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…still a noticeable uptick in the sirens wailing through the neighborhood…who needs an alarm clock anymore?
I’ve got last weekend’s volatile/forceful Mars-Pluto square on my mind this morning. If you recall this was the third and last challenge between these two planets since Mars has been in Libra for what now seems like forever. The first challenge was at the end of the December; the second was during April’s Cardinal Grand Cross, in which the reality of climate change reached a tipping point. The third in a series of planetary patterns drives the point home, much as the third act of a play. And there was President Obama delivering a commencement address in which climate change deniers were openly mocked. What a difference a year makes. Not that this will stop said climate change deniers from filing lawsuits that attempt to block sustainable energy objectives, said one of the deniers, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal (at a press conference with three other state governor-deniers).
Which brings me to a discussion of idealism, suggested by mental Mercury hooking up with the Sun on Thursday — in Gemini. Traditional astrologers use the term “combust” to describe a planet that is so close to the Sun (ego drive) that it blinded by (the ego’s) light. With Mercury, which refers to how we need to think, there’s a challenge seeing the forest for the trees. Which can be expressed as idealism.
So naturally I had to look up Bobby Jindal’s horoscope for suggestions of an idealistic mindset, and immediately noticed Mercury and Venus (social expression) opposed by Jupiter and Neptune. Jupiter-Neptune aspects suggest a need for spirituality and/or faith, and this would color his mindset and social expression in rose — big time. But wait – there’s more: stern Saturn is also hooked up with Venus, suggesting a reserved, chilly and/or controlled (controlling?) influence in matters relating to women, art and money. Color that black! There’s a contradiction here — so the question is, how might this be expressed by the person bringing the horoscope to life?
Currently Jindal’s natal Mercury at 6 Gemini is being challenged by nebulous Neptune (now retrograde at 7 Pisces). He’s been wearing a super-deluxe pair of rose-colored glasses for months, and will continue to do so into 2015. On the plus side, Neptune-Mercury transits suggest vision, spirituality and creativity; on the down side, they suggest fantasy and delusion. Bobby Jindal also made headlines on Thursday when he signed two bills restricting information and access to reproductive health care in a church, because that’s where the Founding Fathers intended for legislative bills to be signed. The bill restricting information reads: “no individual or organization that performs elective abortion or its affiliates may provide instruction or materials in public elementary and secondary schools or in charter schools that receive state funding.” In other words, no free speech for certain people, despite the First Amendment. A few days later, Jindal gave a speech in Ohio and said, “I’m here to tell you one of the most important fights we have is to stand up for our First Amendment religious liberty rights.”
So that’s an example of how contradictory patterns in a horoscope may be expressed…and in this case, under the influence of a potentially bewildering Neptune period of influence.
What I really meant to share today was a bit about Neptune retrograde — which happened last week — and which appears to have turned up in Beth Owlsdaughter’s always-engaging Tarot Card of the Week. Because over the weekend I found myself turning inward for inspiration and guidance, which is what is suggested during Neptune — and Mercury — retrogrades. I was drawn to RE-read Dr. Eben Alexander’s marvelous book, Proof Of Heaven — because I was tired of reading all the headlines about wars, violence and bickering about freedom, climate change and so forth. I wrote about Proof of Heaven last year — oddly enough, in a post that also mentions Beth Owlsdaughter. Here’s an excerpt; the whole post is worth re-reading, if I do say so myself:
Astrology can identify the potential for great good or evil suggested by a planetary pattern. We can surmise reasons why someone with a disconnected consciousness might choose evil over good. What astrology doesn’t do is answer the bewildering question of WHY anyone who allegedly has a soul and consciousness, as all humans presumably do, has the option of inflicting such damage and pain. Why is there evil in the world?
As it turns out, over the weekend I happened to read Proof of Heaven by Dr. Eben Alexander. Dr. Alexander was in a coma for seven days and had an amazing out-of-body experience that transformed his life — and just might transform yours, should you read the book. And in the book the question of why there is evil in the world was addressed. And the answer was something like this. Evil exists in places where beings with souls and consciousness are learning the lessons of free will. Earth is one such place. If evil were not an option, we would not be able to make choices and thus learn the lessons required in the laboratory called Planet Earth. There is relatively little evil in the Universe compared to the amount of good, and this is very, very good. And there is probably far more good on this planet than evil — though there have been times where one wonders
What I found especially helpful reading this book for the second time was the reminder that this life we experience on Earth is maya — illusion (see the Tarot Card of the Week for more). Things are not as they seem to be…and in reality, everything is much better than we think. So while we’re living this illusion, we are well-advised to make the best of it. Don’t worry, be happy, etc. Seriously.
I also was delighted to re-read this quote, attributed to Isaac Singer:
We must believe in free will. We have no choice.
Dr. Alexander has a new book coming out this fall…
Thank you for reading — and sharing — this forecast.
What’s going on in your horoscope? Mercury retrogrades are excellent times for reviewing your life with an astrologer. Here’s the 411 on personal consultations.
Good Morning!
