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" of the most illuminating readers I've come across. She is quick, perceptive and is very fluent with weaving in what she sees in your chart into what's happening and likely to happen and has happened in your life. I plan to keep Elisabeth as one of my periodic life counselors."
New York, NY

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Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 9/6/2016: Sneak Peek at the Week; Catching Up on Last Week, Too

Alllll- righty then!

It’s back to work in the U.S., and hopefully the tropical storms and hurricanes did not put a damper on your vacation.

The Moon is in Scorpio, where it has been since 8:38AM ET on Monday. The need until Wednesday at 9:20PM ET is for substance, depth and control. Take note of your dreams as you get back into gear, as the Moon makes contact with (dreamy) Neptune at 5:56AM ET. Easy aspects to the Moon from the Virgo Sun and Pluto around 2PM and 3PM ET facilitate that needed depth without hiccups.

Wednesday we have two patterns of note: a trine (easy flow) between Pluto and the Sun at 1:17AM ET, followed by another easy flow between Venus and Saturn. All together we are talking about the serious consolidation of power and resources, with a conservative and potentially feminine flair. I’m thinking of these aspects, along with the aftermath of the weekend’s reality-bending patterns among the Sun, Saturn and Neptune, as an apt backdrop for the transition of ultraconservative activist Phyllis Schlafly, aged 92. “There will be a woman president over my dead body!” she once famously**  proclaimed, in her successful campaign to defeat the ERA (Equal Rights Amendment, for those who weren’t even born in 1972). Who knew Ms. Schafly was a psychic?

In your own personal world, seize these next few days to advance your plans for world domination.

Moon goes void for not even an hour on Wednesday at 8:43PM ET. It enters Sagittarius at 9:20PM ET, seeking to push boundaries for a righteously opinionated cause. Still, no bumps in the road for the Moon until a few hours before 6PM ET, when the it meets up with heavy Saturn, followed 20 minutes later by a clash with nebulous Neptune. Real meets unreal — the story of our lives all summer, bracketed by tension between Saturn and Neptune,  exact on June 17th — and for the third and final hit this Saturday at 9:10AM ET.

Here’s a re-cap from January 2015 on the Saturn – Neptune square that’s been in effect since this time last year. Use it to inform your perspective on the headlines:

Briefly, Saturn is reality. Neptune is fantasy. Put them together and what have you got? A bubble of optimistic faith. When will it burst?  A few months ago, when I was reading The Big Short — about the collapse of the housing bubble and the outrageous speculation going on in the financial markets that led to the fiscal crisis in 2008,  I noticed a challenging aspect between Saturn and Neptune as that bubble was building.  There was a similar aspect in 1999, coinciding with the internet bubble and everyone freaking out about Y2K, which proved to be much ado about nothing. What pixie dust-covered fantasy will captivate us now and into the next year?

Here’s more from June 2016:

…the boundary-dissolving, reality-bending square between Saturn in Sagittarius (structure, control, borders, foreigners, opinions, media, etc.) and Neptune in Pisces (intangibles, opiates, viruses, oil, refugees and other keywords noted in prior forecasts)… File any “oh what’s the use?” feelings you may have in the folder labelled “Saturn vs. Neptune.” If have a planet or angle around 8-12 degrees of Pisces, Gemini, Sagittarius or Virgo, you are more personally affected. A consultation with your local astrologer would be productive.

The other notable shift in the cosmos happens on Friday, when Jupiter leaves Virgo for Libra. Jupiter refers to expansion. Virgo refers to what is small. Add niggling details, processes such as cooperation and digestion, health matters, workers, service, the conservation of Mother Earth and small animals. This is not a full list. All last week and this week, Jupiter is at the very end of Virgo. At 29 degrees, it’s well within range of one of the four Aries Points which suggest prominence.  Watch the headlines for news along these themes to pull big focus.

When Jupiter enters Libra on Friday at 7:18AM ET, it will be exactly on the Aries Point 0 degrees of Libra (the other three are Aries, Cancer and Capricorn). I anticipate we will notice an expansive  light on Libran concerns – including, but not limited to: fairness, equality, justice, balance, diplomacy, mediation, social graces, marriage and other one-on-one partnerships, the lower back and kidneys. We’ll talk more about this event in a future forecast. Too much to catch up on from last week, such as….

A new month, a New Moon and a solar eclipse. Where to begin?

With the eclipse, which occurred at 9 Virgo at 5:03AM ET on September 1st. What’s so special about an eclipse?

