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Alll-righty then!
Writing this during Tuesday’s 13-hour Moon void in Scorpio, looking forward to the lift I expect we’ll all feel once the Moon enters Sagittarius at 1:56AM ET on Wednesday. If you are new to this forecast (welcome!) and are not familiar with the term “Moon void” or “void of course Moon,” here’s a lengthy explanation of what it is and why it is helpful to know about them.
A Sagittarius Moon needs to express its righteous opinion. It can be blunt, coarse and brutally honest. It needs to push boundaries and expand horizons with great enthusiasm, and it’s always up for a gamble or a gambol. Fun Moon-in-Sagittarius activities include catching a foreign film, getting out in nature, engaging in a spirited philosophical debate. At 4:40pm ET, when the Moon is squared by fuzzy Neptune, you may find yourself contemplating a dreamy escape. A harmonious aspect between the Moon and Venus at 7:54PM ET bodes well for social enjoyment, rustic as it may be.
A push for empowerment and emancipation may be on your plate, courtesy of late Tuesday night’s meet-up between the Sun and Pluto at 10:26PM ET. The emancipation or other disruption of the status quo may be experienced as an upset or revelation between now and 7:22AM ET on Thursday, as the Sun squares Uranus. Certainly we’ll see it in the headlines….and oh, look — it’s 9:48PM — and this breaking news just hit the home page of The Guardian: “North Korean Nuclear Test Suspected as ‘Artificial Earthquake’ Detected”. Amazing how that works. If the Moon weren’t void, I might freak out about it. I think I’ll chill instead.
President Obama was right on schedule Tuesday morning, announcing his efforts to do something — anything — to curb gun deaths. What got noticed? The fact that President Obama spoke through tears, which we would expect. Why? His Venus in emotionally sensitive Cancer — running wild and at the Aries Point. His caring nature needs to be prominent, and with a measurement to Venus from soulful Neptune, we would not be surprised to witness still more prominent displays of compassion and empathy from him this year. Others may be numbed out by the violence, but he can’t be, given what’s going on in his horoscope. We can expect more sweeping initiatives this year, suggested by other patterns noted in Monday’s forecast.
The good folks at the Guardian have put together a useful chart where you can find out the number of gun deaths in your electoral district in the past year, and how your elected representatives are rated by the NRA. Mine all got an F, with $0 in campaign contributions from the NRA. Yours?
Closing with a quirky fashion piece that reflects the empowered potential of the Sun’s meet-up with Pluto, combined with the aesthetic ideal of Neptune square Venus. What does one wear to a power lunch? The NYT has the story — live from New York’s famous — and soon to close — power lunch spot, The Four Seasons.
And if you do check out the Four Seasons piece, you might see — out of the corner of your eye — this one, from a few months ago: “Armani and Missoni: In the Shadow of the Supermoon”. And if you happen to read the first few lines of that story, you will snorf.
MILAN — Milan Fashion Week came to a close just after a total lunar eclipse, the sort that indicates heavenly bodies in perfect alignment. As portents go, it doesn’t get much better than that.
The clothes, however, did not quite live up to the — well, astronomical implications. All that new energy everyone kept talking about during the week? It got a boost from a gently calibrated, Balthus-inspired Arthur Arbesser show, full of youthful (but not naïve) florals and tone-on-tone ghostly cat prints, but mostly felt gone with the blood moon.
Instead, Milan ended in retrograde.
Did you snorf?
I can’t even….
Here’s the 411 on personal consultations.
Thank you for reading this forecast.
A high-flying Moon in Sagittarius continues to drive the day, seeking to push boundaries and expand minds ever so righteously. Optimistic, seed-planting, tell-the-whole-world energy is aided and abetted by two helpful exact aspects. Venus (social graces, women) and Saturn (ambition, structure, authority) are in an easy alignment; so are Mercury (mindset) and Jupiter (expansion, reward). Make the pitch!
Hang with your besties and think outside the box this evening, as the Moon aligns with innovative Uranus and Jupiter at 7:22PM ET and 10:18PM ET, respectively. Then the Moon goes void until 7:21PM ET on SATURDAY.
Hold off on impulse shopping and chill until the Moon engages in practical Capricorn on Saturday night. Conventional wisdom argues that purchases made when the Moon is void of course will likely prove to be not as useful as you hoped.
