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"I'm a skeptic by nature and I still don't know how she does it, but Elisabeth told me more about myself and about critical points in my life than she could've known beforehand or can possibly be dismissed as coincidence or a parlor trick. And she helped me to use this as a framework to analyze the here and now more clearly. The session was definitely a positive, eye-opening experience."
--Marc Attorney, NY I CAN'T WRITE THIS WITHOUT YOU : ) PLEASE support my time and efforts. CONTRIBUTE to my COSMIC TIP JAR using the gold button below. THANK YOU.
Wow. Where did Monday go? Is it Tuesday already?
The Taurus Moon is void all day — not to enter Gemini until 11:54PM ET. You know the drill: stick to routine concerns and chill. You can still be quite productive in efforts to build and maintain material security thanks to an ease of energy flow between Venus (money, social expression, women) and Saturn that is exact at 9:58AM ET, and carries through the day. Good food, music and a snuggle with your sweetie — those and other creature comforts would be an apt reward tonight.
And now, the news.
From yesterday — how interesting — on a day with an ambitious and controlling square between Saturn and the Sun — to see the words “crack down” appear in not one, but two headlines on the NYT homepage. The Australian leader is cracking down on terrorism. The Venezuelan leader is also cracking down. Curious, isn’t it? There are no more headlines about crackdowns on the NYT homepage right now….but there is one which includes the words “Best Selfie Ever”. Remember last week when Venus entered Aries and I anticipated that we’d see more headlines about selfies? Well, that didn’t take long…
So the Oscars came and went and what happened? Patricia Arquette won for Best Supporting Actress. She made headlines for giving an acceptance speech calling for wage equality — and it went viral, especially since Meryl Streep was captured on film reacting to it by leaping out of her chair and shouting “YES!!!” You will recall what a rebel Ms. Streep is when her horoscope was discussed in a bit about astro-twin Elizabeth Warren’s horoscope last week, right? And that we’d expect her rebellious spark to attract attention, yes?
As for Ms. Arquette, it should be no surprise to learn that she has Venus (social expression) at 29 Pisces and Mercury (mindset communication) at 2 Aries. They are both within range of the Aries Point, and thus can be expected to attract attention. With transiting Venus and Mars at 2 Aries on Sunday, of course what Ms. Arquette had to say would be noticed. We can expect Ms. Arquette to remain in the spotlight over the next couple of years, as Uranus and Pluto supercharge her Aries Sun and Midheaven.
In other news, there’s Fox celebrity Bill O’Reilly. He’s been accused of inflating some of the stories he reported while covering the Falklands war many years ago for CBS. Naturally my first thought was that he must have a dynamic aspect between Mercury (mindset) and Neptune (color it rose) in his horoscope, like Brian Williams. And in fact he does have Mercury conjunct Neptune, and this idealistic pattern is under fire from Uranus and Pluto. We’d expect his words and thoughts to be supercharged. Not only that, but Mr. O’Reilly has Moon in me-me-me Aries, just like Mr. Williams. Moon in Aries is a natural warrior, doncha’ know. It needs to lead and inspire. It needs to be a hero. Isn’t that interesting?
Keepin’ it light today. What’s going on in your horoscope?
Good Morning!
Some on the East Coast may have experienced a delay or surprise twist in your early morning routine, given that the Moon was void of course until 8:55AM ET. If you are new to this forecast and want more info on Moon voids and how to handle them, look here. As of 8:55AM ET, if you are really paying attention, you may notice the shift in energy — not unlike the sensation of engaging the clutch of a stick-shift car — as the Moon goes into gear and moves forward in Pisces.
Pisces is an intuitive energy that at its best, expresses compassion and loving kindness for everyone and everything, in its understanding that we are all One. At worst, Pisces wallows in suffering and/or escapes life’s hard knocks by running away, drowning its sorrows in drugs, drink or any other rose-colored glass it can find. Pisces is ruled by Neptune, a challenging symbol for many to integrate in an individual horoscope. At best, it suggests a need for a sublime creative and/or spiritual vision. At worst, it suggests deception and betrayal. Not all visions are real.
Overall, a quiet day today, as there are no exact planetary aspects until 7:26PM ET, when the Pisces Moon hooks up with nebulous Neptune, facilitating — yes, that ‘s right — a need for a dreamy escape — perhaps through a creative or spiritual practice: art, music, meditation. If you’re a night owl needing an energy boost for that novel you’re writing, easy connections between Moon, Mars (action!) and Pluto (depth, potency) late tonight and in the wee hours can carry you through.
Also happening overnight: Venus leaves nurturing ultra-Mom Cancer for royal Leo at 3:24AM ET Tuesday, infusing social expression for the next few weeks with drama, pomp and play. This may also fill up the social calendars of those born under the sign of the Lion, especially those born in July.
Get it off your desk by 12:01pm ET on Tuesday, when the Moon goes void of course on a constructive alignment with disciplined Saturn. Focus on routine tasks or chill until 9AM ET on Wednesday, when the Moon charges into Aries and quickens the pace until lunchtime on Friday. The long Moon void on Tuesday is the only void that may trip up your efforts to move forward in a straight line during the work week. The next Moon void happens between 8:26AM ET and 6:41PM ET on Sunday.
And now, the news.
