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" of the most illuminating readers I've come across. She is quick, perceptive and is very fluent with weaving in what she sees in your chart into what's happening and likely to happen and has happened in your life. I plan to keep Elisabeth as one of my periodic life counselors."
New York, NY

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Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday & Wednesday 3/8-9/2016: New Moon & Solar Eclipse in Pisces

Did you note your dreams upon waking? The Moon met up with visionary Neptune at 6:12AM ET, the first of a flurry of contacts the Moon will make to other planets as it travels through soulful Pisces. If you have a planet or point halfway to two-thirds of the way through Pisces, Virgo, Gemini and Sagittarius, you may be feeling especially  buoyed (upside) or overextended (downside) by a face-off between the Pisces Sun and Jupiter at 5:57AM ET. Actress Camryn Manheim has a birthday today. So does Lester Holt, Mickey Dolenz and Aidan Quinn. I wonder how they are feeling.

A block or an opportunity to push through a block arrives around 4:29PM ET, courtesy of a challenge to the Moon by Saturn. Depth of perspective and emotion may color it, as the Moon connects with Pluto at 5:55PM ET. Next up is a face-off between the Moon and Jupiter, suggesting an echo of whatever expansive/over-extended rush you may have received this morning.  Finally, at 8:54PM ET, we’ll have the Sun and the Moon meet up at 19 degrees of Pisces — a.k.a. the New Moon in Pisces — which will then go void until 2:40PM ET on WEDNESDAY.

This New Moon is a Super Moon. It is also, as you must have heard by now, a total solar eclipse. “Super Moon” is a term coined by astrologer Richard Nolle back in 1979. Here is a helpful  article he wrote, which should clear up any misunderstandings you may have about Super Moons. FYI, Nolle argues that Super Moons seem to coincide with weird, wild weather in the days before and after a Super Moon. Here’s an example of weird, wild weather on its way to Texas right now. In New York tomorrow, forecasters predict it will be 73 degrees. That’s insane. This Super Moon/Eclipse is so weird and wild that it will start on Wednesday and end on Tuesday — and here’s why.

OK, so New Moon, Super Moon and a total Solar Eclipse. What about the “eclipse” part?

A Solar Eclipse can act like a bottleneck of energy. Light flowing from the Sun is temporarily interrupted by the Moon, focusing attention on that interrupted point. Wherever that point falls in your horoscope, something new — and possibly fragile — may enter the picture and grow over the next several months. And here I would be thinking of Michael, the kindhearted policeman in the storybook Make Way for Ducklings, who stopped the flow of traffic on Beacon Street so Mr. and Mrs. Mallard and their brood of eight could safely make their way to the Boston Public Garden. Here is Officer Michael, playing the role of the Moon in a total solar eclipse. Got that?


So when does the bottleneck of energy release, you may be wondering. Good question. We can expect a release of energy (reflected by an event) when another planet makes contact with the degree of the eclipse. Conjunctions are the most potent, but I’d argue that squares and oppositions also make an impact. Here’s an example: in September there was an eclipse that made contact with my Mercury (communication, mindset) and my Ascendant (personal projection, health). My Mercury happens to be in my Third House (communication) and it rules my Sixth House (health, among other things). A couple of months later, when transiting Mars hit the degree of that eclipse (4 Libra), I lost my voice for four days (until my brilliant acupuncturist restored it in less than an hour). See how an issue symbolized by Mercury in the horoscope became a focal point after it was eclipsed? Clear?

This eclipse falls almost exactly opposite the eclipse we experienced on September 13th, at 20 degrees of Virgo. If your horoscope was affected by that event, you are likely to be affected by the one happening today.  Order an Astro-Basics Report if you want to know what degrees all of your planets and angles are at, so you can see where eclipses and other celestial events fall in your horoscope.

Now let’s talk about what patterns we see in the horoscope for this New Moon. First, we see a lot of Water — Sun, Moon, Mercury, Neptune, South Node and Chiron — all in Pisces. Pisces keywords include empathy, ideals, endings, spirits of all kinds,  suffering, at-one-ment, victimization, refugees and other displaced persons our society tends to hide under the nearest rug (or hospital or prison or religious institution or subconscious). The emphasis on Water suggests a flood — literally and figuratively, e.g., a flood of emotion. Today it was reported that scientists expect heavier and harder rainfall in the near-term future.

