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Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 5/28/2015: More on Neptune

Moon continues its sojourn through Libra, seeking balance, harmony and social graces. Its quest is beautifully supported by easy connections to the Sun (willpower), Mercury (mindset) and Mars (action), so enjoy the smooth ride during business hours today.

Bumps may arise in the late evening and wee hours of Friday morning, as Moon makes its weekly clash with Pluto (at 12:10AM ET) and Uranus (at 8:17AM ET). Some surprises in Friday’s early headlines…some of which will stem from the confusion/illusion/vision suggested by an exact square between nebulous Neptune and Mercury at 2:59AM ET.

And now, the news.

Neptune, Neptune and more Neptune — combined with Mercury in retrograde. Oy vey, what potential for sensationalism, based on delusion and/or lies. How else to explain a totally lame video making the rounds on social media, alleging that a “rare planetary pattern” happening this weekend will lead to a certain natural disaster in a specific place. It evens cites a verse from Nostradamus, blathering about Mercury in Taurus and Mars in Virgo (neither of which are currently happening). I am not mentioning the specific catastrophe or the place, because there is no “rare planetary pattern” and this video is the kind of thing that gives serious astrology a bad name.


If you were a clever marketing person at a movie studio, releasing a FAKE video (as described above) to generate HYPE for a MOVIE when Neptune-Sun-Mercury alignments do facilitate gullibility (e.g., this Friday), that would be a brilliant strategy…


Am I the only person who found this headline totally surreal?  “U.S. Vows to Rid Global Soccer of Corruption”. Like we don’t have enough to clean up here at home? But seriously, folks, this is a major major scandal, with dawn raids and arrests made at a five-star hotel in Switzerland, as well as allegations of millions of dollars taken in bribes.

Cleaning up corruption in sports has been noted here before as a likely consequence of the Uranus-Pluto square (with thanks to astrologer Bill Herbst) — and we could expect Saturn’s streamlining transit through Sagittarius (a rather sporting sign with an international reach) to further assist, but the fact that it is the Justice Department of the United States that is leading the cause feels a bit mind-blowing. Then again, with Neptune so active in the U.S. horoscope for at least the next year, bewilderment is sure to be part of our collective experience.

Other Neptune headlines — briefly. Neptune is sleep and drugs. It is viruses and healing. It could be compassion and redemption, after an intense 28-month focus on Saturn in Scorpio matters of life and death (penalties).

Much more I could write — but in your own personal world, I recommend using Neptune to fine-tune your vision and intuition over the next few days.

Gotta hit “send” now to post by 10AM ET. Enjoy!