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"Last night’s session was a delightful time for me. IT WAS ALL ABOUT ME!!! You are so articulate and caring, and I thoroughly enjoyed the time, all the nu- ances you brought to it and your obviously experienced, long- time expertise."
- Bill R.
Los Angeles

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Friday 8/3/2018 & the Weekend: Mooooon in Taurus; Big Indulgences; Venus in Focus


The me-me-me Aries Moon has been void since 10:52 PM ET last night…not to enter Taurus until 3:51 PM ET.  You know how much I love a weekend driven by the Taurus Moon’s need for material comfort and security. Raise a glass; get thee to the spa; indulge in sensual pleasures with your sweetie….and yes, some may go overboard over the next few days. Why? Because on Monday, the Leo Sun squares Jupiter, planet of wretched excess. If you liked February 9th and May 8th, you’ll love August 6th. Watch the headlines for bloated consumption and bombastic egos. That’s the downside. The upside would be a jolly good time. Cheers!

Meanwhile, women, art, money and social expression will become prominent in the headlines. Why? Because Venus is fast approaching the Aries Point as it traverses the last couple of degrees of Virgo and hits 0 Libra — also on Monday. Ooh — and look at this: Venus hits the Aries Point and Jupiter squares the Sun at exactly the same time — 7:28 PM ET. Hmm. An excuse to buy a few lottery tickets, perhaps? Ya never know….especially if you have a planet or angle around 14 degrees of Scorpio, Leo, Aquarius or Taurus. Don’t know if that’s you? Well, good heavens, book an appointment with your astrologer and find out. That’s what I’m here for. Sheesh!

Oh, but I got ahead of myself.

There is no void on Saturday to deter your shopping sprees. On Sunday, the Moon will be void for only two hours — between 7:46 PM ET and 9:32 PM ET — no biggie. Then it enters Gemini, looking to be witty and clever with the latest rumor. I say “rumor” because Mercury is still retrograde. Don’t believe everything you hear! When in doubt, be silent!

No sleeping in on Monday. There is no Moon void to use as an excuse, and blaming it on Mercury retrograde is a tired cliche. In addition to the big story the Sun-Jupiter square suggests we’ll be reading about,  we’ll have the buzzzzzzz of rebel Uranus at a standstill, about to turn retrograde on TUESDAY at 12:49 PM ET. Watch for more stories of aviation, technology, innovation, geniuses, madmen, rebels, seismic activity and other shocks to the status quo.

Astrologers are like dentists. It’s good to check in with one every six months to a year. Plus, Mercury retrogrades are excellent times for REviewing your life with your astrologer.  Here’s the 411 on consultations.

And now, the news.

The pattern of the week — Mars in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus — is everywhere in the headlines. Fires, firearms, tech breakthroughs, reckless actions, cars, airplanes, even an astrology story or two:

Reflecting the extravagance of the upcoming Sun-Jupiter square: details of Paul Manafort’s spending habits, as his trial gets underway. Here’s another: “At P45’s hotel in New York, revenue went up this spring — thanks to a visit from big-spending Saudis”

Also big — and adding the prominence of Venus (art) approaching the Aries Point, with the REcovery potential of Mercury retrograde: “A small-town couple left behind a stolen painting worth over $100 million — and a big mystery,” reports WaPo….although the story of the recovered De Kooning in question was reported way back in the fall of 2017. Meanwhile,

UPDATE: on P45. Just in time for a measurement exact on August 19th between Mercury (mindset) and Uranus (disruption), Omarosa Manigault’s tell-all tome will be released on August 14th. The title: “Unhinged” — an apt reflection of the downside potential of Mercury-Uranus connections. Why else would P45 tell an audience (last night), that he was 15 minutes early for tea with Queen Elizabeth…when all the world saw it live on tape that he was the one who kept Her Majesty waiting?  When was the last time you read George Orwell’s 1984?

