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"I'm a skeptic by nature and I still don't know how she does it, but Elisabeth told me more about myself and about critical points in my life than she could've known beforehand or can possibly be dismissed as coincidence or a parlor trick. And she helped me to use this as a framework to analyze the here and now more clearly. The session was definitely a positive, eye-opening experience."
Attorney, NY

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Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 2/26/2014: Dark Side of the Moon

East Coasters and super-early risers on the West Coast: remember that the Capricorn Moon is void for four hours this AM, not to become fully engaged in the next sign, Aquarius, until 9:55AM ET. A twist or detour in your morning routine/commute is suggested, as Moon voids often challenge efforts to move forward in a straight line.

The potential for twists and snafus spills over into the next couple of days, exacerbated by the super-charged buoyancy of jolly Jupiter’s contact with electric Uranus and the Sun…combined with the slooooooooow moving drag of FOUR planets about to change direction: Mercury (mind, travel, communication), Mars (action), Jupiter (expansion) and Saturn (contraction).  What was I writing earlier this week about not knowing if we were coming or going? If in doubt, chill out. Corollary (as seen on my Facebook newsfeed): “A wise man once said nothing”.  Word!

We are in the dark side of the Moon, the end of the lunar cycle. Appropriate actions include wrapping up projects from the past few weeks. There are no exact aspects to the Moon during business hours today, even when it does engage in cerebral, detached, “who’s yer buddy?” Aquarius. The lack of input from other planets, along with the dark Moon, can suggest a listless, restless energy. The New Moon happens at 2:59AM ET on Sunday. Patience, patience, patience….

And now, the news.

Pie-in-the-sky stories reflecting the stunning magic of Jupiter (cosmic sugar daddy) squared by Uranus (lightning bolt), as anticipated? You bet. Here’s a quote from one of them:

“I don’t like to say once-in-a-lifetime for anything, but you don’t get an opportunity to handle this kind of material, a treasure like this, ever,” said veteran numismatist Don Kagin, who is representing the finders. “It’s like they found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.”

What a nice middle-aged couple in California couple actually found was $10 million in gold coins buried on their property. OMG, don’t you wish?

Here’s another:

By any measure, it is a lightning reversal of events…

…in which the National Enquirer was obligated to establish and fund a generous play writing competition as a settlement for publishing outrageous fiction about a friend of actor Phillip Seymour Hoffman. Well, in this planetary weather pattern of heavy nebulous Neptune influences and Mercury retrograde muddling of facts, we expected more than one stunning communication misfire — remember?

Meanwhile, is it a coincidence or conspiracy that when Jupiter was engaged with the Uranus-Pluto square in August 2013, Elon Musk, the man behind the Tesla electric car and other “the future is now” productions, was making headlines? And now today, with Jupiter square Uranus again, Tesla’s stock is soaring

From yesterday: Alec Baldwin was the talk of the town when he penned a lengthy piece in New York Magazine stating that he was retiring from public life. Mr. Baldwin has the Sun at 13 degrees of me-me-me Aries, which will soon (in April) be supercharged by the Cardinal Grand Cross, suggesting a need for emancipation and empowerment.   I suspect that Cross has also been rattling his Libra Moon, which truly needs peace, balance and appreciation from others. This is in spite of a defensive “I do not need anything material from you” posture suggested by a natal Grand Trine among mental Mercury, Saturn and Pluto. Well, horoscopes with seemingly contradictory patterns do make the most fascinating people. Mr. Baldwin’s horoscope suggests he is verrry resourceful, with a mind and communication style that demands and presents substance, is highly imaginative, potentially earthy, bombastic and likely somewhat bewildering (Mercury in Taurus opposing Jupiter-Neptune). A hair-trigger temper is suggested by a volatile Mars-Uranus opposition. Not to mention a need for unconventional social expression that can be way over the top (Venus in humanitarian Aquarius opposing ruthless Pluto).  Cue the Animals, now please

Finally, not at all pleased to note actor/writer/director Harold Ramis passed away yesterday. Three planets in Mr. Ramis’ horoscope have been under pressure from the Uranus-Pluto square, and one of those planets is his natal Saturn. That can be heavy, especially when transiting Saturn is also active. Mr. Ramis starred in Ghostbusters and he directed Groundhog Day, an absolutely must-see film. It’s just so darn witty and wise, and if you pay close attention, you’ll remember exactly what to do in order to have a happy, fulfilling, meaningful life. Seriously.

