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"She brings more to it than just doing the chart: depth, intuition, as well as tremendous research."
- M.T. Los Angeles I CAN'T WRITE THIS WITHOUT YOU : ) PLEASE support my time and efforts. CONTRIBUTE to my COSMIC TIP JAR using the gold button below. THANK YOU.
As you know from Saturday’s forecast, Moon is void of course in perfectionist Virgo as I type this on Sunday evening…not to enter Libra until 6:38PM ET. What does that suggest? If you can take the day off, more power to you. If you can take the week off, even better. Mercury is retrograde (REtreat, RElax, REorganize) and there are so many long voids all week long (read the list in Saturday’s forecast). You could do worse than to chill and brainstorm.
If you don’t have the luxury of getting out of Dodge, here are some strategies for the week. First, don’t believe everything you hear, lest you get all excited about something that turns out to be much ado about nothing. This is especially true of what you may read or hear about in the news. Double check everything that crosses your desk, especially if it involves communication and transportation. Second, make PATIENCE and FOCUS your two middle names. You will need them to cope with unexpected twists in all efforts to move forward in a straight line. If you can go with the flow, you may find a silver lining in tech snafus, detours and delays. Hang out with some of the old friends you haven’t seen in ages — I know you’ve been hearing from them. REview a few old projects — perhaps you will be inspired to breathe new life into them.
Shall I tell you about the Sabian Symbol for the New Moon last Thursday that I just could not process when I was writing the forecast on Wednesday? Here it is — for 27 Cancer: “a violent storm in a canyon filled with expensive homes,” suggesting (writes Dane Rudhyar, another Sabian Symbol superstar), “a confrontation with a social upheaval demanding the reconsideration of static values”. All the money in the world that is spent to preserve homeland security may simply not be enough to withstand forces of natures, such as a violent storm. And the thing about a force of nature is that is so….random. Bottom line: this Sabian Symbol, coupled with the fierce volatility of last week’s exact Mars-Pluto-Uranus T-Square, strongly suggested “a crisis situation produced by uncontrollable karmic forces that could lead to a successful CATHARSIS”. And I confess I resisted writing those words, fearing I might give concrete form to thoughts of gloom and doom. Ha! (“Man plans; God laughs” — Yiddish proverb).
What silver lining could possibly come of Friday’s headline-dominating shooting in a Colorado movie theater, an event reflecting an extreme potential suggested by planetary patterns? In my dreams, everyone on the planet wakes up tomorrow and collectively decides to melt down all weapons of destruction, turning the recycled metal into a giant amusement park. Or solar panels. Or electric cars. In my dreams.
Meanwhile, as police and reporters search for answers on what could have triggered the “suspect” to perpetrate such violence, a sixty-second glance at the available birth data paints a compelling picture. In the horoscope of James E. Holmes (December 13, 1987 — time unknown), strong signatures jump out. First, we see a high-flying, fiery, opinionated Sun in Sagittarius together with reserved, disciplined Saturn and eccentric, rebel Uranus. This measurement suggests a drive to put a new spin on an old form. My first instinct in this sixty-second analysis puts the Moon toward the end of detail-oriented Virgo, challenging the Sun, Saturn & Uranus, reinforcing the potential for erratic ambition stemming from a sense of isolation or lack. An exact square between Venus in late-blooming (i.e., emotionally immature) Capricorn and Jupiter in me-me-me Aries suggests the potential for huge demonstrations of social expression, with ego recognition being the reward sought. Big ideas and idealized statements of opinion are echoed by mental Mercury hooked up with the Sun and trine expansive Jupiter. Instant red flag: militant Mars and “take no prisoners” Pluto are tightly conjoined in equally ruthless Scorpio — this hook-up threatens to run away with the entire personality system. Also running wild is nebulous Neptune, suggesting fantasy, escapism, idealism, illusion, spirit, confusion, delusion and other intangibles taken to the extreme. When details begin to emerge about the early home life, it would not surprise me at all if a significant maternal influence is mentioned.