Mercury and Neptune are together in Pisces, suggesting a need for a visionary mindset, for better or for worse. A faith in something ideal — but is it sublime or delusional? You choose — and others will, too. Action on that rose-colored vision is suggested by Mars in fiery Sagittarius adding its own blend of high-flying zeal and pixie-dust, as it makes contact with Mercury and Neptune. With the South Node and Chiron so close to the Sun and Moon, see the potential for issues involving healing a wound, unrequited love, the lowest common denominator and destruction. Certainly we see the potential for a sense of anguish or extraordinary effort in the face of a threat or loss to be prominent, suggested by a measurement between Saturn and Pluto with the Aries Point.

We also see Jupiter retrograde in earthy Virgo, opposing the Sun-Moon-Chiron and South Node. Jupiter in Virgo needs to expand on the slightest detail, perhaps missing the Bigger Picture. It might not be able to see the forest for the trees. Jupiter being retrograde suggests that whatever it seeks to expand now, it may change its mind about by the time it turns direct on May 3rd. Jupiter is also about to square Saturn in righteously opinionated Sagittarius, amplifying the usual “righteous” quality of any challenge between Jupiter and Saturn.  When these two make contact, we expect a need for a sense of purpose in ambition and reward. Jupiter is also about to trine Pluto in Capricorn, suggesting an easy access to power and resources.  Hmm. I can’t remember where I read this, but another astrologer noted the potential for “throwing the baby out with the bath water” in reference to Jupiter in Virgo so strongly engaged in this eclipse. That’s excellent advice. If anyone knows who wrote that, please let me know so I can give them credit.

The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon at 19 Pisces is “a master instructing his pupil”. Let’s see what Sabian Symbol guru Blain Bovee has to say about that:

The flow of inspiration from a deep and powerful source calls for a mastery of energies, of knowledge, and a skilled ability to transmit that knowledge. The challenge is to channel knowledge through fresh minds in a way so as to not overwhelm, but at the same time not to underwhelm:  overdominating instruction works as poorly as watered-down instruction….if one is never one’s own master, there is danger of being swept away by the strong current of someone else’s take on things.

I added those italics — musing that perhaps those words might suggest the bottom-line challenge for this potent New Moon/Eclipse. Are you strong enough to “stand in your truth” without compromise, no matter which way the madding crowd is going? Suze Orman loves to tell her audience to stand in their truth. Here’s a fascinating interview in which she talks about how she applied that mantra in her own life.

So go ahead, light a candle, make a list and set your intentions for the next 30 days.  In crafting your vision, be willing to release what no longer serves. Around March 15th, on the First Quarter Moon, we can expect a challenge to those goals, with appropriate adjustments made. At the time of the Full Moon on the 23rd, we can expect illumination on the success or failure of our goals for the cycle. If we succeeded, we can consciously release our success into our reality; if we failed, we let go of whatever did not work. After the Third Quarter Moon on March 31st, we can review our achievements, tie up loose ends and get ready to begin another New Moon on  April 7th.

And now, the news.

It is interesting to note that this eclipse falls exactly opposite Joe Biden’s  Midheaven, focusing energy on his home/family/foundation and his public status/career. Transiting Jupiter will trigger this eclipse in the Vice President’s horoscope around July 10th. In Rupert Murdoch’s horoscope, the eclipse falls almost exactly on his 21 Pisces Sun. Transits in his horoscope suggest a recent daring action and upheaval in his life, to be followed by a rose-colored or bewildering experience in his home/family/core foundation concerns. Mr. Murdoch married Jerry Hall on Friday. Alas, no time for the ceremony was reported.

Elsewhere, I am fascinated to see that Kato Kaelin was born on March 9th, 1959 — on a New Moon!  Sun at 19 degrees Pisces; Moon at 20 degrees Pisces — so his horoscope is hit strongly by today’s eclipse. Not only that, but his Midheaven is at 17 degrees Capricorn, which is where transiting Pluto is right now. Transiting Pluto is also supercharging his Venus, which rules Kaelin’s Taurus Ascendant.  We’d expect this to be reflected with increased prominence in his life, which would include the TV series about the O.J. Simpson murder trial that is currently airing on FX.  It will be interesting to see what else develops in the aftermath of this eclipse.

