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“I can't thank you enough for the incredible adventure in astrology. You have that rare gift that certainly all who call themselves astrologers don't possess... you're the real deal!! It seriously blew me away that you were able to not only nail so much from my past (exact times/years certain events took place, along with situations with family, relationships and beyond) but you've already helped with my present! The answers you gave to the specific questions I asked pertaining to important career-related happenings this week have already proven true. I will look forward to an update in a year or so.”
– S.L.
New York, NY

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Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday & Thursday 7/13-14/2016: Vetting Potential Veeps; Game On

The work day is driven by the intensity of Moon in Scorpio, seeking depth and substance in its quest for world domination. It’s aided and abetted by a smooth connection to dreamy Neptune at 4:47PM ET. Easy connections to other planets continue into Thursday, with a buoyant alignment with Jupiter at 7:23AM ET, followed by another to the Sun at 2:45PM ET, suggesting balance.

Thursday evening, however, is marked by a meet-up between the Scorpio Moon and Mars at 6:22PM ET, suggesting focused and penetrating action re: that Scorpio need for mastery. Moon then immediately goes void, not to enter the next sign — Sagittarius — until 5:14AM ET on FRIDAY. Chill on Thursday evening.

Of note today (Wednesday) is Mercury, which leaves Cancer for Leo at 8:47PM ET. This shift, along with the ingress of Venus yesterday also into Leo, is certainly contributing to the spotlight currently shining on Governor Mike Pence of Indiana. Pence is apparently one of three candidates — along with Newt Gingrich (written about in Monday’s updated forecast) and Chris Christie — that Trump is considering for VP.

Pence has Venus and Mars at 0 and 3 degrees of Leo, respectively. Both will be receiving a brief dose of popular buzz this week, courtesy of transiting Mercury and Venus — and also the Sun, when it enters Leo on Friday. Hmmm.  Pence’s horoscope comes equipped with pixie-dust and snake oil, similar to the stashes we see in the horoscopes of Trump, Christie and Gingrich.  How so?

Surely we must be now talking about Neptune, since we are talking about pixie-dust and snake oil. Yep. Pence has Neptune square to his regal, “get away with murder” Venus-Mars in Leo. Trump has Mercury (the way he needs to think; communication) square Neptune.  Gingrich has Sun and Moon square Neptune, along with an obsessive aspect between Neptune and Mars. Christie’s Neptune is in a self-contained bubble with Mars and Jupiter in a defensive pattern known as a Grand Trine.

Neptune is an essential ingredient in any creative vision. Too much of it can be hard to manage. Hillary Clinton has one aspect to Neptune in her horoscope — a “soft” aspect to Neptune from Mars. It pales in comparison to the level of Neptune in these other horoscopes. If she had a strong Neptune, perhaps she’d be seen as more inspiring or visionary. Barack Obama has Sun square Neptune — more problematic, suggesting challenges in figuring out exactly who he is. But it also explains why he successfully ran his first campaign on one word: HOPE.  Speaking of hope, do you think Bill Clinton — the man from Hope, AR –might have a  heavy Neptune influence in his horoscope? And of course the U.S. has Mars square Neptune in its horoscope…

While we’re looking at similarities among these Republican VEEP prospects, consider that both Trump and Gingrich are Geminis with Moon in Sagittarius; Christie is a Virgo, likely with Moon in Sagittarius; Pence is a Gemini with Moon either in Cancer or Gemini, probably the latter. What’s the big planetary pattern that’s been at play over the past bewildering couple of months? A T-square among Saturn in Sagittarius, Jupiter in Virgo and Neptune in Pisces, with the Sun, Venus and Mercury in Gemini occasionally dropping in to turn the T-square into a Grand Cross.

Back to Governor Pence, whom Trump took on a trial run as a prospective running mate yesterday. In the words of the Washington Post’s James Hohmann:

One of the bigger knocks on Mike Pence when he was in the House, whispered privately among some leading lights of the conservative movement, was that he comes across as inauthentic and a little phony. As a former radio host, he still sometimes talks with a bit of an affect and he’s prone to hyperbole. Lavishing over-the-top praise on Donald Trump over recent days in an effort to become his running-mate will only cement this perception.

For example, Pence declared last night that, “Trump understands the frustrations and the hopes of the American people like no other American leader in my lifetime since Ronald Reagan.” This is a laughable comment when you consider that he endorsed Ted Cruz on April 29—just 10 weeks ago!—ahead of the Indiana primary. If Pence actually believes the above to be true, why didn’t he endorse Trump then?