The Scorpio Moon is void of course until 11:23AM ET, suggesting a slow start or twist to your morning routine. After that, the Moon enters high-flying Sagittarius, lifting spirits and lessening the heavy intensity some may have noted during the past 24 hours. Moon in Sagittarius is an excellent time for travel and other activities that broaden your mind, including righteous and fiery discussions on philosophical subjects. It’s good for a gambol or a gamble, too. There are no exact aspects to the Moon until just after midnight on Thursday, when it is challenged by nebulous Neptune. A dreamy evening may be yours, accompanied by spirits or a spiritual escape. Maybe some high art or music, too.
Or you may simply feel bewildered, as soon-to-be former House Majority Leader Eric Cantor may be feeling. He’s a Gemini, born with Moon in Sagittarius, so he can certainly appreciate the Sag need to express opinions and be respected for having them. We do not have an exact birth time, but if he was born within a few hours of noon on June 6, 1963 (in Richmond, VA), he’s experiencing a bewildering challenge from nebulous Neptune to the Moon in his own horoscope. In case you have not heard, Mr. Cantor “lost his Republican primary bid (Tuesday) in a completely befuddling upset no one saw coming.” Befuddling definitely sounds like Neptune in action.
I’ve looked at the planetary patterns on Mr. Cantor’s birth date in the past, long enough see what planetary patterns might suggest him being so darn mean. Seriously, that’s always been part of my impression of him. Mean — as in, not much empathy for certain people who might be impacted by his sincerely-held beliefs on how things should be. I actually started to type “Why is Eric Cantor so mean?” into Google, but only got as far as “Why is Eric Cantor…” before Google helpfully suggested “…such a douche”. Which surprised me, but apparently that word has been used in tandem with Mr. Cantor since 2009-ish, at least on the web. But about his planetary patterns…
There’s a stubborn, idealistic and material security-seeking hook-up between mental Mercury and Venus in Taurus that is exactly squared by stern, controlling Saturn in equally stubborn and potentially fringe Aquarius. Irony: Saturn in Aquarius suggests a need to help people. I am sure he does. A Saturn-Venus square could be reflected in a reserved or chilly emotional expression — “warm and fuzzy” would not be the first impression, compared to — say — this video of an adorable and heartwarming relationship between an orphaned baby rhino and his human caretaker. The Saturn-Mercury square suggests a potentially controlled or controlling mindset; disciplined and careful, but also perhaps narrow-minded. This pattern among Mercury, Venus and Saturn was hit hard by transiting Saturn through February, March and April, likely triggering issues concerning his professional ambition. He was elected to the Virginia House in 1992, on his first Saturn return (which also would have activated that Mercury-Venus conjunction). In 2000, with transiting Saturn squaring Saturn and conjunct his Mercury-Venus, he ran for Congress. In 2002, rebel Uranus made contact with Cantor’s Mercury-Venus-Saturn square, and he was appointed Chief Deputy Republican Whip, the highest appointed position in the Republican Caucus. In 2008, with pixiedust Neptune engaged with that square, he was unanimously elected Republican Whip. So there’s a little picture of how planets making contact to Saturn may be reflected in over time in a horoscope — and now you may understand why becoming aware of them can be helpful.
Cantor has an exact hook-up between Mars (action) and Uranus (rebel). Mars-Uranus aspects can be volatile; in Virgo, we’d expect an intensification of Cantor’s need for detailed, perfectionist action by whatever free-spirited/revolutionary/independent means possible. Also of significance: his Jupiter at 13 Aries, which you should immediately note was supercharged by April’s Cardinal Grand Cross. Jupiter in the horoscope suggests how a person needs to be rewarded, and with Jupiter in Aries it is me-me-me all the way. Me first, me lead, my way or the highway, as suggested in this intriguing page from Cantor’s high school yearbook. You’d think transits to Jupiter, the cosmic sugar daddy, from Uranus, Pluto, Mars and Jupiter would suggest expanding resources, as in a windfall investment. And other measurements in Cantor’s horoscope do support material enjoyment in the near future. His next gig is likely to be quite lucrative. This sudden upset is likely reflected by transits to his Midheaven and/or his Ascendant, which we’d see if we wanted to take the time to figure out his birthtime.
In the horoscope of the US, April’s Cardinal Grand Cross suggested a disruption of the status quo, which was mentioned in this forecast back in 2011 – and in other posts, should you care to search this site or Google “us horoscope 2014 graceastrology” I’d argue this upset in the balance of power in Congress is part of that disruption, with more to come…
What’s going on in YOUR horoscope? To find out, feel free to contact me for a personal astro-logical consultation.
Finally the Moon is in gear — as of 12:48AM Wednesday, when it entered Gemini. Alas, too late for the New York Rangers, who were apparently favored to win last night’s match against the Montreal Canadiens. The game took place during yesterday’s long Moon void, when efforts to move forward in a straight line are more likely to experience surprise twists. In sports matches, I’ve observed that when the Moon is wandering aimlessly (void), we often see upsets favoring the underdog. The NY Rangers lost in a “wild” game. Oh well, there’s another game on Thursday, and today you might as well think positively about it, suggested by a harmonious connection between Mercury and Venus, exact at 9:58AM ET. How passionately witty, charming and entertaining can you be? Very much so, if the rosy glow of today’s exact challenge between the Sun and Neptune can also weigh in.