Pluto (and Uranus) are also active in O.J. Simpson’s horoscope, supercharging his 16 degree Cancer Sun for the past couple of years. We also see a truckload of other measurements suggesting intensity of mindset and a raised public profile. No surprise there, right?  He may be in prison, but millions are glued to a TV series about him. It’s interesting that last week — a few days after transiting Mars squared his Leo Ascendant — a knife allegedly found buried on the grounds of his former home was turned over to the police. It’s being tested for DNA evidence, though some sources say it is doubtful the knife is related to the case. Time will tell, along with a few more upcoming provocative hits from Mars in Simpson’s horoscope.  Meanwhile,  the NY Daily News published Kato Kaelin’s thoughts on this twist.

In other news, we wouldn’t be in the dark of the lunar cycle if we didn’t see at least one headline reporting an “under-the-radar” event, e.g., “FBI Quietly Changes Its Privacy Rules for Accessing NSA Data on Americans”.  Finally, reflecting the pixie-dust potential of Mercury and Mars with Neptune this week, you can indulge in J.K. Rowling’s new essay series on “The History of Magic in North America”. She’s going to publish a new installment every day for the next five days.

Remember that tomorrow the Moon will be void until 2:40PM ET. Then it races into Aries, seeking to lead and inspire with great gusto, as it trines Mars at 4:51PM ET. Plant your visionary New Moon seeds!

Thank you for reading this forecast and telling the rest of the Free World. To find out what’s going on in your horoscope, I invite you to schedule a personal consultation.

Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 3/23/2015: Sneak Peek at the Week

Off to the start of another dynamic week!

Get it started or ship it early this morning. The Taurus Moon goes void at 10:24AM ET, not to enter the next sign until 9:22AM ET on Tuesday. Initiating projects during voids are subject to a higher level of flakes and twists in your efforts to move forward in a straight line. This does not mean that sitting around doing nothing is advised; you can still make excellent use of the Taurus Moon’s need to organize resources for the sake of building and maintaining comfort and material security. Routine matters are favored during voids. Take time to chill — especially this evening — and let the rose-colored sweetness of an aspect between Venus (affection, art, values, money) and Neptune inspire an indulgence in wine, women and song. The Venus-Neptune aspect is exact at 2:26AM ET.

Exact planetary patterns are relatively light this week — and much less volatile than those of the past few weeks. You can apply the proactive, inspired energy of Friday’s New Moon quite constructively, suggested by an easy alignment between the Aries Sun and taskmaster Saturn, exact on Wednesday at 3:25PM ET.  On Friday we’ll have the First Quarter Moon at 3:43AM ET, suggesting a challenge or push forward on your New Moon agenda. A potentially luscious, expansive contact between Venus and Jupiter Friday at 10:11PM ET suggests good cheer and maximum use of corporate expensive accounts everywhere.

Moon voids this week — other than Monday afternoon: Thursday 8:35AM – 3:45PM ET; Saturday 9:58PM – Sunday 1:48AM ET. If you are new to the forecast and not familiar with Moon voids, here’s the 411.

Awareness of Moon voids is helpful. Just ask my ballet teacher. I told her about voids a few months ago. Now, on days when she notices a higher than usual student no-shows or other wiggy happenings, she asks me, “Is the Moon void?” Inevitably, it is. Her new awareness has resulted in less stress about the flakes and twists. Astrology is a good thing to know about. You can save yourself a lot of grief by understanding planetary cycles.

And now, the news.

Last Friday’s New Moon/Eclipse at the very end of Pisces, followed by the start of the astrological New Year at 0 Aries suggested endings and beginnings; the ending of beginnings; the beginning of the ends. How super cool to see NBC News,  a mainstream media outlet,  air a story about a ten-year old boy in Oklahoma who distinctly remembered having a prior life as a Hollywood agent. That agent’s name was Marty Martyn, and he died in 1964. A non-mainstream media account of the story was published last summer. Check it out. Elsewhere, the NYT published another kind of  “reincarnation” story about people launching successful fresh starts relatively late in life.

In other news, add the idealistic/healing/mindset potential of last Wednesday’s meet-up between Mercury and Neptune to the breakthrough potential of Uranus and Pluto. Then thank Kristine, the avid reader who sent me this bit from Down Under about a new ultrasound technology that may restore memory loss for people with Alzheimer’s. That would be a dream come true for millions.

