness, balance and social graces. Good luck with that while Venus is retrograde (as of last Friday), along other patterns happening this week. If you’re feeling restless or listless today, sensing that something new is on the horizon, you’re tuning in to the fact that we are in the dark side of the Moon. The new cycle begins at 11:47 PM ET.

This New Moon happens at 15 Libra, so anyone with planets or angles at 15 Libra, Aries, Cancer or Capricorn will have their horoscopes activated. How so? That’s a discussion point for a consultation with your local astrologer. FYI, the horoscope of the U.S. is one of those activated. Should be a rollicking lunar cycle.

Libra is the sign of partnerships; marriage is an obvious partnership; some business relationships are partnerships, including adversarial ones. We went through the first half of the zodiac with New Moons focusing on the Self: Aries = my identity; Taurus = my values/possessions; Gemini = my mind; Cancer = my emotions/family; Leo = my love to give; Virgo = my service/work/body. Now we’re ready to go public. Take a look at your relationships: how are We doing? What is the State of the Union?  How does it reflect the Libran qualities of justice, fairness, diplomacy, peace, beauty and sweetness? Is there resentment or a lack of appreciation? Are there issues hanging in the balance (Libra is the sign of the Scales)?

Venus rules Libra, and as you know, right now Venus is in Scorpio and retrograde. This is not a happy placement, and we are building to an assertive/aggressive release on WEDNESDAY. Why? Because Venus (yin) and Mars (yang) will square each other at 10:29 PM ET. And what is said is likely to be a game changer, for better or worse. Why? at 1:35 PM ET on WEDNESDAY, mental Mercury (how we need to think and communicate) will be opposed by rebel Uranus. Not only that, but on FRIDAY just after midnight ET, the Sun (leaders, will) squares Pluto. In the news, this suggests a significant powerplay involving political leaders and CEOs; news from underground. Whatever hits the fan that day will have an easy flow of communication, affirming the Established Order, suggested by Mercury in harmony with Saturn at 4:20 AM ET.

Avid Readers may recall that this week would likely be a week of significant action/assertion on the part of — or against — P45 and his administration. We see this in his horoscope and in the chart for the P45 inauguration. Perhaps conquering the Supreme Court qualifies. Perhaps there will be more. Oh, but I’m getting ahead of myself. Point is, we need to factor the patterns described in the previous paragraph into our analysis of what this New Moon suggests. Empowered, innovative ideas and social expression, stemming from a need to reassess and reclaim value related to money, aesthetics and WOMEN comes to mind. Mars is squaring Venus. The next aspect in the New Moon chart is a ruthless, cathartic square between the Moon and Pluto on TUESDAY at 4:50 AM ET. This energy can be applied for better or for worse.

The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon is “a boat landing washed away,” which Blain Bovee says is “an image sweeping away human constructs, calling for repair and renewal.” This line gave me pause: “‘Washed away’ implies the power of waves which carry off that which cannot withstand their force.” Waves, eh? What kind of waves, with Election Day happening on Tuesday, November 6th, during this lunar cycle? We’re sure to hear plenty of talk about waves over the next few weeks.

Bovee also observes that if your boat landing has been washed away, there’s no safe place to dock — but this is OK. We are advised to take the time to repair the damage, to heal — and to contemplate the unseen powers of nature. We are invited to consider “feeling washed out; being swept away by powerful forces; a strong sense of inner renewal; a positive attitude about the approaching new day.” Sounds like a apt time to clean the house…

In other news, the always-in-sync Beth Owl’s Daughter’s Card of the Week suggests a potential healing…

Other patterns of note this week:

  • TUESDAY: at 8:41 PM ET, Mercury leaves Libra for Scorpio. No more weighing the options in matters of ideas and communication; Mercury in Scorpio demands depth, substance and control — at least until Halloween.
  • Moon voids:
    • TUESDAY 4:50 AM ET until 12:09 AM ET on WEDNESDAY;
    • THURSDAY 7:12 PM ET until 5:53 AM ET on FRIDAY;
    • SATURDAY 8:58 PM ET until 3:17 PM ET on SUNDAY.
  • The all-day void on Tuesday is most likely to disrupt your efforts to move forward in a straight line, as it covers the entire business day. Chill and don’t freak out over crises, as they are likely to be much ado about nothing. Avoid impulse shopping; roll with the twists and flakes.

And now, the news.

Astrology is so amazing. Avid Readers will remember that on Sept 5th I noted that in mid-October, Brett Kavanaugh’s horoscope was ripe for potential expansion. He has transiting Jupiter square his Aquarius Sun exact at about 9:30 PM ET….TODAY. When his confirmation hearing began in September, that Jupiter transit (expansion/reward potential) seemed to be happening later than one might think — if he was to be confirmed, as Mitch McConnell’s plan was to have Kavanaugh seated in time to join SCOTUS on Opening Game Day  — a.k.a., October 1st. BUT — before Jupiter could get to Kavanaugh’s Sun, it met up with his Neptune (booze, fog, deception). We had to go through that fog.

And over the weekend, as you know, Kavanaugh was confirmed during the dead Moon — and sworn in as an official Supreme on Saturday around 6 PM ET in D.C. — much to my admitted personal anger and disappointment — but not to the surprise of my astrological mind.  Not only that, but all of the pomp and circumstance of his anticipated reward happens tonight at 7 PM ET (a few hours before hit exact Jupiter-Sun transit), in a ceremonial swearing-in hosted by P45. Which makes one wonder if this was truly inevitable, which could be depressing. On the other hand, while his Saturday swearing-in might have felt like  a reward for Justice Brewski, in the bigger scheme of things, it was not an apt time for initiating a new justice. Seriously, on a dead Moon opposing Neptune (booze, fog, deception)? Venus retrograde in Scorpio square Mars? The energetic time stamp of his swearing-in can’t help but mark his tenure, however long it lasts. Here’s how SNL covered the GOP celebration in its latest cold open. On a Moon-Neptune opposition, of course there was beer.

In other news, just before 2 PM ET on Saturday in Schoharie, NY, a limo carrying 17 people on their way to a brewery tour crashed. All passengers were killed, plus the driver and two pedestrians. At the time of the accident, Uranus (accidents) was on the angles of the chart for that moment in Schoharie. We see this pattern over and over again: heavy planets on an angle coincident with an energetic release.

Meanwhile, note that whenever a planet is retrograde, it facilitates reviewing and revisiting the past. With Venus retrograde, we see the potential for revisiting past relationships and social expression. Venus is now squaring Mars — this is supercharged potential. Here are two must-read op-eds published on Sunday reflecting that pattern:

Elsewhere — an innovative attack (Mars in Aquarius) slays the art world (Venus in Scorpio): “Banksy Prank Sees Million-Dollar Art Work Shredded Live at Auction” — watch the video. Also from the world of art, the NYT Sunday magazine: “The Ugly Beauty of Cindy Sherman’s Selfies”.

Hey! Have you registered to vote? Are you SURE??? Please check your status — and share this link with everyone you know. Voter registration deadlines in many states is TOMORROW, October 9th. Vote, vote, vote!!!

Finally, Avid Readers know that planetary patterns suggest strong potential for authoritarian rulers to be in vogue. It’s not just the United States; it’s everywhere, and it’s not going away this year or even next, as Saturn (authority figures) meets up with Pluto (power; rot; corruption) in Capricorn (Powers That Be).  Here’s John Oliver to tell you about a racist, misogynist authoritarian currently campaigning in Brazil. His name is Jair Bolsonaro. He did not win the election outright yesterday, but he came darn close. And he is still in the running.