A New Moon offers us an opportunity to re-set intentions and goals for the next lunar cycle. Today’s New Moon is exact at 2:40PM ET — at 8 degrees of Gemini. Around June 5th, on the First Quarter Moon, we can expect a challenge to those goals, with appropriate adjustments made. At the time of the Full Moon on June 13th , we can expect illumination on the success or failure of our goals for the cycle. If we succeeded, we can consciously release our success into our reality; if we failed, we let go of whatever did not work. After the Third Quarter Moon on June 19th, we can review our achievements, tie up loose ends and get ready for another round with the New Moon on June 27th.
Gemini is an air sign, ruled by Mercury, which refers to the mindset, information and communication. Gemini is a double-bodied sign (it is represented by the Twins), and is thus capable of going either way — or more than one way simultaneously — in a situation. Gemini invented the phrase “…on the other hand” — and guess what? Gemini also rules the hands. It likes to have its hands in a lot of different pies.
It’s interesting to note how similar patterns are in this year’s New Moon in Gemini compared to last year’s, when we had plenty of pixie-dust potential suggested by a challenge between Mars, planet of action and rose-colored Neptune. This year we have the potential for even more prominent ideas and visions, suggested by a dynamic connection between the Sun-Moon conjunction and Neptune in soulful Pisces. The prominence comes courtesy of mental Mercury close to the Aries Point, which regular readers know is the very beginning of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Planets on these degrees seem to have a knack for attracting attention. Example: Meryl Streep, born with the Sun and rebel, one-in-a-million Uranus at 0 degrees of Cancer (June 22nd of 1949). There is nobody else like her — and she is known for it. Right?
Also driving visionary thoughts and communication is an easy connection to the New Moon from action-hero Mars, now moving forward in diplomatic, airy Libra. We are building to a super-charged push around the Full Moon on the 14th, courtesy of a challenge between Mars and ruthless Pluto. We also have the “good for business” trine (easy connection) between expansive Jupiter and disciplined Saturn, which facilitates plans that can actually be structured. And of course we can’t forget the never-ending square between rebel Uranus and ruthless Pluto, a.k.a. The Planetary Pattern Everyone Should Be Talking About, which is determined to disrupt the status quo — for better or for worse — in the name of freedom and all that.
So. Big visionary ideas, channeled with great effort and passion — striving to become real — based on a dream or delusion — ultimately seeking emancipation and empowerment. What might we see in the headlines in this lunar cycle? Let’s look at the Sabian Symbol. The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon at 8 Gemini is “an industrial strike,” which Sabian Symbol guru Blain Bovee notes is:
“a situation wherein the locus of industry is surrounded by disgruntled workers. When the work stops, industry grinds to a halt. Energy is directed instead to issues of inequities, of worth, of brewing social awareness being stirred up in the work force…such issues become inflamed as the pressure builds between two distinct strata, moving in different directions.”
Fascinating. We’ve certainly had a ton of disruptive headlines about inequities of worth in recent months, especially in the aftermath of last month’s supercharged Cardinal Grand Cross. And I have not even mentioned that as of June 7th, Mercury will be turning retrograde until July 1st. And that strikes do tend to flare up during Mercury retrograde periods. And also that ideas and communication — whether visionary or delusional — come up for review during these times.
Bovee also notes that “to strike” is to “deliver a blow with suddenness”. Often one strikes out of protest. But one can also “strike a balance” — a mutually agreeable compromise. Or one can seize an opportunity and “strike while the iron is hot”. Hmmmm…what kind of strikes will we see in June….
In your own personal world, if you have a planet or angle around 8 degrees of Gemini, Pisces, Sagittarius or Virgo, you’re more likely to be affected by the need for an empowering new vision that allows you to strike in a specific area of your life (consult your local astrologer for details). Same if you were born around the 28th of May, August, November and February. For an intriguing take on why you might need an empowering new vision, check out Tarot expert Beth Owlsdaughter’s Card of the Week, which always seems to be in synch with planetary patterns.
That being said, the energy for implementing new projects is a bit stop-and-go over the next couple of days. Two planets — Venus and Mercury — will change signs, and our brains may need some time to adjust. With dreamy Neptune’s influence so strong, your creativity and intuition may be going gangbusters (write it all down!), but factual details may be blurry. Plus on Thursday, the Moon will be void of course for nearly 24 hours, starting at 5:59AM ET, which is not a time to launch an initiative you wish to be of consequence. Friday is another story.
And now, the news…because I promised I’d share some stories, even though this New Moon post is long.
You may recall from yesterday’s forecast that Mercury at the Aries Point suggested that ideas and communication — and here, I would be thinking about ideas regarding mindset and actual brainpower — would attract attention. How intriguing to note that the Supreme Court ruled “that Florida’s I.Q. score cutoff was too rigid to decide which mentally disabled individuals must be spared the death penalty,” as reported in the NYT. In other news, here’s a story about why our metabolism is different from, say, that of a sloth (blame it on the brain). Meanwhile, rocket scientists as young as six years old showed off their stuff at the 4th Annual White House Science Fair.
