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Wednesday-Thursday 1/25-26: Inauguration Day; Saturn Square Venus in the News

All-righty then!

True story from yesterday’s Moon void, which occurred between 12:33 PM ET until 5:43 PM ET. Avid Reader Jane accidentally doublebooked her 1PM appt. Two clients came at the same time and she had to decide which one she would need to reschedule. Yikes! Then her 3:15 PM appt showed up at 3:45 PM — without a word of apology or acknowledgment about her tardiness. How rude, right? Turned out that this client thought her appt WAS at 3:45PM — she thought she was exactly on time — d’oh!!!  An awareness that the Moon was void helped Jane react appropriately to the “crisis” at hand  — i.e., not to turn a molehill into a mountain. She rolled with the twists and her life is stress-free as a result. Word!

Since 5:43 PM ET on Tuesday, the Moon has been in Capricorn, driving the day with an ambitious need for action. Look at the headlines and you can see that happening — as anticipated at the start of the week.  An especially steaming and prominent Mars — the symbol of action — is at the very end of Pisces,  adding to the push. It’s colored by the potentially steely or just plain cold & cruel square between Saturn in Sagittarius and Venus in Pisces, exact on Friday at 12:50PM ET.

Venus challenged by Saturn can put a stern face — literally — on matters ruled by Venus: women, art money, social expression.  Remember the “bitchy resting face” that first made headlines a few years ago? That was on another Venus-Saturn square — and noted in this forecast.  In this Venus-Saturn square, Venus is in Pisces, symbolizing empathy, vulnerability, compassion. Saturn in Sagittarius suggests a block or structure to Venus’s expression — in the form of controls based on righteous belief systems.

Is that good or bad? That depends on you. Here in the U.S., the new administration wasted no time reinstating a global gag rule that prohibits U.S. funded NGOs from providing services for — or even mentioning — abortion. Imposing controls on  vulnerable women based on a righteous belief — Venus squared by Saturn. In contrast, The Netherlands announced that it would establish an international fund for such services, countering the global gag rule. Ambitious financing program with an international reach, suggesting a compassionate approach to a women’s issue — based on a righteous belief. Venus squared by Saturn! You can decide which one is good or bad. Planetary patterns have no opinions whatsoever.

If you have a planet or angle around 24 degrees of Gemini, Virgo and especially Sag and Pisces, you are more personally affected by the steely resolve — or cuts —  of Venus squared by Saturn. Consult your local astrologer for details.

And now, the news.

First, as promised —  the chart for the inauguration of the 45th president. What does it suggest?

There’s the Sun — the essential ego energy — right at the top of the chart in Aquarius. Keywords for Aquarius are humanitarian, eccentric, fringe, innovative, genius — that’s a partial list and experience will prove which ones apply. This Sun is not connected to anything else in the chart — and this is significant. It’s just highly visible — the only truly visible planet in the chart, frankly — and it needs to attract a ton of attention for its unique social significance. We can see the potential for it to be isolated and out of step. This potential is echoed in minor patterns (midpoints) linking the Sun to other planets — in pictures suggesting optimism — but mostly acting as a free agent — and not as satisfied as one might expect.  Cue Gilbert O’Sullivan now, please. With this chart, “Alone Again — Naturally” may have been a more fitting inaugural song than “My Way.”

What needs are driving this chart? The Moon in Scorpio — seeking to fulfill its need to be seen as something of depth and control. It is planted in the daily processes of work and other routines — reaching out to control communication, mindset, home,  homeland security and family/core foundation concerns. The only planet the Moon is looking to connect with is Neptune, suggesting these potentials: vision, dream, fantasy, healing, deception, faith, drugs, oil. Moon in Scorpio can certainly be loyal, operating on its own honor code. It can also be waspish and vindictive. Not a happy place for the Moon in an event horoscope, say the traditional teachings of astrology. Especially when we notice a connection to the Moon from Mars and Saturn, suggesting potential moodiness, loss and depression.

The chart has a Taurus Ascendant, suggesting a need to present an image of material comfort and security — perhaps by building a monument symbolizing those Moon in Scorpio controlling needs.  How about a big wall? Venus (money, women, art, social expression) is strongly placed in Pisces — but is sorely challenged by Saturn. This Venus-Saturn square is the second of three patterns that the energy of this event is moving toward. Ambitious and strategic in social expression, perhaps — but chilly. No love lost here. Also of interest about this strongly placed — but challenged — Venus: a connection to Mars and Neptune that suggests a bedazzling magnetism — for better or worse.

A third aspect this event is moving toward is a harmony between Mercury (mindset; communication) and Neptune. This is a strong suggestion of rose-colored glasses, vision, idealism and/or alternative facts. So…in the context of this particular presidency, we would be advised to take whatever is said with a grain of salt. Especially when we notice that this Mercury in the chart is also connected to Saturn and Pluto, two planets suggesting possible hardcore realism and anguish.