A good question, and welcome to the lessons taught by the Mutable Signs: Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo and Pisces. Here’s the blurb I wrote about them back in June, along with the Mutable Grand Cross. Mutable Signs are also called double-bodied signs. They are changeable and adaptive. Some might say they are evasive and/or totally two-faced. Hillary Clinton’s Moon in is Pisces. Perhaps people who have called her evasive – and worse in that vein — are responding to the potential for fluctuation a Pisces Moon suggests.

Hohmann continues:

Temperamentally, the even-keeled Pence is in many ways the un-Trump. A favorite line, which he has repeated ad nauseum for years, is that he’s a conservative, but he’s “not in a bad mood about it.”

And that’s exactly why so many Hoosiers are stunned by Pence’s uncharacteristically fiery remarks on Trump’s behalf. “That’s the most exciting I’d ever heard or seen the man,” Lyle Enyeart, a Pence supporter, told the Indianapolis Star last night. “Man, what a ball of fire there.”

So what else is going on in Pence’s horoscope to reflect the potential for a sudden surge? His Jupiter at 24 degrees of Scorpio, where Mars has been sitting for almost two months now, energizing his need for expansion and reward. Not only that, but he just had the third expansive hit of transiting Jupiter to his Gemini Sun last month.

We don’t have a birth time for Mike Pence. Data: June 7, 1959 Columbus Indiana. Even without an exact birth time, I’m not convinced he’s the “attack dog” running mate Trump says he wants, as he apparently told the Wall Street Journal yesterday. The horoscopes of Christie and Gingrich suggest they would make more effective snarling canines.  Without an exact time confirmed for any of these candidates, we can’t speculate for sure, but of the three, Gingrich’s horoscope seems hotter going into 2017.

How did I end up on this long political track?

UPDATE as of July 14th: Contrary to what he told the WSJ, Trump said in a subsequent interview that he was NOT looking for “an attack dog.”  Fine, then choose Pence. Right now rumors and other alleged leaks report that Mike Pence WILL be his VP pick — here it is on the NYT — while still acknowledging that with all the mutable energy in Trump’s horoscope, not to mention the prominence of his bewildering and potentially duplicitous Mercury-Neptune square, maybe it won’t be Pence who finally makes the cut when the VP pick is scheduled to be announced Friday at 11AM ET. Next week, when Trump accepts the Republican Party nomination,  the Leo Sun will meet up with Pence’s Venus (apologies — in an earlier version of this post, I said that would happen on July 15th).  OK, the NYT didn’t really cite those astrological observations in its reportage. Then again, it did refer to Trump as “mercurial”…and he is a Gemini, ruled by Mercury…

UPDATE: Trump announced on Twitter that Pence was his pick — around 11AM ET on the 15th.

Let’s talk about Pokemon Go, the app that was launched in a week in of tech buzzy/superpowered planetary patterns among many planets, on a day with Moon in playful Leo. What did you launch last Wednesday, July 6th? This game, which mixes real life and virtual reality, is going gangbusters in U.S.; Nintendo’s stock is through the roof. There’s so much press about it that it feels like the game has been around since forever, even though it’s only been a week.

With all that’s going on in the world, it’s understandable that people would welcome an escape, especially one that makes the “real world” seem more fantastic. I’d argue that the U.S. is especially receptive to anything that paints the world as a magical place, given transiting Neptune currently making contact with the U.S. Ascendant. Neptune-Ascendant phases can be surreal, disorienting, bewildering. Here are some thoughts…and here are some others…on Neptune in the U.S. horoscope now.

Astrology can also be a magical experience. What’s going on in your horoscope? Here’s the 411 on personal consultations. We will have an excellent discussion together.

Thank you for reading this forecast.



Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday & Thursday 6/17-18/2015: Planting Seeds; Rachel Dolezal, Pope Francis & More…

Up and at ’em. The drive of today’s Cancer Moon is mostly free and clear. It’s also fresh and new. Launch away! Cancer is a nurturing energy which needs to focus on home(land) and family concerns. It is emotional and intuitive, and it will carry us through the end of Thursday.

Between now and then we may see a power play or other catharsis around 9:42PM ET tonight, as the Moon makes its weekly challenge with Pluto. Thursday morning may present a wake-up call or upset to the status quo, as the Moon is challenged by Uranus at 7:24AM ET. Keep planting seeds related to your New Moon projects.