Meanwhile, gratitude to avid reader Helen, who forwarded me this bit about the ongoing investigation of Swiss bank HSBC and efforts to hold it — or some actual human person — accountable for multiple incidents of alleged wrongdoing. As noted before, Pluto’s transit through Capricorn suggests exposure of corruption in our hallowed institutions, including banks, governments and infrastructure in general. The “shock to the system” challenge to Pluto from Uranus serves to intensity the process, as does the fact that both planets are about to enter the second half of their respective signs.

Elsewhere, this Sunday’s NYT included a special book review section entitled The Secret Life of Money — all about books about — money.

Here’s a fun one. Several weeks after the first Uranus-Pluto square happened in June of 2012, King Richard III’s bones were discovered buried under a car park. Later this week, in the aftermath of the seventh Uranus-Pluto square, the King will be re-interred, with considerable more pomp and circumstance than he received in his first burial 500 years ago.

Meanwhile, Ted Cruz announced that he will be announcing his run for president tomorrow. Avid readers may recall prior observations on the Senator’s horoscope, including the fact that his Capricorn Sun is at the Aries Point, and thus needs to attract considerable prominence. You may also recall that last Friday’s New Moon was also at the Aries Point, so it is no surprise to see the Senator moving ahead on an ambitious agenda at this time.

Last May, Monica Lewinsky made headlines, in sync with planetary patterns in her horoscope. An essay she wrote was published in Vanity Fair. The essay was nominated for an award. Quite a comeback for someone who had not been heard from much in nearly ten years. On Sunday, there she was again on the cover of the NYT Style Section, after delivering a killer TED talk called “The Price of Shame”.

Her horoscope is still on fire. After last April’s eclipse to her Taurus Moon, she experienced another eclipse in October — right on the cusp of her 7th house (relationship/the public). The seventh Uranus-Pluto square hit all four angles of her horoscope, suggesting dramatic potential for an empowered fresh start. Her horoscope is personally affected by last Friday’s New Moon and next week’s Full Moon — both of which were potent eclipses. She’s likely to continue on this roller coaster ride through 2018, as Uranus and Pluto continue to connect with the angles and other planets in her chart. Elizabeth Warren’s horoscope has a similar potential, as noted in a prior forecast.

What’s going on in your horoscope? I invite you to find out by scheduling a personal astro-logical consultation. We will have a most excellent discussion together.

Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday & Friday 3/19-20/2015: New Moon & Solar Eclipse in Pisces; Vernal Equinox

The only exact aspect today is a communicative hit between the intuitive Pisces Moon and potent Pluto at 7:11AM ET. With the Sun and Moon in the last degrees of Pisces, we are at the very end of the lunar cycle and the astrological year. In this dark of the Moon, we may feel listless or restless, sensing that there is something new just around the corner. Do not despair.

This dreamy/spacey flow is likely to shift noticeably on Friday, as the Moon and Sun charge into Aries, ready to fire without necessarily taking the time to aim. Let’s talk about the potential of the New Moon first.

A New Moon offers the opportunity to re-set your intentions for the next 30 days.  Make a list; light a candle; plant those seeds. Around the 27th, on the First Quarter Moon, we can expect a challenge to those goals, with appropriate adjustments made. How are our seedlings doing?  Keep on nurturing them, and at the time of the Full Moon (and a potent lunar eclipse) on April 4th,  they may flower. We may receive illumination on the success or failure of our goals for the cycle, either way. If we succeeded, we can consciously release our success into our reality; if we failed, we let go of whatever did not work. After the Third Quarter Moon on April 11th, we can harvest our achievements, then tie up loose ends, compost and get ready to begin another New Moon cycle on April 18th.

The Pisces mantra is I BELIEVE. If you know where 29 degrees of Pisces falls in your horoscope, this is the area of your life where you might consider your long-held beliefs and contemplate a new vision. The New Moon is exact at 5:36AM ET. You’ll have less than an hour to contemplate soulfully during a Moon-void that ends at 6:28AM ET. Then Moon enters me-me-me Aries. The Sun follows suit at 6:45PM ET. Happy Vernal Equinox! Let the action begin! As Aries astrologer Rick Levine says of Aries, “Ready! Fire! Aim!”.

And therein lies the caveat of this potent lunation. Some visions may be acted upon impulsively, perhaps recklessly. Aries energy is RAMbunctious. It is a pioneer and it is a warrior.