If that doesn’t work, consider consulting your local astrologer…


Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 1/3/2014 & the Weekend: The Big Push; Neptune in Pisces Review

Wednesday’s proactive New Moon energy continues with optimistic verve through the weekend and all next week. Really, if you are a self-employed or other entrepreneurial type, this time offers much potential for breaking through blocks like so much liquid Drano.  So even though it’s looking like a snow day in most of the U.S., and it’s the weekend, it can’t hurt to focus on big goals and long-term ambitions. Get your finances in order. Write that business plan. Clear out any static you may have in relationships, being extra-mindful of respectful social decorum. Whatever is holding you back, make the push…driven by consciousness, not ego. Got that? Get out of your own way!

If that sounds terribly scary and overwhelming, here are some practical things you can do to make it far less so. We have six of ten planets in cardinal signs right now…and as you all remember from  my Winter Solstice post, cardinal signs need action and change. Go for it!

Today (Friday) kicks off with big ideas, driven by an easy flow of action and practical innovation, suggested by mental Mercury opposing buoyant Jupiter, and the technogeek Aquarius Moon getting along well with action hero Mars.  Yes, there is a “get real” potential around 8:47PM ET, when the Moon clashes with stern Saturn and hands us 1) a wet blanket or other limitation; or 2) incentive for an ambitious reach. Let it percolate during the Moon void period that will last until 11:58AM ET on Saturday. Go with the flow of any twists and delays that may crop up, especially if you are traveling during a blizzard. Enjoy the detour!

After 12pm ET on Saturday the Moon shifts into dreamy Pisces, and the only exact aspect is a rose-colored hook-up between the Moon and nebulous Neptune. Sounds like a good time to lose yourself in an intangible escape: music, film, spirit(s), healing and/or dreams…or a winter wonderland.

Sunday is a lovely day for mind-expansion and communication, courtesy of cooperative connections to the empathic Moon from a platoon of other planets. An opposition between the practical Capricorn Sun and exuberant Jupiter in nurturing Cancer suggests further expansion or big expenses. Caveats: 1) make sure you really can afford it before you buy it. Credit card companies just love Sun-Jupiter patterns; and 2) with Venus currently retrograde, you may be willing to pay more than something is really worth. Hardcore example: I once bought property during a Venus retrograde, in a time when I was not paying attention to planetary patterns. Had I been paying attention, I would have negotiated a much better price. Live and learn!

Moon is void of course on Monday from 4:44AM ET until 2:45PM ET, suggesting a slow start to the first full work week of 2014. But things are sure to get feisty as soon after the void, when Moon enters RAMbunctious me-me-me Aries — and it’s off to the races we go.

OK, so — yesterday we talked about Jupiter and Saturn in 2014; now let’s talk about Neptune, which dipped into Pisces for four months in 2011 before fully committing to a 14-year run in its home sign in 2012. Neptune energy can be challenging for people who live in a material world, as Neptune tends to dissolve whatever it touches. It doesn’t strike with a lightning bolt, like Uranus, or blow things to smithereens, purging and/or transforming, like Pluto. Its effects are much more subtle, but no less powerful. A few key words for Neptune:  intangible forms (wireless communication including film, photography, telepathy, healing, intuition, spirituality, rarefied art forms, including music), oil, dreams, drugs, blood, alcohol, poisons, viruses, water, oceans, seafood.   A few key words for Pisces: surrender, empathy, compassion, collective consciousness, belief, martyr, saint.

The last time Neptune entered Pisces was in 1847, and I thank astrologer Adrian Duncan for putting together some key developments reflecting that last journey so I do not have to. Read on for clues to what we can expect to see — and already are seeing — from 2012 to 2026:

“This was the period when Charles Dickens wrote his novels of social realism, and social democratic demonstrations shook the capitals of Europe. This was also a time when painters like Renoir, Gauguin, Van Gogh, Cezanne and Monet made their impressionist paintings, expanding the world of fantasy and imagination. On the scientific front Darwin’s theory of evolution completely undermined Christian tradition. The first photographs were taken, ultimately leading to the coming world of the movies. Anesthetics were used for the first time in hospitals. Opium became a socially acceptable drug. The accepted reality of the day was undermined and new spiritual, emotional and political realities took form.”

I think Pope Francis, with his empathy for those who are suffering, is an apt reflection of Neptune in Pisces. So is every headline about water (and lack thereof), oceans and fisheries in crisis. Instead of opium, we’re seeing marijuana becoming more socially acceptable. As for fantasy, imagination and dissolving boundaries, I leave you with this super cool headline, “Quantum Physics Proves Death is an Illusion,” as well as a link to the book that inspired the headline, even though the book was published in 2009. Frankly, there’s nothing new in the article that I didn’t read about 30 years ago in a little book called Illusions, , or figure out for myself during hours of  playing Baldur’s Gate. Still, I’m glad that scientists are getting closer to understanding how the imagination creates “reality”…and we’ll likely to see more in that vein in the very near future.

