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"Last night’s session was a delightful time for me. IT WAS ALL ABOUT ME!!! You are so articulate and caring, and I thoroughly enjoyed the time, all the nu- ances you brought to it and your obviously experienced, long- time expertise."
- Bill R.
Los Angeles

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Monday 6/17/2019: Full Moon in Sagittarius; Neptune Retrograde; the Slings & Arrows of Mercury-Mars with Pluto

And heeeere we go again!

The Full Moon in Sagittarius happened at 4:31 AM ET and then went void until 12:13 PM ET. That’s your excuse for any flake or twist that may have disrupted your morning routine. But as of 12:13 PM ET, the Moon is now fully focused in Capricorn, seeking to take care of business no matter how it feels. The week rolls like this — and these patterns are all part of the release and illumination of this Full Moon, which challenges the Gemini Sun’s ability to present factual information, against the Sagittarius need to express an enthusiastic and/or bombastic opinion

  • TUESDAYSaturn makes a cooperative connection with Neptune at 7:40 AM ET. Saturn is structure; Neptune is vision. If you have a vision it, make it real  — would be one interpretation. That could be awesome — unless your vision happens to be a lie. Hmmm. At 12:05 PM ET, Mercury and Mars meet up in Cancer, seeking a convincing and provocative case for home/homeland security and other domestic concerns. Around midnight, the no-nonsense Capricorn Moon meets up with the toxic South Node and Saturn, then sextiles Neptune, suggesting an ambitious corporate/patriarchal advance, with a pair of rose-colored glasses at no extra charge. Is it a coincidence or conspiracy that at  8 PM ET — live from Orlando, FL — P45 will officially launch his 2020 campaign? Consider the patterns outlined in this paragraph to give you a sense of its message, along with this next batch, exact on…
  • WEDNESDAY — as a ruthless barrage of provocative communication, along with someone’s dirty laundry exposed is reflected by a face-off between the Capricorn Moon and Cancer Mars, exact at 6:22 AM ET. Next is a face-off between Mercury (how we think and communicate) and Pluto, exact at 6:52 AM ET. If you know someone with a tough aspect between Mercury and Pluto, you may have noticed they will not hesitate to slice you to pieces in a war of words. But wait — there’s more!   At 7:16 AM ET, Moon makes its weekly clash with Pluto, suggesting a catharsis or power play. Three minutes later, Moon opposes Mercury (more challenging communication) — before going void for the rest of the business day. Chill chill chill during the Moon void — don’t make a mountain out of a molehill. This is especially relevant on this day because at 11:21 PM ET, Mars — seeking to defend its turf in homeland Cancer — will oppose Pluto, suggesting strong potential for stamina (useful if physical exertion is required) or a nasty outburst of aggression. Here are some headlines from past Mars-Pluto oppositions — and here’s a write-up about Bette Midler’s horoscope, as she was born with Mars opposing Pluto, as clearly evidenced on her relentless Twitter feed.
  • THURSDAY –– At 10:01 PM ET on Wednesday, Moon enters Aquarius, seeking to network and be of social significance. After the disruption suggested by the Moon’s weekly clash with rebel Uranus at 8:56 AM ET (surprise!), Moon cruises through the day without any bumps in the road. What we are likely to be noticing now is…
  • FRIDAYMoon goes void at 10:03 AM ET for the whole business day. Wanna start the weekend early? Go for it. At 10:36 AM ET Neptune — planet of dreams — turns retrograde. That means it’s been slowing to a virtual standstill all week, with an effect not unlike the sound of  a blaring car horn. When a planet changes direction, it brings matters symbolized by that planet into focus. We’ll talk more about Neptune retrograde later this week. We will also talk about the Summer Solstice, which happens at 11:54 AM ET. Just know that as the Sun makes its way through the last days of Gemini, it suggests prominent developments involving leaders and CEOs. So watch the news.
  • SATURDAY & SUNDAYMoon enters Pisces at 7:02 AM ET and there is no reason why you can’t enjoy a beautiful weekend escape, as planetary patterns sublimely suggest. Stay tuned to this channel for details.

Oh — almost forgot to mention the Sabian Symbols for this morning’s Full Moon. For the Moon: “A flag bearer.” For the Sun: “Winter frost in the woods.” The last time I wrote about this pair was…wait for it…ready? On the New Moon in Gemini on June 16, 2015 — that’s when P45 launched his election campaign — here’s the forecast for that day. Amazing.

And now, the news.

Jupiter = big. Jupiter = publishing. Neptune = music. From Sunday’s NYT magazine: “Behind the Untold Story of the Universal Music Fire” — in which thousands of master recordings were apparently destroyed, and the artists are just learning about it now…

Neptune = toxins and plastics. The Guardian, having launched one investigative series called “Toxic America,” just launched a new one: “The United States of Plastic.”

Meanwhile, a random example of Saturn (reality) driven by illusion (Neptune): “They have millions of Instagram followers, but they’re not real people.” Instead they are computer-generated creations being used to promote various brands — presumably for less cost and risk of a human doing something scandalous that sullies the brand.