UPDATE: Marianne Williamson, whose horoscope I haven’t written about since 2012. She’s apparently “exploring a run for president in 2020.” With transiting Uranus supercharging her Capricorn Moon this year, we can appreciate why she’d be fired up about making something happen — whatever it takes.  Ms. Williamson was certainly on to something in her open letter to Hillary Clinton, published before Mrs. Clinton announced her presidential run. And we see other patterns in her horoscope reflecting a need to expand on a vision and get the message out there in 2019. We also see patterns requiring no small amount of discipline and focus.

Well? What pleasantries will you allow yourself to indulge in this weekend, hmm?

Thank you for reading this forecast.

Friday 1/5/2018 & the Weekend: Bomb Cyclones and Other Bombshells


With the Moon now in Virgo, it’s time to clean up and/or sort things out in excruciating detail. Think innovation; think expansion; think power surge; think ruthlessness in social expression and values (including money). Think bomb cyclone!

Tonight you can think about wearing rose-colored glasses, carried away in dreams and possible scandal, courtesy of a face-off between Neptune (fog) and the Virgo Moon at 11:37 PM ET.

Earlier posts informed you about the energy surge we’re in now — with two exact aspects happening tomorrow night between Mercury and Uranus; Mars and Jupiter. Do something productive with that physical potential.  You are more affected by the surge if you have a planet or angle around 17 degrees of any sign — or if you were born halfway through any sign, but especially Scorpio, Taurus, Aquarius, Leo, Capricorn, Aries, Libra, Cancer.

Moon goes void Saturday night — chill until 7:14 AM ET on SUNDAY, when the Moon enters Libra, seeking fairness and balance. Deal with the wet blanket or other authoritarian advance that hits at 11:09 AM ET, then continue on your productive streak.

Absolutely no sleeping in on MONDAY. It’s power and resources to the max — have you looked at the stock markets lately? Record highs — with the Dow hitting 25,000.   Here are the potent patterns: Sun and Venus in harmony with Jupiter; conjunct Pluto. Mars in harmony with Venus, Sun and Pluto. The symbols of desire, action, power, ego and expansion all in focus and flow. Wow!

Meanwhile, two planets in the U.S. horoscope — Venus and Jupiter — will soon be feeling a streamlining focus, as transiting Saturn in early Capricorn opposes them next week and next month, respectively.  Next year, Saturn will oppose our Cancer Sun and square the U.S. Saturn. Maybe the markets won’t feel the squeeze initially, but a more miserly approach in spending is likely to make headlines, along with a diminishing reach.

And now, the news.

First, from Fox: the average monthly jobs gain in 2017 was 171,000. This is the lowest it’s been since 2010, as you can see from the stats here.  So much for those bogus claims by Certain People of last year’s awesome growth. Gratitude to current planetary patterns reflecting the need to get real.

Second, the “bomb cyclone” of planetary patterns was reflected in record blizzards and freezing temperatures up and down the East Coast. “In Florida, Iguanas are Freezing and Falling Out of Trees,” says USA Today. Meanwhile, Michael Wolff’s bombshell of a book — The Fire and the Fury — was rushed into stores four days ahead of schedule.  Mr. Wolff says he has much of the material on tape — but even today (on Today in fact), he admits to one strategy of bending the truth in order to achieve an objective (a potential noted in the last forecast). Still…for this book to be published at this time, one would think there would be consequences, beyond headlines proclaiming, “Everyone in Trumpworld Knows He’s an Idiot.”  Well?

UPDATE: on P45. When Uranus turned direct on Monday, it impacted his Venus (social expression, money, values, women) and Saturn (ambition, fear, control). This suggests, to quote astrologer Noel Tyl, “tension in relationship; jealousies; split-off affairs; arguments; possible separation.” Cue big split with Steve Bannon, now. Wow! Fun fact: Mercury is still in Sagittarius, and you know what that suggests: on the downside, sloppy thinking. Mercury just made contact with P45’s opinionated Sagittarius Moon. Result: a new nickname for Mr. Bannon — “Sloppy Steve.” Well, Mr. Bannon is a Sagittarius. If the shoe fits…

The New Moon on January 16th will again activate the potential for relationship tensions and breaks noted above. Dates to watch for action and intense emotion are the 15th, 21st and 25th — give or take a day.  On February  15th, we will have a solar eclipse that activates whatever was brought up in the aftermath of the Great American Eclipse last August. This happens at 27 Aquarius, opposing his Leo Mars and Ascendant. Marking February 24th-ish for notable action.

