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"Last night’s session was a delightful time for me. IT WAS ALL ABOUT ME!!! You are so articulate and caring, and I thoroughly enjoyed the time, all the nu- ances you brought to it and your obviously experienced, long- time expertise."
- Bill R. Los Angeles I CAN'T WRITE THIS WITHOUT YOU : ) PLEASE support my time and efforts. CONTRIBUTE to my COSMIC TIP JAR using the gold button below. THANK YOU.
…and off to the races we go.
After a potential twist or slow start to your morning routine, the Moon left Aquarius and entered Pisces at 10:48 AM ET. There it will swim until late Wednesday, seeking to identify with intangibles, impressions and the suffering of all humanity. Pisces refers to compassion, empathy, the dissolution of borders, along with the knowledge that We Are All One. Life may be a cabaret, old chum — but according to Pisces, it may also be an illusion.
Heightened sensitivity, dreams, delusions and vision are echoed by the third meet-up of Mercury (how we think and communicate) with Neptune (rose-colored fog, shimmering ideals and gaslighting). This reflects the bewildering spin of the past week, and the final hit happens TUESDAY at 5:38 AM ET. We’ll get a double dose of vision and spin by EOD Tuesday, suggested by the Pisces Moon meeting up with that Mercury-Neptune surreal tango.
The rest of the week goes like this:
- WEDNESDAY — the Pisces Moon goes void at 11:36 AM ET — on an exuberant square to Jupiter. What is big then, may become even bigger during the potential Moon void snowball. Go with the intuitive flow and do not make a mountain out of a molehill. Moon won’t enter the next sign — Aries — until 10:56 PM ET.
- THURSDAY — In Aries, the Moon puts a priority on me-me-me and falling down stairs because it is faster than walking. There are no exact aspects among the planets after 4:16 AM ET, so the day may flow easily enough. However, the direction of the flow may not be entirely clear. We are in the dark side of the Moon — the days before the next New Moon. So we sense that something new is on the horizon, but we are not sure what. Restlessness or listlessness are not uncommon sensations. On the other hand, if the proactive drive of the Aries Moon inspires your quest for world domination, the dark of the Moon is the time to hold that secret meeting. Just know that while you may fly under the radar now, your carefully crafted plans may eventually come to light.
- FRIDAY — New Moon begins at 4:50 AM ET — in Aries. After the drunken fog of Mercury with Neptune, we see a potential path to sobriety as Mercury makes a cooperative connection with Saturn, exact on SUNDAY, but a notable pattern in the New Moon chart. Another argument for a reality check or a big April shower on someone’s parade: Moon squares Saturn on Friday at 2:02 PM ET; the Sun follows suit next Wednesday. Moon’s weekly clash with Pluto happens at 7:50 PM ET — watch the headlines for a power play or emotional catharsis. Moon goes void on a harmony with Jupiter at 10:15 PM ET….
- SATURDAY — …and enters Taurus at 9:06 AM ET. Oh, you know how I love a weekend with a Taurus Moon! After the surprising twist of the Moon’s weekly clash with rebel Uranus at 12:09 PM ET, you are free to indulge your senses and efforts to preserve and maintain the status quo.
- SUNDAY — more of the same same same same Moon in Taurus same!
Will post more on Friday’s New Moon later this week. Time now for…
…the news, in a special April Fool’s Day edition, though I assure you that this story is for real:
You know that Taurus is the sign of the bull (and of course, the cow), right? You also know that Uranus refers to rebels, humor, technology and eccentrics, yes? And of course you know that Uranus entered Taurus on March 6th, a day after Mercury turned retrograde, under the influence of wiggy Neptune. How astrologically apt, then, that the hottest account on Twitter last month was Devin Nunes’ Cow.
What is this DevinCow and what is at steak? Surely you must have herd that not even two weeks after Uranus entered the sign of the cow, Libra Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) “had a cow” over the parody account with its roughly 1000 (fol)lowers. But around March 18th, Rep. Nunes sued it (and other parody accounts) for allegedly being really really mean — asking for $250 million. From an astrological point of view, you’d think that someone born with Moon and Ascendant in righteously opinionated Sagittarius might have a thicker skin, but we must consider that Nunes’ Moon and Ascendant are conjunct Neptune, a strong suggestion of exceptional sensitivity. And of course as a Libra, he would be concerned about fairness, balance and social decorum in relationship. Plus, his natal Saturn is square to his Sun and Pluto, suggesting a need to take things verrrrry seriously. We can understand why he would have co-sponsored a legislation called the “Discouraging Frivolous Lawsuits Act.” Here is his horoscope.