A Solar Eclipse can act like a bottleneck of energy. Light flowing from the Sun is temporarily interrupted by the Moon, focusing attention on that interrupted point. Wherever that point falls in your horoscope, something new — and possibly fragile — may enter the picture and grow over the next several months. And here I would be thinking of Michael, the kindhearted policeman in the storybook Make Way for Ducklings, who stopped the flow of traffic on Beacon Street so Mr. and Mrs. Mallard and their brood of eight could safely make their way to the Boston Public Garden. Here is Officer Michael, playing the role of the Moon in a solar eclipse. Got that?


So when does the bottleneck of energy release, you may be wondering. Good question. We can expect a release of energy (reflected by an event) when another planet makes contact with the degree of the eclipse. Conjunctions are the most potent, but I’d argue that squares and oppositions also make an impact. Here’s an example: on April 15, 2014 there was a lunar eclipse at 26 Libra. Months later, when Mars (action, aggression, attack) arrived at 26 Libra, a Malaysian Airlines plane was shot down while flying over the Ukraine. I knew that’s where Mars was before looking it up on my computer. A release of bottlenecked energy is not always unpleasant. There are plenty of cases in the lives of individuals where a triggered eclipse is reflected in a positive change. You will find examples in a fine book by Celeste Teal called ECLIPSES.

You are personally affected by this eclipse if you have a planet around 9 degrees of Virgo. This includes most everyone born between Sept 1962-Sept 1964. You can order an Astro-Basics Report if you want to know what degrees all of your planets and angles are at, so you can see where eclipses and other celestial events fall in your horoscope.

Here are some considerations for a New Moon in Virgo, which you can apply in your efforts this week. Keywords for Virgo include: discernment, work, service, analysis. Whom or what does your creative self-expression serve? How does it work?

Virgo also rules the digestive tract, where it keeps busy instinctively separating the wheat from the chaff. It keeps elements that provide nourishment and eliminates those which do not. Some digestive systems work more efficiently than others, depending on what they are given to process. What is your process? Is it efficient? What can you do to perfect it?

Patterns in this New Moon are similar to those we saw in June’s New Moon in Gemini: Sun and Moon in a tough, tight relationship with Saturn (in Sagittarius) and Neptune (in Pisces). Themes we can expect in the headlines: tough reality checks and/or bewildering spin on these Sagittarius and Pisces themes, including, but not limited to: foreigners, immigration, refugees, water, scandals, fantasy, scandal, surrealism, publishing, belief systems (political and spiritual), drugs and education. Here’s a silly — but apt reflection that just came in:

As part of a Federal Election Commission crackdown on fake presidential candidates (remember Deez Nuts?), officials sent a letter to the Staten Island address where God’s campaign manager apparently lives.

“It has come to the attention of the Federal Election Commission that you may have failed to include the true, correct, or complete committee name, candidate name, custodian of records name, treasurer name,” an FEC analyst wrote in the letter, which was sent Wednesday.

Now God has 30 days to prove He exists, or his campaign for the presidency will be terminated.

The horoscope of the U.S., as I have noted before, is directly affected by this tough Saturn-Neptune pattern, in case anyone is looking for an explanation of why the U.S. appears to have lost its mind — or at the very least, temporarily, its way. This bewildering pattern directly impacts the U.S. horoscope, whether you use the one with 12 Sagittarius Ascendant or 8 Gemini. The exact birth time of the United States continues to be a subject of lively debate among astrologers, doncha know….

Also in the horoscope for the New Moon: a meet-up between Mercury and Jupiter, suggesting big ideas about small details, discernment, discrimination and mass media. Effective immediately, the NYT will no longer be covering the small stuff, such as local restaurants, art shows and non-profit theater productions. It’s just not interesting to the NYT’s desired global audience.  YouTube says no YouCan’T use its distribution channel to monetize content that includes sex, drugs and political humor. What’s next? Rock n’ roll?  Meanwhile, in Cape Canaveral, a Space X rocket blew to smithereens on the launchpad, destroying a zillion-dollar communications satellite Facebook hoped would allow it to conquer Africa.

And now, the news.

…with apologies for the delay. I started writing this forecast last week, but was sidetracked by deadlines on two soon-to-be-published articles in mainstream publications. I am thrilled thrilled thrilled to announce that one of the articles will appear in the Dec/Jan issue of The Mountain Astrologer — huzzah, huzzah, huzzah! I will be sure to let you know when the issue hits the stand so you can buy it.

