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The me-me-me Aries Moon has been void since 10:52 PM ET last night…not to enter Taurus until 3:51 PM ET. You know how much I love a weekend driven by the Taurus Moon’s need for material comfort and security. Raise a glass; get thee to the spa; indulge in sensual pleasures with your sweetie….and yes, some may go overboard over the next few days. Why? Because on Monday, the Leo Sun squares Jupiter, planet of wretched excess. If you liked February 9th and May 8th, you’ll love August 6th. Watch the headlines for bloated consumption and bombastic egos. That’s the downside. The upside would be a jolly good time. Cheers!
Meanwhile, women, art, money and social expression will become prominent in the headlines. Why? Because Venus is fast approaching the Aries Point as it traverses the last couple of degrees of Virgo and hits 0 Libra — also on Monday. Ooh — and look at this: Venus hits the Aries Point and Jupiter squares the Sun at exactly the same time — 7:28 PM ET. Hmm. An excuse to buy a few lottery tickets, perhaps? Ya never know….especially if you have a planet or angle around 14 degrees of Scorpio, Leo, Aquarius or Taurus. Don’t know if that’s you? Well, good heavens, book an appointment with your astrologer and find out. That’s what I’m here for. Sheesh!
Oh, but I got ahead of myself.
There is no void on Saturday to deter your shopping sprees. On Sunday, the Moon will be void for only two hours — between 7:46 PM ET and 9:32 PM ET — no biggie. Then it enters Gemini, looking to be witty and clever with the latest rumor. I say “rumor” because Mercury is still retrograde. Don’t believe everything you hear! When in doubt, be silent!
No sleeping in on Monday. There is no Moon void to use as an excuse, and blaming it on Mercury retrograde is a tired cliche. In addition to the big story the Sun-Jupiter square suggests we’ll be reading about, we’ll have the buzzzzzzz of rebel Uranus at a standstill, about to turn retrograde on TUESDAY at 12:49 PM ET. Watch for more stories of aviation, technology, innovation, geniuses, madmen, rebels, seismic activity and other shocks to the status quo.
Astrologers are like dentists. It’s good to check in with one every six months to a year. Plus, Mercury retrogrades are excellent times for REviewing your life with your astrologer. Here’s the 411 on consultations.
And now, the news.
The pattern of the week — Mars in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus — is everywhere in the headlines. Fires, firearms, tech breakthroughs, reckless actions, cars, airplanes, even an astrology story or two:
Reflecting the extravagance of the upcoming Sun-Jupiter square: details of Paul Manafort’s spending habits, as his trial gets underway. Here’s another: “At P45’s hotel in New York, revenue went up this spring — thanks to a visit from big-spending Saudis”
Also big — and adding the prominence of Venus (art) approaching the Aries Point, with the REcovery potential of Mercury retrograde: “A small-town couple left behind a stolen painting worth over $100 million — and a big mystery,” reports WaPo….although the story of the recovered De Kooning in question was reported way back in the fall of 2017. Meanwhile,
UPDATE: on P45. Just in time for a measurement exact on August 19th between Mercury (mindset) and Uranus (disruption), Omarosa Manigault’s tell-all tome will be released on August 14th. The title: “Unhinged” — an apt reflection of the downside potential of Mercury-Uranus connections. Why else would P45 tell an audience (last night), that he was 15 minutes early for tea with Queen Elizabeth…when all the world saw it live on tape that he was the one who kept Her Majesty waiting? When was the last time you read George Orwell’s 1984?
UPDATE: Marianne Williamson, whose horoscope I haven’t written about since 2012. She’s apparently “exploring a run for president in 2020.” With transiting Uranus supercharging her Capricorn Moon this year, we can appreciate why she’d be fired up about making something happen — whatever it takes. Ms. Williamson was certainly on to something in her open letter to Hillary Clinton, published before Mrs. Clinton announced her presidential run. And we see other patterns in her horoscope reflecting a need to expand on a vision and get the message out there in 2019. We also see patterns requiring no small amount of discipline and focus.
Well? What pleasantries will you allow yourself to indulge in this weekend, hmm?
Thank you for reading this forecast.
Happy last week of 2017!
The Moon was void in Pisces for most of Christmas Day, encouraging you to go with the flow and not make mountains out of molehills. It also suggested resisting the impulse to buy flannel sheets online, no matter how tempting the discounts offered. The 25th was notable for one other pattern and a shift: Venus (women, money, social expression and aesthetics) left high-flying Sagittarius for Capricorn at 12:26 AM ET. Twelve hours later, Venus met up with Saturn.