Over the weekend, inspired no doubt by the musical and surreal potential of Mercury conjunct Neptune, a band of humans dressed as cows serenaded passers-by in front of the White House. All agreed it was a mooooooving performance, udderly entertaining — and the op-eds and articles on this subjects keep on being written, with WaPo‘s Max Boot adding his two cents today
Yup, that story is dead serious and it has legs — four of ’em. But here is The Guardian with some of today’s notable April Fools’ Day charades.
Thank you for reading this forecast. To find on what all these patterns mean in your own personal world, here’s the 411 on personal consultations.
Happy Monday from Los Angeles! Will be back in New York on Wednesday.
The work week begins with the Moon in Libra, driving the day with a need for fairness, balance and social graces. Good luck with that while Venus is retrograde (as of last Friday), along other patterns happening this week. If you’re feeling restless or listless today, sensing that something new is on the horizon, you’re tuning in to the fact that we are in the dark side of the Moon. The new cycle begins at 11:47 PM ET.
This New Moon happens at 15 Libra, so anyone with planets or angles at 15 Libra, Aries, Cancer or Capricorn will have their horoscopes activated. How so? That’s a discussion point for a consultation with your local astrologer. FYI, the horoscope of the U.S. is one of those activated. Should be a rollicking lunar cycle.
Libra is the sign of partnerships; marriage is an obvious partnership; some business relationships are partnerships, including adversarial ones. We went through the first half of the zodiac with New Moons focusing on the Self: Aries = my identity; Taurus = my values/possessions; Gemini = my mind; Cancer = my emotions/family; Leo = my love to give; Virgo = my service/work/body. Now we’re ready to go public. Take a look at your relationships: how are We doing? What is the State of the Union? How does it reflect the Libran qualities of justice, fairness, diplomacy, peace, beauty and sweetness? Is there resentment or a lack of appreciation? Are there issues hanging in the balance (Libra is the sign of the Scales)?
Venus rules Libra, and as you know, right now Venus is in Scorpio and retrograde. This is not a happy placement, and we are building to an assertive/aggressive release on WEDNESDAY. Why? Because Venus (yin) and Mars (yang) will square each other at 10:29 PM ET. And what is said is likely to be a game changer, for better or worse. Why? at 1:35 PM ET on WEDNESDAY, mental Mercury (how we need to think and communicate) will be opposed by rebel Uranus. Not only that, but on FRIDAY just after midnight ET, the Sun (leaders, will) squares Pluto. In the news, this suggests a significant powerplay involving political leaders and CEOs; news from underground. Whatever hits the fan that day will have an easy flow of communication, affirming the Established Order, suggested by Mercury in harmony with Saturn at 4:20 AM ET.
Avid Readers may recall that this week would likely be a week of significant action/assertion on the part of — or against — P45 and his administration. We see this in his horoscope and in the chart for the P45 inauguration. Perhaps conquering the Supreme Court qualifies. Perhaps there will be more. Oh, but I’m getting ahead of myself. Point is, we need to factor the patterns described in the previous paragraph into our analysis of what this New Moon suggests. Empowered, innovative ideas and social expression, stemming from a need to reassess and reclaim value related to money, aesthetics and WOMEN comes to mind. Mars is squaring Venus. The next aspect in the New Moon chart is a ruthless, cathartic square between the Moon and Pluto on TUESDAY at 4:50 AM ET. This energy can be applied for better or for worse.
The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon is “a boat landing washed away,” which Blain Bovee says is “an image sweeping away human constructs, calling for repair and renewal.” This line gave me pause: “‘Washed away’ implies the power of waves which carry off that which cannot withstand their force.” Waves, eh? What kind of waves, with Election Day happening on Tuesday, November 6th, during this lunar cycle? We’re sure to hear plenty of talk about waves over the next few weeks.