File all of the following stories under Saturn square Neptune — real/unreal — drugs, dreams, scandals, despair, escapes, transcendence, refugees, yadda, yadda: Opiates and Anti-Anxiety Drugs are Killing White Women; Millions of Honeybees Killed in South Carolina by Pesticide Intended to Kill Zika-Carrying Mosquitos; Mother Teresa is Canonized.  Did you know that in order to become a saint, there must be empirical evidence of miraculous healing that occurred when people prayed to you for help after you died? How very Saturn-Neptune, and how cool that the NYT published an op-ed on saints and medical miracles throughout history.

Add the power/resources consolidation of the Sun trine Pluto and say hi to what could be the largest energy infrastructure company in America: the merger of Spectra and Enbridge.

Scandals. All over the place last week. Exhibit A: Anthony Weiner — three sexting strikes and he’s out. His wife announced their separation. We do not have a birth time, but let the record show that a pile-up of planets in Virgo in his horoscope: Mercury, Sun, Uranus and Pluto were eclipsed last week and also have been under stress from transiting Saturn and Neptune. This will continue into 2017. Reality checks and wipeout potential. Not only that, but transiting Uranus has been squaring his Mars (yang, assertion) at 23 Cancer, so we see the potential need for risky action with sudden consequences.

Meanwhile, the Guardian reported that Steve Bannon, the new campaign chief for That Guy Who Continues to Dominate My Newsfeed, was registered to vote in Florida, citing the address of a vacant house in which he has never lived as his residence. Elsewhere, New York published a page-turner: “The Revenge of Roger’s Angels: How Fox Women Took Down the Most Powerful, Predatory Media Man in America.” Said predatory media man — Roger Ailes — may sue New York in response; however, Fox News has now reached a $20 million settlement with Gretchen Carlson, whose lawsuit brought this scandal into the glaring light. The parent company of Fox News also apologized.

Let the record show that Rupert Murdoch’s horoscope  was directly affected by last week’s eclipse, sitting right on top of his 11 Virgo Midheaven (status/profession), which is also impacted by transiting Saturn and Neptune. I noted these current challenging patterns at the beginning of the year when he announced his engagement to Jerry Hall. They suggest heavy controls and no small amount of uncertainty and/or scandal. These patterns will be in effect for some time to come. Astrology is amazing.

File this under Mercury Retrograde: “Green Party’s Jill Stein Flies to Wrong Ohio City for Rally.” Oops. “British Airways Computer Problems Cause Widespread Delays.”  These problems are reportedly “unexplained.” Mwahahaha….

Finally, a welcome contribution from Avid Readers Diane and Monica, who sent this “classic post for the current Saturn Square Neptune; the attempt to give form to and control (Saturn) our dreams (Neptune):” Inside the Company That Wants to be the Netflix of Lucid Dreaming. Yup. That works. Thank you Diane and Monica!

And thank you for reading this forecast.

To be continued….

**…and by “famous” I mean “spread like wildfire all over the internet, even though snopes says she never said it.”


Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 6/25/2013: Jupiter in Cancer; Edward Snowden

Moon entered Aquarius as of 3:09AM ET, seeking to make a friendly connection and be of social significance. We can expect a challenge — or a stubborn clash — perhaps from someone with a ruthless authoritarian agenda this morning, as stern Saturn in Scorpio squares the Moon. Who’s raining on your parade now? This is the only exact aspect we have today until just before midnight, when Moon makes a communicative connection to unconventional Uranus (which rules Aquarius). Think outside the box.

Also of note: Jupiter, which needs to expand whatever it touches, leaves fickle, airy, information overload Gemini tonight at 9:40PM ET, where it’s been for about a year. It’ll plunge into the watery, emotional and financial security-seeking Cancer, which should make all of you Crabs very happy. You’re about to experience a boost of expansive, optimistic energy to your natal Sun, which only happens once every 12 years. Be alert for opportunities to expand your horizons, with the feeling of having the wind at your back. This includes the United States, which is also a Cancer — with Jupiter and Venus in early Cancer, too. As I posted earlier, it’s hard to imagine feeling less than prosperous under such transits — at least in the short term.

Jupiter refers to “big picture” thinking, law, academia, broadcasting, publishing, religion, travel, etc. — so we can expect those areas to have a Cancerian focus for the next 12 months. What does Cancer care about? For starters: food, mothering, money, home, family,  emotional security and my country — right or wrong.

For the past week Jupiter has been at the Aries Point, which avid readers know is 0 degrees (the beginning) of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Any planet at the Aries Point needs to be noticed in a big way, and isn’t it interesting that in the news we have seen a number of Jupiter-themed stories gaining prominence? Jupiter refers to the law and the courts, and we are expecting a number of high profile cases to be decided this week. Here’s one that just came down on affirmative action. Here’s another — this one upholding the civil rights of a transgender child.  Jupiter also refers to the liver and the pancreas — check out this link for a breakthrough on the treatment of diabetes. As noted, Jupiter refers to publishing, and all last week, the publishing of information (Gemini) has certainly been prominent in the news.

