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" of the most illuminating readers I've come across. She is quick, perceptive and is very fluent with weaving in what she sees in your chart into what's happening and likely to happen and has happened in your life. I plan to keep Elisabeth as one of my periodic life counselors."
A.W. New York, NY I CAN'T WRITE THIS WITHOUT YOU : ) PLEASE support my time and efforts. CONTRIBUTE to my COSMIC TIP JAR using the gold button below. THANK YOU.
Up and at ’em. The drive of today’s Cancer Moon is mostly free and clear. It’s also fresh and new. Launch away! Cancer is a nurturing energy which needs to focus on home(land) and family concerns. It is emotional and intuitive, and it will carry us through the end of Thursday.
Between now and then we may see a power play or other catharsis around 9:42PM ET tonight, as the Moon makes its weekly challenge with Pluto. Thursday morning may present a wake-up call or upset to the status quo, as the Moon is challenged by Uranus at 7:24AM ET. Keep planting seeds related to your New Moon projects.
And now, the news.
As noted earlier, the nurturing Cancer Moon is a perfect time for Pope Francis to release his status quo-disrupting statements on climate change. And of course he would publish a major work with transiting Uranus opposing his natal Mars, which rule his 8th and 9th houses, respectively. This is a time for daring initiative, and I said as much back in December.
Did you know he has a degree in chemistry? A pope who is also a scientist — what a concept — and you’d think that all of the howling climate change deniers who are also politicians and avowed Catholics would know that about the leader of their church. Don’t they know how dumb they look when they say stuff like this? Here’s an interesting article about how the archbishop of Miami is planning to incorporate the pope’s encyclical into his sermons. What do you think? Will things change?
Here is another past post about the pope and his horoscope. This one is pretty darn good, too. Read it and you’ll appreciate my thoughts on journalism, two paragraphs down.
Themes of nurturing and security are also evident in the headlines buzzing about the Supreme Court’s upcoming ruling on the Affordable Care Act. Will residents in states that did not create their own health care exchanges lose their federal tax credits and thus be unable to afford their health insurance premiums? If the ruling comes during the Cancer Moon, one would think that security would be preserved. But it does not solve the insurmountable challenge of delivering health care sustainably in a system that is driven by profit, as noted in this article about why some hospitals mark up costs by 1000%.
Meanwhile, an update on a story that broke in the aftermath of the last Full Moon — the one about laid-off workers at Disneyworld whose jobs were handed over to temporary workers imported from India (but not before the laid-off workers were forced to train their replacements). After the story was published, a senator got involved. And yesterday, 35 Disney employees in New York and Burbank who were facing similar fates were told that their layoffs had been canceled. That’s good news!
Let’s pause for a moment and consider the power of investigative journalism. Now let’s consider that on the home page of the Washington Times, which is one of the two papers Justice Antonin Scalia says he reads (the other is the Wall Street Journal), there is absolutely no mention of this Disney story or the Affordable Care Act or Pope Francis. The top story at the moment is this: Green Berets’ Efforts to Take Down ISIS Undermined by Shoddy US Intelligence. Well, at least they are concerned with homeland security, as we would expect with a Moon in Cancer. Nothing about Pope Francis or those other two stories on the WSJ home page, either. The top story: “Greek Central Bank Sees ‘Uncontrollable Crisis’ If Talks Fail.” Another version of homeland security. “I just LOVE uncontrollable crises in banking!” said no one with Moon in Cancer ever.
Where do you get your news?
Meanwhile, I’ve been thinking a lot about one of the Sabian Symbols for that last Full Moon — “a topsy saucily asserting itself”. There was Caitlyn Jenner looking saucy on the cover of Vanity Fair. And yesterday, there was Rachel Dolezal on Today, asserting her identity as a black woman. Coincidence or conspiracy?