Bovee also observes that if your boat landing has been washed away, there’s no safe place to dock — but this is OK. We are advised to take the time to repair the damage, to heal — and to contemplate the unseen powers of nature. We are invited to consider “feeling washed out; being swept away by powerful forces; a strong sense of inner renewal; a positive attitude about the approaching new day.” Sounds like a apt time to clean the house…
In other news, the always-in-sync Beth Owl’s Daughter’s Card of the Week suggests a potential healing…
Other patterns of note this week:
- TUESDAY: at 8:41 PM ET, Mercury leaves Libra for Scorpio. No more weighing the options in matters of ideas and communication; Mercury in Scorpio demands depth, substance and control — at least until Halloween.
- Moon voids:
- TUESDAY 4:50 AM ET until 12:09 AM ET on WEDNESDAY;
- THURSDAY 7:12 PM ET until 5:53 AM ET on FRIDAY;
- SATURDAY 8:58 PM ET until 3:17 PM ET on SUNDAY.
- The all-day void on Tuesday is most likely to disrupt your efforts to move forward in a straight line, as it covers the entire business day. Chill and don’t freak out over crises, as they are likely to be much ado about nothing. Avoid impulse shopping; roll with the twists and flakes.
And now, the news.
Astrology is so amazing. Avid Readers will remember that on Sept 5th I noted that in mid-October, Brett Kavanaugh’s horoscope was ripe for potential expansion. He has transiting Jupiter square his Aquarius Sun exact at about 9:30 PM ET….TODAY. When his confirmation hearing began in September, that Jupiter transit (expansion/reward potential) seemed to be happening later than one might think — if he was to be confirmed, as Mitch McConnell’s plan was to have Kavanaugh seated in time to join SCOTUS on Opening Game Day — a.k.a., October 1st. BUT — before Jupiter could get to Kavanaugh’s Sun, it met up with his Neptune (booze, fog, deception). We had to go through that fog.
And over the weekend, as you know, Kavanaugh was confirmed during the dead Moon — and sworn in as an official Supreme on Saturday around 6 PM ET in D.C. — much to my admitted personal anger and disappointment — but not to the surprise of my astrological mind. Not only that, but all of the pomp and circumstance of his anticipated reward happens tonight at 7 PM ET (a few hours before hit exact Jupiter-Sun transit), in a ceremonial swearing-in hosted by P45. Which makes one wonder if this was truly inevitable, which could be depressing. On the other hand, while his Saturday swearing-in might have felt like a reward for Justice Brewski, in the bigger scheme of things, it was not an apt time for initiating a new justice. Seriously, on a dead Moon opposing Neptune (booze, fog, deception)? Venus retrograde in Scorpio square Mars? The energetic time stamp of his swearing-in can’t help but mark his tenure, however long it lasts. Here’s how SNL covered the GOP celebration in its latest cold open. On a Moon-Neptune opposition, of course there was beer.
In other news, just before 2 PM ET on Saturday in Schoharie, NY, a limo carrying 17 people on their way to a brewery tour crashed. All passengers were killed, plus the driver and two pedestrians. At the time of the accident, Uranus (accidents) was on the angles of the chart for that moment in Schoharie. We see this pattern over and over again: heavy planets on an angle coincident with an energetic release.
Meanwhile, note that whenever a planet is retrograde, it facilitates reviewing and revisiting the past. With Venus retrograde, we see the potential for revisiting past relationships and social expression. Venus is now squaring Mars — this is supercharged potential. Here are two must-read op-eds published on Sunday reflecting that pattern:
Elsewhere — an innovative attack (Mars in Aquarius) slays the art world (Venus in Scorpio): “Banksy Prank Sees Million-Dollar Art Work Shredded Live at Auction” — watch the video. Also from the world of art, the NYT Sunday magazine: “The Ugly Beauty of Cindy Sherman’s Selfies”.
Hey! Have you registered to vote? Are you SURE??? Please check your status — and share this link with everyone you know. Voter registration deadlines in many states is TOMORROW, October 9th. Vote, vote, vote!!!
Finally, Avid Readers know that planetary patterns suggest strong potential for authoritarian rulers to be in vogue. It’s not just the United States; it’s everywhere, and it’s not going away this year or even next, as Saturn (authority figures) meets up with Pluto (power; rot; corruption) in Capricorn (Powers That Be). Here’s John Oliver to tell you about a racist, misogynist authoritarian currently campaigning in Brazil. His name is Jair Bolsonaro. He did not win the election outright yesterday, but he came darn close. And he is still in the running.