The trigger for action, as seen in the chart for 12:30AM ET in Aurora, Colorado shows the Moon and mental Mercury needing dramatic expression in theatrical Leo exactly challenging Holmes’ ruthless Scorpio Mars-Pluto conjunction. Also a trigger: Pluto at 7 Capricorn sitting right on top of Holmes’ potentially fanatical Neptune (also at 7 Capricorn), with aggressive Mars and unpredictable Uranus squaring it. Pluto in contact with Neptune strongly suggests (to quote astrologer Noel Tyl’s keywords) “enormous intensification of sensory activity; possible loss of frame of reality; subterfuge; possible introduction of drugs and alcohol”. And would you believe that at 12:30AM, when Holmes entered the theater in costume (dressed as the Joker with bright orange hair and in full battle armor), the Midheaven (career, public status) was EXACTLY conjunct his Venus, suggesting the potential for “career advancement in the arts”.
Guess who was born on December 17, 1987 — four days after Holmes — in Crescent, OK? He is driven by Moon in Scorpio, which seeks knowledge for the sake of power and control, and needs to be seen a person of depth and substance. Do you think we might see similar themes related to “loss of reality” manifesting in his life right now? And here I would be thinking of Bradley Manning, accused of releasing thousands of US classified and unclassified documents to Wikileaks, who was arrested over two years ago and is still awaiting trial. On Saturday, a military judge apparently ruled that defense lawyers might not use “evidence to contend that there was little “actual harm” from the enormous leak of secret government documents.” Did you know Manning was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize? Me neither — I just found that out in my “Bradley Manning” Google search.
To wrap this long post up, the Colorado shooting isn’t the only “violent storm” raging in the headlines in these volatile planetary times. I’m seeing reports of car crashes with multiple fatalities and violence — in Bulgaria, Syria and Iraq. In other news, twenty-one people suffered burns at a fire walk organized by motivational speaker Tony Robbins. Caterpillar, a corporation with record profits, is shows no sign of budging from a six-year wage and pension freeze on its workers, who have been on strike for three months. And in China, a brutal enforcement of its “one child” policy is apparently leading to calls for the law’s repeal. Catharsis, anyone?
The sturm und drang potential of the past two days of action-oriented Mars in Libra clashing with rebel Uranus and “clear the air” Pluto was unleashed with a vengeance Wednesday. Thunderbolts, lightning and intense hailstorms drenched East Coast cities from Washington to Boston, finally breaking triple-digit temperatures. How did the potential for intensity play out in your own personal world? Since my horoscope was directly impacted by this celestial clash (I’m one of those born within a few days of the 30th of March, June September or December), I consciously avoided debates with the hosts at my vacation retreat on any topic where we might disagree, and went along with whatever social agenda had been planned. Where did it lead me?
Yesterday’s agenda included whatever was playing at a local film festival. Meaning that we just went to the festival without knowing what we would see. Turned out to be a recently restored print of a (magnificent) WAR movie, The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp — and it was introduced by Thelma Schoonmaker, the Oscar-winning editor of Raging Bull (about a boxer) and The Departed (a crime thriller). Boxing, crime thrillers, war movies — are we detecting an aggressive Mars, ruthless Pluto, status quo-disrupting Uranus theme here? After the movie we spent time in a secondhand bookstore. What jumped out at me (that I finished reading today)? They Can Kill You, But They Can’t Eat You — the autobiography of former studio head Dawn STEEL (Mars rules steel), who had a tough-as-nails reputation as she spearheaded films like Top Gun and Fatal Attraction. Steel, guns, fatal…more Mars, Pluto and Uranus…coincidence or conspiracy? Astrology can work in such mysterious ways…
The New Moon at 26 degrees of Cancer is exact Thursday at 12:24AM ET. Cancer is a water sign, in tune with emotions. It refers to the homeland, patriotism, Mom and apple pie (nurturing). Cancer seeks and provides security in these areas. Overall, it is a dynamic, physical chart for a New Moon, suggested by the Mars-Uranus-Pluto T-square. Anything can happen! Ambition — perhaps driven by a sense of disconnection or loss — is tempered by disciplined, strategic Saturn challenging the sensitive Sun and Moon. Where is your home? What is your foundation? With Mercury retrograde, those answers to Cancerian concerns — which are necessary before moving forward with a carefully crafted strategy, are found by turning inward. Easy flow of energy is supported by smooth connections between optimistic Jupiter and innovative Uranus.Venus in Gemini and Neptune in Pisces are running wild, suggesting a flurry of social interaction and ideals of spirit, fantasy and other escapes are likely to pull focus during this cycle. In a big picture/world event sense, this chart seems like an apt set-up for the Olympics…if they can keep theMercury retrograde traffic jams and stopwatch malfunctions to a minimum.