Across the Pond, the good folks at The Guardian published the first installment of a series about America’s mental health crisis, as the media feasts on yet another mass murder perpetrated by a clearly delusional (transiting Neptune square a horny, perfection-seeking Venus-Mars conjunction) young man — this time in Isla Vista, CA. I’ve written down my thoughts on the event chart and the horoscope of the delusional young man in question — too much to include in this lengthy post — will wait until tomorrow. Last, but not least, Mercury (brainpower) at the Aries Point (prominence) was reflected in this story listing America’s 10 Smartest — and Dumbest — States. No surprises about the 10 Smartest States…although given the latest dubious accomplishment by certain folks in Wyoming, I’m surprised it did not make the list of the Dumbest. Wyoming, in case you had not heard, became the first state to reject new national science standards that would require students to be informed about the impact humans have on climate change, as well as evolution. Why, oh why, Wyoming?
We’re now in the shadow of Mercury’s next retrograde, which begins on June 7th. Mercury retrogrades are excellent for RE-viewing your life with an astrologer.
Chill, chill, chill. The depth-seeking Scorpio Moon is void of course as of 3:09AM ET, suggesting twists and delays in your efforts to move forward in a straight line. The flake factor is high, as wandering lunar energy can feel like herding lots of unruly cats. Go with the flow — take care of routine tasks — don’t make a mountain out of a molehill – avoid impulse purchases. The latter is especially relevant because the key planetary aspect today is pleasure-loving Venus in harmony with expansive Jupiter at 9:19PM ET. Sweet — but potentially expensive and indulgent.
After 5:44pm ET, Moon enters high-flying Sagittarius, ready for a gambol or a gamble. Buy some lottery tickets, why don’t you, especially if you have a planet or angle around 13 degrees of just about any sign. No, that is not a guarantee that you will win big…but ya never know. Find a pleasant diversion this evening — preferably one that broadens your mind.
And now, the news.
Venus can be ultra-compassionate and forgiving in soulful Pisces, sign of salvation. Jupiter can be quite bountiful in nurturing Cancer. Together, they offer the potential for extreme good fortune. Like this 20-something Iranian man who was about to be executed for a murder he committed in his teens…until the mother of the boy he killed approached him, slapped him in the face…and forgave him. Which set him free. Wait ’til you see what his mother did…
In other news, illumination on one of the themes suggested by the New Moon on March 30th; i.e., resources: who’s got ’em; who doesn’t. According to a Serious Academic Study just released , the United States is not a democracy. It is an oligarchy, not that anyone who’s been paying attention needs the serious academic folks at Princeton and Northwestern to tell them this. But now it is official…with footnotes and everything….so maybe the folks who have not been paying attention will finally get around to doing so. Mid-term elections are in November, and planetary patterns with respect to the United States strongly suggest we are at a turning point. Which way will we go?
Meanwhile, Jimmy Carter knows something about turning points, as he and nine other Nobel Peace Prize winners wrote in a letter to President Obama, a fellow Laureate:
“You stand on the brink of making a choice that will define your legacy on one of the greatest challenges humanity has ever faced — climate change”
The “choice” is whether to greenlight the Keystone Pipeline, which Carter and the other Laureates oppose. Turning point!
Jimmy Carter has been getting a lot of press these days — so much that you might conclude his horoscope was being supercharged by the never-ending Uranus-Pluto square…and in fact, it is. Carter has his natal Pluto –referring to power and perspective at 13 degrees of Cancer. It will be directly impacted by next week’s exact Cardinal Grand Cross, which adds Jupiter and Mars to the Uranus-Pluto dynamic.
The horoscope of South African Archbishop Desmond Tutu is also being supercharged: his Sun is at 13 Libra. He’s calling for a boycott and divestment campaign against fossil fuel companies, as 100 Harvard professors are petitioning for their university to divest itself of its stake in the gas, oil and coal industries…just in time for this sobering op-ed noting the fourth anniversary of the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig. You do remember that, don’t you?
Can you tell I’m writing this forecast on a heavy hook-up between the Moon and stern Saturn in Scorpio? I promise the day will feel much lighter as the day progresses — and definitely once the Moon enters Sagittarius later this evening…enjoy. And if you want to know how your horoscope will be affected by next week’s Cardinal Grand Cross a.k.a. the Cardinal Grand Square, I’m offering a special mini-consultation through the end of April — check it out.
Shake-ups from the early morning’s hook up between the fiery Aries Sun and rebel Uranus notwithstanding (cue 8.2 earthquake in Chile), today’s practical Moon in Taurus offers grounding potential for all your plans for world domination. Plus, as noted yesterday, an equally practical and deep connection between mental Mercury and disciplined Saturn at 11:02PM ET facilitates productive communication. Make your pitch and place that call…though note the potential for a wet blanket response or ambitious reach around 5:54PM ET, when stern Saturn opposes the stubborn Taurus Moon. After that bump in the road, you’re free to indulge Taurean earthly pleasures: wine, music, comfort food & a deep tissue massage.
According to my Jim Maynard Celestial Calendar, today is Hans Christian Andersen’s birthday. His horoscope has three planets — Sun, Mercury (mind, communication) and Saturn (ambition) — that have all been supercharged by the Uranus-Pluto square for the past year or so. In fact, his Mercury is at 13 degrees of Aries, which means it’s right in the cross hairs of this month’s super-duper Cardinal Grand Cross. Here’s his horoscope. Isn’t it interesting that the movie Frozen (which was based on Andersen’s The Snow Queen), did so well at the Oscars this year and has just been officially declared “the biggest animated film EVER”. Horoscopes never die!