The man who now works in the Oval Office has a square between Mercury and Neptune in his horoscope, along with a meet-up between Venus and Saturn. Isn’t it interesting that his horoscope reflects some of the patterns we see in this inauguration chart?

Other observations, in no particular order. If this were a person’s horoscope, I’d expect him to have a need to shake up the system — bigly — with a know-it-all, militant approach. The placement of Pluto in this horoscope suggests a need to mix and mingle with the Powers That Be. Another measurement suggests success with ventures involving those with power and resources — no worries at all in that regard.

Keep the analysis of this chart in mind when reading headlines this week about building walls, keeping foreigners out, issuing gag orders, freezing hiring and research grants at government agencies, deleting White House webpages about climate change and civil rights, pulling out of the TPP and possibly NAFTA and the UN. Can you see how these actions reflect the potential in the chart? Also consider these actions: defending “alternative facts” and other flat-out lies — to the point where the mainstream media is finally saying that the lies are lies.

Compared to the chart for the 115th Congress, I would argue that the inaugural chart is ultimately less potent, given that it is on a waning Moon, whereas the 115th Congress chart is a waxing Moon — something that needs to grow. And then I think back to January 2011, when I first wrote about the chart for a new Congress and observed (to myself), that it didn’t look as if Congress would be able to act effectively until 2017. Is that good or bad? Hmm. Any questions?

Obviously, we could continue to talk about this political stuff, but let’s move on.

Random observation about the stock market — given that the Dow broke 20,000 today. In late 2014 I spent time looking at some bubbles that coincided with challenging patterns between Saturn (reality) and Neptune (surreal), which I wrote about in January of 2015.  I wondered if there was a pattern that coincided with the bubble bursting. And yes, there seemed to be one. Then I looked for when that pattern might occur in the aftermath of last year’s Saturn-Neptune square  — and I did not see it happening immediately. And I thought, “Really?” And now here we are at 20,000. Amazing.

In other Saturn-Venus news — and here I would be looking for a positive application of militant ambition that seeks to advance women, not control them — photos of Sunday’s women’s marches from around the world.  Together, they added up to the largest gathering of protesters ever — in history.  Here’s another item of gravitas: ten things you did not know about the clitoris — making headlines. Meanwhile, Chelsea Manning has a few thoughts on why a militant approach to solving problems is preferable to compromise. Here’s a piece on why women quit working — and it’s not for the reasons men do.

Another Venus-Saturn story — not uplifting, I’m afraid. Mary Tyler Moore has passed away — here is her horoscope — and you can see that her Midheaven is 21 Sagittarius — hit by Saturn at the end of December. Right now she is being hailed in obits as a feminist icon…as this appreciative NYT article explains.   This NYT article has culled seven of the finest episodes of the Mary Tyler Moore Show for your thoughtful entertainment. Mary Tyler Moore was a trailblazer. Her alter ego — Mary Richards — would have marched on Washington last Saturday. RIP.

Thank you for reading this forecast. Here’s the 411 on personal consultations. We will have an excellent discussion together.

Astro-logical Forecast for Monday & Tuesday 9/21-22/2015: Sneak Peek at a Driven Week

Good Morning!

That slow start or twist in the morning routine of some East Coasters came courtesy of Mercury retrograde, combined with the Moon going void of course at 4:59AM. It went void on a square between the Virgo Sun and the Sagittarius Moon, a challenging aspect otherwise known as the First Quarter Moon. What kinks or advances need to be worked out or made to last week’s New Moon agenda?

How convenient that need to Make Things Happen kicked in at 8:33AM ET, when the Moon changed gears and shifted into Capricorn.  This proactive drive continues mostly unimpeded today, with a touch of inspiration added by contact with Neptune around 10:52PM  ET, followed by a boost of enthusiasm suggested by another contact with Jupiter just after midnight.

On Tuesday, the morning is subject to emotional intensity and/or a power play of the most utilitarian kind, as the Moon makes its weekly challenge to Pluto at 8:04AM ET. Another challenge to the Moon from mental Mercury (verrrrrry much retrograde), suggests you add an extra dose of patience and focus to your travels, mindset and communication.

The workday on Tuesday may close with a surprise revelation or other upset to the status quo, as the Moon is challenged by eccentric Uranus at 7:13PM ET. Then the Moon goes void again…not to enter the next sign — Aquarius– until 1:51PM ET on WEDNESDAY. Chill, chill, chill during the void — and remember that crises that crop up during voids are often much ado about nothing. Moon will be void again on Friday 12:02AM until 3:44PM ET — can you start your weekend early?

Planetary patterns of note this week are as follows. There’s a lovely connection between Venus (social expression, aesthetics, women, money) and Uranus which favors unconventional attractions, friendship, humanitarianism and expressions of unity among eclectic groups. This aspect is exact on Tuesday at 11:59PM ET.