Ms. Dolezal (November 12, 1977 in Montana), is a Scorpio with Moon in righteously opinionated Sagittarius. We don’t have a birth time, but my money says she was born with that Moon in close contact with visionary/illusionist Neptune, and it may well be under the bewildering spell of a Neptune transit now. She has Mars in regal Leo, of which astrologer Grant Lewi notes, “gets away with murder”. Do you really want to argue with her? Uh-uh. And would you be surprised to see that rebel and eccentric Uranus is running wild in her chart? Nope. Nor would you be surprised by a contact between Pluto and the Nodal Axis, suggesting a mother-daughter relationship that is quite the power struggle.
That Pluto-Node pattern is under stress from transiting Pluto through the rest of the year. Ms. Dolezal’s Saturn at 29 Leo just got hit by transiting Saturn at 29 Scorpio. That’s no surprise, either. We’d expect to see challenges to the ambitious reach she would have made about seven years ago, when she had her first Saturn return. A Saturn return can be experienced as a new lease on life. It appears to be about seven years ago that Ms. Dolezal began to alter her appearance, so much that others perceived her as African-American.
That pressure from transiting Saturn won’t subside until this fall, when Saturn makes it back to Sagittarius. In August, Ms. Dolezal’s older brother faces charges of child sexual abuse.
Kinda makes you stop and compare all of the trials and tribulations you have in your life right now. Would you really trade them with someone else?
I’m expecting plenty of cosmic breakthroughs between now and next week’s easy alignment between Jupiter and Uranus. Here’s one about
…a lost generation of monster stars that ushered light into the universe after the Big Bang and that jump-started the creation of the elements needed for planets and life before disappearing forever.
Cosmic indeed. Always good to end on a high note…
…and another long Moon void is over. As of 7:50AM ET, Moon enters Cancer, focusing on the need for emotional and/or homeland security. How will you nurture yourself and others today? Cruise along; there are no exact aspects until 7:41PM ET, when the Moon may be provoked by a poke from aggressive Mars. Don’t be such a meanie. A soothing escape may develop around 10pm ET, as Moon aligns with dreamy Neptune…or a shot of Scotch.
East Coasters, get your shopping done early on Saturday, as the Cancer Moon goes void at 12:53PM ET…not to enter Leo until 6:34PM ET on SUNDAY. That’s a long time to chill and focus on building and maintaining the comforts of home. What’s cooking? Note that around noon on Saturday, the Moon makes its weekly clash with the Uranus-Pluto square, suggesting potential upsets and power plays.
Mental Mercury is highlighted today and through Sunday, when it makes a brilliant — if somewhat erratic — contact with Uranus at 10:55AM ET Sunday, followed by an expansive contact with Jupiter at 4:15PM ET. I’ll be watching for exceptionally big ideas — and a bit of bombast — in communication and mindset.
No news today, so I can get this posted by 10AM ET. Glance at the headlines and you’ll see plenty reflecting more Sun-Neptune fallout (art, drugs, oil, vision, etc.), as well as the highly efficient action potential of yesterday’s Mars-Saturn alignment. Yes, some of those actions were destructive. The energy suggested by planetary patterns can be used constructively or destructively. Which will it be for you?
No sleeping in on Monday. We’ll be off to the start of a very active week — and month. Stay tuned to this channel for continuing updates, and have a great weekend!
What’s going on your horoscope? Find out in a personal astro-logical consultation. We will have an excellent discussion together.
The Moon is still in Cancer, seeking to fulfill its need for emotional security, perhaps by wearing its heart on its sleeve. There are no exact lunar aspects during business hours in the Americas and no Moon void either, so keep on truckin’. This fast-approaching Mars challenge to erratic Uranus next week is in effect now, so please be careful on the roads.
On Saturday, we’ll have two noteworthy planetary events: the Winter Solstice and Venus turning retrograde in Capricorn. Let’s talk about Venus retrograde today; we’ll cover the Solstice in the next forecast.
Venus goes retrograde on the 21st at 4:53pm at 28 degrees Capricorn. It turns direct on January 31st at 13 degrees of Capricorn. Venus refers to how we need to express ourselves socially. It also refers to women, art, beauty and money; in health matters Venus refers to the belt line area of the body (and internal organs at the belt line, as well as the thyroid and the throat. Venus also rules copper, which is an important indicator of economic growth in the commodities markets.