Sunday morning’s practical, make-it-happen energy is tinged with a dreamy indulgence, as the Moon makes contact with Neptune and Venus at 8:26AM ET and 9:32AM ET. You can use the rest of the day to plan strategy for world domination, or fortify your castle. At 8:37PM ET be aware that the Moon will meet up with Pluto, suggesting a potential power play or emotional catharsis. Moon clashes with Uranus at 3:10AM ET on Monday, suggesting an upset to the status quo likely making headlines.
No dawdling on Monday. Planetary patterns facilitate an easy flow of action until 3:53PM ET, when the Moon goes void for the rest of the business day.
To find out how these planetary patterns are reflected in your horoscope, schedule a personal consultation. You’ll understand why you are the way you are, why things happen when they happen and how to maximize opportunities now and in the future. But don’t just take it from me — consider these testimonials.
And now, the news.
With Mars at the Aries Point — i.e., at the first degree of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn — we expect headlines reflecting the assertive/warrior energy of Mars to become prominent. In this case we have Mars at the first degree of Libra, and yesterday I could not bring myself to put into cyberspace what carnage I anticipated we’d see in Friday’s headlines. And yet, the carnage is there — and it has an aura of prominence. Astrology is amazing.
First, the United States is “reasonably certain” that a drone strike killed “Jihadi John”, the notorious executioner. Beirut experienced a double suicide bombing that was “the worst attack on the city in years”. More acts of war: “Kurdish Forces Retake Iraqi City of Sinjar from ISIS.” Also: “The Attacks Will Be Spectacular” is Friday’s headline in a Politico exclusive that reveals how the CIA “repeatedly and urgently” warned the White House of an anticipated strike against the US, starting in the spring of 2001. Well, in the light of Wednesday’s New Moon in Scorpio, we did expect secrets to be exposed.
Guns and cars are also ruled by Mars. “How Gun Traffickers Get Around State Gun Laws” is on the NYT homepage. Over at the The Guardian, you can read how one of Google’s self-driving cars got a traffic ticket. Even the presidential campaigns are being reported as more combative. There’s a Democratic debate tonight, the second in a row which is not happening on a weeknight. Coincidence or conspiracy, media mavens? The NYT headline asserts that Bernie Sanders’s strategy will be to “Attack Hillary Clinton, If Asked”.
Meanwhile, in Republicanland, the Washington Post reports, “After pulling punches at the debate, GOP candidates take the gloves off“, with Donald Trump calling Ben Carson “pathological, “comparing him to child molesters. Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio were also on the offense.
Is there anything positive to report? Yes! Earlier this week, a judge in Utah made headlines by ordering a lesbian couple to give up their foster child because he’d read somewhere that children are better off when raised by heterosexual parents. Much outrage ensued, including the State of Utah’s, and today, under the rational and supportive connections between Venus, Saturn, Mercury and Jupiter, the judge reversed his order. However, he is still concerned by the research, and a hearing is scheduled on December 4th, during a Moon void and a square between Mercury and Jupiter. This ought to be of no consequence, if the judge gets his facts straight, no pun intended. If you’ve been reading this forecast for over a year you may remember a study from last summer concluding that actually, children raised by same sex parents “are happier and healthier than their peers”. Tell it to the judge.
Meanwhile, here are two stories reflecting the “small is big” potential we’ll see through 2016, as Jupiter (big) travels through Virgo (small). “After a Mass Extinction, Only the Small Survive” and “The Microcomplaint: Nothing Too Small to Whine About”, the NYT wants you to know. Does Jupiter in Virgo also reflect a story about how a tiny chip of carbon was valued at $48 million — purchased at an auction by a billionaire who wanted to give the famous (prominent!) flawless blue diamond (now known as the Blue Moon of Josephine) to his seven-year-old daughter? Factor in Venus and Mars entering Libra (things of beauty) and other planetary patterns, including the reality-melting potential of Saturn square Neptune….
…which is an excellent pattern to facilitate stories all over the place about the 150th anniversary of “Alice in Wonderland”. This article is from the Sunday NYT travel section, travel being an excellent focus when the Moon is in Sagittarius. I suppose the “mysterious space junk,” seriously known as “WTF”and plummeting to Earth today qualifies, too. Certainly it being Friday the 13th is not a factor.