Today is also actor Michael Fassbender’s birthday. His 12 degree Aries Sun is exactly opposed by Pluto conjunct his Midheaven. His horoscope is innately designed to attract power and prominence, and all the more so now thanks to transiting Uranus and Pluto. He was nominated for a slew of awards for his performance in 12 Years A Slave — and he won a few of them. Coincidence or conspiracy?
Yesterday was Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito‘s birthday. He has three planets within range of the Cardinal Grand Cross, and the lunar eclipse on April 15th sits right on his 25 Libra Midheaven (career, public status). His is a horoscope to watch this year and next.
Speaking of the Supreme Court, one of the high stakes cases argued last week was brought to you by a twisted combination of Saturn in Scorpio’s insistence on forcing us to consider life and death consequences of sexual energy, and the square between rebel Uranus in me-me-me Aries and ruthless Pluto in corporate Capricorn. This would be Sebelius vs. Hobby Lobby, Inc., in which the corporate person known as Hobby Lobby does not want to provide employees with insurance coverage for contraceptives as mandated by the Affordable Care Act – on religious grounds. It’s totally OK for it to invest in companies that make all the contraceptives it does not want to provide to employees, however, because surreal.
Anyway. It’s an important case, and it’s on my mind because I sense it may be setting the stage for the “hot button” issues we’ll face when Saturn enters Sagittarius at the end of the year. With Saturn in Libra, we looked at marriage equality. With Saturn in Scorpio, we’ve been looking at sexual energy and debt (i.e., the consequences of energy exchanged). Sagittarius suggests collective belief systems and global communications: religion, legal systems, journalism – to name a few.
Let’s close with some happy news, shall we? First, the spectacular windfall potential of Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto’s ongoing tango is tough to beat in this April Fool’s “prank” that appears to have changed the fortunes of a humble waitress overnight. Second, an amazing Aries rebirth: for the first time in 300 years, a pair of nene (Hawaiian geese) — driven to near extinction not long ago — have been spotted here on Oahu. And they have goslings — captured on film. And finally — talk about a miraculous rescue: a man in Maine was foraging for medicinal mushrooms and ended up saving the life of a baby porcupine. This porcupine is sooooooooo cute. And how cool is this: porcupine totem represents “a great protector and warrior for the innocent” — an apt symbol for this Aries lunar cycle.
By the time you read this, the Moon will have completed a loonnng void-of-course drift through dreamy Pisces and blasted into RAMbunctious Aries at 9:54PM ET, putting an energetic spin on your Saturday night plans. Not that there’s any place in particular to go, however, given that the Moon is still “dead” until Sunday, when a new cycle begins.
The New Moon in Aries happens at 2:45PM ET, offering us an opportunity to re-set intentions and goals for the next lunar cycle. Make a list, light a candle, say a prayer. Around April 7th, on the First Quarter Moon, we can expect a challenge to those goals, with appropriate adjustments made. At the time of the Full Moon on the 15th, we can expect illumination on the success or failure of our goals for the cycle. If we succeeded, we can consciously release our success into our reality; if we failed, we let go of whatever did not work. After the Third Quarter Moon on the 22nd, we can review our achievements, tie up loose ends and get ready to begin another New Moon cycle on April 29th.
A New Moon in Aries suggests a need — or an opportunity — to be a courageous, inspiring pioneer and/or warrior, preferably on the side of the angels. At its best, Aries is a champion for the weak, the vulnerable, the underdog. It inspires people to take initiatives and defy the odds…yes, sometimes foolishly, but hey — if Plan A blows up, there’s always a Plan B, a Plan C and D. A true Aries never never never gives up. Astrologer Linda Goodman once wrote that Gone With the Wind heroine Scarlett O’Hara was a classic Aries, and never more so than at the end of the film when, after Rhett Butler dumps her and life is totally over, Scarlett declares, “I’ll think of some way to get him back. After all, tomorrow is another day”. To Aries, there is always a tomorrow.
At its worst, well…let’s just say Aries can be utterly self-absorbed and go to disturbing extremes in order to get there FIRST. Astrologer Rick Levine likes to say the Aries operating principle is, “Ready…Fire…Aim!” Wherever, whatever…so long as something gets started. I like to say that Aries falls down stairs because it is faster than walking. You got a problem with that?
This New Moon kicks off several weeks of volatile planetary patterns, which does not mean you should run screaming down the halls. Yes, there will be disruptions of the status quo and reckless behavior. But there will also be breakthroughs sure to excite, awe and in some cases, emancipate and empower. If you are personally affected by this lunation i.e., have a planet or angle around 8 to 14 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn, a shake-up may be an opportunity for a much-needed fresh start.
This New Moon features the Sun and Moon together at 9 degrees of Aries, about to hook up with rebel Uranus. It is a fiercely independent and potentially eccentric alignment. This gathering of planets sits in a T-square formation — between expansive Jupiter and potent Pluto. Add a ton of optimism (Jupiter) and resources (Pluto) to the mix. The Uranus-Jupiter-Pluto T-square has dominated the sky all year; in the news we can expect more of the same in matters of energy, power, food, money: who has it; who doesn’t — again with the potential for breakthrough revelations.
