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Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 7/26/2013 and the Weekend: Escape the Madness

Note your waking thoughts this morning, as dreams and longings for beautiful escapes are suggested. Perhaps you will see a bit of that longing made real by the mid-afternoon.

We are still in the middle of a long rest period suggested by the soulful Pisces Moon being void-of-course; i.e., traveling through the cosmos with all of the energy and focus of a pinball that has made its last hit to a bumper and is now falling to the bottom of the pinball machine. When the Moon enters Aries at 5:29PM ET, we should notice an immediate boost in energy, speed and focus. Until then, roll with the twists and try to enjoy the unexpected detours in your journey from point A to point B. If you can’t enjoy them, at least have patience. Don’t turn molehills into mountains. If you work in an field with constant deadlines — such as television, and especially news — you’ll notice the effects of the void more than most.

Saturday is volatile. A fiery Moon in me-me-me Aries is prone to impulsive, headstrong warrior action. Be very mindful of the potential for angry outbursts as you go about your business. The Aries Moon will be sorely challenged all day by  hard contacts with aggressive Mars, Pluto and rebel Uranus. Intense physical efforts and power plays that may turn violent are suggested by Mars opposing ruthless Pluto at 6:47PM ET.  Keep an eye on any demonstrations that may happen this weekend. The Moon goes void again at 10:19AM ET…not to enter Taurus until 12:43AM ET on Monday.

Also exact Saturday: chilly Saturn (discipline, patriarchy, ambition) in Scorpio (debt, karma) squares the sunny regal Leo Sun (life force, will) at 9:06PM ET. This can be harsh; we’ve seen headlines reflecting cuts and restrictions all week. If you read yesterday’s forecast, you will remember that Huma Abedin is currently experiencing Saturn square Sun (and Saturn, too!)  in her horoscope, and you are too, if you were born around July 28th or January 28th.

Should be an interesting weekend for sports matches, especially on Sunday during the all-day Moon void.  Get to the gym if you need to blow off some steam.

I will post a news round-up later. There’s a lot to report. I’ll leave you with a beautiful escape that perfectly reflects the need for beauty suggested by today’s Venus (art, love, women, beauty) opposed by rose-colored Neptune..and the Moon in Pisces. A reader sent it in — thanks to Leila for sharing — here it is:

I just saw this in the metro newspaper today: – a social media site dedicated to allowing everyone to share a bit of their own happiness with the world… How’s that for being in line with today’s energy  – compassion for humanity? :)