We live in such interesting times. What would we do without this astrological perspective? If you follow the patterns in your own horoscope, you will learn that while times are “interesting” around the globe, this does not mean you will not have opportunities for growth and reward.
If you’d like to know what this Venus retrograde period suggests for you, I would be pleased to offer insights in a special mini-consultation. Click the link below and send me your birth time, place and date of birth. Then toss $44 into my Cosmic Tip Jar. I will send you a few paragraphs about Venus retrograde, and how it may be building on the lessons posed by this summer’s Mars retrograde, too. I will also email you a copy of your horoscope, if you have not received one from me before.
Thank you for reading this forecast. Here’s the 411 on personal consultations.

Alll-righty then!
Writing has come in fits and starts as of late. Here’s where we’re at today:
The Moon has been in Taurus since early Monday evening, seeking to build and preserve comfort and material security. Taurus is not inclined to change the status quo. Yesterday offered potential to be made extra sweet and savvy by two lovely aspects early TUESDAY morning. One was a harmony between a high-functioning Venus and visionary Neptune; the other was a harmony between equally high-functioning Mercury and innovative Uranus. In this gawdforsaken newscycle, I have yet to find a headline reflecting this potential; perhaps you found a way to make it real in your own personal world.
Today — WEDNESDAY — is a turning point, as the Sun leaves Gemini for Cancer at 12:24 AM ET. Happy Summer Solstice, a day where idealism in leadership and home security matters is likely to pull focus. I say this because Mercury also leaves Gemini for Cancer today, meeting up with the Sun at 10:14 AM ET.
It’s interesting that a planetary pattern suggesting prominence is happening at the end of the lunar cycle, i.e, totally in the dark. Headlines this week are certainly reflecting this potential. Today in Saudi Arabia, the king has named one of his sons to be his successor, booting out his much older nephew, who never saw it coming. Reports The Guardian:
The move was announced by royal decree just after midnight, stunning the Saudi establishment…
Meanwhile, in the U.S., ratfink politicians are furiously working behind closed doors on the massive tax break legislation not-so-cleverly disguised as the Senate version of the repeal and replacement of the Affordable Care Act. Rumor has it that an effort will be made to ram pass the bill next week, just in time for an extremely crabby Mars and Mercury (both in Cancer) to be opposed by PTB Pluto. Really, warrior ax-wielder Mars has no business being anywhere near nurturing Cancer when mere mortals are drafting a bill on healthcare. Especially when Mars is also about to meet up with — and thus provoke — the US Cancer Sun in just a few days. Where is Wonder Woman when you need her?
If you’d like to read a bit about why solstices and equinoxes are important turning points, here’s a post with the 411.
On FRIDAY at 10:31 PM ET we’ll have a New Moon in Cancer. By then we’re likely to be seeing still more action making headlines, as Mars (action, assertion, aggression) makes contact with Jupiter over the weekend. Expansive, surreal, visionary, charismatic and healing are keywords that come to mind. Mars – Jupiter aspects suggest a need for physical release — bigtime. Jupiter is in Libra — an air sign. With Mars in Cancer — a water sign — and about to make contact with Neptune in Pisces (also a water sign and ruler of oceans), it’s not surprising to see so many hurricanes and tropical storms being watched in the headlines.
One final note about what Mars is up to in the cosmos. It may help put the onslaught of Mars-themed headlines in perspective; e.g. fires, explosions, guns, macho behavior, cars (think Uber), etc. In the language of astrology, Mars is literally out-of-bounds, i.e., it is currently beyond the limits of the Sun’s position (the technical term is declination) as seen from Earth. BTW, Mercury is also out-of-bounds. Mercury is communication, mindset, travel. So we would anticipate that Mercury-themed matters would also be extreme at this time. Got that?
Note that the Moon is void nearly all day WEDNESDAY from 12:25 AM ET until 6:44 PM ET. It will also be void on Friday 2:45 PM ET until 6:07 PM ET — permission to start the weekend early granted. During voids, roll with the twists and flakes that may derail your efforts to move forward in a straight line. Refrain from freaking out over crises which are likely to prove later to be much ado about nothing. Stick to routing and chill!