Get it off your desk today, as not only will the Moon be void of course ALL DAY from 9:06AM ET – 4:32AM ET Thursday, but Mercury will be turning retrograde as well. BACK UP YOUR COMPUTERS NOW!! I don’t know about you, but I noted more than the usual communication snafus and traffic jams last week, and I am thinking that this Mercury retrograde period (June 26th – July 20th) will try our patience more than most. Certainly this Moon void tomorrow is likely to offer plenty of challenges to your patience, as in all that hard work you’re going to do may end up going nowhere. Chill if you can.

Right. Edward Snowden. Because a reader asked for it in an email I received yesterday, which also contained the question, “What will happen to Snowden during Mercury retrograde”? I ran a chart for the time I received the question, and the suggestion was that it too soon to tell. Fascinatingly, nebulous Neptune was sitting exactly at the top of the chart, suggesting a fog of mystery/illusion/confusion. And as of yesterday afternoon, he has “disappeared”.

We now have an official birth time for Snowden and thus an accurate horoscope. Born Jun 21, 1983 at 4:42AM in Elizabeth City, NC, Snowden is a Gemini with the Sun at 29 degreess of Gemini, which places it at — very good, class — the Aries Point. Immediately we expect he will gain prominence in life, probably for just being who he is. This Sun is in the First House of ego identity (he’s a “personality”) and it rules the 4th House, which refers to the homeland. Indeed. The Moon is in Scorpio, in the 6th House, ruling the 2nd and 3rd, suggesting a need to be of service, a need for communication and a concern with worth/assets,  as it also seeks to be of depth and substance, through knowledge which affords power and control.  A potentially self-indulgent square to the Moon from Venus in regal Leo suggests a need for drama in social expression.

The overall layout of planets in this horoscope suggests a need for a defensive posture. Why? We’d have to have a chat with Edward about his childhood, and I am not going to write about those speculations now. I am fascinated to note another defensive structure: a Air Grand Trine involving a Sun-Mars conjunction…trine to Saturn-Pluto in late Libra…trine to the Aquarius MC. This suggests a closed circuitry involving the intellect, likely experienced by others as elitism expressed as a readiness to dismiss what anyone else thinks or has to say. Would you believe the United States has a similar pattern in its horoscope?

Astrologer Linda Goodman observed that both Gemini and Scorpio like to wear masks, which is one reason they may be so fascinated with each other. And perhaps in an individual horoscope, an emphasis on these two signs may produce a fascination with the self. Snowden’s Ascendant is also Gemini, suggesting a need to be seen as someone who is clever, intense, diversified and informed. Mercury, which rules Gemini and thus Snowden’s Ascendant, is well-placed in Gemini and is conjunct the Ascendant. It’s in the 12th house, not the 1st, suggesting a need for communication and a mindset that has a behind-the-scenes or insider’s perspective. Brilliance, an aptitude for technology and restlessness, nerves and a need for intellectual risks are suggested by a strong opposition to Mercury/ASC from Uranus and expansive Jupiter in high-flying, righteous, opinionated Sagittarius. A need for risk and excitement in relationship/vocation, as well as a need to publish are suggested by patterns involving Snowden’s Sun/Moon midpoint.

Back to Snowden’s Gemini Sun. It is augmented by a conjunction from Mars and the nodal axis. This suggests he needs to be a firebrand, trumpeting a social cause, connecting with the public. This conjunction is opposed by nebulous Neptune in the 7th house, which is reflected by his “man of mystery” persona. In the 7th, Neptune suggests a need to make sacrifices in relationship, not unlike those of a martyr. Neptune in touch with Mars offers charisma, glamour, magnetism. It can also be dreamy, visionary, delusional or fanatical. Again — look no further than the horoscope of the United States for a strong Mars-Neptune connection, reflected in our collective need for “the American Dream”….and other illusions we may present to the world. It is interesting to note that our current and last two presidents have strong Neptunes in their horoscopes. Last week, we talk about Bill Clinton’s Mars-Neptune patterns. In George W. Bush’s horoscope, we have either a weak Sun-Neptune square or Neptune is simply running away with the persona. Barack Obama has a definite Sun-Neptune square in his horoscope. How often have people wondered who he really is and what he really stands for? Neptune tends to dissolve whatever it touches. Neptune in touch with Sun, suggests a bewildering and/or idealized sense of identity….and plenty of pixiedust.

There’s more to write on Snowden, so stay tuned. And have a fabulous day!