In social-climbing Capricorn, Venus suggests an enterprising spin on social interactions for the next few weeks. If you were born with Venus in Capricorn, you could be quite adept at knowing how to use relationships to get ahead. You may wait until later in life before realizing that love is more valuable than status. A Venus-Saturn meet-up (the technical term is “conjunction”) suggests a sobering or ambitious reality check on issues related to Venus. “Reality check” might also include cuts, limitations and other brick walls. Here are some Venus-Saturn headlines from a past conjunction.
Meanwhile, Moon charged into Aries last night at 7:27 PM ET, where it will zoom until early THURSDAY. Humming in the background is a harmonious alignment between Mars (action, yang, war, courage, anger) and Neptune (fantasy, lies, drugs, forgiveness, fog) that will be exact Thursday at 1 AM ET. Mars-Neptune aspects suggest charisma and other forms of pixie-dust, facilitating starpower and scams. Less so with the scams, given that is an easy Mars-Neptune connection, but still. This particular configuration conjures up images of secrets, sexuality, peace offerings, spirituality and (the potential downside) more than a little fanaticism, likely of a religious kind.
The Aries Moon makes its weekly clash with Pluto and Uranus at 5:25 AM ET and 3:57 PM ET on WEDNESDAY — watch for impulsive power plays and/or upsets around those times. Your Moon voids — times to chill and avoid impulse shopping purchases — are WEDNESDAY 3:57 PM ET until 1:23 AM ET on THURSDAY; FRIDAY 9 AM ET until 3:31 AM ET on SATURDAY. By then emotions will be on the rise, waxing to fullness with the Moon on New Years Day, 9:24 PM ET in Cancer.
And now, the news.
Venus (social expression, love) was exactly trine Uranus (freedom) last Wednesday…and also in an applying conjunction with Saturn. Freedom and a reality check about family obligations and social expression? How about “Debunking Myths About Estrangement.”? In this NYT article, “new research challenges the deeply held notion that family relationships can’t be dissolved and suggests that estrangement is not all that uncommon.”
Take the far-out potential of the Sagittarius Sun in harmony with Uranus (12/16/17), along with a New Moon exactly on the Galactic Center AND a REview of the past suggested by Mercury in retrograde, and here’s this from 12/18: Former Navy pilot describes UFO encounter studied by secret Pentagon program.
Saturn and Capricorn refer to bones. With Saturn in Capricorn, WaPo offers this: “Calcium and Vitamin D Supplements May Not Prevent Bone Fractures.”
From yesterday, when Venus met Saturn (and got down to business): “Business Schools Now Teaching #MeToo, N.F.L. Protests and…” Here’s another involving art, women and gobs of cash: Clock Is Ticking on $10 Million Reward in Gardner Art Heist. This one involves isolation, social expression, faith and other spirits (Mars trine Neptune), for better or for worse: Thousands Once Spoke His Language in the Amazon. Now, He’s the Only One.
Meanwhile, in the world of surreal and prominent finance, Bitcoin has been on a wild ride. Up…then drastically down… and now up again. What is it and why is it significant? This piece tries to explain.
A big shift coming up in 2018 is Uranus leaving Aries for Taurus. We are likely to see many techological and philosophical disruptions (Uranus) in matters related to Taurus and its need for material comfort and security. These matters include: possessions, earth, food, agriculture, our physical bodies, money and banking. What might that look like? I stumbled across a prescient essay by Seth Miller a few months ago. It beautifully connects the dots between some of what was achieved while Uranus has been in Aries — i.e, the technology (Uranus) that developed the self-driving car (Aries). Where will it likely take us in the near-term future? “When Delivery is Free, Will Ownership Survive?”
In other news…expressly defying expectations, P45 did not wait until January to sign the sloppy tax bill that will likely take the country back to 1929. It was signed on impulse on Dec 22nd, with Mercury at a dead stop in Sagittarius, square to wiggy Neptune. Yeah, like that’s really going to work as described. Avid Readers might recall that the House first passed its version of the bill when Mercury was stationary retrograde earlier this month — another suggestion of unintended consequences that will later be revealed.