And now, more news.
Jupiter turned direct on Friday, June 9th at 10:04 AM ET. Jupiter suggests expansion. Libra suggests justice, fairness and equality. I could not think of a more fitting place to be for an expansive meditation on those Libra keywords than at the Smithsonian National Museum of African-American History & Culture in Washington D.C. — especially given how Jupiter’s move forward was — and still is — activating planets in the horoscope of the United States.
A long reflection on that visit in that context has been brewing in my mind ever since. It might be more apt to share as we get closer to July 4th, especially since my efforts to write it up are moving at a snail’s pace. But it has to do with how we see so clearly in the US horoscope how it needed to be founded on a exalted theory of “all men are created equal,” yet seems doomed to delusion in practice. At the Smithsonian I saw a draft of the Declaration of Independence in which Thomas Jefferson addresses slavery, but the subject just didn’t fit in with a white male property and slave owners’ rant about how they deserved to be free from King George’s tyranny and abuse. So the reference was deleted and the problem was solved. Delusional? Neptune, planet of rose-colored fog, had not yet been discovered — but boy oh boy it has always been right there — and so strong in the U.S. horoscope.
Equality under the law — this is the U.S. horoscope’s exalted ambition, suggested by its natal Saturn in Libra. Racial equality, gender equality, income equality, fill-in-the-blank equality. These days I see our inability to fulfill that ambition in nearly every headline. Our natural-born delusion (the Mars-Neptune square in U.S. horoscope) is being challenged to get real by transiting Saturn all this year.
June 14th — last Wednesday — was heavy. It was the day before a tense opposition between the Sun (life force; leaders) and Saturn (limitation; controls). How fitting that Beth Owl’s Daughter’s Tarot Card of the Week was Death. Humming in the background of that Sun-Saturn opposition was Neptune, planets of dreams and other departures from reality — at a dead stop — about to turn retrograde last Friday.
The big story on Wednesday was a man opening fire at a baseball practice of Republican members of Congress, critically wounding House Majority Whip Steve Scalise. The gunman was killed. Thankfully, the congressman is expected to make a full recovery. What was one of the gunman’s grievances, according to letters he wrote to his local newspaper? Income inequality.
Also big last Wednesday: P45’s birthday. That means he has the heavy Saturn-Sun opposition in his solar return, suggesting that its streamlining and controlling potential will mark the next twelve months, not just through October, when transiting Saturn will make the 2nd and 3rd hits to his Gemini Sun (and his Sagittarius Moon). The second hit to his Sun is exact on July 7th. Can he feel the squeeze? On June 15th, P45 annnounced on Twitter that he was under investigation. I think everyone and his dog in the administration has lawyered up, including the lawyers! Heavy — but we also see a possible silver lining of expansion and fortune, as the third hit of his Jupiter return will be exact on August 4th. Echoing that potential are two more hits to his natal Jupiter from power-and-resources Pluto, exact on August 7th and November 17th. Another time period to watch: the first week of September, when transiting Mars will meet up with P45’s Leo Ascendant, which will have been eclipsed on August 21st.
In ancient times, astrologers used the horoscope of the king or queen to chart was what likely in store for the country.
In other news, last Friday’s notable planetary event was Neptune turning retrograde. We would expect Neptune themes to pull focus: oceans, shipping, drugs, viruses, confusion, oil. One surreal story was the fatal collision of the U.S.S. Fitzgerald with a Japanese container ship. Initially the collision was said to have happened at 2:20 AM on June 17, 64 miles southwest of Yokosuka, Japan. I looked at that chart and thought the time must be wrong. Guess what? It was! The time has since been revised to 1:30 AM. That chart makes sense, with Pluto and Uranus on the angles of the horoscope and the Pisces Moon with nebulous Neptune. This is a picture of a potential accident in a bewildering fog. Astrology is amazing.
Oh, there is so much more to talk about. Let’s start with you. How are planetary patterns being reflected in your own personal world? Is it time to make a move? Will you get that promotion? Will you ever understand why your child/spouse/parent/boss/coworker is the way he/she is? Here’s how to schedule a consultation.
Thank you for reading this forecast.