The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon is “The Great Stone Face,” which recalls a short story by Nathaniel Hawthorne about “a boy who lives under and looks up to a mountain formation resembling the face of a man“.  The story was written in 1850, when Uranus and Pluto were conjunct in Aries and Neptune was in early Pisces (about where it is right now). How interesting that it was created under the influence of planetary patterns that are not unlike what we are currently experiencing.

There is a spiritual element to the story and a search for greatness outside the self, What does it takes to become the embodiment of an ideal and how do you know if it’s the Real (i)Deal? Here is the Wikipedia summary; here is the full text of the story. If you like The Wizard of Oz and/or The Alchemist (by Paolo Coelho), you’ll like The Great Stone Face.

Of this Sabian Symbol, expert Blain Bovee writes:

The projection of self culminates in an expression that seems to transcend the temporal existence of the individual, echoing for the ages, the face of mankind.

Well, that sounds deep and wise and all-encompassing, doesn’t it? In the aftermath of the seventh Uranus-Pluto square, one would hope that the next signpost on this cosmic journey would be something big.  So what does it mean for you?

Wherever this New Moon falls in your horoscope is where you have the opportunity to plant seeds — with greater than the usual potency.  That’s because this New Moon is also a solar eclipse…and it also falls on the Aries Point. If your life is on track, you may reap an abundant harvest. If your life is not on track, this New Moon/Eclipse may call attention to certain flaws, resulting in quite a challenge. So do think carefully about those seeds.

A Solar Eclipse can act like a “bottleneck” of energy. Light flowing from the Sun is temporarily interrupted, focusing attention on that interrupted point, allowing something new and possibly fragile to enter the picture and grow. And here I would be thinking of Michael, the kindhearted policeman in the storybook Make Way for Ducklings, who stopped the flow of traffic on Beacon Street so Mr. and Mrs. Mallard and their brood of eight could safely make their way to the Boston Public Garden. Got that?

You are more personally affected by this soulful, potent New Moon/Eclipse f you have a planet or angle around 29 degrees of Virgo, Gemini, Sagittarius and especially Pisces….or in the first few degrees (beginning) of Libra, Cancer, Capricorn and especially Aries.  Several famous people whose horoscopes are affected include Jill Abramson, Glenn Close, Harvey Weinstein, Spike Lee, Holly Hunter, Brent Scowcroft and Bruce Willis; they were all born on the 19th or 20th of March.

And now, the news.

Right after I posted the forecast on Tuesday, a massive solar storm hit Earth, disrupting the status quo and lighting up the skies of both hemispheres.  Wow! Other status quo disruptions: a campaign has begun to put a woman on the face of the $20 bill — who would you nominate? The target launch date is 2020 — sounds about right.

Meanwhile…first it was Walmart, and now Target has announced it will raise its minimum wage. I predict this trend will continue. Did you know that the first minimum wage law happened in 1933, during  the last Uranus-Pluto square cycle? It was ruled unconstitutional, but after a few years of chaos, it was reinstated in 1938.

Elsewhere, a rebellious Greece defied the EC by moving ahead with measures that would offer food stamps to the poor. In Israel, many were surprised that Prime Minister Netanyahu won his bid for re-election so “decisively”. The win does support a projected career boost this fall, suggested by his horoscope (and noted in a prior forecast). In Tunisia, anti-terrorism rallies are being held in response to a massacre at an art museum yesterday, in which a number of foreign tourists were killed.

Yesterday’s exact meet-up between Mercury and Neptune suggested a focus on spirits of all kinds and illusion. Exhibit A: a bit-coin “exit scam” whose perpetrators  made off with $12 million. Exhibit B: the effectiveness of “faith-based” Alcoholics Anonymous (another product of the last Uranus-Pluto square in the 1930s) is called into question, as the program itself is called “irrational”. Exhibit C: in Napa, a murder-suicide over an investment gone wrong — in a vineyard — is making headlines.

In a follow-up to one of Tuesday’s stories: Atlantic reporter David A. Graham attempted to make sense of the bewildering reality of the “dude” known as Al Gore now being “like the planet, getting hotter by the hour”. Dear David A. Graham,  do give me a call, and I will explain what’s going on in Mr. Gore’s horoscope (or just read my Tuesday forecast, dude).

What’s going on in your horoscope?

Find out in a personal astro-logical consultation.









Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 3/25/2014: Mind the Void; MH370 Update

East Coasters, you may leap out of bed this morning ready to tackle the world, courtesy of a constructive connection between the practical Capricorn Moon and disciplined Saturn (exact at 6:47AM ET) and an energetic boost from action hero Mars, exact at 8:35AM ET. Be advised that your efforts to move forward in a straight line may be subject to odd twists, flakes and detours, as the Moon goes void-of-course right on that feisty Mars connection. D’oh! Roll with the twists; keep calm and carry on…preferably with tasks that are merely routine.

This natural cosmic rest period continues until 6:39PM ET, when the Moon finally gets into gear in the sign of Aquarius.  West Coasters, that’s when your work day may finally feel focused…and when you might consider pitching the big ideas you’ve dreamed up, suggested by an exact connection between mental Mercury and expansive Jupiter at 9:11AM ET on Wednesday. Mercury-Jupiter aspects suggest headlines about “big picture” belief and communication systems: publishing, broadcasting, law, religion, travel. Oh look — here’s a ginormous seven-figure advance being paid to the lucky writer who will pen Rolling Stone publisher Jann Wenner‘s biography. The book will be published in 2017, right when empowering Pluto conjoins Wenner’s Sun at 16 Capricorn. Comme c’est bizarre et quelle coincidence….except it’s astro-logical, where there is no such thing as coincidence. We are still in the rosy glow of the weekend’s Mercury-Neptune hook-up in Pisces, which ofter refers to music…

On Monday the Malaysian prime minister confirmed what many have been suspecting: that MH370 is presumed to lost — with no survivors — and its last known position suggests the flight ended in the South Indian Ocean. Two weeks ago I wrote that we might expect some significant developments around the 21st, noting a number of transits to the angles of the event chart for the flight’s departure. The transits involved Mercury (news) and the Moon (an event marker); Mercury, Moon and the Ascendant (an angle of the chart) were also active yesterday (24th), when the official announcement was made. RIP.

Two eclipses. The fifth of the seven Uranus-Pluto squares — in a Cardinal Grand Cross. April is going to be a power-packed month!  How will your horoscope be affected? Book a personal astro-logical consultation and maximize opportunities for growth and change.  Here’s the 411.

Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 2/5/2014: Steady & Surreal?

The intense drive of Monday and Tuesday likely calms down, courtesy of the Moon’s ingress into steady, earthy Taurus at 4:46AM ET. Now is the time to consider how to give form to the bold initiatives suggested by yesterday’s (relatively New) Moon in fiery Aries. Organize, and likely re-organize, given that Mercury is at its station, about to turn retrograde tomorrow at 4:43PM ET. DID YOU BACK UP YOUR COMPUTERS YET? This include iPhones and other “smart” gizmos. The only stories I want to hear of people upset because their address books were vaporized are from people who do not read this forecast ;)

This slower lunar pace may allow for a productive use of the dreamy/spacey mental atmosphere suggested by an oh-so-close connection between Mercury and nebulous Neptune. I compare this to yesterday, where in my Aries Moon-driven, rushing-about haste, I experienced a number of weird communication and thinking snafus, e.g., not being able to find phone numbers that were clearly included in emails, Skype on the fritz (impacting a consultation with an exceptionally cheerful and adaptable client  — it all worked out fine); emails sent into apparent black holes, etc. Remember the focus of this New Moon cycle is this: TURNING IN/tuning in…to your intuition, so you can connect with Source and remember why you are here. If you do not think you know how to pay attention to your intuitive sense, there are plenty of books, DVDs and meditation workshops to guide you.


Last year, I remember thinking about the movie version of The Life of Pi and how it perfectly reflected  Neptune themes of spirituality, fantasy and being lost (at sea!). How interesting, given mental Mercury’s connection with Neptune, to read this week about Jose Salvador Avarenga, who claims to have spent the last 13 months adrift in the Pacific. Life imitates art; art imitates life.

Drugs are also a Neptune thing, gosh there are a lot of headlines on the home page about that. Ross William Ulbricht  —  the “mastermind” behind Silk Road, a website that apparently facilitated millions of dollars in illegal drug selling and money laundering — has been indicted. Mr. Ulbricht is 29, and having his first Saturn return. This happens to everyone around 28/29; it’s a powerful transit suggesting a sense of urgency about establishing oneself as a responsible adult…those I suspect there’s much more going on in Mr. Ulbricht’s horoscope. Also of note; four people have been arrested and 350 bags of heroin were discovered in connection with actor Phillip Seymour Hoffman’s heroin-induced demise. Finally, CVS, the largest drug store chain in the U.S., announced it would stop selling cigarettes by October. Wow.