As expected in light of the heavy Saturn influence during yesterday’s Full Moon, headlines on the NYT homepage are sobering. We see yet another incident involving the death of an unarmed person by a law enforcement officer making news, this time in St. Louis. A candlelight vigil for the victim was held during last night’s long Moon void, along with reported looting and angry protests. Meanwhile, a freak accident that apparently happened after a clash of wills between two race car drivers made headlines on Saturday, resulting in the death of one driver allegedly attempting to “settle a score”. Not surprising to see this story in light of patterns discussed in Saturday’s forecast.
In other news, this headline caught my eye: “A Mother Lifts Her Son, Slowly, From Heroin’s Abyss”. It is an especially apt reflection of the heavy consequences and dogged ambition suggested by the Full Moon, along with two patterns exact today: Venus (social expression, women) at the very last degree of Cancer (motherhood), as well as an obsessive aspect known as a quindecile between mental Mercury and Neptune (drugs, redemption, sacrifice). Planets close to the end of a zodiac sign suggest a heavy learning trip in whatever matters the planet rules. If you have planets like that in your horoscope, you know what I’m talking about.
Thank you for reading this forecast — with extra bonus gratitude to those of you who are sharing it with your friends.
P.S. Special thanks to Karen, a reader who sent in this article written by astrologer Richard Nolle, who coined the term Super Moon back in 1979. I’ve linked it before, but it bears repeating and it may clear up misunderstandings you may have about Super Moons, especially since they are now being written about regularly by reporters who know little about astrology.
How is your life being reflected by patterns in your horoscope? What’s likely to be on your plate this fall? Find out in a personal astro-logical consultation.
More of the same enterprising, “make it happen” energy from yesterday, with the caveat being that the Capricorn Moon goes void of course at 11:47AM ET, on a combative connection from action-oriented Mars. Translation: there’s the potential for a strong assertion of willpower (upside), that may provoke conflict (downside, but perhaps necessary). During the long Moon void (until 11:33PM ET), remember that making mountains out of molehills is a common response to the energetic shift from fourth gear (Moon engaged) to a wandering drift (Moon void). Chill, chill, CHILL! This is the last day before a New Moon; something fresh is just around the corner. Take care of what is routine, take time to take a break; go with the flow of a 12-hour window that may feel like you’re herding cats.
Meanwhile, the news. Regarding the State of the Union speech, I have been, thrilled, thrilled, thrilled to note the headlines in the New York Times: “Expecting Obstruction, Obama Charts an Independent Path” or “Obama Vows to Act Alone on the Economy”. Why? Because of what I wrote about his second term a year ago, that’s why — as well as our “do-nothing” Moon-void 113th Congress:
Speaking of Obama, Sunday marks the beginning of his second term. He’ll be sworn in at noon, as specified by our Constitution. And though he’ll be doing it all over again on Monday in a public ceremony, for me the swearing-in on Sunday is the one that sticks. In the chart for noon in DC on the 20th, I am relieved to see the Moon NOT void of course in Taurus, suggesting that it may actually function effectively. In Taurus, this suggests a reigning need to preserve and maintain material security, to keep things as they are or as they should be. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t expect a battle, as the Moon is squared by aggressive Mars in Aquarius, suggesting heated and stubborn challenges from the rebel factions. This is likely to be a term of office noted for idealistic, expansive and innovative ideas. And yes, I do believe we’ll see the President operating more independently than in his last term, as the Moon is placed in the 1st house, suggesting, as astrologer Noel Tyl defines it, an entrepreneurial “do your own thing” approach.
How does this chart compare with chart for the start of the 113th Congress? Interestingly, in that chart the Virgo Moon IS void-of-course — and running wild! This suggests a concern with details, organization and discernment that runs away with the whole chart — and, given the void, is likely to be ineffective or at least of no consequence. Hmmm. Perhaps the President will have the upper hand. Also notable is nebulous Neptune running wild, suggesting that elements of vision, idealism, delusion, deception, spirits of all kinds and artistry will be all over this legislative body like a cheap suit. When NY Times columnist Maureen Dowd wrote about the first day of 113th Congress, she called it a “surreal world”. Yep. That’s Neptune running wild…
Last week I posted a bit about how Obama is likely feeling a need for a more prominent expression of nebulous Neptune energy, y’know — like a vision. Potential expressions of Neptune — for anyone, not just Obama — include: ego wipeout, surrender, rarefied art, music, film, photography, idealism, fantasy, healing, spirit, spirits, drugs, deception and/or this one — SAVIOR. I wonder about that last one, as President Obama is now resolved to go it alone.
Meanwhile, who saw Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA), perch on her dainty lady sofa and project “a hopeful Republican vision” (the Republican rebuttal to the President’s SOTU), whilst waxing rhapsodic about her personal manifestation of a dream come true? If you read about her horoscope in yesterday’s forecast, you weren’t surprised by all this Neptune Neptune Neptune rose-colored pep talk. Random observation: men have desks. Women have sofas. Just ask Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, Ellen DeGeneres and Oprah Winfrey. “I wonder why that is,” she mused rhetorically…
New Moon happens tomorrow in Aquarius at 4:38PM ET. Stay tuned to this channel for continuing coverage….with gratitude.
The color black is brought to you by today’s Moon in Capricorn. Make something happen and book a personal astro-logical consultation today.