We live in such interesting times. What would we do without this astrological perspective? If you follow the patterns in your own horoscope, you will learn that while times are “interesting” around the globe, this does not mean you will not have opportunities for growth and reward.

If you’d like to know what this Venus retrograde period suggests for you, I would be pleased to offer insights in a special mini-consultation. Click the link below and send me your birth time, place and date of birth. Then toss $44 into my Cosmic Tip Jar. I will send you a few paragraphs about Venus retrograde, and how it may be building on the lessons posed by this summer’s Mars retrograde, too. I will also email you a copy of your horoscope, if you have not received one from me before.

Thank you for reading this forecast. Here’s the 411 on personal consultations.


Tuesday 9/18/2018: Late Sneek Peek at the Week; Mars Square Uranus; Men Behaving Badly

Good morning from 35,000 feet!

My seat belt is fastened — literally and figuratively speaking. These next couple of weeks should be interesting, as the Chinese might say. As in “interesting times,” and all that.

The work week (Monday) began with the Moon in enterprising Capricorn, facilitating efforts to take care of business — and no whinging, if you please. The earthy, practical drive continues through today (Tuesday), going void on WEDNESDAY at 1:10 PM ET. Moon enters Aquarius on Wednesday at 7:52 PM ET, driving the rest of the week with a need for social significance and networking. You can start the weekend early on FRIDAY, when the Moon goes void….not to enter Pisces until 8:27 AM ET on SATURDAY. Focus on routine concerns during these long voids. Roll with whatever twists and flakes disrupt your efforts to move forward in a straight line. Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill, as crises which crop up during voids have a weird way of dissipating once the Moon changes gears into the next sign. Chill!

Notable planetary patterns this week:

  • TUESDAY (today): Mars (action, courage, machismo, aggression) squares Uranus (aviation, rebels, technology, innovation, seismic activity) for the third time since May 15th; the second time was August 6th. This third square happens at 7 PM ET. Upside: technological breakthroughs and gender-benders seen in a positive light, e.g. news about Cuba contemplating a new Constitution which would prohibit discrimination based on gender and/or sexual identity. Downside: accidents and other forms of spontaneous combustion; rash/reckless actions; men behaving badly. The potential for “badly” is amplified by Mars about to meet up with the South Node, a point of destruction and toxic release. That happens on Saturday. Meanwhile, note the potential for a power play or emotional catharsis around 9:03 PM ET, as the Moon makes its weekly clash with Pluto.
  • WEDNESDAY: harmony among the Capricorn Moon and the Sun and Mercury in Virgo at 10:20 AM ET and 1:10 PM ET facilitates willful communications of executive authority, possibly blinded by their own idealistic light. Moon clashes with Uranus at 11:35 PM ET — note the potential for shocks and other upsets.
  • THURSDAY: A feisty assertion of independence is suggested by a Moon-Mars meet-up at 12:23 AM ET, followed by a stubbornly self-indulgent expression of values around 9:46 AM ET, as the Moon squares Venus in scorekeeper Scorpio. At 9:52 PM ET, idealism crests with prominence, as the Sun and Mercury (how we need to think and communicate) meet up in the last degrees of Virgo, close enough to trigger the Aries Point.
  • FRIDAY: Note the potential for an exuberant or excessive surge around 1:13 PM ET, as the Aquarius Moon squares Jupiter. In the ensuing Moon void, Mercury leaves Virgo for Libra at 11:40 PM ET. The quest for perfection and exacting detail in thought and communication is replaced with a quest for fairness and balance — at least in theory.
  • SATURDAY: Happy Autumnal Equinox! With the start of a new season, the Sun enters the cardinal sign of Libra at 9:55 PM ET. Avid Readers will recall that cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) are turning points (that’s what “cardinal” means). And this is why any planet around 0 degrees (the beginning) of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn is reflected with prominence. Just to confuse everyone, these four points are collectively known as the Aries Point. We pay attention to the start of a season, as things are about to change, right? Is that why the Wheel of Fortune is Beth Owl’s Daughter’s Tarot Card of the week? Well, her cards are always in sync with planetary patterns, doncha’ know. In the news, watch for especially prominent news involving leaders; e.g., CEOs and heads of state.
  • SATURDAY: Some of what we read about our dear leaders may be toxic, as Mars meets up with the South Node. And there will be more to come next week, as Mars returns to 4 degrees of Aquarius on September 27th, triggering the total lunar eclipse we had on July 27th. I expect headlines involving a bottleneck of energy released. If you have planets or angles around 4 degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius, you are more affected than most.
  • SUNDAY: Emotions are on the rise as the Moon waxes to fullness in Aries on MONDAY at 10:52 PM ET. Meanwhile, gravitas and streamlining in communication and leadership are likely hot topics in the headlines. Why? Because on Sunday at 12:46 PM ET, Mercury will square Saturn (authority, control, patriarchy); next Tuesday the Sun will square the cosmic karma cop. If you have planets or angles around 2-3 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn, you’re likely to be feeling the squeeze more than most.

Bottom line: at least two weeks of disruptive breakthroughs and revelations, for better or for worse, involving action, aggression and way-too-macho men.

And now, the news.

Hurricane Florence did make landfall 10 miles east of Wilmington, NC — as intuited — and during last Friday’s Moon void. It hit the coastline as a Cat 2, with much less force than feared, though record-breaking rain is doing plenty of damage. Wilmington became an island, completely cut off from access by land. Wow. Meanwhile, another monster storm — Typhoon Mangkhut landed in the Philippines before heading towards Hong Kong.

Storms, storms and more storms:

  • Dianne Feinstein continues to reflect her Moon-in-Gemini’s need to be the smartest kid in the room. For the third time in four years, we’re writing about her making headlines for making sure people know about Certain Information. Here’s a post from 2014 (with a link to her horoscope); here’s one from January of this year. Her Cancer Sun is at the Aries Point, suggesting she is born to prominence. This year she’s been feeling the squeeze of transiting Saturn opposing her Sun, along with the pressure to “change or die,” suggested by a measurement between Pluto (transformation) and her pioneering Aries Ascendant. In February, the Democratic Party declined to support her bid to stay on as the senior senator from California (ouch!), but California voters handed her a victory in the primary anyway. I expect we will see plenty of courage and initiative from DiFi through the year, sparked by a measurement between her Mars and Sun.
  • Right now, DiFi is moving heaven and earth to stop Brett Kavanaugh from becoming the new kid on the SCOTUS block. Ever the information junkie, of course she would have a letter from a woman — Christine Blasey Ford — alleging that Judge Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her back when they were teens. And now they will both be testifying about it before the Senate — on Monday, during an almost-full Moon in Pisces…void. Hmm. And now there are report that Ms. Ford’s appearance is not confirmed. Well, there is sure to be some empathy, in between the hard-nosed heaviness of aforementioned patterns among Mercury, Sun and Saturn. In Kavanaugh’s horoscope (birth time unknown), we note that transiting Jupiter has moved on to his natal Neptune (as I type!), suggesting an expansion of ideals, faith, spirits of all kinds and scandal.
  • Monday’s testimony is just one chapter of the encyclopedia we’re reading for the next few weeks on Men Behaving Badly. Some say boys will be boys and we should forgive them their youthful transgressions. On the other hand, it’s difficult to forgive what has not been acknowledged and owned. Let this compelling essay — “I Believe Her” — spark your next water cooler conversation.
  • UPDATE: Paul Manafort continues to feel Saturn’s squeeze all over his horoscope, as anticipated.  Last week he copped a plea rather than face a second trial. Not only that, but he’s agreed to cooperate with Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller. Even better: the millions of dollars in assets he will forfeit more than covers the cost of Mueller’s investigation. Now that’s what I call draining the swamp.
  • UPDATE: As you know from a recent post, P45’s horoscope suggests that now is the time for close and formerly close associates to tell us what he’s really like — in gory detail. As if Omarosa, Anonymous White House Op-Ed Guy/Gal and Bob Woodward haven’t given us enough disruptive revelations about P45 and his (lack of) administration, here comes Stormy Daniels with the naked truth about his lackluster performance and penchant for cheating. Her book, “Full Disclosure,” will be published next month, further realizing the potential noted in her horoscope earlier this year for hard-nosed thinking, publishing and a potential windfall. Note that her Moon is at 4 degrees of Scorpio and will be affected by transits from Mars and the South Node. Last time this happened (over the summer), she was served with divorce papers.
  • In other news, McDonalds’ employees in ten cities are on strike today, protesting the company’s culture of “sexual harassment.”
  • Meanwhile, a small town in Missouri will soon have a new newspaper — The Uranus Examiner. The town thinks it’s pretty funny — and it is, in a provocative Mars-square-Uranus way. Though if they spelled Uranus correctly, i.e. “Ouranos” — pronounced Oo–RAH-nos” — perhaps it wouldn’t be the butt of so many jokes. Thanks to Avid Reader Katya for making sure I didn’t miss that one!
  • This just in…“Russia Blames Israel After Reconnaissance Plane Downed by Syrian Air Defense.”   Also Mars (aggression) square Uranus (aviation, accidents).
  • Keep an eye on this reckless act of aggression involving prominent communication: “P45 Orders Russia Investigation Documents Declassified.”
  • UPDATE: Hillary Clinton’s Scorpio Sun is being squared by Uranus, suggested a need for greater independence and a potential for disruptive actions and experiences. Last week The Atlantic published her gripping essay, “American Democracy is in Crisis.”  Meanwhile, the Texas Board of Education voted to drop Mrs. Clinton from school curriculums, along with Helen Keller. Moses, however, was voted in.
  • UPDATE: California continues to live up to this year’s revolutionary potential, noted in prior forecasts. Supercharged by transiting Uranus, it has recently announced plans to launch its own satellite to monitor climate change; ban for-profit charter schools; eliminate cash bail for suspects awaiting trial; and defy the FCC’s anti-net neutrality ruling. We’ll see more more more of that pioneering spirit in the months ahead.

Couldn’t watch the Emmys last night — too busy packing. Did notice that neither Elisabeth Moss nor The Handmaid’s Tale won this year. Ms. Moss’s Leo Sun was eclipsed last month. Coincidence or conspiracy?

Thank you for reading this forecast. To find out what all of these planetary patterns mean for you, consider booking a personal consultation. But don’t just take it from me. Take it from Avid Reader Meg, who writes:

“Take a leap and get a reading with Elisabeth.  She’s bright, articulate, funny, and sensitive. She knows her stuff. I’ve worked with a good number of astrologers over the past 40 years. I like variety and new perspectives. This was a fresh start for me and right on time. Thank you!” —  Meg R.

I am delighted to be of service.

Monday 8/20/2018: Sneak Peek at the Week & Other Stories

….and…we’re back.

The Sag Moon was void this morning until 11:59 AM. Actually, that’s totally untrue. But that’s what it says in my Jim Maynard Celestial Calendar. The Sag Moon is actually void between 7:47 PM and 11:59 PM ET tonight. Can you tell that Mercury just turned direct on Sunday at 12:25 AM ET? Hope you are taking it slow, double checking it thrice. Once the Moon is fully engaged in Capricorn, the drive is to take care of business — though at 5:53 AM ET on TUESDAY, that business may have more than the usual gravitas when it meets up with controlling/authoritative Saturn.  Moon continues in Capricorn until THURSDAY at 12:56 PM ET.

Adding to the proactive vibe is Mars, now moving back through Capricorn with high efficiency….if only it weren’t retrograde. That’s a caveat that whatever is accomplished with ease and innovation now may not satisfy once Mars turns direct, which it will do NEXT MONDAY.

Notable planetary patterns this week include:

  • Moon’s weekly contact with Pluto on WEDNESDAY at 2:45 PM ET, suggests power plays and catharses
  • Sun leaves Leo for Virgo on THURSDAY at 12:09 AM ET, replacing heat, drama and rigidity with cooler heads and discerning minds;
  • Moon will be void on THURSDAY between 10:19 AM and 12:56 PM ET before entering “who’s yer buddy?” Aquarius
  • Moon will be void nearly all day on SATURDAY — from 12:39 AM thru 1:32 AM ET on SUNDAY
  • As we get closer to the weekend, we will notice a rare synchronicity among the Sun (leaders, vitality), Saturn (structure, old guard) and Uranus (change, innovation). The Sun will trine Saturn and Uranus within hours of each other on SATURDAY; Saturn and Uranus will almost make an exact trine (harmonious connection)…but won’t. Why? Because Saturn will turn direct on September 6th, pulling away from Uranus. We had three exact Saturn-Uranus trines in 2017, and here’s what I wrote about that potential.  The fact that this trine comes oh-so-close….but just-not-quite makes me wonder if there might be some revelation of an unusual coalition that aims to unite on a critical concern…but is somehow thwarted. And here I would be thinking of the August 1st issue of the NYT Sunday magazine, which consisted of only one in-depth story, “The Decade We Almost Stopped Climate Change.”  My sense is that whatever is looking hunky-dory around now may be in for a rude awakening when Saturn and Uranus finally do make a connection: a series of super-charged squares starting in 2021. I’ve been thinking about this square for years, ever since I read The Big Short, by Michael Lewis. I wrote about it last August — and even earlier.  I thought about the square when I read George Will’s recent WaPo op-ed, “Another Epic Economic Collapse is Coming.”   Perhaps Mr. Will is on to something…and as I’m typing, the S&P is less than 1% away from a record high...
  • How wonderful to read Tarot Diva Beth Owl’s Daughter’s wonderful Card of the Week, having written the paragraph above – check it out!


  • By the time we get to the weekend, emotions are likely to be on the rise. SUNDAY we’ll have a Full Moon in Pisces, facilitating empathy (an upside), on a day when Venus (money, women, social expression, values) is super-charged by ruthless Pluto. A charged connection between Venus and Pluto facilitates emotional overkill (downside); depth and intensity (upside); and purges (depends on which side you’re on). On that day, Mars (energy, assertion, aggression) will be at a standstill — and thus in high focus — as it prepares to move forward (finally!) next MONDAY AM.

And now, the news.

UPDATE: on Kevin Spacey, whose horoscope was last discussed in November 2017. Back then, I anticipated that transiting Pluto’s square to his Aries Midheaven would likely reflect a dramatic change in public status, for better or for worse. That may have happened on August 11th. Not only that, but his Leo Sun and Ascendant were affected by July’s total lunar eclipse. Witness this headline, announcing the weekend box office for  his new film — Billionaire Boys’ Club. Total take: $618. Ouch.

