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"Thank you SO much for the reading on Wednesday. It's really helped me get back on the road to moving along. You prep so well and are so damn thorough. And moreover, you've got great sensitivity to the material and the patience to listen."
-- Michael D.
Editor, NY

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Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 4/22/2016 & The Weekend: Full Moon; the Queen, the Prince & Other Regal Types


Moon entered Scorpio as of 8:17PM ET last night and may have already waxed to its fullness by the time you read this, assuming you’re reading this after 1:24AM ET.  A Scorpio Moon seeks to fulfill its need for emotional depth and substance — people-pleasing be damned. Scorpio represents resources and values that are ours-ours-ours,  as opposed to resources and values which are mine-mine-mine, symbolized by the Taurus Sun. Therein lies the potential for conflict, as Taurus and Scorpio are known to be a wee bit fixed in their respective positions.  Where do 3 degrees of Taurus and Scorpio fall in your horoscope? That’s where you may find a bit of illumination in matters of mine vs. ours.

The fallout of this Full Moon includes the exact meet-up between Venus and Uranus in me-me-me Aries at 5PM ET — noted earlier this week. Possible reflections include a demand for independence; an attraction to the unconventional; a leveling of the playing field in gender issues and feisty warrior women, among others. Watch the headlines.

In Hillary Clinton’s horoscope, this Full Moon falls exactly on her Scorpio Sun, so we might expect a bit of illumination on her essential being in the immediate future. That’s what I was thinking a few days ago when prepping to write this forecast. If we use the proposed yet unconfirmed 8:02AM ET birth time, we note that the Sun is the 12th house — of the unconscious, the self-undoing and institutions — ruling the 9th house — of publishing and international concerns, to name a few. How interesting to see an in-depth profile of Mrs. Clinton in the NYT Sunday magazine entitled, “How Hillary Clinton Became A Hawk.” Also interesting is the fact that the NYT did not publish this article until after the New York primary.

On Saturday, you can wish John Oliver a happy birthday. You’re free to shop until 5:46PM ET, when the Moon goes void until 8:46AM ET on Sunday. There are no exact aspects to any planet on Sunday, including the Moon, which will have moved on to Sagittarius with a sigh of relief. Take a gambol or gamble; express your righteous opinion; broaden your horizons; get out in nature or some other expansive space. No sleeping in on Monday; the next void won’t kick in until Tuesday.

So much news to cover. Queen Elizabeth celebrated her 90th birthday on Thursday. Transiting Uranus makes the first of three squares to her obviously Capricorn Ascendant on the 26th; the third happens in early 2017. That suggests a significant move or fresh start for Her Majesty. What will happen?

Prince passed away. His Gemini Sun was about to be opposed by Saturn, just before Saturn turned retrograde last month. We talked about Saturn-Sun transits in the last forecast. It’s fascinating that he passed away just before Venus met up with Uranus, as Prince has a Venus-Uranus square in his horoscope. He needs to be unconventional in his values and social expression, likely focused on material/sensual comforts, with Venus in Taurus. His Mars is at 0 Aries — running wild and ruling the 5th house of creative self-expression/sexuality. Was he hot or what? You bet — and he makes a powerful impact, too – with Pluto sitting atop his chart, opposed by a sensitive Moon in Pisces.

Meanwhile, Kelly Ripa is making disruptive waves at the office — as in not showing up for work this week. Does she want to keep her job? Her 19 degree Virgo Ascendant, along with her Mars and Mercury will be hit again by Jupiter (expansion) this summer. Well, that’s certainly an expansive hit to a feisty front — just ask Donald Trump. But Saturn will square that trio later in the year, while also opposing her 17 degree Gemini Midheaven.  An advance or a separation — and a need to focus on shoring up family and core foundation concerns.

I wish I had time to post links and more details, but I just can’t do it today. Today is Earth Day. Do something nice for the planet.  And if you’re really feel like making a dramatic Venus-Uranus change, a new environmental study suggests you consider this. It’s a mine-mine-mine vs. ours-ours-ours kinda thing. And Venus refers to food, doncha’ know…

Thank you for reading this forecast. Here is the 411 on consultations. We will have a fine discussion together.