I have yet to find a news outlet announcing the exact time of the signing — can’t even find a timecode on the C-Span video — thanks, lamestream media! I’m using the time of the first tweet I saw announcing that the bill was signed — less a couple of minutes — so 10:57 AM in DC. This C-Span video first aired at 11:07 AM ET. If anyone has a documented exact time, I would love to have it. Regardless, I’m noting the first week of February 2018 and March of 2019 for more fog and mirrors to become visible with respect to this duplicitous piece of legislation. Regardless, here are five things you can do to before January 1 to lower your tax bill, according to WaPo.
UPDATE : Back in August it was noted that transiting Saturn would be sitting on the Sun of Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, suggesting a block, squeeze — or at the very least, a wet blanket, dumped on him with great prominence, given that his Sun is at the Aries Point (his birthday is Dec 21 — Winter Solstice). So what happened? A bomb squad was called to his Bel Air home a few days ago, to disable what turned out to be the dumping of…a box of horse manure. And it’s all over the media now…because prominence.
It would be good for Utah if Hatch, having finally caught the Great White Whale of tax reform, were to call it a career. If he doesn’t, the voters should end it for him.
Astrology is amazing. Are you about to have a Saturn squeeze? Find out in a personal consultation and make a plan to handle it effectively. Here’s the 411.
Thank you for reading this forecast.
Moon entered Leo this AM at 2:23 ET, after a thirty-minute void so brief you would have barely noticed it. Put aside for one minute the latest dreadful headline reminding us that the U.S. is still in the throes of 1) an anguished and brutal “get real” transit demanding it face the wretchedly twisted parts of its psyche; and 2) a bewildering identity crisis, thanks to nebulous Neptune. In your own personal world, you can reap the potential sunny festivity the Leo Moon inspires, aided and abetted by beautiful Venus and expansive Jupiter also in Leo. Big party; big drama; big hearts may rule.
There are no Moon voids to deter your shopping expeditions, save for a 50 minute break on Sunday between 12:09PM and 12:59 PM ET. Then Moon leaves Leo for perfection-seeking Virgo, so if you want to make Dad feel like a king, do it before 1PM. The rest of the afternoon and evening are driven by a need for detail, service and making things right.
On Sunday at 12:38PM ET the Sun leaves Gemini for Cancer. Happy Summer Solstice!
Here’s what you need to know about the first day of any season — i.e., equinoxes and solstices — from an astrological point of view. The first days of Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter correspond with the first day (or first degree) of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, respectively (there are thirty degrees in each sign of the zodiac). Got that? Good.
These four signs are called cardinal signs. Cardinal signs initiate. They come up with the idea and put it into action, which leads to necessary change. “Cardinal” suggests (from the Latin root of the word), “that on which something turns or depends.” So the first day/degree of a Cardinal sign is a turning point. In astrology, the technical term for the first degree of any Cardinal sign is the “Aries Point”, just to confuse people who are not professional astrologers. In other words, the first day of Cancer, Libra, Capricorn and Aries is the Aries Point. The first day of Taurus (and the rest of the signs) is NOT at the Aries Point).
Equinoxes and solstices are also prominent. We make a fuss over them, right? In Japan, the first day of each season is actually a national holiday. How cool is that? Thus, in a horoscope, a planet or angle at the Aries Point needs to be prominent. Off the top of my head, Meryl Streep & Elizabeth Warren (both Cancers — happy birthday!) and William Shatner (an Aries) were born with the Sun at the Aries Point. They’re pretty prominent in everything they do, don’t you think?
And now, the news.
Here’s what I wrote for Wednesday:
Up and at ’em. The drive of today’s Cancer Moon is mostly free and clear. It’s also fresh and new. Launch away! Cancer is a nurturing energy which needs to focus on home(land) and family concerns. It is emotional and intuitive, and it will carry us through the end of Thursday.
Between now and then we may see a power play or other catharsis around 9:42PM ET tonight, as the Moon makes its weekly challenge with Pluto. Thursday morning may present a wake-up call or upset to the status quo, as the Moon is challenged by Uranus at 7:24AM ET. Keep planting seeds related to your New Moon projects.
How unsettling to wake up Thursday morning with an upsetting story dominating the headlines (once again). On Wednesday night around 8PM, as I am sure you have heard, a disturbed young man entered a church in Charleston, SC. Shortly after 9PM, nine people had been fatally shot with a pistol he had been given for his 21st birthday (April 3rd). So here we are with our hearts breaking all over again because of this hardcore fact: if you combine a firearm with an angry person who may or may not be living in a distorted, hate-filled and possibly drug-induced reality, bad things are likely to happen.