UPDATE: on Jimmy Carter, who is feeling the love of transiting Jupiter on his Scorpio Moon — and last week, transiting Venus conjunct his Libra Sun…and transiting Sun conjunct his Leo Venus-Neptune. Here’s a total feel-good piece about modesty, humility and grace — all part of the simple life he and his wife Rosalyn enjoy in Plains, Georgia. He may be the richest ex-president ever.

UPDATE: speaking of ex-presidents, Barack Obama’s Mercury (how he needs to think and communicate) has been supercharged all summer, with exact hits from innovative Uranus and persuasive Pluto exact in July, August and September. Here’s his summer reading list, filled with “empathy, understanding and ‘factfulness'”.  Looks like he’s up for an expansive, active next few months.

UPDATE: “Elon Musk Details ‘Excruciating Personal Toll’ of Tesla Turmoil”  File that under “I told you so.”

The weekend’s third trine between Jupiter (expansive) and Neptune (faith, scandal, oceans, healing, was reflected in these big headlines:

And now, a few words about the situation that landed on my plate two weeks ago, demanding attention at the expense of all else — including writing this forecast and other articles;: reminding cherished clients that they’re due for an annual check-up; revamping my outdated website; drafting outlines for the classes I plan to teach; thanking an Avid Reader for her generous contribution to my Cosmic Tip Jar (a thank you note will arrive soon), yadda yadda yadda.

It’s about trees.

And as I mentioned last week, it’s a microcosm of the macrocosm we live in. I’ll start by sharing my Facebook post from August 7th (written during a Moon void, while hoping that the crisis would fizzle out):

Oh dear FB friends….you know how much I am in love with the beautiful six-story tall elm tree outside my window. It was well below eye-level when I bought this apt years ago, and has been for the last several years a daily blessing in every season. From every window in my apt, I look out into cool, soothing green in spring and summer. Brilliant hues of red and orange in fall….snow-covered branches in the winter. Crows camp at eye level when the temperature drops below freezing. It has been humbling to watch their daily routines, as they return year after year. There are squirrels and sparrows…and other birds you rarely see on the ground: cardinals, red finches, blue jays, woodpeckers…sometimes a red-tailed hawk and often, mourning doves. Yesterday I was captivated by a dragonfly — a first. The tree offers shade, beauty and privacy. Instead of looking into the windows of neighbors in the harsh, sterile red brick building across the street, I am surrounded by lush greenery. Every day I give thanks for the bounty of these twin elm trees — and as far as I know, they are safe.

Now then.

There is ANOTHER courtyard in our building — an interior one, sorely in need of TLC. Once there was a grand fountain with multi-level pools cascading down a slope. That has been filled in with dirt — years ago. Still, there are at least a dozen soaring maple trees — touching the sky above the roof of the building. It is like a rain forest canopy — not much sunlight, but the shade is soothing — and squirrels and more birds make their homes in the branches. It has been my wish that our building would take the initiative to clean up the courtyard — put in some plants that can thrive with little sunlight — maybe cover the ground with moss, like you see in gardens in Japan. Add some benches; repair the crumbling walls in the back; cover the chainlink fence with bamboo. Let it be a cherished nature refuge all residents may enjoy. Right now residents “aren’t allowed” in the courtyard.

So guess what “management” is doing instead? They are planning to “renovate” the courtyard, though it is not clear if the plan includes access for residents (!). The plan — kept only to themselves — is to destroy most of the maple trees. They have marked them with splotches of red paint. — for death — supposedly the execution happens on Monday. I found this out last night — and have been sick to my stomach and sick at heart ever since.

I am weary weary weary of reading every day in the papers about how the P45 administration is trashing the environment — and feeling so powerless to do anything about it.

This hurts even more because it is literally happening in my backyard — a place I like to think of as “safe.” What foolish, wishful thinking — and what a teachable moment, hmm? No place is safe — especially if we (and in this case, specifically me) are not vigilant. Our coop board is as transparent as Scott Pruitt’s $43K soundproof booth — and that’s way they like it. It seems to be easier to maintain power and control, than any other alternative (e.g., soliciting input from the other 148 owners in this 155-unit building) — so can you blame them?

Shareholders/Residents have not been told the specifics of the plan….only a mention that “some trees” in the courtyard would be removed at the shareholders meeting in May (which I could not attend because I was out of town — my total bad). NOTHING has been sent to shareholders in writing. Our board does not send out minutes from shareholder meetings…they run as a slate year after year, unchallenged. To effect a change would require energy and focus that I have been pouring into Other Obvious Things (like work — both professional and volunteer) — and even if I had the energy, I could not effect change all by myself.

Now I am beating myself up for not making the effort years ago…and feeling already beaten down by the insanity of destroying a dozen healthy, towering, decades-old, irreplaceable maple trees (along with every other horrific headline on today’s front page). Surely there must be another way to “renovate” a courtyard in ways that are less destructive.

I have considered the possibility that I may be overreacting…and may not be aware of all of the facts that would require consideration, but this seems to me an unconscionable plan. This is the courtyard now — stripped of shrubbery — with the maple trees now on death row. Also pictured: the “offending” towering canopy.

In other news, don’t let this happen to you! Have you checked your voter registration status lately? If you do not vote in every election, do not assume you are still on the roster. Check your status and/or register here We must be resolved to have a say in the process!

This concludes my longest-ever Facebook rant — on a moon-void and a Mercury retrograde (why I consider the possibility that I may be missing a few key facts). Thanks for “listening.” I just feel so sad about these beautiful trees…and the birds and other creatures who will be displaced by their senseless destruction. Not to mention courtyard residents who will miss the shade as the seasons get hotter and hotter in the coming years. Cue Joni Mitchell’s “Big Yellow Taxi” now, please… 

Facebook can be a wonderful sounding board, and within an hour I received validation and empathy from caring souls. I also received encouragement: “Call the management company!” “Rally your neighbors!” “Sign a petition!” Which is frankly what I would advise any other friend or client facing a similar challenge. But it’s daunting…y’know…especially when it feels like you have to do it alone.

But those trees! And the pain I was certain my neighbors would feel if they were cut down….

I took a deep breath…and called a neighbor who is on our co-op board. Thankfully she is also a friend. Later, in her apartment I asked her why the trees were being cut down. “Because nothing will grow back there!”  she said, with utmost sincerity.

I do not recall replying that the 60-year-old trees apparently did not receive that memo — but certainly I was thinking it.

To be continued…

Thank you for reading this forecast. Here’s the 411 on personal consultations.