Fits and starts. This day likely began with a serious focus of intention and ideas, even on a dead Moon in Gemini. An innovative connection between rebel Uranus and that Moon got you out of bed this morning, and a stabilizing connection between disciplined Saturn in the cooperative sign of Libra and the Sun in Gemini (mind, information, communication) quickly followed. And yet…
The dark side of the Moon, the time before the New Moon begins can feel restless, listless. Something new is coming — but what? From a courthouse in Queens, a lawyer friend just called to say she is waiting, waiting, waiting to find out if a judge will show up so she can begin a trial. What might you be waiting for?
At 5:03PM EDT the New Moon arrives at 11 degrees of Gemini, along with a solar eclipse, the first of three eclipses we’ll experience between now and July 1st. Eclipses act as “bottlenecks” of energy. Light flowing from the Sun or Moon is temporarily interrupted, focusing attention on the interrupted point and allowing something new and possible fragile to enter the picture and grow. And here I would be thinking of Michael the kindhearted policeman in Make Way for Ducklings, who stopped the flow of traffic on Beacon Street so Mr. and Mrs. Mallard and their brood of eight could safely make their way to the Boston Public Garden
Bottlenecks can buy you time. Think of that next time you’re stuck in traffic, even if you’re running late for an appointment. Since you can’t control the jam, you might as well do something productive with it. As I’ve been saying for years, “you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be.” And, yes, it would be lovely to think that Oprah Winfrey read that quote on my facebook page when she said exactly the same thing to viewers on her final show last Wednesday.
In Gemini, the New Moon suggests a focus on ideas, mindsets, communication, information. An interruption in the normal traffic flow of ideas allows for the birth of some new way of thinking. With the New Moon in a supportive connection to Saturn in the cooperative sign of Libra, the suggestion is that the new ideas that will be most effective are those which consider what is fair and just for all concerned. Easy to apply in your own personal world, but in the bigger scheme of things, will our fearless leaders take this to heart in their thought processes? More on that in a minute.
The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon is “A topsy saucily asserting herself.” A topsy, as we learn from Blain Bovee’s marvelous book on Sabian Symbols, is a fictional character — a black slave child — in Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Speaking truth to power, anyone? Any more French women want to step forward with stories of sexism and abuse? Oh look, here’s a story that hit the New York Times 20 minutes ago: French Socialists May Expel Member Speaking Out on Strauss-Kahn
This New Moon cycle affords the opportunity to bring forth some pretty radical ideas. And not just about women, but any group or individual that no longer wishes to feel oppressed. Bovee notes of being on the lookout for “an awareness of experiences that defy one’s version of reality.” So we can expect that those whose do dare to speak their truth may be challenged by those who prefer to live in denial, with each party possibly accusing the other of being nuts.
The personal planets in the New Moon chart: Mercury, Venus and Mars are all in Taurus, suggesting a need to focus on preserving stability, especially of a material kind. What radical new ideas will you come up with for doing that? There may be more than a bit of magical thinking in need of a reality check (see previous paragraph), suggested by a challenge to Mercury (mind) from nebulous Neptune. This is one reason why I opened this forecast with the words, “fits and starts”. Patience and steady persistence this month, as you work the bugs out of your New Moon agenda, will come in handy.
Humming in the background of the New Moon chart is a pattern that was active — and gained much attention a year ago. Regular readers of this forecast will remember posts about the Big T-Square Party among the heavies: ruthless Pluto in Capricorn, sign of the Establishment challenged by Uranus, which turns order into chaos…which is turn opposing controlling Saturn…which is turn challenging Pluto. Imagine each planet at each point of a T-Square and you get the picture. It is a pattern that holds a lot of tension. The theme is the need for change and the resistance to change.
Saturn opposing Uranus is polarizing. It’s old guard vs. avant garde, and we’ve been experiencing this pattern off and on since November of 2008. That’s when we faced a choice between allegedly old guard John McCain and allegedly avant garde Barack Obama. When Saturn moves out of this T-Square configuration this fall, leaving Uranus and Pluto to challenge each other seven times over the following three years, it is possible that efforts to maintain necessary control will give way to necessary upheaval. Next summer could be very interesting.
For now, be bold in your New Moon meditation and wish list. Think different. Be persistent and patient in your actions to support your material goals. And if at first you don’t succeed, fry, fry a hen.