Unless someone wants to send me a big, fat check for my time and focus, I’ll refrain from writing about planetary patterns on Dylann Storm Roof’s birthday, other than to say Neptune Saturn Pluto Uranus are all doing what you’d expect on this loner/misfit’s Sun, Moon and Saturn. I’d much rather focus on this tribute to the nine beautiful lights Charleston, SC just lost.
Speaking of distorted reality, South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley delivered an emotional speech yesterday, telling her constituents:
“As all eyes of this country are on our state and our city,” she said, “what happened in that church is not the people of South Carolina.”
However, she said, “If this can happen in church, we’ve got some praying to do. If there’s one thing we can do in South Carolina it’s pray. … We are a state of faith, we are a state of prayer, we are a state of love.”
…which is in no means diluted or besmirched by the Confederate flag flying lovingly at full staff on top of the building where Governor Haley works, alongside its other Official State Flag — the one emblazoned with a rainbow, a peace sign and a smiley face.
Dear Governor Haley, I knew I’d see this in your horoscope, but could you please remove the rose-colored glasses reflected by your Neptune square Venus in (empathic) Pisces? At least until the end of your term? Your idealism is getting in the way of your relationships. And you might be forgetting that Charleston made headlines on April 4th when Walter Scott was killed by a police officer at a traffic stop (I thought the website of the Post and Courier looked familiar).
Odd that the Confederate flag also made headlines in Texas. The Supreme Court ruled 5-4 that by refusing to issue an official state license plate imprinted with said flag (like the one on Mr. Roof’s black Hyundai), it was not infringing upon the free speech rights of its citizens. Justice Clarence Thomas joined the four liberal justices in that decision.
Well, at least plenty of people are now talking about this issue. And anger can be channeled for productive purposes, too…with the “burning intensity” suggested by the Sabian Symbol of Tuesday’s New Moon.
Meanwhile, what did we miss while focusing on the latest karmic consequences of our die-hard right to bear arms? First, the House reversed itself and approved a bill granting President Obama authority to move forward on the TPP. Well, with Saturn returning to the top of the president’s horoscope, we do expect him to be at the top of his game. Have to see what the Senate does next week…
Second, Brian Williams’ need to be Number One (suggested by his Moon in me-me-me Aries) has been permanently disrupted by transiting Uranus and Pluto to his Mercury and Mars (and probably that Moon, too). He won’t be returning to the anchor chair at NBC; he’s been reassigned to MSNBC.
Third, Amnesty International released a report alleging that “every state in the US fails to comply with international standards on the lethal use of force by law enforcement officers”. Holy transiting Pluto square U.S. natal Saturn, Batman! The U.S. is living out its horoscope, as noted in the first paragraph of this forecast.
Finally, a positive spin on the encyclical on climate change issued Thursday by Pope Francis. And by positive, I mean a story in The Guardian about how U.S. Catholic leaders are preparing to implement this directive. If you read about the encyclical in The Washington Times, you’d think from the headline that it was mostly a personal attack on President Obama. Fascinating.
Where do you get your news? And more important, what’s going on in your horoscope? Are you poised to be on top of your game or are you poised to make a fresh start? Why not contact me for a personal consultation?
No sleeping in on Monday. Have a fun and festive weekend!
Alllllllrighty, then!
Still more of the same from the last two days, at least in the morning and early afternoon hours. Moon is in Scorpio, seeking to consolidate and organize (with depth and substance), for the sake of power and control. Moon goes void at 3:46PM until 7:30PM ET, suggesting you focus on routine tasks, chill and don’t make a mountain out of what may only be a molehill of crisis. Note that the Moon goes void on a challenge to mental Mercury, suggesting a potential clash in communication — or at least an especially persuasive effort. Avoid arguing just for the sake of arguing.
At 7:30PM ET, we may feel pounds lighter and brighter as the Moon shifts gear and enters high-flying, optimistic Sagittarius, where it will gamble and gambol through the rest of the work week. We will have survived whatever other outbursts and/or courageous acts of heroism that Mars has in store as it conjoins rebel Uranus at 12:06PM ET and squares Pluto at 6:37PM ET. Huzzah!
And now, the news.
As predicted, the markets are volatile.
Last night the headlines were peppered with plenty of Mars in Aries buzzwords, e.g, “Joe Biden Goes Ballistic” and “James Carville Goes Scorched Earth”. This morning, I see that a Blackhawk helicopter went down in the Florida panhandle; 11 are missing. Today marks the 4th anniversary of the 9.0 earthquake that crippled the Fukushima nuclear power plant, so of course it makes sense that we would be reading an update today. Essentially, the battle (Mars) to contain the radiation (Uranus-Pluto) is “never-ending”.