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Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 12/17/2012: Reflections on Sandy Hook

The work week begins with Moon in Aquarius, a helpful, humanitarian placement that favors making connections of all kinds, no matter how unconventional. Soulful unity and a need for beauty is also suggested, courtesy of the lingering effects of yesterday’s challenge between loving Venus and rose-colored Neptune. Sharing opinions that broaden horizons is also favored, suggested by an opposition between Mercury (mindset) and Jupiter (expansion).

East Coasters, note that the Moon goes void-of-course at 1:11PM ET…not to enter empathic, dreamy Pisces until 7:48PM ET. Get it off your desk before the void, if you can. West Coasters, your entire work day may be best applied to projects involving creative brainstorming, as efforts to move forward in a straight line have a much higher potential for delays, detours and other sudden twists. Writers may find this particular Moon void especially productive, thanks to the supercharged communication power of the aforementioned Mercury-Jupiter opposition. If you are new to the forecast and want more information on Moon voids, you will find it here. Welcome!

I hesitate to write much about the heartbreaking news that broke on Friday, which continues to dominate the headlines. Suffice it to say that if you read the forecasts posted on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, you would note that the planetary patterns described were reflected in a horribly destructive way in Newtown, Connecticut…and in too many other U.S. cities to link here.  Violence in  China also made headlines.

With rebel Uranus turning direct on last Thursday’s New Moon, we anticipated a seismic shock to the system.  With Mars (action!) running wild in “make-it-happen” Capricorn (i.e., like  a loose cannon), we anticipated that acts of aggression might pull focus. Last week, the horoscope of Adam Lanza (April 22, 1992 in Kingston, NH — time not confirmed), was clearly triggered by transiting Uranus and Mars (and I suspect by a couple of other major astrological measurements) — no surprises there. Maybe someday it will become a matter of course for all people to become aware of the patterns in their horoscopes, to help them make choices that are constructive, rather than destructive, especially during periods of stress, which would be identified before they happen.

As an astrologer, I am constantly identifying patterns in order to make sense of this world. As a writer, I can’t help but notice patterns in words, too. Last month we had Hurricane Sandy. Friday’s tragedy happened at a school named Sandy Hook. What’s with the word “Sandy” making headlines? Coincidence or conspiracy?

As I do not believe in coincidence, I must have a theory.  Here it is (cue Anne Elk now). But seriously, folks. This is my theory.  Sand is an irritant. An oyster reacts to an irritating grain of sand by creating a pearl.  The pearl protects the oyster; it is a defense system. Would you believe that the name “Sandy” means “defender of men?” Pearls  made me think of the expression “pearls of wisdom”. It’s time for us to wake up, wise up — and take action.

As suggested by the patterns in last Thursday’s New Moon, we are presented with an opportunity to do what must be done in order to create a better world. There is tremendous potential for action that brings positive results, if that is what we choose to create. Who’s in?


Special Holiday Offer — a One-Hour Consultation  at a very reasonable price is still on — from  now until January 1st.  Yes, you can schedule the consultation after January 1st — and so can other recipients of this perfect holiday gift.

Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 10/1/2010 and the Weekend

Get it done today — don’t leave it until Monday, especially if you’re on the East Coast. Monday the Moon will be void-of-course between 9:53AM and 4PM NY time; Angelenos can expect the work week won’t get into gear until after 1PM. And after this week’s heavy influence from Saturn the taskmaster, odds are good you’ve got a hefty to-do list on your desk this morning. So have at it, with a big dose of optimism likely provided by a face-off between Mercury (mind, communication) and expansive Jupiter. Some of the ideas and opinions expressed today may be downright outrageous.

Speaking of Mercury, it makes contact with the Big T-Square Party among the heavies beginning today with the aforementioned face-off against Jupiter at 6:36PM NY tonight, brilliant but Uranus tomorrow at 10:24AM, ruthless investigator Pluto on Tuesday and controlling Saturn next Friday. During this time span communications and travel may be erratic or otherwise jarring — in possibly productive ways such as technological breakthroughs and corruption exposed. On the down side, I’m anticipating a lot of spin in the headlines — likely over highly charged words that can’t be taken back. On a personal level, though your insights may be absolutely right, think it through before you open your mouth or hit “send” — your audience might not be ready to hear it.

Fortunately this is a weekend where you may not need to say much at all. The Moon will be in dramatic, playful Leo as of 2:21 PM NY (shoppers note the void from 11:21PM – 2:21PM NY – resist the urge to splurge at that time). Your urge to indulge in pleasures that are not material can be richly rewarding, thanks to a sexy, steamy hook-up between loving Venus and assertive Mars in Scorpio at 5:59PM NY. Find a partner and play — and if you don’t have a partner, get in touch with your inner child and create something of depth and substance.