Tuesday 7/24/2018: Sneak Peek at a Volatile Week; Full Moon/Eclipse; Mercury Retrograde; the Bottom Line

Today is driven by a righteously opinionated Sagittarius Moon. It went void at 4:22 AM ET and won’t enter the next sign — Capricorn — until 5:49 PM ET. Roll with any twists or flakes that may disrupt your efforts to move forward in a straight line. Consider how you may implement the rose-colored potential of this afternoon’s opposition between Venus (money, women, art, social expression) and Neptune (music, surrender, faith, vision) into your wandering.  Double check everything thrice. Why? Because any day with a strong Neptune increases the potential for confusion, not to mention the other patterns happening this week, as I outlined in the forecast last Friday:

  • On WEDNESDAY at 7:34 AM ET, we’ll have a  square between the Leo Sun (leaders, life force, willpower) and Uranus (disruption, technology, seismic activity, aviation, etc.). Already we are feeling the buzz.
  • On THURSDAY at 1:03 AM ET, Mercury goes retrograde at 23 Leo,  suggesting a review of how we need to think about play, showmanship, creative self-expression, regal pronouncements and entitlements. Watch the headlines over the next few weeks for stubborn and grandiose miscommunication. Don’t believe everything you hear! Mercury turns direct on August 19th at 11 Leo. If you have planets between 11 and 23 Leo — and especially on those exact degrees, you are especially affected by this  Mercury retrograde. Regardless of your own unique horoscope, everyone should BACK UP YOUR COMPUTERS NOW! Other general guidelines for surviving Mercury retrogrades may be found here.
  • On FRIDAY, an especially assertive/courageous or simply combative opposition between Mars in rebel Aquarius and the regal Leo Sun, exact at 1:14 AM ET
  • On FRIDAY at 4:20 PM ET, a Full Moon/total lunar eclipse at 4 degrees of Aquarius — opposing the Leo Sun. How will we balance the eclectic needs of the collective vs. the birthright of the individual, hmm?
  • The next exact aspect after the eclipse is a harmony between Venus (money, women, art, social expression and value) and Pluto (power, resources) on FRIDAY at 9:22 PM ET. Venus is in Virgo; Pluto is in  Capricorn. These are Earth Signs — concerned with the material world. Virgo seeks discernment, perfection, cooperation, service, process; Capricorn seeks status, achievement, establishment. I zeroed in on this Venus-Pluto trine when reading Beth Owl’s Daughter’s always in sync Tarot Card of the Week. It challenges us to take serious stock of what we value and how we use it. With Uranus now in Taurus (material comfort and security), we see strong potential for disruption in matters we believed were rock solid. When will that start? I am not certain, but I suspect we will have taken notice by mid-2021, with a whiff of things to come around June 2019.

The Sabian Symbols for Thursday’s eclipse echo a need for focus on the material. For the Sun: “rock formations at the edge of a precipice.” Sabian Symbol Guru Blain Bovee notes that these “large, hard stones…may be teetering…on the brink of a deep fall.” For the Moon: “a council of ancestors called to guide.”  Bovee offers a curious interpretation: “Where do you go when you fall asleep? Into the arms of our ancestors.” Lynda Hill, another Sabian Symbol expert, notes the dichotomy here between the material (rocks) and the spiritual (wisdom of the ancestors/those who have gone before). Hmm. So in order to get out of this material predicament  — i.e., of teetering on the brink  — I reckon we need to tune in to the spiritual, which is exactly what is suggested by so many planets — especially Mars and now Mercury — being retrograde at this time.  This notion was reinforced this morning via the musings of another intuitive friend — sound healer Norma Gentile.   On the subject of abundance, she writes:

My guides have shared with me that we are many, many years away from the unity of consciousness that many people seek. They suggest that what we must first do is enter into the sacred versions of male and female within our polarized reality. Then we will take some time to understand the full spectrum of expressive energies that exist between them as well. The Divine Feminine has been awakening throughout our world for many centuries, and it is only now joined by a consciousness awakening of the Sacred Masculine. Spirit can now begin to flow through all aspects of our world that lie within polarity.

The first motion of this Spiritual flow is to reveal the non-sacred versions of masculine and feminine energies in our world to which we have become accustomed. Then as we sense and see the Sacred Masculine and Divine Feminine, we choose which to interact with. This choice is made by each of us as individuals, and our choices influence the percentage of sacred and non-sacred energies continue to express out into our shared world.

And, as we are learning, a simple majority does not make the choice go one way or the other. Only when a Golden Mean (3/5ths) of our world’s population chooses the sacred over the profane version of something can we as a planet move fully past that particular choice point. And so it seems we are in the process of endlessly taking a step forward, and then back. Repeating it over and over again until 3/5ths of all the souls within our world agree on that step forward. Then we begin to tackle the next step.

I have the coolest friends.

Other Moon voids this week: THURSDAY 9:41 AM ET until FRIDAY 6:41 AM ET. Well, that’ll make for an interesting first day of Mercury being retrograde.

And now, the news.

UPDATE: Stormy Daniels was served with divorce papers with transiting Mars exactly squaring her 4 Scorpio Moon. Her Moon co-rules her 7th house of partnership and will be affected by this week’s lunar eclipse. We can see the potential for a change in domestic/relationship status. Here is her horoscope.

UPDATE: Geologists are now saying that lava will likely continue to flow from the Kilauea volcano in Hawaii “for months to years.” File that under “I told you so,” based on patterns in Hawaii’s horoscope.

RANDOM FUN FACT: in May and June, the NYT and WaPo quoted twice as many Republicans compared to Democrats. Surprised? Perhaps this explains why Democrats are faulted for not having a clear message.

RANDOM USEFUL ANALYSIS: James Hohmann of WaPo’s Daily 202 breaks down the facts about Carter Page and the recently released FISA warrant.

OBLIGATORY CLOSE ON A POSITIVE, LIFE-AFFIRMING TOPIC: “You Should Actually Send That Thank-You Note You’ve Been Meaning to Write,” says the NYT, reflecting the perfect Miss Manners’ potential of today’s Venus in Virgo opposition to blissful Neptune.  The reason people do not follow through on the impulse to express gratitude, says the article, is that “they undervalue  the positive impact they can have on others for a tiny investment of time.”

Thank you for reading this forecast. To find out what all these retrogrades and eclipses mean to you personally, here’s the 411 on scheduling a consultation. To support my tireless efforts to report on the astonishing synchronicity of daily news and planetary patterns, here is the link to my Cosmic Tip Jar. With gratitude.

Which reminds me: Won’t You Be My Neighbor?  is a must-see film — and a beautiful reflection of the potential in Mister Rogers’ horoscope — discussed on Friday. Hope you make time to see it.

Tuesday 9/5/2017: Sneak Peek at a Shortened Week: Mercury Direct; Mars Enters Virgo

Easy does it, as the work week begins.

Lots of action while you are sleeping early TUESDAY morning (with Mercury retrograde, naturally I misteakenly wrote last week that this was all happening on MONDAY. I hate it when that happens; apologies for the error. Really, it’s all happening on September 5th).

First,  a face-off between the Moon and Mars at 1:15 AM ET suggests provocative action. Moon then goes void for several minutes and enters Pisces at 1:28 AM ET. Another face-off between the Sun and Neptune happens at exactly the same time ET; we’ve been feeling this one all week. Neptune refers to the surreal, oil, chemicals, toxins, spirits of all kinds, water, oceans, floods, refugees, faith and charity. Here’s what was going on in the news in the wake of the annual Sun-Neptune opposition in 2015.

But wait, there’s more. Mars leaves regal Leo for perfectionist Virgo at 5:35 AM, channeling its action/assertion drive into making things right. Extreme patience and focus in all travel/communication is advised, as Mercury turns direct at 7:30 AM.

Note that the Pisces Moon will travel through day without interference, waxing to its fullness on WEDNESDAY at 3:03AM ET. Two hours before the Full Moon is exact, it meets up with Neptune, planet of faith, dreams, healing, oil, water, delusion, spirits, refugees, victims, chemicals.  This can be dreamy or deceptive…and perhaps a little bit of both.

In the wake of Wednesday’s Full Moon, we will have a heavy challenge from Saturn (control, patriarchy, ambition) at 4:29PM ET. Then the Moon goes void until THURSDAY at 8:01 AM ET, when it charges off a cliff in pioneering, me-me-me Aries.