Visionary thinking is also a big part of the next four weeks, as dreamy Neptune and mental Mercury are both running wild in empathic Pisces. Check out this item about a “Festival of Colors” making it to the homepage of the New York Times (link to the original story with pictures is here). Far out!
The big challenge for initiatives made during this cycle is suggested by Mars, ruler of Aries, currently retrograde. This suggests impatience and/or frustration, and rash actions taken as a result. A retrograde Mars is excellent for planning strategy; not so great for instigating a conflict — including lawsuits and wars.
The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon is “a man teaching new forms for old symbols,” which is ever-so-hopeful in this time of anticipated volatility, don’t you think? Sabian Symbol guru Blaine Bovee suggests we apply it with a mind to “the ingenious ability to make the unworkable work again; to make the unmanageable manageable” or otherwise reinventing the wheel. If you’re stumped, start by going shopping in your closet. Create something fabulous and fresh with pieces you’ve owned for years. Then take your old computer hard drives, mix them with a dozen eggshells and this morning’s coffee grounds, and turn it all into a solar panel. I really believe we have the creative genius to figure this all out…
Note the potential for volatility between 5:08PM ET and 8:46PM ET, as the Moon makes its weekly contact with Jupiter, Uranus and then Pluto. Aries Moon: me-me-me first action! Jupiter: ooh! go for it! Uranus: surprise! Pluto: power play or catharsis, for better or worse. Be mindful if you are on the roads…or walking on a road, as the potential for accidents is higher than usual. Same mindfulness is advised if you are working with knives or any other form of steel.
No sleeping in on Monday…there are very few breaks in the action this week…
April is going to be a power-packed month! A powerful New Moon sets the tone on March 30th. Then, the Sun and Mercury make contact with the Uranus-Pluto square. But wait, there’s more! Two eclipses, bracketing the fifth of the seven exact Uranus-Pluto squares in a rare Cardinal Grand Cross formation. How will your horoscope be affected? Book a personal astro-logical consultation and plan a strategy for now and the rest of the year.
Happy Monday!
The work week begins with a burst of energy, courtesy of the Moon in RAMbunctious Aries, rushing ahead with its me-me-me agenda and totally pumped up by contact with rebel Uranus, ruthless Pluto and expansive Jupiter — all before 9AM ET. Whew! Y’know the Moon was in Aries during last night’s Oscars — and how interesting that a picture of host Ellen DeGeneres & friends was one of the highlights of the night. Ellen has the Moon in Aries, and her Mercury at 13 Capricorn is currently being supercharged by electric Uranus, potent Pluto and expansive Jupiter. What she thinks and says is more likely now to pack a powerful punch. And of course Ellen, being a “who’s yer buddy?” Aquarius with an opinionated Sagittarius rising, would need to share a photo taken with her friends — with the rest of her friends throughout the entire Free World. No wonder her “selfie” crashed Twitter!
Back to today: a supportive connection between Sun and Pluto today at 2:13PM ET offers the potential for depth of communication that facilitates transformation and regeneration. This is echoed by another supportive connection between the Moon and mental Mercury, exact at 6:28PM ET. News involving power and resources can be expected.
Lots of planetary shifts this week, as noted last week, so be prepared to adjust your speed and direction as required. Mars (action) and Saturn (ambition, structure) just turned retrograde, suggesting certain plans of attack (literally) may be delayed or should be tabled. Venus finally leaves social-climbing Capricorn for freaky Aquarius on Wednesday. Jupiter, planet of expansion turns direct on Thursday. And it’s all happening against the backdrop of the the fifth of seven exact squares between Uranus and Pluto, which will be exact April 21st — and part of a rare Cardinal Grand Cross. What does it all mean? Let’s break some of it down now; save the rest for later in the week.
Today let’s review Mars in Libra — retrograde.
Mars is the planet of action. Moving backwards is not comfortable. Thus, many people find themselves more irritated, impatient and frustrated than usual when Mars is retrograde. Why aren’t things moving forward fast enough? It feels like a truck spinning its wheels in the mud. Frustration built up can lead to an urge to jump into action — rashly. Resist this urge!
A more appropriate use of Mars retrograde is to treat it as an opportunity to plan an effective strategy. Think of a coach calling a time out on the playing field. Mars retrograde is a good time to huddle — to turn inward — and reflect upon or talk about a strategy for…oh…in this case…partnership, relationship, justice, fairness and whirled peas — all suggested by Mars being in Libra.
Libra is a partnership-oriented energy that dislikes conflict. Mars is an ego-oriented energy that thrives in battle — or on a crusade. Thus becoming a “warrior for peace” would be an exalted manifestation of Mars in Libra — especially with Mars retrograde. Think of Nelson Mandela and Pope John Paul II.
What does it suggest if you happen to have Mars retrograde in your horoscope? Book an appointment for a personal astro-logical consultation and we’ll talk about it. Geez, Louise, I can’t put everything in a daily forecast, as tempting as it is to do so.
During Mars retrograde, it is suggested that one avoid:
Rushing into — or out of — a love affair or a marriage.
Rushing into a new job or contract.
Buying a car
Hiring a new employee (unless it’s a temp)
Starting a lawsuit
Starting a war!! (which makes the ongoing crisis in the Ukraine even more problematic).
