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Los Angeles

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Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 9/5/2014 & the Weekend: Joan Rivers, RIP


Make the most of the morning hours to take care of business while the Moon is still engaged in Capricorn and supported by an energetic connection to action hero Mars.  At 11:08AM ET, Moon goes void until 7:59PM ET, suggesting a higher probability of twists in your efforts to move forward in a straight line. Stick to routine tasks, chill or start your weekend early, perhaps on a less dramatic, more refined note than in previous weeks, given that Venus leaves Leo for Virgo today at 1:07PM ET. Venus refers to social expression. Virgo refers to perfection and discernment.

At 7:59PM ET, Moon enters “who’s yer buddy” Aquarius for the bulk of the weekend, seeking to be of social significance and network with friends from all walks of life. Saturday’s a go for making purchases, though you may need to resist a temptation to overindulge around 2:11Pm ET, when the Moon opposes expansive, expensive Jupiter.

The evening favors more of what’s innovative and unconventional, suggested by a friendly connection between the Moon and rebel Uranus at 9:05PM ET. A few hours later, however, note the potential for a wet blanket or other imposed control suggested by a challenge between Moon and stern Saturn, which can not get out of Scorpio fast enough, if you ask me. Alas, we’re stuck with Saturn in Scorpio until the end of the year. Moon goes void again on Sunday at 1:19PM ET on a highly-charged challenge to aggressive Mars. If you’re a sports fan, keep an eye out for twists and upsets that favor the underdog until the Moon enters compassionate Pisces at 7:47PM ET.

No sleeping in on Monday. Moon will not be void and it will be waxing to fullness at 9:36PM ET.

And now, the news.

Wednesday’s potent alignment between the Sun and regenerative Pluto was the highlight of the week, suggesting news from underground, corruption exposed and/or resolved, oil and gas (underground resources) and healing.  In Virginia, former governor Bob McDonnell and his wife were found guilty of corruption. BP was found to be the “primary culprit” and  “reckless” four years after its Deepwater Horizon oil rig blew up; it now faces an additional $18 billion in penalties. Meanwhile, a dinosaur skeleton unearthed in Argentina some years ago was described in fascinating detail as the most ginormous dinosaur yet. Elsewhere, as predicted on June 11th, former Virginia Congressman Eric Cantor landed a seven-figure job on Wall Street. What will he be doing? Giving out advice.

When it came time to find a new job after losing a primary battle with David Brat, a relatively unknown college professor with deep support from Tea Party activists, the lawmaker said he eventually decided to head to the boutique investment bank to focus on dispensing advice to clients.

Mazel tov, Mr. Cantor! May we all be so richly rewarded for the wisdom we’ve accumulated over the years.

Which brings me to the subject of healing and regeneration, one of the more positive potentials of a Sun-Pluto alignment.  Here’s a fascinating NYT piece about the Center for Courage & Renewal, which “help(s) people strengthen their sense of purpose and deepen their self-awareness and understanding of others.” The author of the piece found himself wishing that every member of Congress would attend one of the Center’s retreats, to help bring this polarized body into some form of functional alignment. But the retreats work just as well for regular folks, too.

In other news, Joan Rivers,  passed away yesterday at 1:17PM ET in New York, when the Moon was exactly conjunct Pluto (power plays, transformation, catharses). Here is her horoscope — a slam dunk, given the life she led. How so? Take a quick look and we immediately note the Sun in pixie chatterbox Gemini opposing Moon in opinionated Sagittarius,  in a T square to a pugnacious and expansive/bombastic conjunction between Mars and Jupiter. Moon is in the 9th house, where it would need to seek an international reach, perhaps through a collective broadcast/publishing medium. The challenges from Mars and Jupiter in Virgo suggest a need to talk about everything, driven by a need for perfection.