Elsewhere — in breaking news — ISIS has reportedly carried out one of its fiercest attacks, as the US Senate holds hearings on the potential use of force against it. Meanwhile, the NYT has a story about US veterans who have joined other military forces in the Middle East to fight against ISIS. War and more war…and guns, too (also ruled by Mars). Utah just passed a bill that would allow executions by firing squad. The Obama Administration has “abandoned efforts” to ban a bullet that is capable of piercing police armor.
Meanwhile, the letter to Iran signed by 47 Republicans continues to generate controversy. Who wrote this letter, anyway? A freshman senator from Arkansas named Tom Cotton. At 37, he’s the youngest member of the Senate. Why the heck is he attracting all this attention now? Avid readers of this forecast will surely have a hunch at what we will find when we look at planets on the day Tom Cotton was born: May 13, 1977 in Dardanelle, AR.
Cotton is a Taurus whom we would expect to have made an ambitious reach last fall when transiting Saturn opposed his Sun. That’s when he won his Senate seat. But what really stands out is an exact meet-up of Venus and Mars at — 12-13 degrees Aries –opposed by Pluto at 11 Libra. It was triggered last week by both Venus and Mars in Aries! This trigger suggests a warrior in action, values and social expression, supercharged by potency and potential overkill.
Note that the natal Venus-Mars-Pluto opposition has been highly stimulated by Uranus and Pluto for the past two years. In fact, Cotton announced his bid for the Senate in August of 2013, on the first hit of Pluto at 11 Capricorn. Isn’t that interesting?
But wait — there’s more. We do not have a birth time for Cotton, but if he was born after 4am, he would also have a me-me-me-first Aries Moon! We’d expect a need for conquest — to be Number One — to always be a winner. Also of interest: his Venus and Mars is conjunct Eris, a minor planet discovered in 2005 and named for the Goddess of Discord. I find it intriguing that the entity currently causing so much destruction in the Middle East also has Moon in Aries, along with Venus, Mars, Eris conjunct in Aries. Its Venus-Mars-Eris alignment will be triggered by Mars next week, along with its Aries Sun.
In other news, Johnny Depp, whose horoscope is also personally affected by this current Mars-Uranus-Pluto transit, injured his hand on a shoot in Australia and will need surgery. He is expected to make a full recovery.
Astrology is amazing — a good thing to know about. It’s a fascinating mix of fate and free will. As my teacher Noel Tyl loves to say, “Planets don’t do anything. People do”.
Thank you for reading this forecast.
What’s going on your horoscope? Find out in a personal astro-logical consultation. I guarantee you will find our discussion helpful.
Wow. Where did Monday go? Is it Tuesday already?
The Taurus Moon is void all day — not to enter Gemini until 11:54PM ET. You know the drill: stick to routine concerns and chill. You can still be quite productive in efforts to build and maintain material security thanks to an ease of energy flow between Venus (money, social expression, women) and Saturn that is exact at 9:58AM ET, and carries through the day. Good food, music and a snuggle with your sweetie — those and other creature comforts would be an apt reward tonight.
And now, the news.
From yesterday — how interesting — on a day with an ambitious and controlling square between Saturn and the Sun — to see the words “crack down” appear in not one, but two headlines on the NYT homepage. The Australian leader is cracking down on terrorism. The Venezuelan leader is also cracking down. Curious, isn’t it? There are no more headlines about crackdowns on the NYT homepage right now….but there is one which includes the words “Best Selfie Ever”. Remember last week when Venus entered Aries and I anticipated that we’d see more headlines about selfies? Well, that didn’t take long…
So the Oscars came and went and what happened? Patricia Arquette won for Best Supporting Actress. She made headlines for giving an acceptance speech calling for wage equality — and it went viral, especially since Meryl Streep was captured on film reacting to it by leaping out of her chair and shouting “YES!!!” You will recall what a rebel Ms. Streep is when her horoscope was discussed in a bit about astro-twin Elizabeth Warren’s horoscope last week, right? And that we’d expect her rebellious spark to attract attention, yes?
As for Ms. Arquette, it should be no surprise to learn that she has Venus (social expression) at 29 Pisces and Mercury (mindset communication) at 2 Aries. They are both within range of the Aries Point, and thus can be expected to attract attention. With transiting Venus and Mars at 2 Aries on Sunday, of course what Ms. Arquette had to say would be noticed. We can expect Ms. Arquette to remain in the spotlight over the next couple of years, as Uranus and Pluto supercharge her Aries Sun and Midheaven.