On FRIDAY, the Aries Moon makes its weekly clash with Pluto at 1:49 PM ET. This suggests a power play and/or an emotional catharsis. On SATURDAY, Moon is opposed by rebel Uranus at 8:54 AM ET. Humming in the background all week is a trine (harmony) between the Sun (leaders) and Pluto (power, plutonium, news from underground, corruption). Here’s a headline reflecting the Sun-Pluto trine from last year:

Add the power/resources consolidation of the Sun trine Pluto and say hi to what could be the largest energy infrastructure company in America: the merger of Spectra and Enbridge.

Finally, on Saturday at 10:52 PM ET, Mercury stops shouting “Off with their heads!” in Leo and re-enters Virgo, where it may now dedicate itself to thoughts of order, refinement, service and humility. We hope.

The chart for the Full Moon, set in Washington DC, has disruptive Uranus and Pluto in contact with the Midheaven and the Ascendant, a.k.a. the angles of the horoscope.  Heavy planets making tense contact with the angles of a horoscope reflect strong potential for action.

The Sabian Symbols for this Full Moon at 14 Pisces vs. the Sun at 14 Virgo offer these insights.  “A lady in a fox fur stole” is the Symbol for 14 Pisces, suggesting, writes astrologer Blain Bovee, “cunning camouflage for family protection.” Just imagine this lady gliding through society, effortlessly, putting out an image of belonging. What’s her real agenda? 14 Pisces was the Symbol for the New Moon in March of 2011. 

For the Sun at  14 degrees of Virgo, and the Sabian Symbol is “a family tree.”  Again with the family ties? How will that play out in the headlines? Even if you do not feel that you belong, act as if…???  This was the Symbol for the New Moon in September 2013.

Meanwhile, if you follow Tarot Diva Beth Owlsdaughter’s weekly card pulls (always in sync with planetary patterns), you may remember her writing  that last week’s card was the Six of Swords — challenging perhaps, but not as challenging as the Five. So guess what card showed up this week.…bwahahahaha…

This week, take your time adjusting to Mercury’s forward direction. Breathe. Go with the Moon in Pisces flow.  And take Beth Owlsdaughter’s wise words to heart:

In your own world this week, be extra careful not to make enemies. Instead, approach any potential conflict with candor and scrupulous honesty. Whenever possible, first stretch out the hand of peace and magnanimity.

Beware of the temptations of malicious gossip, half-truths with an agenda, and gloating over any advantage you may currently enjoy in a competitive situation.

On the other hand, have you been defeated or cheated out of something by a wily and cunning opponent? Do you feel you have suffered because of someone’s cowardliness, ego, or malice?

Perhaps now is the time to walk away while you can. A strategic retreat may be the wisest move.

Take extra care to protect what is valuable to you, and be careful about people who would wield their power in underhanded, dishonest ways, as well as any urge to do so on your part. Infamy and trickery are floating in the air.

Winning at any price will not really vanquish a competitor. People will always remember how they were made to feel. This is why sooner or later, the payback always comes. Fairness and justice, eventually, must be served.

And now, the news.

Thrilled to report cosmic headlines reflecting the far-out potential of Mars in harmony with Uranus; wiggy Sun opposing Neptune:

In other news…

Secrets coming out — past actions REviewed — as anticipated — in the wake of last month’s Big Fat solar eclipse and Mercury retrograde. You’ve seen the story that broke on Friday, yes?  Alex Wubbels — the Utah nurse who was arrested on July 26th because she refused to be bullied by a police detective who wanted to illegally obtain a patient’s blood sample? The arrest — and assault — was caught on tape.  It looks like what you’d expect to see on July 26th: the regal Leo Sun meeting up with regal Leo Mars, trying to get away with murder.

Turns out the unconscious patient whose rights Nurse Wubbels defended (in accordance with the law) — works in law enforcement. Talk about a backfire for the aptly named Officer Payne. The patient’s police department thanked Nurse Wubbels. And effective immediately, police officers visiting that Utah hospital will no longer be permitted to contact nurses, nor will they be allowed in patient care areas.  Where was Mercury on July 26th? 1 Virgo — where it was last week and will return again over the weekend. Stay tuned…

Revealed: the handwritten letter from President Obama left for P45 in the Resolute Desk on Inauguration Day.

Revealed:  the DOJ confirms that P45’s assertion of having “wires tapped”  by President Obama was “a total fabrication”

Revealed: a WWII bomb discovered in a construction site in Frankfurt forces the evacuation of 60,000

Revealed: UK at center of big fat money laundering scheme in Azerbaijan

Revealed, bigtime — coupled with the explosive potential of Mars meeting up with Mercury on North Korea’s recently eclipsed Saturn  — this heavy, sobering WaPo headline: North Korea defies predictions — again — with early grasp of weapons milestone

Cleraly the Washington Post does not appreciate the value of astrology — otherwise it would not write that this dreadful development “defied predictions.” Astrologers who write about these things have warned of this potential at this time for months.  The explosion resulted in a 6.3 quake on the Richter scale, and it’s all terribly bewildering. Couldn’t North Korea find something better to do?

And how exactly do North Koreans get their news? From the “pink lady” newscaster, of course — with clips provided by The Guardian. On a day with the Sun opposing Neptune, color the apocalypse weird and rose…and send out thoughts of peace and calm.

U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley has her work cut out for her. I hope to find time one day to write about her horoscope.

Congress is back in session. In the aftermath of last week’s Jupiter-Saturn sextile, will bipartisanship save the day? Meanwhile, Hurricane Irma is on its way — so let’s end on this happy note:

UPDATE: Prince William, whose horoscope was discussed on August 10th, including this observation:

In 2018, transiting Uranus will oppose  his 2 degree Scorpio Midheaven, suggesting a disruption in the family and in his professional status. That opposition occurs twice next summer: on July 23rd and August 28th, accompanied by another measurement between the Sun and Venus. Sun-Venus measurements suggest a focus on love, popularity, creativity and/or birth

Today it was announced that Catherine, the Duchess of Cambridge — a.k.a. Kate Middleton — is pregnant. Made me smile. Life goes on…

Thank you for reading this forecast. To find out what all these planetary patterns mean for you, here’s the 411 on personal consultations. Thank you for the lovely referrals!!

Tuesday 5/30/2017: Sneak Peek at the Week; Tiger Not Out of the Woods

Pull out the stops and get in gear. This work week is short and potentially sweet.

Moon continues through Leo on Tuesday, looking for ways to shine shine shine. Make way for drama kings and queens who are out to persuade in ways that may be innovative and/or technologically savvy. Why do I say this? Because on Tuesday at 10:39 PM ET, Mars (action) will harmonize with Uranus (tech savvy; innovation); on WEDNESDAY at 8 AM ET, Mercury (mindset; communication) harmonizes with ruthless, hypnotic and resourceful Pluto.

The Leo Moon goes void on WEDNESDAY at 7:14 AM ET and enters detail-oriented, perfection-seeking Virgo at 12:16 PM ET. There’s your excuse for whatever twist or flake disrupts your efforts to move forward in a straight line that morning. It’s also your excuse for sleeping in.  Wednesday afternoon has an easy flow of organizational energy.