The Gemini Sun is in a power-packed 3rd house of communication, along with a tight conjunction of mental Mercury and aesthetic Venus at 29 Gemini, which regular readers of this forecast know is also the Aries Point. So we immediately expect that social expression, communication and aesthetics are going to need prominence. And you can see why she might become known for having umpteen cosmetic surgeries, in a quest to achieve perfection. It’s interesting to note that Mars and Jupiter are in the 6th house (physical body) and that Mars rules her Aries Ascendant (how she needed to be seen).

An Aries Ascendant would need to be seen as a pioneer and an inspiration. Well, that totally fits. Both her Ascendant and her make-it-happen Capricorn Midheaven are close enough to the Aries Point to suggest a further need for prominence. This horoscope was born to be famous. It also has rebel Uranus in Aries, and in the 1st House. This suggests an electric, potentially shocking and unconventional first impression, and a need to disrupt the status quo. The potential for being a game-changer is further supported by a square to Uranus from ruthless Pluto. It is interesting to note that her Uranus, which rules the 12th house of critical illness/self-undoing was eclipsed in April. It is also interesting to note that her natal Saturn at 16 Aquarius was under pressure from transiting Saturn in Scorpio all summer.  Also suggesting a potential stress in health matters: her natal Neptune is currently opposed by transiting Neptune. Regular readers know that Neptune tends to dissolve whatever it touches. Her natal Neptune sits in the 6th house and rules the 12th, both of which refer to health matters.

Fascinating, isn’t it? RIP, Joan Rivers. You lived your horoscope to its fullest potential…and you won’t need any more face lifts now that you’re in Heaven. You’re perfect, just the way you are.

Final note — because I truly enjoy facilitating abundance for other people. The glamor photo in my last forecast of my beloved cat, Phoebe, was taken by photographer Jim Herrington. He’s an extremely gifted professional, and you can see more of his work here.

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Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 6/27/2014 & the Weekend: New Moon in Cancer

Note your dreams upon waking this morning.

The New Moon in  Cancer officially began today at 4:08AM ET, offering us an opportunity to re-set  intentions and goals for the next lunar cycle.  Around July 5th, on the First Quarter Moon, we can expect a challenge to those goals, with appropriate adjustments made. At the time of the Full Moon on the 12th, we can expect illumination on the success or failure of our goals for the cycle. If we succeeded, we can consciously release our success into our reality; if we failed, we let go of whatever did not work. After the Third Quarter Moon on the 18th, we can review our achievements, tie up loose ends and get ready to begin another New Moon on the 26th.

This New Moon occurs at 6 degrees of Cancer and the only connection it makes is a harmonious aspect with Neptune, the planet referring to vision, intuition, deception, delusion, spirits of all kinds, oil, oceans, drugs & other toxins, charity, suffering and martyrdom  — just to name a few. Moon is generally very happy to be in Cancer, the sign it rules. In Cancer, the Moon seeks to fulfill a need for emotional/homeland security; this month we can expect that need to be met in rose-colored hues. Venus in this New Moon chart is also making contact with one other planet — and again that would be Neptune. This suggests idealism in social expression, as well as in issues concerning women, art and money. You may recall that Neptune and idealism were strong themes in last month’s New Moon, so we can expect more of the same — some of it magical; some of it mystical and some of it simply bewildering.

In the New Moon chart, mental Mercury is retrograde and running wild in Gemini,  suggesting this month will be again notable for shifts in the way we think and communicate. Given that Mercury is retrograde, we can expect plenty of that thinking to be concerned with reviewing issues from the past (a positive potential of Mercury retrograde), or flat-out sloppy and misinformed (a downside potential of Mercury retrograde). Mercury turns direct on July 1st and reaches the Aries Point (o Cancer) on July 13th; watch the headlines for especially prominent mindshifts — some of involving women, now that I’m also noting Venus at the Aries Point (0 Cancer) on July 19th.

