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I have been sitting with the incredible experience of your gift and knowledge and letting it sift down into my understanding and psyche. It was a powerful time for me. I told a friend, "she is the real deal." I don't say that very often!
--Diana S. New York I CAN'T WRITE THIS WITHOUT YOU : ) PLEASE support my time and efforts. CONTRIBUTE to my COSMIC TIP JAR using the gold button below. THANK YOU.
It could be argued that the prime directive of Moon in Taurus is to keep things as they are, for the sake of preserving security, especially material security: food, shelter, clothing. It also needs to “keep the peace” and it can be quite stubborn in its efforts. It does not like change! It also needs to keep things real, an effort that is supported by yesterday’s Sun-Saturn hook-up (read forecasts from earlier in the week), and yet is currently challenged by an obsessive connection between crusading Mars and fantasy-driven Neptune that can feel like you’ve just fallen down a rabbit hole. Isn’t it amazing to see the words “rabbit hole” on the front page of the New York Times, especially in conjunction with one of the ultimate words in material security? Coincidence or conspiracy?
Friday’s early AM hours have an edge, as that stubborn Taurus Moon is challenged by action-oriented Mars in Leo (a placement known for success at getting away with murder). I’m hoping that as the day progresses, we’ll be more in tune with a jubilant, if a tad expensive/over-indulgent connection between Jupiter, the cosmic sugar daddy and Venus, the planet associated with love, money, art and beauty.
Saturday AM kicks off with a Moon void from 6:52AM to 10:15AM; folks on the West Coast likely won’t even notice it, though dreams may be more vivid than usual, courtesy of a connection between Moon and nebulous Neptune. Moon moves into the pixie-chatterbox sign of Gemini at 10:15AM ET, where it will delight in spreading the word all over town. What’s the buzz? Tell me what’s happening! Could be intense and dirt may be revealed, suggested by a connection between Mercury (mind, communication), now in the deeply substantive, spare-no-feelings sign of Scorpio — and everyone’s favorite planet, ruthless Pluto. Try to keep it light.
Meanwhile, in the headlines…Thursday’s heaviness of controlling Saturn in Libra (fairness, justice, the law) conjunct the Sun (life-force) was reflected in so many ways. Convicted inside-trader Raj Rajaratnam was sentenced to 11 years in prison — the second heaviest sentence yet for the three people who have been prosecuted for financial misdeeds since the 2008 financial crisis (Bernie Madoff got a longer sentence, and the third guy got…hmmm….maybe there wasn’t a third, as Martha Stewart served her time before 2008, I think).
In Connecticut, the second defendant in a deeply disturbing home invasion/triple murder case was found guilty of all charges. In Washington, the foiled plot by Iran (allegedly) to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to the US is being taken very, very seriously, with potentially heavy consequences to follow And in New York, Mayor Bloomberg has informed Occupy Wall Street that they must move out so Zuccotti Park can be cleaned — and that they will no longer be permitted to bring camping gear into the Park. OWS responded by accusing Bloomberg of trying to shut down the protests. It subsequently began efforts to clean up the park on their own and have vowed to stand firm against actions by law enforcement to kick them out. Heavy!
The horoscope for Friday, October 14th at 7AM in New York, NY is fascinating. Controlling Saturn and Sun are rising — within eight minutes of clamping down on the Ascendant (the persona of the moment, if you will) — talk about an iron fist in a velvet glove! Idealism rules. There’s an obsessive push for prominence. And of course that Moon in Taurus suggests neither side is going to back down. And what’s particularly fascinating is this: the Ascendant (one of the most important points in a horoscope, after the Sun and the Moon), is 19 degrees of Libra — “a gang of robbers in hiding”. Does that ring a bell? This is the degree of the Sun in Tuesday’s full Moon!! Re-read the forecast for the Full Moon, and before your head really explodes, consider THIS: the Midheaven (public image) of the horoscope of New York is…19 Aries (“a magic carpet” — how fitting and inspiring for a city known for its skyscrapers).
If you’re an astrology student you can ponder the significance of this fascinating synchronicity and symbolism on how New York is serving as a local lightning rod for the global event of this month’s Full Moon. To other readers, I’m pointing this out to illustrate that when we see planetary patterns repeating themselves, it suggests that something of significance is happening!