In other news, there’s Fox celebrity Bill O’Reilly. He’s been accused of inflating some of the stories he reported while covering the Falklands war many years ago for CBS. Naturally my first thought was that he must have a dynamic aspect between Mercury (mindset) and Neptune (color it rose) in his horoscope, like Brian Williams. And in fact he does have Mercury conjunct Neptune, and this idealistic pattern is under fire from Uranus and Pluto. We’d expect his words and thoughts to be supercharged. Not only that, but Mr. O’Reilly has Moon in me-me-me Aries, just like Mr. Williams. Moon in Aries is a natural warrior, doncha’ know. It needs to lead and inspire. It needs to be a hero. Isn’t that interesting?
Keepin’ it light today. What’s going on in your horoscope?
Moon continues its charge through me-me-me Aries, needing to be an inspiring pioneer. Jangled nerves, a heady buzz or other revelation, as well as intense emotions may be on deck during the morning hours ET, as Moon makes contact with ruthless Pluto and rebel Uranus at 9:07AM and 12:29PM ET. After, we’re free and clear.
Aries can be an inspiring crusader and a passionate champion of the underdog. It can be impulsive, impatient and yet utterly courageous. It’s always up for something new and daring. If you want to motivate an Aries, tell them a task is impossible. They’ll work overtime to prove you wrong.
Aries can be also be self-absorbed. Like this NYT video interview with uninformed slackers who explain why they aren’t going to bother voting today. They can’t possibly see what might be in it for them. Did you know that the biggest political party in the US isn’t Democratic or Republican? It’s the party that does not vote. Which means that the outcome of today’s midterm election might be decided by about 40% of eligible voters. Yea verily, those statistics suggest we Americans totally suck at democracy, even as we brag about how great our system is. What’s up with that?
There’s a saying that’s been around for 90 years or so, credited to a number of pastors — and also to actress and activist Irene Dunne. She was a righteous Sagittarius with Moon in Aries, and in 1945 she said in a radio broadcast:
If we don’t stand for something, we’ll fall for anything.
Here’s The Daily Show’s Jon Stewart, skewering an example of something you can avoid falling for, if you take the time to be informed. If you are not familiar with Koch Industries, check it out, as this organization is very much involved in today’s election.
Your mission today is to not be a self-absorbed slacker. Stand up and be counted, even if the task seems impossible and even if the media outlets have already predicted which way the votes will go. In the words of the great Yogi (Berra), “It ain’t over ’til it’s over.” Here’s what’s at stake, suggested by the Uranus-Pluto square, along with this and this, among other things. Waaaaaaaaaake uppppppppp!
An election during an Aries Moon does suggest a need for something new, as opposed to Moon in Taurus, which would suggests keeping things as they are. Two years ago, I looked at the chart for the start of the 114th Congress on January 3rd, 2015. It would seem to be a body that needs to shake up the system — but with what agenda? I will write more about that chart tomorrow.
Meanwhile, here’s Beth Owlsdaughter’s Tarot Card of the Week, always curiously in synch with planetary patterns. Yesterday’s card pull was “unprecedented” and startling, drawn as it was during a void-of-course Moon. The unexpected twist that turned up is the card I associate with the never-ending Uranus-Pluto square, which will be triggered by aggressive Mars next week and exact for the sixth of seven times on December 15th.
If you’re still not inspired by today’s crusading Moon in Aries drive, here’s a song to inspire you as you make your way to the polls. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. Shine!
What’s going on in your horoscope? That nagging need to make a change will likely be affirmed by planetary patterns, so you can move forward with confidence. Here’s the 411 on personal consultations.
East Coasters, use the early morning hours productively before the fiery Aries Moon goes void-of-course at 11:22AM ET, not to enter Taurus until 9:24PM ET. Communication of all kinds is accentuated, though you might notice a shift into neutral around lunchtime. West Coasters, your entire business day may have that “herding cats” feeling, but it does not mean you can’t be productive, too. The challenge is to be patient with any aimless cats you encounter and maintain your cool in during any “crisis” that crops up. My money says it’s likely much ado about nothing, and you’ll have more fun if you can be flexible with your flight plan.