Mars, symbolizing our need for action, is still in Libra, but picking up speed for its entrance into Scorpio on July 26th. Huzzah! In this cycle we will continue to process the tension released this month by the warrior planet’s forceful contacts with the Uranus-Pluto square, which on the upside may be reflected in the supercharged World Cup soccer games. Go team! Jupiter and Saturn are also running wild, but with very different agendas. Jupiter is wrapping up its year-long stay in Cancer, seeking its reward in the expansion of emotional security/nourishment/home/family concerns, augmented by an obsession with power and resources. Jupiter enters Leo on July 16th.

Saturn remains in Scorpio, continuing its nitty-gritty reality check on the consequences of sex, death and money, i.e. debt — watch the headlines. It turns direct on July 21st, but will spend the entire month sitting at 16 degrees of Scorpio. So if you have a planet or an angle around that degree — or also around 16 degrees of Leo, Taurus or Aquarius, I can appreciate why you may be feeling squeezed by outside controls — or feeling pressured to act on your ambition all month long — and wondering why it also feels as if you’re not making any progress. Same applies if you were born around the 9th of August, November, February or May. President Obama is in this category; his Ascendant is 18 Aquarius.

Neptune is retrograde in Pisces, hanging out at 6-7 degrees all month. You’re feeling the fog and/or need for a more beautiful vision more personally if you were born 5-9 days into Pisces, Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius…or if you have a planet or angle at 5-9 degrees of those signs. Neptune in Pisces will continue to be reflected in the headlines with stories of oceans, fish, drugs (all pot all the time in the US) and the huddled masses, large and small. And let us not forget the never-ending Uranus-Pluto square challenging the status quo and exposing corruption in our hallowed institutions.

The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon at 6 Cancer is “game birds feathering their nest,” which I see echoed in the New Moon chart by Jupiter — as described above. The always-insightful  Sabian Symbol guru Blain Bovee observes that this Symbol refers to refining home security concerns and prosperity accumulated by tending to one’s property or thoughts for future comfort. He offers the curious observation that “game birds” are the quarry of hunters, and that “anyone thought to be fit for ridicule or criticism is said to be ‘fair game'”. Hmmmm.

Bovee suggests we apply this Symbol with a mind to “an urgent sense of making progress; a sense of frustration with obstacles…considering [among other things] overrefinement of strategies; game natures clashing with ponderous delays.” (If you enjoy these Sabian Symbols, I recommend you get Bovee’s book so you can read his whole take on each Symbol).  If you have a planet or angle around 6 degrees of Cancer, Capricorn, Aries or Libra, you will feel initiative (and perhaps the urgency) of this New Moon more than most.

General notes for the weekend: dreamy, courtesy of exact contacts between Sun and Venus with Neptune at 3:23AM ET and 3:31PM ET on Sunday, respectively. Vision, spirit, healing, music — all sorts of idealized beauty and rose-colored escapes are favored. Add a dramatic flair when Moon enters Leo at 4:43AM ET Sunday.

But first — on Friday — a potential power play or deep emotional response around 5:39PM ET, when Moon is challenged by Pluto…followed by an upset or revelation around 1:16AM ET, when Moon is challenged by rebel Uranus. Be careful on the roads late Friday night and in the wee hours on Saturday.

No exact aspects during the day on Saturday until 9:03PM ET, when Moon hooks up with expansive, expensive Jupiter. Oh joy! Moon will be void until 4:43AM ET Sunday. No harm, no foul.

And no sleeping in on Monday.

And now, the news.

Interesting to note right after I posted yesterday’s forecast noting stern Saturn’s challenge to Obama’s Ascendant that the Supreme Court issued a control (Saturn!), ruling that certain recess appointments he made in 2012 were unconstitutional. On a lighter note, I wish I’d seen this fun Tweet from the coach of the US soccer team in time to share it with you before yesterday’s all-day void of course Moon. It’s a permission slip you could have given to your boss, excusing you from work so you could watch the US play Germany at the World Cup, and thousands did — as reported by WJLA in DC. What perfect timing!

 Your donations never fail to make my day, with much gratitude to you for  your appreciation. Gratitude also to those of you who share this forecast with friends. Here’s the 411 on personal consultations. Have a wonderful day!