Planets are busy this week. On THURSDAY at 8:42 AM ET the First Quarter Moon suggests a dynamic challenge to the New Moon agenda you set last week. Meanwhile Saturn (structure, patriarchy, authority) is in harmony with Venus (what we value; how we express ourselves socially). The former is in opinionated, boundary-pushing Sagittarius; the latter is in warrior Aries — and Venus, of course, is female. So we see an opportunity for serious strides to be advanced with respect to — or in — the feminine form.

Venus meets up with rebel Uranus on SATURDAY at 3:31 AM ET,  suggesting an attraction to the unconventional and exciting. That buzz will be felt hours before, on June 2nd — when Wonder Woman opens at theater near you. But wait — there’s more! On Saturday the clever Gemini Sun harmonizes with expansive Jupiter; on SUNDAY the Sun squares Neptune, planet of fantasy and film. I can’t think of a more perfect time for this movie, for which  boffo box office is predicted. Nor can I think of a more perfect time for Beth Owls Daughter’s Tarot Card of the Week to be…(drum roll, please)…the return of the Queen of Wands:

This Queen offers an exhilarating alternative to the hierarchical, elitist system that has rigged the organizations of politics, religion, social control, and wealth for millennia.

She models the qualities of self-sovereignty, creativity, and success. She shines with magnanimity and mastery. Her loyalty, fearlessness, and motivation are boundless.

The Queen of Wands‘ leadership is gentle, even playful, yet laser focused on total success. She is no wimp and her magical Wand of transformation is ready to rock her world.

Beth’s full write-up may be read here.

After the emotional overkill potential of last week’s Pluto-Venus square AND controlling Mars-Saturn opposition sucking the joy out of the room, this week suggests a refreshing energetic shift. Make the most of it.

And now, the news.

Mars suggests the masculine — or yang — energy. Saturn suggests a reality check — or at least a tangible form. Venus in a hard aspect with Pluto suggests an intensely emotional perspective or catharsis. ‘Tis a fitting combo of aspects to “coincide” with this: “Me and My Penis: 100 Men Tell All”. They also show all — a WARNING if you are inclined to read this 4th most-viewed article in the Guardian.  It’s about Manhood, a new book by photographer/storyteller Laura Dodsworth. The 5th most-viewed article is “The Gender Wars of Household Chores: A Feminist Comic.” The most-viewed article (as I am typing around 11PM on Monday), is “Portland Republican Says Party Should Use Militia Groups After Racial Attack.”

The “racial attack” was the kind of terrorist action I was hoping would not come to pass, despite planetary patterns suggesting its potential. From Friday’s forecast:

Pay attention to the action around you as we get closer to 10:21 PM ET, when the Moon meets up with aggressive Mars. Moon goes on to oppose Saturn after midnight, 12:53 AM ET on SATURDAY, suggesting an ambitious advance or militant block.

In case you hadn’t heard, at 4:30 PM ET on Friday, a man on a light-rail train in Portland, OR  threatened two teenage girls — one was wearing a hijab — and told them to “go back to Saudi Arabia.” When three men stepped up to protect the girls, the man stabbed two of them — fatially — and injured the third. I was struck by the names of all of the parties involved — and the name of the place where one of them lived. Coincidence or conspiracy?

Mostly I just. Can’t. Even.

The chart for the time of this wretched incident has Venus, Eris and Uranus on one angle, with Pluto on another — in addition to the aggressive Moon-Mars-Saturn patterns.

In other news, Manuel Noriega, former militant dictator of Nicaragua, has died. Perfect timing.

Tiger Woods was one of the first — if not the first — person whose horoscope I started tracking as it was making news. This was back in November of 2009, when Mr. Woods got into an argument with his then-wife about his infidelities. Shocking news at the time, but totally in line with the potential seen in the horoscope:

Meanwhile, what’s up w/Tiger? This Capricorn w/Virgo rising (the energy to make things happen, expressed through a prism of perfection) has his Sun in the very private 4th house. You better believe he doesn’t want to talk about it. However, a quick glance at his chart speaks volumes: transiting Uranus about to break out in the 7th house of marriage (needing freedom and independence); progressed Moon (emotions) challenging Mars (the combination produces heated emotions); transiting Pluto (transformation) struggling to adjust to demands of obligation (Saturn); a boatload of Venus connections (you can bet women are involved) and if that weren’t enough — Pluto the transformer is all over a number of key midpoints (I told you I was reading the chapter on midpoints)! Bottom line: challenges in the House of Woods…to be dealt with over the next few months.

Right now Mr. Woods has transiting Saturn is at the bottom of his horoscope, hitting all the angles, along with his Moon in boundary-pushing Sagittarius. We see an opportunity for Mr. Woods to take a good look at his personal core foundation and clean up whatever needs cleaning. We also see a disruptive challenge to his Mercury from Uranus, suggesting an upset in how he needs to think, communicate and otherwise go about his business. Not only that, but Uranus is also making contact with the angles of the horoscope by solar arc — it’s a similar pattern to what was happening in 2009.

Over the weekend Mr. Woods was booked on a suspected DUI. Mr. Woods says he was having a reaction to prescription drugs, not alcohol. It is interesting to note that transiting Neptune is currently squaring his natal Neptune, impacting the areas of his life related to how he needs to think, as well as the public. Neptune refers to drugs, alcohol and spirits of all kinds. Astrology is amazing.

Meanwhile, the shake-ups anticipated at the White House last week (suggested by patterns in the chart for the inauguration), are apparently underway. Communications Director Mike Dubke is heading for the exit, pursued by a bear.

What’s going on in your horoscope? When will you be feeling a need for a sudden break? Will you ever write the play you’ve been carrying in your head? These questions and more can be addressed in a personal consultation. But don’t take it from me. Take it from a client and Avid Reader of this forecast:

Thank you so much for all your help!  A true pleasure working with you, and I am deeply grateful for the quick turnaround in time.  I know that fully understanding even one chart is a painstaking task, and for you to look at that many in that short timespan is prodigious.
I really cannot express how much I appreciate the precious gift of your assistance.
Thank you for reading this forecast. Carpe diem!

Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday & Wednesday 8/23-24/2016: Down the Hatch with Mars, Saturn & Neptune

With the Moon now firmly planted in Taurus, go about your day with a mind to establishing material comfort and security. Comfort food and drink, music and a snuggle with your sweetie are some of the pleasures of the senses in which you may indulge. Tap in to the upside of tomorrow’s meet-up between action hero Mars and control freak Saturn: exercise discipline and dogged determination in your pie-in-the-sky, righteous pursuits. And let’s hope for the sake of all of us that you’re on the side of the angels.

Moon goes void tomorrow (WEDNESDAY) at 3:38PM ET. It enters Gemini at 7:40PM ET, shifting gears with its need to be the smartest kid in the room. Buzz, buzz, buzz…what will be the buzz on the Third Quarter Moon between the Virgo Sun and Gemini Moon at 11:41PM ET?

And now, the news.

This just in from Avid Reader Wendy, who is also a consistent and cherished Supporter of this forecast:

Your blog has me wondering about what planetary patterns have brought about an increase in news around Music and scientific studies related to it.  Encountered these two stories this week. First a new book out about effects of music on healing:

The author of the book “Waking the Spirit” discusses his experience playing live music to help patients recovering from surgery.   Including this interesting quote about Bach’s music:

From neuromusicologist Dr. Arthur Harvey: “Of all the music we tested in medical school with patients, colleagues and others, Bach’s music consistently made the brain work in a balanced way better than any other genre.”