Physical energy and ego energies are running higher than usual, courtesy of a challenge between action hero Mars and bombastic Jupiter. Definitely do something productive with that. On the plus side: more fun and the more the merrier. On the down side: the potential for overindulgence and a lack of oversight; sleepless nights; actions that may be seen as outrageous; and accidents. I’ve had a lot of people who are directly impacted by the Cardinal Grand Cross tell me they’ve had trouble sleeping this week. Coincidence or conspiracy?
Once the Moon enters Taurus at 9:24PM ET, things will settle down. You can calmly and methodically get organized and build structures for your material security and sensual enjoyment.
Meanwhile, planetary patterns suggest another day of extremes — at least in the weather department. While much of America is freaking out over freakishly low temperatures and radical temperature swings, in Australia it’s hotter than Hades, and in Argentina, too. Massive waves have pummeled Europe, too. Want a bit of inspiring, believe-in-miracles, never-never-give-up news that reflects the indomitable spirit of an Aries Moon, mixed in with the breakthrough potential of the Cardinal Grand Cross? “Breakthrough potential” was the subhead in yesterday’s forecast, right? And this just hit the NYT home page: an update from Gabrielle Giffords about a personal breakthrough — read it through to the end, if you please. All through 2010 and 2011, Ms. Giffords had ruthless Pluto and then rebel Uranus making challenging aspects to her natal Mars (willpower; action) and Uranus, which are at 4 degrees of Cancer and 4 degrees of Libra, respectively. This suggests two years of extraordinary effort (here’s her horoscope — time unknown), resulting in a powerful transformation. In 2013, disciplined Saturn would have challenged her natal Saturn and likely her Leo Moon, suggesting the potential for an ambitious reach. She is awesome, and though I could dig up a zillion other headlines reflecting current planetary patterns, I’d rather let Ms. Giffords’ breakthrough (note that it is a physical breakthrough — how very Mars – Jupiter), carry you through the day.
This fire-engine red is brought to you by the Moon in me-me-me Aries, inspiring you to start the New Year off with an astro-logical consultation that’s all about YOU. Self-indulgent aspects among Venus, Mercury and the Moon demand it! Consultations are described in detail here.
OK, break time is over, as of 2:39AM ET, when the Moon zoomed into RAMbunctious Aries — thus ending a 17 hour “go with the flow” Moon void in dreamy Pisces. Aries is a sign that prefers to fall downstairs because it’s faster than walking; however, such impulses may not blend well with the mental fuzziness that may be lingering, given that Mercury turned direct late Sunday afternoon. As you zip through your to-do list today, take a moment to review whatever groundwork was done during Mercury’s retrograde period. You may discover a few errors and omissions. It’s OK to take it slow as we get back up to speed. Be alert for possible shake ups and power plays in the early evening ET, as the Moon makes its weekly clash with the never-ending Uranus-Pluto square.
Another planetary shift today is nebulous Neptune turning direct at 2 degrees of Pisces, thus ending a five month period of subtle focus on your own dreams and intuition for guidance. When a planet is retrograde, the suggestion is to turn inward on issues involving that planet, as opposed to looking outside the self. You’ll feel the effects of Neptune’s change of station more personally if you were born 2-3 days into Pisces, Virgo, Gemini and Sagittarius…or if you have a planet or angle at 2 degrees of those signs. What kind of effects? Oh….perhaps you are feeling somewhat bewildered…or less inclined to be in Type A personality mode (if you are normally a Type A personality). You may find yourself needing to express your creativity — even if you have never thought of yourself as a “creative” person. You may also find being of service richly rewarding.
Meanwhile, we are likely to see some exciting, unconventional breakthroughs and disruptions in aesthetics, women and finance over the next couple of days. Why? Because Venus in Capricorn will be making exact contact with Uranus and Pluto. If you missed it, here’s the link to an earlier forecast about what we can expect under Venus-Uranus-Pluto alignments — starting in the sixth paragraph.
Since I followed my own astro-logical advice and made a dreamy, Mercury retrograde-inspired escape over the holiday weekend, I have not been terribly focused on the headlines. However, I did look at the chart for Typhoon Yolanda’s landfall in the Philippines: 20:45 UT on Nov 7 2013 in the town of Guiuan….and it’s what you’d expect to see. If you’re thinking the Uranus-Pluto square would be prominent in this chart, then you’ve actually been paying attention to this forecast for the past five — OMG — five years. Congratulations! You’d immediately notice the “make it happen” Capricorn Moon tightly conjunct ruthless Pluto, right on an angle…squared by disruptive Uranus at another angle. That suggests profound, sudden and total upheaval. You’d also see expansive Jupiter running wild in Cancer, a Water Sign, up front and center in the horoscope. That suggests the potential for something wet and wild, driven by a lot of hot air.
