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"Her ability to pinpoint exact years of major occurrences was uncanny. And her sensitive insight brought such clarity to the reading."
-- D.H.

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Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 9/1/2010

Coincidence or conspiracy? Tuesday evening I am at my computer working, when suddenly I hear these words of substance (see yesterday’s forecast): “Thank you. May God bless you. And may God bless the United States of America, and all who serve her.”  I look up and see that it is 8:19PM NY time; Moon has just come out of its “no-consequence” Void and moved into Gemini. All of a sudden one of the websites I had open on my computer screen has started broadcasting Obama’s speech — or at least the last three sentences of it. Cue “Twilight Zone” theme song now…

Moon is in Gemini until early Friday morning. People born with Moon in the airy, mental sign of the Twins have a need to inform with cleverness and charm — and they are often adept at arguing both sides of a situation, thus finding it difficult to make a decision.  If you’re dealing with information overload today, re-focus on the big picture — possibly the one you had in mind on the New Moon three weeks ago. A grounded connection from disciplined Saturn to possibly scattered emotions can help you chart your course today.

Meanwhile, if you’re thinking of planning an escape this weekend, the aspects do bode well for it. Moon in Gemini would love to help you gather the information for that possibility if you haven’t made plans…

Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 9/2/2010

Today’s Moon — still in Gemini — makes lovely connections to Mars (action), Venus (social expression) and Neptune (imagination). It’s a good day to put yourself out there and see the best in people. Meetings and social gatherings of all kinds are favored…especially those involved with art, music, spirituality and/or service.

A postscript to yesterday’s post about those born with Moon in Gemini: they like words. A lot. Perhaps this explains why President Obama had all those words stitched into the border of the new rug in the Oval Office…

At 2:50AM Friday the Moon will move into watery Cancer, buffeted through the morning by the heavies in the Big T-Square Party (see forecast for 7/27/2010). Could be wet and wild, especially if you’re a hurricane about to hit land, which is a possibility here on the East Coast as we keep an eye on Hurricane Earl. Then again, what if everyone on the planet visualized that storm system moving off the coast and doing no damage at all? Think we could collectively create that reality?