Lying is another Neptune keyword, and I was doing some research on that when I stumbled across the cosmic joke posted in yesterday’s forecast. Here’s another surreal (Neptune) giggle from the  lengthy bit I found  on the connection between lying…and laughing:

A dog goes into a telegraph office, takes a blank form and writes: ‘Woof, Woof, Woof, Woof, Woof, Woof, Woof, Woof, Woof.’

The clerk examines the paper and politely tells the dog: ‘There are only nine words here. You could send another “Woof” for the same price.’

The dog looks confused and replies, ‘But that would make no sense at all.’

Now for a limited time: the Cardinal Grand Cross Special. Find out how this important planetary pattern will impact your horoscope in 2014. If you were born around the 2nd of April, July, October and January, you are likely to find this mini-consultation especially helpful. Ditto if you have a planet or an angle around 9 – 14 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra & Capricorn.




Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 2/4/2014: It’s Elementary…

Another day of proactive drive, courtesy of the Moon in RAMbunctious Aries. There’s an easy balance this morning, which flows unimpeded until 6:14PM ET, when the me-me-me Aries Moon may clash with the relationship-oriented Mars in Libra. Let the conflict fizzle out with a sigh, as the Moon will be void-of-course from then until 4:46AM ET.  Remember that crises that crop up during voids are likely to be much ado about nothing. Chill!

A couple of patterns dominating this week: first, a dreamy/delusional flirtation between nebulous Neptune and Mercury in Pisces may result in fuzzy thinking and communication. Hard to tell what’s real and what’s not. What does your gut tell you?

Second, a carry over from last week: status-conscious Venus in Capricorn, just getting up to speed as it now moves forward, is close enough to ruthless Pluto to feel things oh-so-deeply — and sometimes just over the top. So, no…you’re not crazy. It’s a little weird out there…and intense. So how about a cosmic joke:

Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson were going camping. They pitched their tent under the stars and went to sleep. Sometime in the middle of the night Holmes woke Watson up and said: ‘Watson, look up at the stars, and tell me what you see.’

Watson replied: ‘I see millions and millions of stars.’

Holmes said: ‘And what do you deduce from that?’

Watson replied: ‘Well, if there are millions of stars, and if even a few of those have planets, it’s quite likely there are some planets like earth out there. And if there are a few planets like earth out there, there might also be life.’

And Holmes said: ‘Watson, you idiot, it means that somebody stole our tent.’

Get it off your desk before the Moon void begins at 6:14PM ET…did you BACK UP YOUR COMPUTERS YET?

Now for a limited time: the Cardinal Grand Cross Special. Find out how this important planetary pattern will impact your horoscope in 2014. If you were born around the 2nd of April, July, October and January, you are likely to find this mini-consultation especially helpful. Ditto if you have a planet or an angle around 9 – 14 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra & Capricorn.

Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 2/6/2013: Passing Strange

***They’re back! Fabulous consultation specials – just in time for Valentine’s Day! Details are on the Services & FAQs page, or  click here***

Gee, it’s fun to type in color, especially on a void-of-course Moon in Sagittarius. Adds a twist to the usual routine, and that’s what folks in the U.S. may experience until 12:55PM ET, especially with other planetary patterns that continue to favor the weird, wacky and wonderful. Go with the flow this morning and note your dreams, as Mercury (mindset) and nebulous Neptune are hooking up in intuitive Pisces. Paying attention to your intuition is not a bad strategy today — and over the next few weeks, as the logical mind is more easily confused. You’ll have plenty of time to practice tuning in, especially when Mercury goes retrograde in Pisces on February 23rd.

This concentration of sensitive, emotional Pisces energy softens the usually hard, driving edge of the Moon’s when it enters Capricorn at 12:55PM. On the one hand, perhaps Capricorn’s usual need to make things happen won’t seem so urgent. On the other hand, everyone may be feeling so groovy that they just decide to cooperate for the sake of an agenda that is a win-win-win.