Happy surreal journeying and cue Jefferson Airplane now, please.
Thank you for reading this forecast.
Up and at ’em. The drive of today’s Cancer Moon is mostly free and clear. It’s also fresh and new. Launch away! Cancer is a nurturing energy which needs to focus on home(land) and family concerns. It is emotional and intuitive, and it will carry us through the end of Thursday.
Between now and then we may see a power play or other catharsis around 9:42PM ET tonight, as the Moon makes its weekly challenge with Pluto. Thursday morning may present a wake-up call or upset to the status quo, as the Moon is challenged by Uranus at 7:24AM ET. Keep planting seeds related to your New Moon projects.
And now, the news.
As noted earlier, the nurturing Cancer Moon is a perfect time for Pope Francis to release his status quo-disrupting statements on climate change. And of course he would publish a major work with transiting Uranus opposing his natal Mars, which rule his 8th and 9th houses, respectively. This is a time for daring initiative, and I said as much back in December.
Did you know he has a degree in chemistry? A pope who is also a scientist — what a concept — and you’d think that all of the howling climate change deniers who are also politicians and avowed Catholics would know that about the leader of their church. Don’t they know how dumb they look when they say stuff like this? Here’s an interesting article about how the archbishop of Miami is planning to incorporate the pope’s encyclical into his sermons. What do you think? Will things change?
Here is another past post about the pope and his horoscope. This one is pretty darn good, too. Read it and you’ll appreciate my thoughts on journalism, two paragraphs down.
Themes of nurturing and security are also evident in the headlines buzzing about the Supreme Court’s upcoming ruling on the Affordable Care Act. Will residents in states that did not create their own health care exchanges lose their federal tax credits and thus be unable to afford their health insurance premiums? If the ruling comes during the Cancer Moon, one would think that security would be preserved. But it does not solve the insurmountable challenge of delivering health care sustainably in a system that is driven by profit, as noted in this article about why some hospitals mark up costs by 1000%.
Meanwhile, an update on a story that broke in the aftermath of the last Full Moon — the one about laid-off workers at Disneyworld whose jobs were handed over to temporary workers imported from India (but not before the laid-off workers were forced to train their replacements). After the story was published, a senator got involved. And yesterday, 35 Disney employees in New York and Burbank who were facing similar fates were told that their layoffs had been canceled. That’s good news!
Let’s pause for a moment and consider the power of investigative journalism. Now let’s consider that on the home page of the Washington Times, which is one of the two papers Justice Antonin Scalia says he reads (the other is the Wall Street Journal), there is absolutely no mention of this Disney story or the Affordable Care Act or Pope Francis. The top story at the moment is this: Green Berets’ Efforts to Take Down ISIS Undermined by Shoddy US Intelligence. Well, at least they are concerned with homeland security, as we would expect with a Moon in Cancer. Nothing about Pope Francis or those other two stories on the WSJ home page, either. The top story: “Greek Central Bank Sees ‘Uncontrollable Crisis’ If Talks Fail.” Another version of homeland security. “I just LOVE uncontrollable crises in banking!” said no one with Moon in Cancer ever.
Where do you get your news?
Meanwhile, I’ve been thinking a lot about one of the Sabian Symbols for that last Full Moon — “a topsy saucily asserting itself”. There was Caitlyn Jenner looking saucy on the cover of Vanity Fair. And yesterday, there was Rachel Dolezal on Today, asserting her identity as a black woman. Coincidence or conspiracy?
Ms. Dolezal (November 12, 1977 in Montana), is a Scorpio with Moon in righteously opinionated Sagittarius. We don’t have a birth time, but my money says she was born with that Moon in close contact with visionary/illusionist Neptune, and it may well be under the bewildering spell of a Neptune transit now. She has Mars in regal Leo, of which astrologer Grant Lewi notes, “gets away with murder”. Do you really want to argue with her? Uh-uh. And would you be surprised to see that rebel and eccentric Uranus is running wild in her chart? Nope. Nor would you be surprised by a contact between Pluto and the Nodal Axis, suggesting a mother-daughter relationship that is quite the power struggle.