And speaking of Jupiter running wild, it may interest you to know that Jupiter refers to the liver and cholesterol, and that Jupiter has just turned retrograde, suggesting a review and rethinking of Jupiter issues. How fascinating to note the release of revised guidelines for managing and monitoring cholesterol and the use of statins, brought to you by the American Heart Association.
What’s going on in your horoscope? Contact me to schedule a personal consultation…or give a consultation as a Hannukah gift to a very lucky Someone!
Astrology is amazing…
Re-read yesterday’s forecast, which covers yesterday and today. Here it is, for those of you who receive this forecast via email: In a nutshell, more of the same from yesterday, with greater intensity and perhaps volatility. How is this Earth Grand Trine manifesting for you? For me, it has been incredibly productive, despite several Mercury retrograde tech, communication and transportation snafus. Fabulous!
Looking at the headlines, Jamie Dimon, the highly respected CEO of JPMorgan Chase, gets my vote for best public manifestation of the Earth Grand Trine, raised to greater heights by rebel Uranus and Mercury retrograde. Why? For projecting an aura of empowered, abundant self-sufficiency that rocked the markets and the timetable of the Federal Reserve. Jamie Dimon’s horoscope is personally affected by the EGT and other compelling planetary patterns.
Yesterday JPMorgan Chase announced that it had passed a “stress test” given by the Fed. Nineteen banks had to show they have enough capital to survive another big, fat crisis. JPMorgan said it had plenty of money, thank you very much — and it is raising its dividend. Wow! JPM stock soars! And the market goes even higher! But wait — wait — the results of the Fed stress tests were to be announced on Thursday. But Jamie Dimon didn’t wait — — and soon, other banks followed his lead and announced their test results and dividends, too. Ultimately, the Fed announced all the test results two days earlier than it had planned. And this whole scenario is deliciously in line with planetary patterns outlined in prior forecasts.
Jamie Dimon is a Pisces with Moon in Aries, which needs to be first, dang it. He needs to inspire, to be a pioneer, to lead. Moon in Aries is not known for patience. Jamie Dimon also has assertive Mars at 9 degrees of enterprising Capricorn. That’s where ruthless, resourceful Pluto is right now — yes, sitting on top of Jamie Dimon’s Mars, suggesting great efforts of empowerment. Refer to earlier forecasts for a full description of the Big Giant Earth Grand Trine and you can see how themes of material abundance and expansion are “hot” in Mr. Dimon’s horoscope, not to mention empowerment and emancipation. His need to be FIRST and his need to make things happen (Mars in Capricorn) are being supercharged! There’s much more, but bottom line: we anticipate that Jamie Dimon is going to do something Really Big. And he does. We should watch his horoscope through early 2013.
Fun fact: his birthday is March 13th. Coincidence or conspiracy?
More going with the flow, suggested by Moon in dreamy Pisces. The day gets off on a sweet note, as loving Venus connects with the Moon at 8:12AM ET…and that’s the pattern that carries us through the day, until another potentially passionately expressive connection hits at 11:52PM ET, as Moon goes void of course until 1:28PM ET on Friday.
You know what that Moon void suggests: that moving in a straight line may be a challenge; unexpected twists occur in your usual routine; crises turn out to be much ado about nothing; you can sleep in late or otherwise flake out — usually without consequence.
The mood shifts dramatically on Friday, when Moon enters impulsive Aries after that void, here to stay through the whole weekend. Could be a rollicking — and definitely mentally stimulating — time. While the need to be number one may be subject to bumps, jolts and power plays as of Friday evening into Saturday afternoon, the star of the weekend is Mercury (mind, communication, travel). If you’re a writer, thinker, traveler or communicator, take advantage of the supercharge that disciplined Saturn, expansive Jupiter and inventive Uranus can give your brain cells during this time. More potential for genius is suggested as Mercury leaves Capricorn on Friday at 1:12PM ET — and moves into Aquarius, sign of the rocket scientist.
And — wow! I’ve written the forecast for the whole weekend! And that’s a good thing, because I’m off to Hogwarts — a.k.a. an astrology conference — on Friday and I need a lot of time to pack. So I’ll leave you with one more thought on people born with Mars retrograde (which we were discussing yesterday): if these people were baseball pitchers, they would probably have one of the longest wind-ups in the world. Think about that…and I’ll be back in touch on Monday.
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