In our social interactions, Venus is the sugar that sweetens our needs and demands, facilitating cooperation in relationships. When direct in motion, Venus supports social graces and words like “please” and “thank you”. When retrograde, courtesy and consideration do not come so easily — and relationships suffer the consequences. The image I hold of Venus retrograde is one of those old-fashioned sardine cans — the ones where you had to use a key to open them. Roll back the lid of the sardine can and there you have it: stinky fish exposed, for all to see. There’s no hiding that smell.
Venus retrograde offers a relationship, material or aesthetic challenge wherever it is traveling in your horoscope, in this case 13-28 degrees of Capricorn. Tried and true connections may be strained, but durable. Less sturdy bonds may snap. All that fishy smell can mess up our aesthetic senses, too. Be very careful about starting a fling with that hot new thing during this time period, lest ye awaken in a month or so with buyer’s remorse — or worse — the horrible panicked aftermath of a coyote date. This applies to all partnerships, not just romantic ones.
Don’t believe me? Just ask the voters who put those Tea Party rock stars in office in the November 2010 elections, despite the suggestions posted in this forecast (search the archives) that they might live to regret it. And in fact, many Tea Party candidates who were elected in 2010 did not win in 2012. Some are now running for re-election in 2014, presenting themselves as more moderate candidates. As it turns out, there will be no Venus retrograde in November.
Exercise caution in matters of decor. If you’re planning on redecorating, you hopefully have your colors picked out now, rather than during Venus retrograde. Putting in an offer on a new home? The value of the home may be inflated; make sure you’re not paying too much. Look under the rugs, kick the tires — make sure you’re not seduced by surface charm covering up so much….stinky fish.
If you were born with Venus in Capricorn, you could be quite adept at knowing how to use relationships to get ahead. You may wait until later in life before realizing that love is more valuable than status. During this Venus retrograde period, we may witness many misguided efforts to achieve status through the acquisition of material things or people considered “trophies”.
So what good can come out of Venus retrograde? Artistic and creative projects you abandoned may be ripe for a second chance at completion. You may REconnect with a past love. You could REview your handling of financial matters; perhaps there is room for some REorganizing and REstructuring. You may find yourself REconsidering the value of all of your relationships between now and January 31st, but there’s likely no need to make an impulsive leap forward or a major break. You may even REconsider the value of what you value, including money — and darned if this eloquent and provocative little video didn’t just show up on my newsfeed as I typed that last sentence. Have you ever heard of Charles Eisenstein, who wrote a book called Sacred Economics? I hadn’t either, but with today’s Moon in Cancer, Venus just about at its station in Capricorn and the never-ending Uranus-Pluto square rumbling in the background, this video feels perfectly timed…enjoy.
Finish your Christmas shopping before Venus turns retrograde! A personal astro-logical consultation would make a lovely gift — for yourself or a special someone on your holiday shopping list. I have festive gift certificates to email or snail mail — here’s the 411.
Just a quick reminder about the planetary patterns of today: Moon is VOID of course in Cancer, an extremely sensitive placement (read: hurt-prone). Venus is opposed by ruthless Pluto and squared by disruptive, rebel Uranus. Translation: there is potential today for provocations and emotional outbursts of a most explosive kind. My advice is to refrain from arguing with anyone who seems to be operating from a place of ego, pride or clueless self-absorption. There’s no need to turn a molehill into a mountain. Seek instead to be a source of peace, light and calm to those around you. Think about how you can make someone feel emotionally secure. And roll with whatever delays and detours the day deals out — especially if you’re on campus at Princeton University.
If all else fails, here is a cool video to occupy your time today. Astronauts(Uranus) reflecting on what it’s like to see Planet Earth — our home (Moon/Venus/Mercury in Cancer) — from outer space. You’ll love its deep perspective (Pluto). Tomorrow I’ll post more on the New Moon and the horoscope of Edward Snowden, which is fascinating, as you might imagine…
The reigning need of this day and Friday is emotional/homeland security, suggested by the Moon’s ingress into watery Cancer. That’s a big shift from the information-driven energy of the past few days when Moon was in intellectual Gemini. It doesn’t mean the day will be any less dynamic, however.