That Pluto-Node pattern is under stress from transiting Pluto through the rest of the year. Ms. Dolezal’s Saturn at 29 Leo just got hit by transiting Saturn at 29 Scorpio. That’s no surprise, either. We’d expect to see challenges to the ambitious reach she would have made about seven years ago, when she had her first Saturn return. A Saturn return can be experienced as a new lease on life. It appears to be about seven years ago that Ms. Dolezal began to alter her appearance, so much that others perceived her as African-American.
That pressure from transiting Saturn won’t subside until this fall, when Saturn makes it back to Sagittarius. In August, Ms. Dolezal’s older brother faces charges of child sexual abuse.
Kinda makes you stop and compare all of the trials and tribulations you have in your life right now. Would you really trade them with someone else?
I’m expecting plenty of cosmic breakthroughs between now and next week’s easy alignment between Jupiter and Uranus. Here’s one about
…a lost generation of monster stars that ushered light into the universe after the Big Bang and that jump-started the creation of the elements needed for planets and life before disappearing forever.
Cosmic indeed. Always good to end on a high note…
The heavy focus of the annual conjunction between stern Saturn and the Sun (life force) gets the day rolling at 7:01AM ET. You’ll feel this more personally if you were born 14-15 days into the signs of Scorpio, Aquarius, Taurus and Leo….or if you have a planet or angle around 14 degrees of those signs. Potentials of this transit include feeling restricted, controlled and/or a need to streamline. Some may find this transit grounding, facilitating an ambitious reach.
Meanwhile, the opinionated, horizon-expanding Sagittarius Moon is anything but focused. It’s been void of course — wandering aimlessly — since 11:48AM ET yesterday….but when it finally engages in Capricorn at 4:44PM ET today, I’m thinking you’ll feel a need to take action. And what actions are taken could be rather rosy, in spite of the heaviness of the Sun-Saturn hook-up. Nebulous Neptune will be pulling focus over the next few days, aligning pleasantly with mental Mercury and Venus. Idealistic? Yes — but also lovely patterns for artists, visionaries, romantics and healers. The down side? A potential overindulgence in mind-altering chemicals and other flights of absolute fantasy, if you know what I mean. Otherwise, dreamy.
In the news, it’s no surprise Chris Christie coasted to victory yesterday, keeping his job as governor of New Jersey. As noted in a post from last year (third paragraph from the bottom), Christie’s Mars and Mercury continue to be supercharged by the Uranus-Pluto square, suggesting exceptionally persuasive efforts in action and communication into 2014 (regardless of his vulnerability to foot-in-mouth disease). Special bonus: if you do read the post in the link above, you’ll find a write up of what we can expect when Venus engages with the Uranus-Pluto square on November 14th and 15th.
Oh the drifting energy of the void void void…I’m just going to stop right here…to be continued…
Note your dreams upon waking, as today’s high-flying Sagittarius Moon is challenged by nebulous Neptune at 8:44AM ET, followed by a lovely connection to mental Mercury at 9:01AM ET — would you like to talk about it?
In Sagittarius, the Moon needs to expand horizons and express its righteous opinions to the entire Free World. Consider a gamble or a gambol, and enjoy the release of oh-so-much emotional tension of yesterday’s Moon in Scorpio. Today and Friday are days for shipping whatever is on your desk; Thursday the Moon goes void at 1:08PM ET for the rest of the business day.
President Obama’s big speech to the nation happened last night while the Moon was void — did you watch it? I meant to — but then, in typical Moon void fashion, completely forgot about it because I was at the polls just before 9PM, casting my vote for mayor of New York. From what I can deduce from the headlines, the speech might have been one big “NEVER MIND” — in so far as Obama has asked Congress not to vote on taking military action in Syria while a more diplomatic Plan B is explored. But that’s a good thing, right? Cue Emily Litella now, please…
Meanwhile, at the aforementioned polls in New York City, there were numerous void-of-course Moon snafus with voting machines. At the end of the day, upstart mayoral candidate Bill de Blasio got more votes than anyone, but it is still not clear if he will be the Democratic candidate on the ballot in November; there may be a run-off. And surprise, surprise — Christine Quinn, the candidate every newspaper endorsed, placed third. So if there is a run-off, it will be between two underdogs: Bill de Blasio and William Thompson, who placed second. Sounds very much in keeping with an election happening during a looooong void-of-course Moon, if you ask me. And yes, to the reader who asked if I would be interested in hearing some good stories about things that happened to her during Moon voids, bring ’em on, and if they’re doubleplus good, I’ll share them with you.