Well, alrighty then. Typing this as a few East Coast races still hang in the balance — we’ll see how they turned out when the sun rises — or not, in the event someone wants a recount. Moon is now in people-pleasing Libra, about to crash into ruthless, mince-no-words Pluto at 6:54AM NY time, likely putting an edge on the speeches — concession and victory — we’ll be hearing this morning. You can apply that forecast to whatever you’ve got planned in your own personal world. Cut your losses; be gracious and try not to be pushed off-center by the blunt speech of another. There’s plenty of potential to assert yourself productively throughout the rest of the day — though by 8:34PM NY time I expect we’ll hear some sobering, possible downer making the headlines, thanks to the monthly meeting of Moon (today needing to be appreciated by others) with controlling, “eat your vegetables” Saturn. “They” will be trying very hard to be diplomatic and/or charming, in order to assure you that “they” are responsive to your needs. Watch the headlines to discover who “they” will turn out to be.
We are moving into the last days of the old moon cycle — a time of listlessness, restlessness — and the knowledge that something is around the corner, but we don’t know what it is yet — that’ll be the New Moon on Saturday. Clear your desks — wrap things up — think about what you’re learning about your significant others this month — and get ready to tune in to the optimism that will likely shine on Thursday, even if your team didn’t win on Tuesday.
For the record, the only candidate’s horoscope I looked at in this election was Meg Whitman’s — you may recall my post about her little domestic help problem a few weeks ago; at that time, I was not convinced she would become the next governor of California – and it seems — at the moment — that in fact, she will not. As for the other races — well — even astrologers go freewheeling every now and then ; )
You may wake up with an expansive burst of excitement this AM — can you handle it? So much enthusiasm and then — sighhhhhh, as Moon in Virgo goes void at 12:43 – 3:52 PM NY time. On the East Coast, there is the possibility of a nice long lunch with nothing of seriousness to discuss and no shopping sprees. Meanwhile, on the West Coast, see if you notice any lack of focus, a high flake factor or a surprise twist in your morning.
The New Moon doesn’t arrive until tomorrow — suggesting this is another good day for getting organized in preparation for the new cycle. More on the New Moon and Venus turning retrograde (on October 8th — until mid-November) will fill this space tomorrow.
Clean up your desk and take care of those pesky details. If your tasks require cooperation from others you can likely get it without too much fuss, especially if you add a little sugar. Some are still smarting from the thoughtless darts flung by those who just had to show how right they were yesterday (Moon, now in Virgo, is driven to be correct, to be RIGHT) — so say “please” and “thank you” today as if you really mean it.
We are in the dark side of the Moon — the old cycle is ending — the new one begins on Thursday. Until Thursday, we have a sense of anticipation — but are not sure what the new cycle will bring. Listlessness is one possible manifestation. That being said, you will likely get more done today than tomorrow or yesterday — so get to it.
Back to work? Maybe, maybe not. The long weekend may be over in the US, but the Moon, even though it’s in analytical, task-oriented, perfection-driven Virgo, is still in the last day of the old cycle, working a bit like a lame duck elected official; the New Moon begins tomorrow at 6:30AM on the East Coast. During these “dead” moons, we might feel listless: a new cycle is about to begin but we may feel “in the dark” about what it is. If you’re at the office, use the day to wrap up old business and clear your desks in preparation for the new agenda that begins tomorrow.
General notes on this short week, which is chock-full of energetic shifts as several planets will change signs (Venus on Wednesday; Jupiter on Thursday) or direction (Mercury on Sunday; Pluto next Tuesday): stay loose and be patient with yourself and others if you’re finding you have to repeat yourself several times to be understood or you realize that once again, you can’t remember where you put your (glasses/water bottle/parking ticket).
Read yesterday’s forecast for thoughts on today’s Moon in Cancer. A need for emotional security is the prime directive for the Moon in this sign, so on this holiday weekend (Monday is a holiday in the US) the focus is likely to be what makes us feel comfortable and/or at home. Art, music, romance, spirit — all that makes life beautiful is also especially favored.
On Sunday, Moon enters playful Leo at 5:45AM and carries us through Labor Day. Playing on Labor Day — what a great idea. We’re in the dark side of the Moon — the New Moon happens on Wednesday AM, which is when the work week will really begin.