On Wednesday we’ll have the Autumnal Equinox, as the Sun leaves Virgo for Libra at 4:21AM ET. It makes a stable and generally productive aspect to Saturn at 2:36PM ET that afternoon. Good for practical business concerns and (re)structuring. More on the significance of the equinox and other turning points later this week.

On Thursday, Mars leaves regal Leo for service-oriented Virgo, seeking perfection and attention to detail in action until November 13th. It immediately clashes with taskmaster Saturn on Friday at 9:12PM ET, putting a potentially militant (albeit effective) and/or frustrating spin on some of the initiatives we may see toward the end of the week. Mars-Saturn squares offer the potential for tremendous drive and discipline; this is not light and fluffy marshmallow energy.

Nor is the ruthlessly blunt, persuasive and dirt-digging potential of another square between Mercury and Pluto on Thursday at 6:32PM ET. Didn’t we just have one of these? Yes, on September 9th. Look for a review and/or rehash of whatever was on our collective plates then, with a final look on October 22nd, when Mercury is again direct.

Last but not least, we’ll have Pluto turning direct on Friday at 2:55AM ET, suggesting we may see an uptick of news items involving power plays, resources and news from underground. You’ll feel the subtle shift of Pluto’s turn if you have a planet around 12 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn. Consult your local astrologer for details.

Oh — there is one more thing. Sunday features a Full Moon/lunar eclipse in me-me-me Aries. So emotions will be building to that high and release all week. It’s the Harvest Moon. What will you reap?

With more than one planets changing sign and/or direction this week — as with last week, too — we are advised to stay flexible. Energy levels are high and yours for the channeling with a mindful FOCUS to balance the  snafu potential suggested by Mercury retrograde. Skype was down this AM — don’t know if it’s back up yet….

And now, the news.

I noticed many headlines reflecting last week’s face-off between Neptune (drugs, oceans, refugees/migrants, scandal, deception) and expansive Jupiter in Virgo (healthcare, service, details, ecology, food production). Will just rattle ’em off here: 30-something hedge fund manager buys drug company; raises price of one life-saving drug from $13 to $750 overnight; tax revenues from marijuana sales in Colorado doubled last year — they are making millions! But not everyone is happy about alleged epidemic use by teens. Meanwhile, an actual physician describes bureaucratic nightmare he experiences four times a year when trying to get prescription refill approved by his insurance company — it reads like a worst-case scenario of patience pushed to the brink when Mercury is retrograde.

Speaking of Mercury retrograde, the Pope is coming to the East Coast. Traffic is going to be a mess!

Meanwhile, cheating on U.S. pollution emission tests. Really, Volkswagen? It did, and its stock has tanked. If I had time, I’d look at that horoscope.

Also noting a lot of items about work routine/environment, another Jupiter in Virgo focus. Here’s one about our toxic (Neptune) work world; here’s one about a year-old study in Sweden concluding that a six-hour work day was more efficient for all parties concerned. Hard to imagine how the U.S., with its tough-as-nails Sun-Saturn square, would joyfully embrace lesser hours…but maybe it would if it was determined that its life depended on it.

Last but not least, take Mercury retrograde and add the humanitarian technogeek factor of Venus trine Uranus with Jupiter in Virgo opposing charitable Neptune, and how about the crowd-funding site Kickstarter REincorporating as a “public benefit corporation” . What timing!

Thank you for reading this forecast.

Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 8/23/2011: Cardinal, Fixed or Mutable?

Say goodbye to Leo; say hello to the Sun entering Virgo at 7:21AM ET.  Virgo is an earth sign (as opposed to fire, water or air). It is also a mutable sign, as opposed to cardinal or fixed. What does that mean? Cardinal signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn. These signs initiate; they come up with the idea.  Fixed signs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius. These signs organize and give form to the concepts pitched by cardinal energy. Mutable signs — Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces — get to spread the word about the cool form the fixed signs organized. Got it?

More about Virgo: it is ruled by Mercury. In health matters it rules the intestinal tract and assimilation. If you have planets in Virgo in your horoscope, and they are under a great deal of developmental tension, you may have some issues with your digestive system.

As for today: a potential for analytical overload or an opportunity to calmly and methodically separate the wheat from the chaff (the symbol for Virgo is a virgin with a shaft of wheat — amazing!)  Enjoy the relative calm; the rest of the week is sure to have some ups and downs. Militant Mars squares off against controlling Saturn early Thursday morning. We’ll see signs of this determined (plus side) and/or frustrated (downside) energy in the headlines from now and all through the week. Moon is void of course all day Thursday, too — and doesn’t enter the next sign until 12:09PM FRIDAY, the day Mercury turns direct. Not a bad week to be on vacation…