In other news, I  promised you last week that under this Jupiter-Neptune square we would hear stories of refugees sparking compassion, likely involving bad initiatives launched for the sake of homeland security (thank you, Mars in Cancer opposing Saturn in Capricorn).  Have you heard of Baby Constantin? He’s the subject of this NYT investigative story: “The Youngest Child Separated From His Family at the Border Was 4 Months Old.”  

UPDATE: on Melania Trump, who made news on Friday in a special  CNN  report: “Woman of Mystery: Melania Trump.”  Of course she would be a woman of mystery, given her natal Neptune opposing her Venus and Mars. That’s a potentially glamorous, sexy and enigmatic combination. Bill Clinton has a similar pattern: Mars, Neptune and Venus right on his people-pleasing, conflict-avoiding Libra Ascendant. But why would that CNN special about Melania be airing now? Because — as noted here last year — Melania’s Taurus Sun is being supercharged by transiting Uranus right this minute — and will continue to be cattleprodded into early 2020. Break-outs and/or break-ups; either would apply.

With all the dreadful and bewildering stories making news, at the end of this day, the most-shared item on The Guardian (posted during the morning’s Moon void) was this: “Accidental cat filter appears on Pakistan official’s briefing.”   Enjoy!

Is your horoscope scheduled for a potential break-out or break-up? If so, life will be easier if you are prepared to channel that buzz of excitement — or manage any surprise that may be in store. Here’s the 411 on personal consultations.

Thank you for reading this forecast.

I leave you with flowers gifted by a cherished client over the weekend — as a reminder to take time to seek beauty under this week’s dreamy Neptune spell…


Friday 6/14/2019 & the Weekend: Up, Up and Away


A Scorpio Moon drives this day with a need for emotional intensity, secrets, power and control. More of the same from yesterday, with extra bonus militant discipline suggested by the 11:49 AM ET opposition between Mars and Saturn, as well as Mars and the toxic South Node.   Unlike the trine, the opposition is a challenging aspect. Two planets are literally opposed to one another; how will they integrate? Mars is the energy of action and heat. Saturn is the energy of structure and cold. Thus Mars and Saturn can run hot and cold, suggesting that a project running merrily along is suddenly blocked — or attacked.  Avid Readers may recall that last month, when Mars (weapons)  was in Gemini (words), we cited headlines where words did in fact become weapons, or the PTB was engaged in a war of words. With Mars in Cancer, the weapon can become whatever Cancer symbolizes: motherhood, homeland security, family security, food/nourishment; emotional response. Next week — on June 19th — Mars and Mercury will oppose Pluto, which can be even more ruthless in thought and action. On the plus side, it can be quite helpful for investigative reporting.

Meanwhile, the Scorpio Moon goes void at 3;45 PM ET, not to enter Sagittarius until Saturday. If you can start the weekend early, please do. If you can’t, don’t freak out over a perceived crisis that may crop up overnight, as it is likely to be much ado about nothing.

  • SATURDAY:  Moon enters Sagittarius at 5:03 AM ET, offering a break from the emotional intensity and an outlet for its righteously optimistic opinion. A Sag Moon needs to be enthusiastic and push boundaries. Get out in nature; take in a foreign film; consider something outside your usual comfort zone because it will be fun! Note that the Moon is waxing, thus the fiery Sag emotions are running high. The Full Moon won’t be exact until early MONDAY, but before we get to that release, we must process three other patterns in effect this week and exact on…
  • SUNDAY. Mercury trines Neptune at 7:43 AM ET. Note your dreams today. That dreamy vision gets a reality check or a structural advance around 10 AM ET, as Mercury is opposed by Saturn. At 11:18 AM, Jupiter officially squares Neptune for the second time this year.  The first square was on January 13th — here’s what was going on back then.  Meanwhile, the Sag Moon makes contact with both Jupiter and Neptune at 3:08 PM and 3:11 PM ET, respectively. More dreamy indulgence…or flat-out lies. Watch the headlines.

If you were born around the 10th of June, September, December and March or have a planet around 18 degrees of Gemini, Virgo, Pisces or Sagittarius, your need for vision and/or a dreamy escape is likely to be felt more keenly than others. If you were born around the 10-13th of January, April, July or October or have a planet around 18-22 degrees of Cancer, Aries, Libra or Capricorn, you are more likely to be feeling provoked, for better or for worse. And you should also be checking in with your astrologer to discuss all of the happenings in your horoscope now — and into early 2020.

The Full Moon in Sagittarius will be exact on MONDAY at 4:31 AM ET. It goes void — not to enter Capricorn until 12:13 PM ET. East Coasters, if you sleep in or sneak into to the office late, you won’t be missing anything of consequence.

And now, the news.

Uranus is a disruptor; Taurus refers to money, bulls and cows, ownership, material security, food, earth. We know we’re in for shocks and innovations in all Taurus concerns.

With Jupiter in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces, we expect boats, oil, toxins, refugees, lies, religion, foreign affairs, belief, horses, publishing, press, spies, scandal, drugs, big, big — and did I mention BIG?