Note your dreams upon awakening, courtesy of Moon’s lovely connection with nebulous Neptune. There’s a nice flow to the morning on the East Coast, followed by a flash of insight, a disruption of the status quo, a declaration of independence or some other surprise — as rebel Uranus challenges that security-loving Moon at 2:17PM ET.
Keep on trucking for the next few hours, until ruthless Pluto challenges the Moon at 8:31PM ET, suggesting a power play (which could be in your favor), or a deep emotional catharsis (which could also work to your advantage). We’ll have more of Moon in Cancer on Friday, only without so much activity. It’ll be fun. You’ll love it!
Remember that Big Giant Earth Grand Trine that was exact in mid-March? The one involving the so-called money planets: Jupiter & Venus…trine resourceful Pluto…trine aggressive Mars? The one that led to that Big Giant MegaMillions jackpot? The one that was reflected in the markets as a big surge? We have an echo of that pattern happening now through the weekend, only not quite as dramatic or exact. We saw proactive Mars trine Sun on Monday; resourceful Pluto trines the Sun on Sunday — all three in Earth signs. The suggestion here — loosely — is the projection of material self-sufficiency, and isn’t it interesting that we’re in the middle of corporate earnings season and 80% — or some number close to that — of companies that have reported so far have beat Wall Street estimates. Of course if you’re materially self-sufficient, you don’t need help from anyone else. Which means you’re probably not hiring workers anytime soon — at least not this month.
Meanwhile, look at all the cold, hard facts that hit the fan on yesterday’s exact Pluto-Mercury square! And so much dirt about to be dug up — years after we thought the investigations were over, as in the case of Madeleine McCann, a young girl who presumably was abducted a few years ago In other news, Newt Gingrich has a reality check and is about to end his campaign to become our next President There’s more dirt on an intriguing power play going on in China And here’s an investigation that uncovered actual verbal abuse (one of the downsides of Mercury-Pluto challenges is verbal abuse — amazing)!,0,3544619.story
Finally, if you’d like to see the video of Senator Rob Portman doing his chicken impression (cited in the Gingrich article above), it happened in January on CNBC’s Squawk Box Chicken impressions on a TV network devoted to corporations and stock markets? Absolutely. Spectacular showmanship and entertainment are strongly suggested in CNBC’s horoscope — yes, of course I had to look it up.
Moon entered emotional security-loving Cancer at 1:04AM ET on Saturday, in case you hadn’t noticed. Cancer rules the Moon and its placement here suggests a weekend focus that may keep you close to home — or creating the feeling of home wherever you may be. Got a sudden urge to spend time in the kitchen? I know I did. Moon in Cancer may also suggest a need to connect with others on a emotional level — including your mother.
I’m not making a call on Sunday’s big game — though watching it should be a good time. There is no void of course Moon to twist efforts to move in a straight line, so upsets by underdogs are less likely to happen. Root for your home team, whichever one that may be.
One of the joys of Mars being retrograde is giving ourselves permission to slow down, especially after a turbo-charged month like January. I’m taking the day off from astrology today — see you in your emailbox on Monday morning.
Add “preserving homeland security” to the emotional security needs of Moon in Cancer, which I’d argue include possession of certain territories. Preserving homeland security — “safety” — is the argument I’m listening to right now as Mayor Michael Bloomberg explains why the NYPD moved in under cover of darkness last night and evicted Occupy Wall Street, arresting at least 70 protestors Frankly, I think it has less to do with “fire and safety hazards” and more to do with a certain press release that hit the newsrooms yesterday, announcing OWS’s intention to “shut down” the stock markets on November 17th. Such a huge burst of energy and/or grand schemes is not inconsistent with the easy connection suggested by a very physical Mars and expansive, philosophical, “big picture” Jupiter, exact Wednesday at 5:08PM ET. And that burst of energy will find a release, one way or another.