A need for heavy thoughts kicks in by mid-March through May, courtesy of transiting Saturn (control) opposing P45’s Mercury. That can feel isolating/depressing, and it returns for a final hit at the end of the year. Humming along in tandem with the heavy thoughts is a tense pattern between transiting Saturn (ambition, fear, control) and his Neptune (vision, deception, fog). This can be bewildering. Building to a peak in June we see a need for risk and excitement —  for better or for worse. From his perspective, it will likely feel exuberant and indulgent, given corroborating patterns exact on his birthday.  Save for a measurement suggesting a mental buzz in August, the horoscope is free of exact major patterns for the rest of the summer into mid-October, which is….curious.

May this outline of activity and potential in P45’s horoscope serve as a useful perspective for whatever comes across the wires. To be continued.


UPDATE: VP Mike Pence — birth time unknown; here’s what we do know. Born in 1959, he will have his second Saturn return this year. Time to take stock of achievements and ambition over the past 29 years and let go of what no longer serves. Hmm. Here’s the latest from CNN: “Top Pence Aides Quietly Depart in New Year.” There may be a push to take on greater responsibility and authority; a new lease on life. His success will depend on the integrity of what he accomplished in the past three decades. Also signficant: transiting Neptune challenging his Gemini Sun. This suggests a need for vision, for better or for worse. He may be called upon to be an inspiration or a victim —  and the experience may be bewildering. Fascinating to have this transit activated during a Saturn return. The latter demands getting real.

UPDATE: Jeff Sessions. Prior posts have noted how strong Neptune is in his horoscope, even without an exact birth time. His Capricorn Sun and Mars are in a tense square to the planet of “things not being as they seem,” and it is possibly that his Capricorn Moon is, too. Neptune, as you know, refers to drugs, spirits, fantasy, scandal, vision, oil. Right now his Capricorn Sun and Mars are feeling the weight of transiting Saturn upon them. On the upside (for him, anyway) we see the potential for an ambitious advance — and this week, this need was seen in a reversal of an Obama-era policy in which federal prosecutors took a hands-off approach in states that legalized marijuana. Pot is not legal under federal law. On the downside (for him), we see legislators demanding he resign; not being invited to sit at the Cool Kids Table —  and talk of Scott Pruitt taking his place. 

UPDATE: Scott Pruitt. His horoscope suggests a fresh start in career matters, as speculated months ago in at least one mainstream publication.  We also see the potential for expansion and extraordinary effort, for better or for worse.

UPDATE: NYT columnist Gail Collins. Her horoscope was under the heavy transit of Saturn on her Mercury all last year (and noted here). Her usually cheerful op-eds were often stripped of buoyancy — and who could blame her. But now that Saturn has moved past her Mercury at 22 Sag, she is back to her cheerful self, as you can see in this week’s zippy piece: “My Button’s Bigger Than Yours.”

UPDATE: David Letterman, whose horoscope we’ve been following since 2014. He’s back with a new show premiering next week, and the timing is perfect. Pluto is sitting right at the top of his Capricorn MC, squaring his Aries Sun. He’s ready for an empowering change of perspective in public status. And power is the theme of the new show, entitled My Next Guest Needs No Introduction. His first guest is President Barack Obama, whose horoscope is scheduled for expansive outreach to the public.  Did you catch his interview with Prince Harry?

Other news —  another bomb cyclone, frankly — combined with the technological disruptions of Uranus turning direct:

On Wednesday, a group of security experts revealed two security flawsthat affect nearly all microprocessors, the digital brains of the world’s computers. These flaws, called Meltdown and Spectre, could allow hackers to lift passwords, photos, documents and other data from smartphones, PCs and the cloud computing services that many businesses rely on.

Here’s the full piece from the NYT, including what you need to do about it.

What’s going on in your horoscope? Astrologers are like dentists, doncha’ know. Check in with us every six months to a year — and whenever you have a burning question. Here’s the 411 on personal consultations.

Have a great weekend — and thank you for reading this forecast.