Now get busy and make the most of this day with a Moon fully engaged in optimistic Sagittarius — and we’ll pretend that Venus, which refers to social expression, did not just enter moody bastard Scorpio while you were sleeping. More on that later — I have to post this and run…
Moon is still in Sagittarius, sign of the (opinionated) philosopher-clown. How righteous can you be while still expanding your horizons? Take care of the serious stuff by 1:32PM today; after that, the Moon will be void until 11:25PM ET, suggesting a very happy Happy Hour to reward you for whatever twists and detours you experienced up until the close of your business day.
Moon enters “make it happen” Capricorn at 11:25PM ET, making Saturday an excellent day for taking care of practical chores around the house. Note the potential for the usual upsets around 12pm ET to 9PM ET, when the enterprising Moon will be disrupted by its weekly clash with the ongoing Uranus-Pluto square.
On Sunday, be very mindful of the potential for a nasty clash of wills around 2:26PM ET, as the Moon is opposed by aggressive Mars, seeking to defend its piece of turf. Chill, chill, chill…do not turn this molehill into a mountain! Moon will be void for the rest of the day, entering the next sign — Aquarius — just after midnight on Monday. No shopping sprees during the Moon void, if you please.
The most significant planetary event today (Friday) is Venus (women, art, money, beauty, social expression) leaving prissy Virgo for Libra, one of the signs it rules, at 11:36AM ET. Look for headlines involving these themes. Oh happy day, as social graces, peace and harmony once more become fashionable — at least until September 11th. Beautifying your home? Doing anything artistic or cosmetic? Working out kinks in a relationship? Initiating a project that requires great diplomacy? Great! Venus in Libra is happy to accommodate these goals.
Regarding yesterday’s story about Bette Midler’s opinionated Tweets about Larry Summers: it seems some were mystified. I suspect this is because they did not read the op-ed about said Tweets — here it is again. Point of the story was this: Summers has quite a reputation for a certain intensity and roughness of style, and we would thus expect to see certain patterns in the horoscope that would reflect these traits. The patterns we would expect to see are absolutely, totally there. Astrology is amazing! Summers is a Sagittarius with a heavy dose of Scorpio, and so is Ms. Midler. Fascinating that Summers would be the subject of her Tweets…and that we would be talking about this story on a day with Moon in opinionated Sagittarius. Got that?
More murky, muddled depths perhaps…at least through the wee hours of Wednesday morning. After a very brief Moon-void at 5:39AM ET, Moon escapes the clutches of heavy Scorpio and blasts off into Sagittarius at 5:52AM ET, where it quickly crashes into nebulous Neptune. Note your dreams upon waking…clear the cobwebs from your head with a little caffeine and embrace the expansive, optimistic potential a Sag Moon holds. And if you don’t know what that looks like, here is a picture of someone I am sure has a Sagittarius Ascendant.**
Caveats: be advised that while you were sleeping, Mercury backed into Scorpio at 2:43AM ET. This adds more of the usual “wobble” we can experience when planets move from one sign into the next. We already have Mercury retrograde challenging our patience and our mental focus. We’ve got bottlenecked energy from yesterday’s solar eclipse that hasn’t found its release (look for a hit of it when Mercury reaches 22 Scorpio on the 20th). I can’t say this enough: double check your facts before you hit “send”. Make sure the restaurant you’re going to is actually open. And if you’re free to wander a bit over the next few days, then by all means indulge. But whatever you do, don’t wander into this restaurant, if you happen to be in New York. You can, however, enjoy the scathing review (see the preceding link) as a fine example of “Sagittarian blunt opinionation meets scathing Scorpionic thermonuclear destruction.”