And now, the news.

As noted earlier, the nurturing Cancer Moon is a perfect time for Pope Francis to release his status quo-disrupting statements on climate change. And of course he would publish a major work with transiting Uranus opposing his natal Mars, which rule his 8th and 9th houses, respectively. This is a time for daring initiative, and I said as much back in December.

Did you know he has a degree in chemistry? A pope who is also a scientist — what a concept — and you’d think that all of the howling climate change deniers who are also politicians and avowed Catholics would know that about the leader of their church. Don’t they know how dumb they look when they say stuff like this? Here’s an interesting article about how the archbishop of Miami is planning to incorporate the pope’s encyclical into his sermons.  What do you think? Will things change?

Here is another past post about the pope and his horoscope. This one is pretty darn good, too. Read it  and you’ll appreciate my thoughts on journalism, two paragraphs down.

Themes of nurturing and security are also evident in the headlines buzzing about the Supreme Court’s upcoming ruling on the Affordable Care Act. Will residents in states that did not create their own health care exchanges lose their federal tax credits and thus be unable to afford their health insurance premiums? If the ruling comes during the Cancer Moon, one would think that security would be preserved. But it does not solve the insurmountable challenge of delivering health care sustainably in a system that is driven by profit, as noted in this article about why some  hospitals mark up costs by 1000%.

Meanwhile, an update on a story that broke in the aftermath of the last Full Moon — the one about laid-off workers at Disneyworld whose jobs were handed over to temporary workers imported from India (but not before the laid-off workers were forced to train their replacements). After the story was published, a senator got involved. And yesterday, 35 Disney employees in New York and Burbank who were facing similar fates were told that their layoffs had been canceled. That’s good news!

Let’s pause for a moment and consider the power of investigative journalism. Now let’s consider that on the home page of the Washington Times, which is one of the two papers Justice Antonin Scalia says he reads (the other is the Wall Street Journal), there is absolutely no mention of this Disney story or the Affordable Care Act or Pope Francis. The top story at the moment is this: Green Berets’ Efforts to Take Down ISIS Undermined by Shoddy US Intelligence. Well, at least they are concerned with homeland security, as we would expect with a Moon in Cancer. Nothing about Pope Francis or those other two stories on the WSJ home page, either. The top story: “Greek Central Bank Sees ‘Uncontrollable Crisis’ If Talks Fail.” Another version of homeland security. “I just LOVE uncontrollable crises in banking!” said no one with Moon in Cancer ever.

Where do you get your news?

Meanwhile, I’ve been thinking a lot about one of the Sabian Symbols for that last Full Moon — “a topsy saucily asserting itself”. There was Caitlyn Jenner looking saucy on the cover of Vanity Fair. And yesterday, there was Rachel Dolezal on Today, asserting her identity as a black woman. Coincidence or conspiracy?

Ms. Dolezal (November 12, 1977 in Montana),  is a Scorpio with Moon in righteously opinionated Sagittarius. We don’t have a birth time, but my money says she was born with that Moon in close contact with visionary/illusionist Neptune, and it may well be under the bewildering spell of a Neptune transit now. She has Mars in regal Leo, of which astrologer Grant Lewi notes, “gets away with murder”.  Do you really want to argue with her? Uh-uh. And would you be surprised to see that rebel and eccentric Uranus is running wild in her chart?  Nope. Nor would you be surprised by a contact between Pluto and the Nodal Axis, suggesting a mother-daughter relationship that is quite the power struggle.

That Pluto-Node pattern is under stress from transiting Pluto through the rest of the year. Ms. Dolezal’s Saturn at 29 Leo just got hit by transiting Saturn at 29 Scorpio. That’s no surprise, either. We’d expect to see challenges to the ambitious reach she would have made about seven years ago, when she had her first Saturn return. A Saturn return can be experienced as a new lease on life. It appears to be about seven years ago that Ms. Dolezal began to alter her appearance, so much that others perceived her as African-American.

That pressure from transiting Saturn won’t subside until this fall, when Saturn makes it back to Sagittarius. In August, Ms. Dolezal’s older brother faces charges of child sexual abuse.

Kinda makes you stop and compare all of the trials and tribulations you have in your life right now. Would you really trade them with someone else?