And, on the lighter side: “Kim Jong Un’s murdered half brother (and casino playboy) accused of being CIA informant”

UPDATE: on Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who hasn’t held a press briefing in almost 100 days. Last year, with transiting Uranus disrupting her sense of aesthetics and values, she was kicked out of a restaurant. This year, with Uranus moving on to her Jupiter and Mars, she’s making a big break:  returning to Arkansas at the end of June (where it is rumored she may run for governor). Bye, Felicia!

UPDATE: on Kellyanne Conway, whose natal Mars is being activated by transiting Plutoas noted here. The second exact hit is June 15th (tomorrow); Pluto on Mars can be ruthless. Yesterday, an independent federal ethics group recommended she be fired for consistently mixing political speech in with  her federal office worker job. Not bloody likely to be fired in 2019, with transiting Jupiter facilitating an aura of protection in her career sector. Plus she has a stubborn Taurus Moon, which isn’t going anywhere, thank you very much. We’ll have to wait until 2020, when transiting Saturn will put the squeeze on her 29 Capricorn Sun and ramp up the stress on her conflict-avoiding 22 Libra Mars. She may yet stay put, but it’s likely to be tough.

UPDATE: on Jon Stewart, written about several times back in 2015. That’s when we could see why he’d be feeling a need to leave The Daily Show behind, even though he is a notorious skeptic when it comes to astrology. Maybe he has a Capricorn Ascendant. Who knows. We don’t have a birth time for Mr. Stewart, but the influence of wiggy Neptune is well behind him. He has Moon and Sun in frankly-speaking Sagittarius, and I wouldn’t be surprised if his Moon was around 18-19 degrees Sagittarius, which is where Jupiter is right now. Thus his need to express his opinion is likely to be EXPANSIVE. This week Jon Stewart went to Washington to tell Congress how shameful it was that they hadn’t renewed funding to cover medical care for 9/11 first responders. Did I mention that Jon Stewart has Mars in regal Leo? Yea verily, no planet does indignant drama more effectively than Mars in Leo — it needs needs needs to put on a compelling show, and right now it’s well-supported by Jupiter’s expansion. After Stewart’s impassioned presentation, the House voted unanimously to renew the funds. We’ll see what the Senate does.

UPDATE: on P45, who was born on this day in 1946. That means his solar return — the chart for the moment the sun returns to where it was on the day he was born — includes all of the challenging patterns we are seeing in the headlines now: the reality-challenge of Jupiter square Neptune; the militant discipline of Mars opposing Saturn; the combative mindset of Mars conjunct Mercury, ruthlessly pushing the authoritarian Saturn-Pluto in Capricorn agenda. Add in a Grand Trine among Mercury-Mars, Neptune and the controlling/secretive Scorpio Moon, and we have another year suggesting emotional self-sufficiency, with no need to ask anyone for input whatsoever. We also see rebel Uranus in the First House of the solar return chart, echoing a go it alone potential.

I remember looking at this chart last year and mentioning in an astrological discussion forum that regardless of P45’s personal fate, this week and next week looked seriously tense for world affairs, as if it were on the brink of a major conflict. So it is no surprise to see the news from the Straits of Hormuz about oil tankers attacked, with the US (and now the UK) blaming Iran.


I love this innovative approach to forestry (Uranus in Taurus), combined with practical composting in matters of life and death (Saturn-Pluto in Capricorn). Add in the visionary potential of Jupiter square Neptune and you get “Could trees be the new gravestones? Forests as the answer to “eternity management.” Sign me up!


NYT columnist David Brooks penned a Jupiter-Neptune themed op-ed this week, “The Age of Aquarius All Over Again! Belief in astrology and the occult is surging.” The op-ed contained this statistic:

This surge in belief is primarily among the young. According to a National Science Foundation survey, 44 percent of 18- to 24-year-olds say that astrology is somewhat or very “scientific…”

Well…DUH…DUH…and DOUBLE DUH! You wanna know why? Because those 18-24 years old were born with Uranus in Aquarius…and most of them have Neptune in Aquarius, too. Aquarius refers to innovation, technology and astrology. Uranus is innovation and astrology. Neptune is faith and a dissolving of boundaries. So this generation needs to have an innovative perspective on science and astrology…perhaps even blurring the lines between pure science and art. Not only that, but this generation is experiencing transiting Uranus in early Taurus activating their collective Uranus and Neptune in early Aquarius. So their affinity for astrology (Uranus) and the occult (Neptune) is being outed at this time.

Oh, these highly-paid pundits. They can tell us so much…without really knowing WHY. Thank goodness for astrology!

I wrote a lot about David Brooks in 2014 and 2015 when he started writing more and more about spirituality and morality. That need was so clearly articulated in his horoscope. I wonder if he’s ever consulted with an astrologer….have you? Why or why not?

Thank you for reading this forecast.

P.S. — Here’s the title reference for the weekend forecast, performed by The Fifth Dimension.