Also in effect this week is an approaching challenge between nebulous Neptune and the Sun, exact on Sunday. On the plus side, Neptune is terrific for artists, musicians, healers and other visionaries. On the down side, Neptune can add an element of confusion, bewilderment, fantasy, deception and outright lies. Keep this in mind if you’re looking for a dose of reality or just the facts. What is said and/or presented may not be as it seems (see paragraph above for one possible example).
In your own personal world, be aware of physical energies bottling up — and find a healthy release in exercise or productive creativity. Your latest project can benefit from the boost, if channeled consciously. Moon continues in Cancer all day long. If you’re feeling crabby or super-sensitive, go ahead and blame it on the Moon ; )
Monday, Monday….
In just three hours, at 2:19AM ET, Moon will leave Gemini for the emotional-security seeking sign of Cancer, and soon thereafter, you may wake up with a flash, jolt or other sudden inspiration, spurred on by an optimistic drive to just get it done and be happy about it, already. Somehow you’ll manage to work through the potential emotional power grab/battle that may happen around lunchtime on the East Coast….and then you can plan your strategy for the rest of the week, unencumbered by any cranky aspects. Keep on truckin’!
This evening, the comforts of home may be calling you. Good food and all that. And more of the same tomorrow.
The Moon voids this week are: Wednesday 12;22AM ET – 11:17AM ET; Friday 2:06PM ET – 5:19PM ET. More anon….
If you happen to wake up in a particularly cranky mood — or have to deal with someone else who did, an intense challenge to the Moon (in the sensitive sign of Cancer ) from power-driven Pluto may well be the planetary pattern to point at. What you — or the other parties — do with your crankiness — or supersensitivity — or a desire for deep emotional expression, is up to you. One option is to take a breath and look forward to the rest of the day unfolding with the potential for lovely, optimistic forms of social expression, with a bit of loony humor added, too. Could a dose of domestic bliss be added to your evening plans?
Meanwhile, I’ve been anticipating headlines about energy resources hitting towards the end of the week and into next week, especially with regard to oil/gas. In fact, two big deals — big, as in optimistic and possibly excessive — hit within the past 48 hours (perhaps Friday’s exuberant Venus-Jupiter opposition just couldn’t wait). Here’s one: and here’s the other
Happy reading — and enjoy the day!
Driving actions today is a need for emotional and/or homeland security, suggested by the Moon’s ingress into Cancer at 6:31AM ET. Note your dreams upon waking, as nebulous Neptune may well send you a message via these intangible forms. The morning vibe on the East Coast is likely one of balance and harmony in social expression; however, as the day progresses and the need for security is challenged by rebel Uranus and ruthless Pluto between 1:30PM and 3:46PM ET (other time zones, please do the math and adjust accordingly), we may be in for a few bumps, surprises and other bolts from the blue.
Meanwhile, yesterday’s 5.8 quake at 1:51PM ET in Mineral, VA left more than a few residents in the Northeast feeling bewildered. That’s what’s so intriguing when we cast the horoscope for that moment in time and space. The first thing I note is nebulous Neptune opposing the Virgo Sun AND squaring the 27 Scorpio Ascendant, suggesting bewilderment, especially with regard to identity — and perhaps even an identity crisis. As in, “This isn’t California: earthquakes don’t happen in this part of the world – wtf???”
Speaking of freaky quakes, at 1:50PM 8/23/2011 in NYC, the New York Times posted a story about another “rare” quake that happened Monday night in Colorado Looking at the chart for 11:46PM on 8/22/2011 in Trinidad, CO, would you believe we find the same Neptune opposite the Sun squaring the 1 Gemini Ascendant? I can’t help but be intrigued by the similar pattern in these two charts…
Astrologers observe planetary patterns. Time and time again we note a correlation between an event, an action, a personality trait or a behavior. Then, when we see the pattern coming, we anticipate what will happen…