Also,  a study of brain scans, taken of musician Sting while listening to music, to research how the brain of an expert associates music:

Just thought this would be of interest because the of the links to the Hathor healing music you have included in your blog.  Thank you for sharing them.  I have listened to that music to help me fall asleep at night.

Thank you, Wendy! I’d argue that these stories reflect the potential for a practical application (Saturn) of the intangible (Neptune in Pisces), suggested by the current 90 degree arc (square) between them. It’s fascinating to note that Sting’s Saturn and Neptune are strongly placed in his horoscope. Saturn conjoins his Libra Sun; Neptune conjoins his Libra Moon and the whole lot of them are in a dynamic pattern (T-square) with genius Uranus and expansive Jupiter. The man has the potential for discipline and vision to rock the world, big time! His Mercury (the way he needs to think) is at 28 Virgo — about to be hit by transiting Jupiter. How interesting that the way he needs to think has just been published, which transiting Jupiter would suggest!

UPDATE: on Melania Trump. On August 8th, I noted, “transiting Mars will oppose Mrs. Trump’s natal Mars on August 15th. This suggests provocative action.” And when I wrote “provocative action,” I meant either on her part or on the part of someone else, in the form of an attack, action or outburst. That is what Mars symbolizes. I’m pleased to report that astrology continues to be amazing, as last week a British tabloid published an extremely provocative article. During yesterday’s Moon void “much ado about nothing,” a lawyer representing Mrs. Trump put that media outlet and others on notice, as the NYT reports:

In an email, the lawyer, Charles J. Harder, said Ms. Trump, the wife of Donald J. Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, “has placed several news organizations on notice of her legal claims against them, including Daily Mail among others, for making false and defamatory statements about her supposedly having been an ‘escort’ in the 1990s.”

“All such statements are 100 percent false, highly damaging to her reputation, and personally hurtful,” Mr. Harder added. “She understands that news media have certain leeway in a presidential campaign, but outright lying about her in this way exceeds all bounds of appropriate news reporting and human decency.”

UPDATE: on Rudy Giuliani, whose horoscope was last covered here on July 11th:

His bewildering 2015 Neptune-Sun transit is behind him, and now he has Solar Arc Midheaven and Ascendant in nearly exact contact with his natal rebel Uranus all year. This suggests opportunities and needs for taking the stage, shining in the spotlight and perhaps a dramatic new direction in his career/public status. Let’s watch.

On July 14th it was announced that Mr. Giuliani would be one of the speakers at the Republican Convention, where his speech set the house on fire. Since then, he’s been the warm-up act for the Republican Party’s presidential nominee, gleefully disrupting the status quo as one might expect with a double-whammy of electrifying Uranus active in a horoscope. I wish I’d bookmarked the Twitter responses from Distinguished Paid Pundits who marveled at the high energy and hand waving of Mr. Giuliani’s RNC speech, wondering why they hadn’t seen it when Mr. Giuliani last ran for office some years ago. Astrology, you Paid Pundits. Astrology!

There’s always room for improvement. Especially with so many planets in perfection-seeking Virgo. Thus, last week the NYT decided it was time to update its list of “15 Ways to Be a Better Person.”

Meanwhile, I see a reflection of this week’s Mars-Saturn-Neptune drama in Sagittarius (nature) and Pisces (refugees) in this headline: “As Homeless Find Refuge in Forest, ‘Anger is Palpable’ in Nearby Towns.”  On the drug front (Neptune), there’s outrage at a pharmaceutical company — Mylan — which has steadily been raising the price of its life-saving Epipen from $100 (in 2007) to over $600 as of this May. These pens have a shelf life of one year and most allergy sufferers, including children, must carry two of them. Surely I can’t be the only one thinking, “What the hell is wrong with you, Mylan?!”

Elsewhere, Stanford University (Sagittarius refers to higher education) has taken a hard-line approach (Mars-Saturn) to sexual assaults on campus and banned hard liquor (Neptune) at campus parties. Overly idealistic (Neptune)? Or a pragmatic start (Saturn)?  This edict arrives just in time for a newly-sober woman to pen this hardcore piece on “The Infuriating Truth About Why Women Drink.” And for this video arguing that the root cause of addiction is lack of connection. That’s a Saturn (separation) vs. Neptune (communion) challenge if ever there was one.

On an uplifting note, militant discipline (Mars-Saturn) has effected healing (Neptune) in a small town in England. In 10 years the village of Ashton Hayes has cut its carbon emissions by 24%. See how they did it. And file this one under the surreal spin Neptune can add to the militant discipline of Mars and Saturn: “Sir Nils Olav the Penguin Receives Military Promotion at Edinburgh Zoo.”  If only every army in the world was commandeered by a penguin….

Last but not least, here is Beth Owlsdaughter’s wise and wonderful Tarot Card of the Week.  Many Avid Readers have become Avid Fans of Beth’s work. Thus I am sad to report that she was dealt a challenging hand last week. In the wake of an utterly humorless Saturn-Venus square, she was diagnosed with breast cancer — details are posted here.

Beth is a fighter. True to this week’s fiercely disciplined Mars-Saturn alignment, she is determined to keep posting her weekly card pulls as she tackles this battle. Courage, blessings and much love to you, Beth. Courage and blessings and love to everyone fighting whatever challenges are on their respective plates. We are all fighting a unique battle on our personal hero’s quest. Trite, perhaps — but it’s true.


Thank you for reading this forecast.

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Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 9/15/2015: Musings on a Libra Moon…

Another day with Moon in Libra, driven by a need for social graces and people-pleasing in relationship, and for being appreciated by putting out those qualities. A planet in Libra is not an absolute guarantee of peace and harmony. What Libra suggests is a need for harmony, peace and balance. It can swing wildly from one end to another in its efforts to fulfill that need. It can also get mighty resentful when it is not feeling appreciated. So much for peace and harmony!

At 1:10AM ET, the Moon was challenged by Pluto, suggesting a potential power play or emotional catharsis. As you are waking up, more cooperative alignments to the Moon between mental Mercury and pleasure-seeking Venus may facilitate a sweet reconciliation around 6:34AM and 7:07AM ET. Be prepared for a flash of insight, a break for freedom or some other disruption of the status quo around 2:27PM ET, when the Moon is opposed by rebel Uranus.

That’s it until 12:22AM on Wednesday, when the Moon goes void with a sigh until 11:43AM ET. Your work day tomorrow may start with a twist or flake. If you happen to sleep through your alarm, no biggie. Do try to get it off your desk today (Tuesday), if you can, as initiatives launched during Moon voids have a higher probability of turning out to be of little consequence.

And now, the news.

I’ve been anticipating a weird week with no small number of communication snafus, as our usual ability to FOCUS is waylaid by mental Mercury at a dead stop and Jupiter expanding the wigginess of Neptune. Woke up yesterday to this one: “American Airlines Accidentally Sends Uncertified Plane to Hawaii” — as well as “Egypt Security Forces Accidentally Kill Mexican Tourists”.  And then I decided to step away from the news for the rest of the day.

In light of the week’s potential pitfalls, I was fascinated to see the slow, earthy Page of Pentacles turn up as Tarot Diva Beth Owlsdaughter’s card of the week. Equally fascinating is the sublime synchronicity between her weekly cards and planetary patterns. Coincidence or conspiracy?

Would you like to talk about you and your unique horoscope? I sure would. Here’s the 411 on personal consultations.

Thank you for reading this forecast.