In Zuccotti Park, I will be interested to see what happens around 8:30AM and what develops between 11:30AM and 1:30PM.
To be continued…
And thanks to all of you who have shared these forecasts with the rest of the free world. Much appreciated!
For some, the headline yesterday that brought much good cheer (keeping in line with good cheer anticipated all this week), was the news that Raj Rajaratnam, hedge fund manager extraordinaire, had been found guilty of conspiracy and securities fraud
Rajaratnam was reportedly born in Colombo, Sri Lanka on June 15, 1957 (time unknown); Sun in chatty Gemini (like Donald Trump and Newt Gingrich) and Moon in either make-it-happen Capricorn or socially significant Aquarius (I suspect it’s enterprising Capricorn, but I’m not willing to spend the hours it would take to test for an exact birth time). What else might we expect to find in his horoscope? This is your chance, for those of you who read this forecast everyday, to amaze yourselves with what you’ve learned about astrology and how you can apply it to good use yourself (my secret stealth mission).
Here are some facts about today’s astro-logical poster child, followed by planetary patterns we might expect to see in the horoscope.
- He studied engineering in college. We’re going to expect to see Uranus (innovation, technology) prominently configured.
- He is famous for excess, to the point of wretchedness. He reportedly paid Kenny Rogers millions of dollars to perform at a birthday party. One of his favorite songs is “The Gambler”. Think! What planet is associated with EXPANSION? We’ll expect to it placed strongly.
- Since he was convicted of fraud, we’ll expect to see a powerful placement of the planet associated with things not being as they seem (NEBULOUS). What planet is that?
Let’s go to the chart. We see Uranus (technology, genius, innovation) in royal Leo (grand, sense of entitlement) in an exact connection to Mercury (mind) in clever Gemini. DING! This man is very, very smart. We see expansive……JUPITER in a tight challenge to the Sun. A challenging influence from Jupiter can be over-indulgent. DING DING! Finally, we see nebulous….NEPTUNE in a challenging aspect to Mars. Newt Gingrich, Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin and Bill Clinton all have challenging aspects between these two planets. Would you say that all of these people might be described as charismatic…to the point of being slick? Do they exist in their own unique version of reality? Have they ever been thought of as deceptive? DING DING DING!
Now let’s say this horoscope belongs to someone running for office or applying for a job in your company. Would you vote for them? Would you hire them? If you said “yes,” what other information would you need about them in order to feel confident that you’d made a good decision? What do you think would be this person’s strengths or weaknesses? Remember: there is nothing inherently good or bad with planetary patterns. People decide how to use — or misuse/abuse their abilities. People decide whether to build all the way up to heaven or all the way down to hell.
Use today’s analytical Moon in Virgo energy to digest this complimentary astro-logical lesson…or anything else on your plate that requires mulling over and organization. Oh– and here’s another example of idealism/”miracles just might happen” thinking hitting the headlines. Yesterday a bill was introduced in the Senate — again — (by Bernie Sanders of Vermont and Jim McDermott of Washington State )to establish a single-payer health insurance/care system in the United States. It is astonishing to me how many otherwise super-smart Americans do not know what “single-payer” means. I am convinced that it is perhaps the most significant reason why the concept hasn’t won greater support. Houston, we have a problem. A MARKETING problem.
Read about single-payer health care here, or enjoy my pithy explanation. Single payer means taxpayer-funded, as in Medicare For All. OK, what does that mean? It means given a choice between spending your tax dollars to build military bases all over the Middle East or paying your hospital bills in the event you are hit by a bus, how would you choose to spend it? Excellent. I see you are in favor of a single-payer system, as you would prefer to spend your tax dollars on your health care. In the best of all possible worlds, we would use the money we currently spend on, for example, military bases in the Middle East and spend it on keeping you healthy and free from the worry that if you get sick, you will go bankrupt. Y’know, like they do in every other allegedly civilized Western nation. Single-payer/taxpayer funded health care is nothing new. If you know anyone whose parents served in the military, that person has enjoyed the benefits of taxpayer-funded health care. Why should they have all the fun?
Of course, if we don’t spend our money building military bases in the Middle East, we won’t be able to stand guard over all that oil…which means maybe we’ll have to stop relying on oil and come up with an alternative source of energy that doesn’t require a military base to guard it. Oh my, I am really dreaming here. Must be the stars… ; )