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Los Angeles

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Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday-Thursday 10/19-20/2016: Mars-Pluto Slugfest; Two Davids, Right on Schedule

Alllll-righty then!

The day is driven by the Moon info junkie Gemini, seeking to be the smartest kid in the room. What sordid barrage of facts and figures will assault our collective senses in light of this morning’s potentially brutal meet-up between Mars (action action action) and Pluto (resistance is futile) in status-seeking, patriarchal Capricorn? And from what dark dungeon will it emerge? Mars and Pluto come together at 7:18AM ET; that Gemini Moon is staunchly opposed by an opinionated Saturn in Sagittarius at 7:40AM ET.

If you have a planet or angle around 14-16 degrees (halfway through) Aries, Libra, Cancer and especially Capricorn, you’re likely feeling the emotional intensity and/or power play more than most.

I’ll be on the watch for more startling revelations and tech innovations as mental Mercury is opposed by erratic Uranus at 3:48AM ET on THURSDAY. Note that the Moon will be void of course Thursday AM between 7:16 and 11:28, no doubt generating plenty of much-ado-about-nothing info junkie (info junk?) Gemini buzz. Chill! We’ve got one more provocative hit to go through on Oct 29th, when Mars challenges Uranus, suggesting risk and recklessness. Planetary patterns in the ensuing weeks are less disruptive.

Meanwhile, we can expect a manifestation of the above planetary patterns in tonight’s slugfest third presidential debate, which officially starts at 6PM PT in Las Vegas. One party will be obviously more on the attack than the other — likely Hillary Clinton’s opponent. I say likely because the debate probably won’t start on time, and in this case, that few minutes do make a difference in determining which it is.  The attacks will be attention-dominating, but ultimately are not likely to be integrated in any meaningful way.  The other party will endeavor to keep it optimistic, big-picture focused, with a risk of pushing boundaries in its expression. The debate starts with the Moon at 21 degrees of Gemini, exactly square Chiron, a.k.a. the Wounded Healer. This pattern reinforces the dredging up of past personal transgressions suggested in other patterns. Send the little kids off to bed early — oy vey!

And now, the news.

As I type, a second Mars orbit and landing effort is underway. It’s called Exo Mars — on a Mars-Pluto meet-up AND a Mercury-Uranus face-off? Those who speak astrology can not help but marvel at the astonishing synchronicity of planetary patterns and the headlines.

Also in sync: “Guiding Trump, an Ex-General Shakes His Fist at Washington.” Mars refers to the military and anger. The ex-general is Michael Flynn, whose birth date is unknown (“December 1958,” says Wikipedia).

UPDATE: In recent days Bernie Sanders experienced the second exact hit of transiting Uranus opposing his natal Venus. We’d expect an intensification and disruptive potential in his social expression. So what happened? A few days ago one of his tweets resulted in the stock price of a drug company — Ariad — to drop almost $400 million in one day. I’d say that’s pretty disruptive. That same day I saw a number of posts on Facebook about an op-ed Bernie Sanders wrote for the Los Angeles Times — in August. Why was the op-ed getting attention in October?

The next exact hits to his Venus and Mars from Uranus will happen in March. If you happen to be a Bernie supporter who is contemplating sitting out the election because your candidate is not on the ballot, consider this: if the Democrats regain control of the Senate, Sanders could become the chair of the Senate Budget Committee, which would ruin Speaker Paul Ryan’s day, as he says right here.  So quit sulking and vote. Right after Election Day, Senator Sanders will have a transit suggesting potential for an advance of ambition and authority, or a potential squeeze. Which will it be?

UPDATE: David Letterman. When we last looked at his horoscope back in March of 2015, we anticipated that the summer and into 2016 would be a year of significant change. Here he is in a recent interview, sporting a full-length beard and talking about his travels to India for his work on Years of Living Dangerously, a new series about climate change (National Geographic Channel on Oct 30). Thank you transiting Uranus and Pluto on Mr. Letterman’s natal Venus, transforming his social expression and values.

Meanwhile, reflecting the potential for power plays and tech disruptions: Ecuador cut off Julian Assange’s internet connection. Owners of exploding Samsung Galaxy 7 phones are furious that Samsung is stalling on making good on damages allegedly suffered. Hopefully someone else’s power play won’t disrupt your world.

Finally, Bob Dylan  isn’t the only 75-year old music legend making headlines. David Crosby has a new album out and it’s lovely to hear. A quick glance at his horoscope and we immediately see that his me-me-me Aries Ascendant (suggesting a need to be seen as inspiring and pioneering) is about to receive its last hit from transiting Pluto, suggesting an empowering new perspective and presentation. We also note that his Ascendant and his Midheaven were under pressure from both Uranus and Pluto back in 2014, when he released his first solo album in 20 years. Coincidence or conspiracy? Check out this excerpt from an interview published in The Guardian (and linked above):

You’re 75. Does having one of the most productive streaks happen now opposed to decades ago mean more to you?

It means a lot. I’m not sure I fully understand why it happened.

Mr. Crosby, if you are reading this now, please get in touch with me and I will explain it to you. If anyone who knows Mr. Crosby happens to be reading this, please forward it to him.

Astrology is amazing. What’s going on in your horoscope?