The New Moon immediately goes void at 12:24AM ET and enters playful Leo at 6:13AM ET. Exuberant aspects kick in around 9:22PM ET…and on Friday, the Leo Moon is bolstered by delightful input from loving Venus. Play is what I will be doing over the next couple of days and I hope you will, too. When in doubt, use the physical energy of the New Moon to work it out — literally — of your mind and body. Meditation, yoga, hiking anyone?
Moon goes void-of-course at 7:28AM EDT in the socially significant, “who loves ya, buddy” sign of Aquarius, where it will wander through the entire day, buoyed by a philosophical, communicative connection to expansive Jupiter. Be open to innovative twists in whatever you have on your plate. Despite the detached, cerebral approach Moon in Aquarius prefers, emotional encounters can run deep. A chance to purge, to clarify, to transform in relationships is suggested by ruthless Pluto challenging loving Venus and grooving with the Sun in security-building, sensually indulgent Taurus. The aspect is exact Wednesday, but has been in effect for the past couple of days.
Yet another layer to the next few days: nebulous Neptune, running wild, suggesting a desire to not look at all the icky hard news stuff (honestly, I just can’t bring myself to read the latest Wikileaks release on the Gitmo detainees), even though it’s all over the news. Or yet another front page story about water, as anticipated in previous forecasts Preference instead is for the spiritual, the aesthetic, the intangible — or an escape, like the fairytale wedding of a real-life prince in a faraway land. Hey, it could happen.
No major planetary snags on deck for Friday; in fact, the aspects are quite jovial and innovative. Finish all your emotional security-related issues during the last bit of Moon in Cancer…then take a four and half hour rest from 3:48 – 8:38PM NY time — you might even sneak out of the office early…before someone calls with an imagined crisis that turns out to be naught. By evening, Moon will be in regal, playful Leo — it’s party time!
No void of course Moon on Saturday to deter your shopping expeditions — you might be inclined to splurge on a luxury item or pampering — though do be mindful that Venus retrograde challenges our ability to determine true value in objects of beauty; outrageously expensive purchases are not recommended at this time.
Since you’ve asked, the horoscope for the March to Keep Fear Alive/Rally to Restore Sanity at 12PM 10/30/2010 in Washington DC is quite intriguing. Ruthless, explosive, empowering perspective-changing Pluto is rising on the Ascendant of this event — suggesting a potentially powerful impact. Mercury, planet of thought, communication and travel is running wild — ruling over areas related to “big picture” thinking, broadcasting and social service. Mercury is also aligned with a Fixed Star that signifies “positive social reform”. Neptune, planet of the intangible, fantasy, spiritual transcendence, deception and broadcasting is also running wild — this should be an extraordinary forum for expansive, innovative, humanitarian, enthusiastic and compassion communication — defying conventional analysis. Those attending and those observing may not know what to make of this gathering — or even why they are present — except that it represents a powerful force that seeks transcends that which is ugly. The event’s public status is aligned with two other Fixed Stars — one signifying “a different approach”; the other, the “potential for brilliance”. Jupiter, which rules Jon Stewart’s Sun and Moon in Sagittarius, is extremely well-placed in this horoscope, suggesting “optimism, enthusiasm, strength of conviction and expansion will be the central unifying forces” (thanks to Don McBroom for defining Jupiter= Sun/Moon in MIDPOINTS).
The Sun-Moon combination for this day — Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Leo, reads as follows (with thanks to Noel Tyl for this definition): “Two power signs struggle to get the message out: ‘I am a very deep person, reliable and right as right; and you must recognize that and know how good I am for you!’ Excesses of emotion show up as the temperamental trappings for well-organized personal opinion and bias. Understanding the motivation behind the thrust for power is very important to success.” (Note this is the same Sun-Moon combination as Ken Mehlman, whom I wrote about a few months ago). Is astrology cool or what? I’ll be on the Mall wearing the purple witch’s hat, in an early celebration of…
Halloween…on Sunday! Could be weird and mystical, with a Moon void from 5:02 – 11:51PM NY time — right on a connection to nebulous Neptune. Go easy on the punch. Your powers of discernment will be required to make an appearance first thing Monday morning. Be on time.