I’m expecting plenty of cosmic breakthroughs between now and next week’s easy alignment between Jupiter and Uranus. Here’s one about

…a lost generation of monster stars that ushered light into the universe after the Big Bang and that jump-started the creation of the elements needed for planets and life before disappearing forever.

Cosmic indeed. Always good to end on a high note…



Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday-Sunday 10/13-16/2011: Fascinating Rhythms

It could be argued that the prime directive of Moon in Taurus is to keep things as they are, for the sake of preserving security, especially material security: food, shelter, clothing. It also needs to “keep the peace” and it can be quite stubborn in its efforts. It does not like change! It also needs to keep things real, an effort that is supported by yesterday’s Sun-Saturn hook-up (read forecasts from earlier in the week), and yet is currently challenged by an obsessive connection between crusading Mars and fantasy-driven Neptune that can feel like you’ve just fallen down a rabbit hole. Isn’t it amazing to see the words “rabbit hole” on the front page of the New York Times, especially in conjunction with one of the ultimate words in material security? Coincidence or conspiracy?

Friday’s early AM hours have an edge, as that stubborn Taurus Moon is challenged by action-oriented Mars in Leo (a placement known for success at getting away with murder). I’m hoping that as the day progresses, we’ll be more in tune with a jubilant, if a tad expensive/over-indulgent connection between Jupiter, the cosmic sugar daddy and Venus, the planet associated with love, money, art and beauty.

Saturday AM kicks off with a Moon void from 6:52AM to 10:15AM; folks on the West Coast likely won’t even notice it, though dreams may be more vivid than usual, courtesy of a connection between Moon and nebulous Neptune. Moon moves into the pixie-chatterbox sign of Gemini at 10:15AM ET, where it will delight in spreading the word all over town. What’s the buzz? Tell me what’s happening! Could be intense and dirt may be revealed, suggested by a connection between Mercury (mind, communication), now in the deeply substantive, spare-no-feelings sign of Scorpio — and everyone’s favorite planet, ruthless Pluto. Try to keep it light.

Meanwhile, in the headlines…Thursday’s heaviness of controlling Saturn in Libra (fairness, justice, the law) conjunct the Sun (life-force) was reflected in so many ways. Convicted inside-trader Raj Rajaratnam was sentenced to 11 years in prison — the second heaviest sentence yet for the three people who have been prosecuted for financial misdeeds since the 2008 financial crisis (Bernie Madoff got a longer sentence, and the third guy got…hmmm….maybe there wasn’t a third, as Martha Stewart served her time before 2008, I think).

In Connecticut, the second defendant in a deeply disturbing home invasion/triple murder case was found guilty of all charges. In Washington, the foiled plot by Iran (allegedly) to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to the US is being taken very, very seriously, with potentially heavy consequences to follow  And in New York, Mayor Bloomberg has informed Occupy Wall Street that they must move out so Zuccotti Park can be cleaned — and that they will no longer be permitted to bring camping gear into the Park. OWS responded by accusing Bloomberg of trying to shut down the protests. It subsequently began efforts to clean up the park on their own and have vowed to stand firm against actions by law enforcement to kick them out. Heavy!

The horoscope for Friday, October 14th at 7AM in New York, NY is fascinating. Controlling Saturn and Sun are rising — within eight minutes of clamping down on the Ascendant (the persona of the moment, if you will) — talk about an iron fist in a velvet glove! Idealism rules. There’s an obsessive push for prominence. And of course that Moon in Taurus suggests neither side is going to back down. And what’s particularly fascinating is this: the Ascendant (one of the most important points in a horoscope, after the Sun and the Moon), is 19 degrees of Libra — “a gang of robbers in hiding”.  Does that ring a bell? This is the degree of the Sun in Tuesday’s full Moon!! Re-read the forecast for the Full Moon, and before your head really explodes, consider THIS: the Midheaven (public image) of the horoscope of New York is…19 Aries (“a magic carpet” — how fitting and inspiring for a city known for its skyscrapers).

If you’re an astrology student you can ponder the significance of this fascinating synchronicity and symbolism on how New York is serving as a local lightning rod for the global event of this month’s Full Moon. To other readers, I’m pointing this out to illustrate that when we see planetary patterns repeating themselves, it suggests that something of significance is happening! 

In Zuccotti Park, I will be interested to see what happens around 8:30AM and what develops between 11:30AM and 1:30PM.

To be continued…

And thanks to all of you who have shared these forecasts with the rest of the free world. Much appreciated!