Innovative and unconventional tastes in the arts, finances and social interactions are also highlighted, as Venus and rebel Uranus are in an especially easy connection, too. Pitch your wildest ideas, and you may find them received with great enthusiasm. As the day draws to a close, some disruption of the status quo may hit the headlines — as the structures required by the Capricorn Moon are challenged by Uranus in recalcitrant Aries at 10:37PM ET. If you must ship, get it off your desk today. Moon will be void-of-course from 7:44AM ET Thursday until 2:17PM ET on Friday.

And now, the news. “Twisted logic” is what the editors of the New York Times called a white paper crafted by the Department of Justice explaining why it was OK to kill an American citizen without due process. Does that make this picture of President Obama allegedly skeet shooting at Camp David (released Friday, with nebulous Neptune still strong) seem even weirder? Meanwhile, Donald Trump’s horoscope is affected by the Mercury-Mars-Neptune pile-up in Pisces, as all three planets are on the cusp of his 7th house, which refers to partnerships and open enemies. Really, it is no surprise that yesterday Mr. Trump declared war — on Bill Maher, whom he is suing for $5 million (something about an orangutan). Other Neptunian themes of note in the news: more fraud (too many stories to mention); sky-high prices paid for art and water, water everywhere — especially ocean water, as a tsunami hits the Solomon Islands

Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 2/5/2013: Up, Up & Away

Another day driven by a righteous Moon in Sagittarius, expressing big ideas wherever it goes, fueled by a humanitarian Aquarius Sun. Patterns are light today…but you may still need a grounding cord, lest your rose-colored views carry you off like a helium balloon (cue The Fifth Dimension singing the classic Jimmy Webb song, now).

And speaking of rose colors…fabulous consultation specials  are back — perfect for Valentine’s Day gift-giving! Details at the bottom of this forecast.

We’ve got one planetary shift today. Mercury, which refers to mindset, travel and communication, enters dreamy Pisces at 9:58AM ET and heads for a rendez-vous with nebulous Neptune, which is exact tomorrow. This adds to the wiggy surreal potential we’ve been experiencing with aggressive Mars hooked up with the bedazzling power of Neptune. Regular  readers know that Neptune connections are wonderful for intangibles: spirit, music, art, healing and other divine inspirations. Neptune also refers to deception, oil, escape, scandal and drugs — to name a few. If you’re a creative type, a lover or a healer, you could soar. If you’re an escapist, we may have to send out a search party by the end of the month.

Moon goes void at 3:42PM ET, not to enter Capricorn until Wednesday at 12:55PM ET. Get it off your desk before 4PM if you can — and take some time to dream and wander. Earthy practicality will demand your attention tomorrow — still divinely inspired.

And now the news, brought to you by juicy Mars-Neptune in Pisces, karma-busting Saturn in Scorpio and the never-ending Uranus square Pluto, disruptor of the status quo, exposing what lies beneath. Finally, we’re seeing fraud (Neptune) charges about to be filed against a credit-ratings agency for its helium-induced assessments that helped bring about the fiscal crisis of 2008. Ya think?  “Fraud” is in the headline of the latest from economist Paul Krugman  — incredibly not about credit-ratings agencies. Meanwhile, remember the potential delusions of a fanatic I mentioned in Sunday’s forecast? The kidnapping of a young boy in Alabama has been resolved and the man who abducted him is dead (the boy was rescued — hooray).

Here’s a story about fraud (Neptune) in sports (Mars), specifically soccer. Muzak (Neptune refers to music) is also on the front page. Can you believe it? Neptune refers to illusions like TV (there’s no actual football team playing inside your set), and it is no surprise that a charismatic hook-up with Mars accompanied the sky-high ratings for that surreal Super Bowl— also on the front page. But  my favorite surreal story of the day is the news from across the Pond that the skeleton of King Richard III was positively identified. The bones were first uncovered in August — under a car park —  on a “news from underground” connection among Uranus, Pluto and Venus. Here’s Sir Laurence Oliver delivering the opening monologue in the title role of Shakepeare’s Richard III

…which is an odd segue into the details of my two Valentine consultation specials, but that’s showbiz. This month I’ve created — at a reader’s request — a holiday-inspired “Lovecast”. Doesn’t that sound like fun? The second special is one that was quite popular in December — so it’s back, and the deets on both are here. I have gorgeous gift certificates decorated with sparkly hearts for you to give to your sweetie, and I can’t wait to put them in the mail for you. Contact me and we’ll make that happen.