Happy Monday! And how was your “perfectly lovely weekend”? Mine went as forecast, so much that I couldn’t even bring myself to focus on the first day of the work week until now — and wouldn’t you know it, the Moon is void of course all day in intuitive Pisces, not to enter fiery Aries until 12:21AM ET on Tuesday.
As regular readers of this forecast know, when the Moon is void, we may experience unexpected twists in our efforts to move in a straight line. Crises that crop up later turn out to be much ado about nothing. Your waitress may greet you with a cheerful “Good Morning!”, even though it’s 2PM in the afternoon. Or you may be in the middle of writing an astro-logical forecast, and someone who was supposed to show up on your doorstep at 11AM wants to know if he can be there in ten minutes (apologies for the delayed forecast — and presumably you’re all just going with the flow!).
Today’s dreamy Pisces Moon got off to a super-charged start this morning. While you were sleeping, Moon was opposed by aggressive Mars (3:16Am ET) and squared by the Sun (6:41AM ET), suggesting possible clashes of will that may have manifested in your dreams (mine sure did!) and another hit of whatever revolutionary/visionary communication and mindset you projected as part of your New Moon agenda three weeks ago.
Innovation and revelation in thought, communication and transportation are especially strong today, as mental Mercury is squared and energized by brilliant, status quo disrupting Uranus (1:42PM ET) and opposed by ruthless, corruption-exposing Pluto (9:04PM ET). This should make for truly offbeat headlines — like this one about the US Secretary of Commerce allegedly involved in a weird traffic accident, which the latest press release says may have been as a result of a “seizure” (which sounds very Mercury square Uranus to me).
But wait — there’s more! Geminis around the world are dancing for joy because Jupiter, the cosmic sugar daddy moves into Gemini at 1:22PM ET. I will write more on this in tomorrow’s forecast, because if I don’t ship this now, it won’t show up in your mailbox for another hour. I’ll only say this: Jupiter at 1 degree of Gemini will likely trigger the New Moon/solar eclipse we had at 1 Gemini on May 20th. I anticipate a release of a bottleneck of information that allows us to see more clearly into the murky depths.
Stay tuned…