Meanwhile, the dirt digging continues. The General Petraeus kerfuffle gets weirder by the hour, prompting some to wonder if we’ve dug up too much. There are 2260 comments (so far) posted on that linked New York Times article — which seems like a record. And I wonder how many comments would be posted on an article like this. More dirt: comedienne Janeane Garofalo is stunned to discover that she was married for 20 years — seriously! And finally — a big NEVER MIND on those allegations about Elmo’s puppeteer that broke on Monday. Absolutely, positively not true — the accuser has recanted. Good thing Monday’s forecast warned you not to believe those bedazzling rumors…
**P.S. — for those who checked out the personification of a Sagittarius Ascendant at the end of the first paragraph: Astrid Lindgren, the Swedish author who created Pippi Longstocking, was born on this date in 1907. She was 94 when she passed away. RIP and thank you, Ms. Lindgren, for everything!
With the Moon now fully engaged in Sagittarius, spirits are lifted, and the reigning need is to say what you think, likely with passion at around 9:41AM ET, just as this forecast is posted. Such passion may lead to a boisterous clash, if the receiving party is not in agreement. That would be unfortunate, because the energy of Sagittarius offers an excellent opportunity to broaden your mind and your horizons. It’s also good for getting physical, taking a gambol or a gamble.
The evening is marked by a buoyant connection to the Moon from expansive Jupiter, suggesting the potential for indulgence. Planetary patterns are relatively light for the next few days. Enjoy — and mind the Moon void which occurs Friday at 4:27PM ET to 9:41PM ET.
…with apologies to you all for the delayed forecast, thanks to tech snafus which I must confess were all my fault. Sigh.
Feel like taking a gamble or a gambol? Got a philosophical viewpoint that just has to be expressed? In the mood for an escape that broadens your horizons? Moon moved into opinionated Sagittarius at 8:32AM ET, potentially lifting spirit (s) in a big way and suggesting an urge for deeper understanding. What/where are you rambling about today? Dare to get outside your usual box; as the Moon waxes full, it offers the potential for much illumination.
As evening falls, that Big Picture-thinking Moon makes an easy connection with unconventional Uranus (exact at 9:09PM ET), suggesting an innovative experience that could rock your world with a surprising practicality. Why practical? Because Mercury (thoughts, communication, travel) makes a smooth connection to Saturn (discipline, structure) at 10:38PM ET, adding gravitas to the gumbo. Sounds like an excellent mix for my ramble outside the box — all the way to Brooklyn — where I will be addressing the question, “Who Knows What Will Happen Next?” as a guest on Talk Show with Ellen Reeves.
Don’t know who Ellen Reeves is? She is the author of the most excellent book, “Can I Wear My Nose Ring To the Interview?“ Such an unconventional title…yet the book is filled with practical information — another perfect reflection of planetary patterns. Amazing!
Coming up next: thoughts on Monday’s super busy day. We’ve got a Full Moon and lunar eclipse (exact at 7:12AM ET), Neptune turning retrograde (5:05PM ET) and a super-charged challenge between Mars (masculine) and Venus (feminine) at 8:29PM ET. As for how the latter might be reflected in the headlines, here’s a front page piece about a major lawsuit alleging sex discrimination.
As the song goes, “June is bustin’ out all over…” (take it away, Rodgers & Hammerstein).
Generally speaking, Moon in Sagittarius…where it moved last night at 9:39PM ET (after a loooong 13 hour void)…tends to lift the spirits, even when its fueled by philosophical debates that can get a wee bit rowdy (Sagittarius is not the most perfectly groomed sign of the zodiac…and you wouldn’t be either if you were half-human and half-beast, as all Centaur-Archers are). Today, however, the opinions that need to be expressed may ruffle a few feathers, suggested by a challenge to Moon from aggressive Mars in hypercritical Virgo at 8:18AM ET. The emotional outburst that may follow could be over the top, suggested by an obsessive connection between ruthless Pluto and Venus. Put your Big Girl Panties on and use a bit of charm and objective strategy to acquire the resources you need. We’ve got one more day of mental Mercury in impulsive, quick-tempered Aries; by Wednesday cooler heads will likely prevail (though they may not be nearly as inspiring or exciting).
As the day progresses, any storm clouds in your world are likely to dissipate. Take advantage of opportunities to broaden your mind and sense of physical space — or just enjoy a gambol/gamble or two.
Moon voids this week (to help you plan your agenda): Tuesday 9:34 – 10PM ET; Thursday 3:11PM – 1:03AM Friday ET.
Coming up later this week: what to expect when Venus turns retrograde at 10:33AM ET on the 15th. If you’re thinking of redecorating your home, I hope you’ve picked your colors out already….