Interesting to see many front page headlines today about reviewing past acts of aggression — too numerous to list them all — but here’s the homepage of one paper as an example.
Moon voids this week: Tuesday 12:31PM ET – 2:12PM ET; Thursday 8:55AM ET – 9:37pm ET — that’s a big chill day.
To be continued…
East Coasters and super-early risers on the West Coast: remember that the Capricorn Moon is void for four hours this AM, not to become fully engaged in the next sign, Aquarius, until 9:55AM ET. A twist or detour in your morning routine/commute is suggested, as Moon voids often challenge efforts to move forward in a straight line.
The potential for twists and snafus spills over into the next couple of days, exacerbated by the super-charged buoyancy of jolly Jupiter’s contact with electric Uranus and the Sun…combined with the slooooooooow moving drag of FOUR planets about to change direction: Mercury (mind, travel, communication), Mars (action), Jupiter (expansion) and Saturn (contraction). What was I writing earlier this week about not knowing if we were coming or going? If in doubt, chill out. Corollary (as seen on my Facebook newsfeed): “A wise man once said nothing”. Word!
We are in the dark side of the Moon, the end of the lunar cycle. Appropriate actions include wrapping up projects from the past few weeks. There are no exact aspects to the Moon during business hours today, even when it does engage in cerebral, detached, “who’s yer buddy?” Aquarius. The lack of input from other planets, along with the dark Moon, can suggest a listless, restless energy. The New Moon happens at 2:59AM ET on Sunday. Patience, patience, patience….
And now, the news.
Pie-in-the-sky stories reflecting the stunning magic of Jupiter (cosmic sugar daddy) squared by Uranus (lightning bolt), as anticipated? You bet. Here’s a quote from one of them:
“I don’t like to say once-in-a-lifetime for anything, but you don’t get an opportunity to handle this kind of material, a treasure like this, ever,” said veteran numismatist Don Kagin, who is representing the finders. “It’s like they found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.”
What a nice middle-aged couple in California couple actually found was $10 million in gold coins buried on their property. OMG, don’t you wish?
Here’s another:
By any measure, it is a lightning reversal of events…
…in which the National Enquirer was obligated to establish and fund a generous play writing competition as a settlement for publishing outrageous fiction about a friend of actor Phillip Seymour Hoffman. Well, in this planetary weather pattern of heavy nebulous Neptune influences and Mercury retrograde muddling of facts, we expected more than one stunning communication misfire — remember?
Meanwhile, is it a coincidence or conspiracy that when Jupiter was engaged with the Uranus-Pluto square in August 2013, Elon Musk, the man behind the Tesla electric car and other “the future is now” productions, was making headlines? And now today, with Jupiter square Uranus again, Tesla’s stock is soaring…
From yesterday: Alec Baldwin was the talk of the town when he penned a lengthy piece in New York Magazine stating that he was retiring from public life. Mr. Baldwin has the Sun at 13 degrees of me-me-me Aries, which will soon (in April) be supercharged by the Cardinal Grand Cross, suggesting a need for emancipation and empowerment. I suspect that Cross has also been rattling his Libra Moon, which truly needs peace, balance and appreciation from others. This is in spite of a defensive “I do not need anything material from you” posture suggested by a natal Grand Trine among mental Mercury, Saturn and Pluto. Well, horoscopes with seemingly contradictory patterns do make the most fascinating people. Mr. Baldwin’s horoscope suggests he is verrry resourceful, with a mind and communication style that demands and presents substance, is highly imaginative, potentially earthy, bombastic and likely somewhat bewildering (Mercury in Taurus opposing Jupiter-Neptune). A hair-trigger temper is suggested by a volatile Mars-Uranus opposition. Not to mention a need for unconventional social expression that can be way over the top (Venus in humanitarian Aquarius opposing ruthless Pluto). Cue the Animals, now please…
Finally, not at all pleased to note actor/writer/director Harold Ramis passed away yesterday. Three planets in Mr. Ramis’ horoscope have been under pressure from the Uranus-Pluto square, and one of those planets is his natal Saturn. That can be heavy, especially when transiting Saturn is also active. Mr. Ramis starred in Ghostbusters and he directed Groundhog Day, an absolutely must-see film. It’s just so darn witty and wise, and if you pay close attention, you’ll remember exactly what to do in order to have a happy, fulfilling, meaningful life. Seriously.
If that doesn’t work, consider consulting your local astrologer…
East Coasters, use the early morning hours productively before the fiery Aries Moon goes void-of-course at 11:22AM ET, not to enter Taurus until 9:24PM ET. Communication of all kinds is accentuated, though you might notice a shift into neutral around lunchtime. West Coasters, your entire business day may have that “herding cats” feeling, but it does not mean you can’t be productive, too. The challenge is to be patient with any aimless cats you encounter and maintain your cool in during any “crisis” that crops up. My money says it’s likely much ado about nothing, and you’ll have more fun if you can be flexible with your flight plan.
Physical energy and ego energies are running higher than usual, courtesy of a challenge between action hero Mars and bombastic Jupiter. Definitely do something productive with that. On the plus side: more fun and the more the merrier. On the down side: the potential for overindulgence and a lack of oversight; sleepless nights; actions that may be seen as outrageous; and accidents. I’ve had a lot of people who are directly impacted by the Cardinal Grand Cross tell me they’ve had trouble sleeping this week. Coincidence or conspiracy?
Once the Moon enters Taurus at 9:24PM ET, things will settle down. You can calmly and methodically get organized and build structures for your material security and sensual enjoyment.
Meanwhile, planetary patterns suggest another day of extremes — at least in the weather department. While much of America is freaking out over freakishly low temperatures and radical temperature swings, in Australia it’s hotter than Hades, and in Argentina, too. Massive waves have pummeled Europe, too. Want a bit of inspiring, believe-in-miracles, never-never-give-up news that reflects the indomitable spirit of an Aries Moon, mixed in with the breakthrough potential of the Cardinal Grand Cross? “Breakthrough potential” was the subhead in yesterday’s forecast, right? And this just hit the NYT home page: an update from Gabrielle Giffords about a personal breakthrough — read it through to the end, if you please. All through 2010 and 2011, Ms. Giffords had ruthless Pluto and then rebel Uranus making challenging aspects to her natal Mars (willpower; action) and Uranus, which are at 4 degrees of Cancer and 4 degrees of Libra, respectively. This suggests two years of extraordinary effort (here’s her horoscope — time unknown), resulting in a powerful transformation. In 2013, disciplined Saturn would have challenged her natal Saturn and likely her Leo Moon, suggesting the potential for an ambitious reach. She is awesome, and though I could dig up a zillion other headlines reflecting current planetary patterns, I’d rather let Ms. Giffords’ breakthrough (note that it is a physical breakthrough — how very Mars – Jupiter), carry you through the day.
This fire-engine red is brought to you by the Moon in me-me-me Aries, inspiring you to start the New Year off with an astro-logical consultation that’s all about YOU. Self-indulgent aspects among Venus, Mercury and the Moon demand it! Consultations are described in detail here.
Brrrr! It’s five degrees in New York. Even my keyboard froze up last night. Extreme? Score another round for planetary patterns….
My money is on a non-stop day of action, especially for those with planets engaged with the Cardinal Grand Cross discussed in yesterday’s forecast. The Moon continues to charge through Aries, zapped by an Uranian lightning bolt at 6:20AM ET; engaged in a power play or emotional catharsis with Pluto at 11:13AM ET and challenged by willful Mars and expansive/expensive Jupiter just in time for Happy Hour. By the end of the day, you should know what needs to be done to move your New Moon agenda forward, suggested by the First Quarter Moon’s conflict between me-me-me Aries and the (Sun in) Capricorn Establishment.
There may be some idealism involving said Establishment, or at least in areas of status and society, suggested by hook-up between mental Mercury and Venus (social expression, women, art, money) in practical Capricorn, and plenty may be revealed. After writing all the above last night, I am delighted to see on the NYT home page an item in which five activists who broke into a FBI office in 1971 are now breaking their silence.
They were never caught, and the stolen documents that they mailed anonymously to newspaper reporters were the first trickle of what would become a flood of revelations about extensive spying and dirty-tricks operations by the F.B.I. against dissident groups.
Gosh, this sounds familiar. Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden, anyone? Could there be an astrological pattern repeating itself? The activists who are the subject of these new revelations were a product of the 1960s, also known as the revolutionary Uranus-Pluto conjunctions of 1965 and 1966. Interesting to note that things really got wild in the aftermath of the exact Uranus-Pluto conjunctions, i.e., up until 1972. Astrologer Bill Herbst has opined that we can expect a similarly increased level of disruption in the years following the seven exact squares between Uranus and Pluto happening between 2011 and 2015. Wow!
Meanwhile, more news in the power and energy sector, as forecast. Toyota plans to put a hydrogen-powered car on the market in 2015 and last year, Spain’s greenhouse emissions dropped 23%, thanks to increased usage of electricity generated by wind and hydropower. Why can’t we do that here?
More news from Spain, involving power and corruption in high places: a member of the royal family faces charges of money laundering and tax fraud. Yikes! Meanwhile, in New York, 80 police officers and firefighters were arrested on charges filing fraudulent disability claims — in a several hundred million dollar operation that dates back to 1988 — and possibly even earlier. Wow again! Oh, and JP Morgan Chase will be paying out billions of dollars again, this time to settle charges that it enabled Bernie Madoff’s ongoing Ponzi scheme.
Aries, which is where the Moon is today, rules the head. Thus I leave you with two groundbreaking stories: one about mapping the brain and the other about measuring consciousness. As Rene Descartes famously said, “I think; therefore, I am.” Yes, of course, Rene Descartes was an Aries — with a truckload of other Aries planets in the 3rd house, which refers to mindset and communication. Interesting to note that his Aries Sun is at 10 degrees and his Ascendant is 10 degrees Capricorn — both currently supercharged by the Cardinal Grand Cross. Mais oui, Rene, we are thinking of you aujourd’hui…bodies may pass away, but horoscopes live forever….
This fire-engine red is brought to you by the Moon in me-me-me Aries, inspiring you to start the New Year off with an astro-logical consultation that’s all about YOU. Here’s how to contact me.
If you must ship in the next 48 hours, ship it today or before 11:22AM ET on Wednesday, when the Moon goes void for a 10 hour spell.